18 research outputs found

    « Diego est mort, vive Diego! » – Observations sociologiques sur la popularité persistante de Maradona en Argentine

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    Im November 2020 starb Diego Armando Maradona. Das öffentliche Trauergeschehen und die Kommunikation in Reaktion auf seinen Tod verdeutlichen den außerordentlichen Symbolwert Maradonas in Argentinien auf besondere Weise. Betrachtet man jedoch die Vielzahl an Eskapaden, Regelverstößen, Gesetzesbrüchen und sonstigen Grenzüberschreitungen Maradonas, erscheinen seine fast ungebrochene Popularität und regelrecht sakrale Überhöhung zu Lebzeiten und über den Tod hinaus in einem anderen Licht. Neben seinen beiden Dopingfällen, Schlägereien auf dem Fußballplatz oder obszönen Gesten gegen sportliche Kontrahenten ist gerade auch die Liste seiner außersportlichen Verfehlungen lang. Erklärungsbedürftig ist dabei nicht nur, wie Maradona trotz aller Skandale Held bleiben konnte, sondern auch, in welchem Maße die Widersprüche, Ambivalenzen und Unzulänglichkeiten seinen Heldenstatus erst erzeugten. Aus diesem Grund werden im vorliegenden Beitrag die Leitsemantiken, Legitimationsrhetoriken, Neutralisierungstechniken, Rechtfertigungsgeschichten und sonstigen Präfigurationen identifiziert, die im allgemeinen Reden über Maradona wiederkehrend auftauchen. Es wird gezeigt, wie Gemeinschaftsfiktionen, Protestsymbole, Geniekonzept, Opfernarrative und Gottessemantik seinen Heldenstatus kommunikativ immunisieren, kontrafaktisch stabilisieren und zusätzlich befördern.Diego Armando Maradona died in November 2020. The public mourning and communication in reaction to his death are a remarkable illustration of Maradona’s extraordinary symbolic value in Argentina. However, if one considers Maradona’s many escapades, rule-violations, law-breaking and other boundary transgressions, his almost unbroken popularity and literally sacral exaltation during his lifetime and beyond death appear in a different light. In addition to his two doping cases, brawls on the football pitch or obscene gestures against sporting opponents, the list of his out-of-sport misdemeanours is particularly long. What needs to be explained is not only how Maradona was able to remain a hero despite all the scandals, but also to what extent the paradoxes, ambivalences and inadequacies actually contribute to his hero status. For that reason, this article identifies the semantics, rhetorics of legitimation, techniques of neutralisation, stories of justification and other prefigurations that recurrently appear in the general discourse on Maradona. It shows how imaginations of community, protest symbols, the concept of ingenuity, narratives of sacrifice and victimization as well as the semantics of the divine immunise Maradona’s heroic status, stabilise it counterfactually and even additionally promote it

    Johann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths (1759–1839) and the philanthropical movement in Germany

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    Immunizing Inefficient Field Frames for Mitigating Social Problems: The Institutional Work Behind the Technocratic Antidoping System

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    Although the heavily expanded technocratic doping test system has failed to detect the most spectacular cases of performance enhancement and to eradicate doping as social problem, it enjoys social fact quality. Research presented here argues that the taken-for-granted character of the technocratic test system represents a prime example of institutional work. The technocratic test system became institutionalized and maintained because the agendas of field actors converged around a field frame, enjoying cultural resonance and, at first, strong pragmatic viability. The specific methods of frame stabilization employed by actors interested in institutional maintenance served to stabilize unrealistic policy expectations. The article aims to support these ideas by analyzing the trajectory of antidoping in the International Olympic Committee (IOC) based on rich archival sources

    Challenges and performance of the frontier technology applied to an ATLAS Phase-I calorimeter trigger board dedicated to the jet identification

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    The 'Phase-I' upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), scheduled to be completed in 2021, will lead to an enhanced collision luminosity of 2.5x10e34cm-2s-1. To cope with the new and challenging accelerator conditions, all the CERN experiments have planned a major detector upgrade to be installed during the associated experimental shutdown period. One of the physics goals of the ATLAS experiment is to maintain sensitivity to electroweak processes despite the increased number of interactions per LHC bunch crossing. To this end, the component of the first level hardware trigger based on calorimeter data will be upgraded to exploit fine-granularity readout using a new system of Feature EXtractors (FEXs), which each uses different physics objects for trigger selection. There will be three FEX systems in total, with this contribution focusing on the first prototype of the jet FEX (jFEX). This system identifies jets and large area tau candidates while also calculating global variables such as transverse energy sums and missing transverse energy. The jFEX prototype is characterised by four large Xilinx Ultrascale Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), XCVU190FLGA2577, so far the largest available on the market, capable of handling a data volume of more than 3 TB/s of input bandwidth. The choice of such large devices was driven by the requirement for large input bandwidth and processing power. This comes from the need to exploit high granularity calorimeter information and also run several jet identification algorithms within the few hundred nanoseconds latency budget (~350 ns). This presentation will report on the hardware design challenges and adopted solutions to preserve signal integrity within a densely populated high signal speed ATCA board. The parallel simulation activity that supported and validated the board design will also be presented. Particular emphasis will be given to the large FPGA power consumption effects on the boards. This was assessed via dedicated thermal simulation and cross-checked with a campaign of measurements. Preliminary results will also be presented from tests both at CERN and Mainz, based on the first jFEX prototype from December 2016

    Challenges and performance of the frontier technology applied to an ATLAS Phase-I calorimeter trigger board dedicated to the jet identification

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    The 'Phase-I' upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), scheduled to be completed in 2021, will lead to an enhanced collision luminosity of 2.5x10e34cm-2s-1. To cope with the new and challenging accelerator conditions, all the CERN experiments have planned a major detector upgrade to be installed during the associated experimental shutdown period. One of the physics goals of the ATLAS experiment is to maintain sensitivity to electroweak processes despite the increased number of interactions per LHC bunch crossing. To this end, the component of the first level hardware trigger based on calorimeter data will be upgraded to exploit fine-granularity readout using a new system of Feature EXtractors (FEXs), which each uses different physics objects for trigger selection. There will be three FEX systems in total, with this contribution focusing on the first prototype of the jet FEX (jFEX). This system identifies jets and large area tau candidates while also calculating global variables such as transverse energy sums and missing transverse energy. The jFEX prototype is characterised by four large Xilinx Ultrascale Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), XCVU190FLGA2577, so far the largest available on the market, capable of handling a data volume of more than 3 TB/s of input bandwidth. The choice of such large devices was driven by the requirement for large input bandwidth and processing power. This comes from the need to exploit high granularity calorimeter information and also run several jet identification algorithms within the few hundred nanoseconds latency budget (~350 ns). This presentation will report on the hardware design challenges and adopted solutions to preserve signal integrity within a densely populated high signal speed ATCA board. The parallel simulation activity that supported and validated the board design will also be presented. Particular emphasis will be given to the large FPGA power consumption effects on the boards. This was assessed via dedicated thermal simulation and cross-checked with a campaign of measurements. Preliminary results will also be presented from tests both at CERN and Mainz, based on the first jFEX prototype from December 2016

    Design and testing of the high speed signal densely populated ATLAS calorimeter trigger board dedicate to jet identification

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    Abstract—The ATLAS experiment has planned a major upgrade in view of the enhanced luminosity of the beam delivered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2021. As part of this, the trigger at Level-1 based on calorimeter data will be upgraded to exploit fine-granularity readout using a new system of Feature Extractors (three in total), which each uses different physics objects for the trigger selection. The contribution focusses on the jet Feature EXtractor (jFEX) prototype. Up to a data volume of 2 TB/s has to be processed to provide jet identification (including large area jets) and measurements of global variables within few hundred nanoseconds latency budget. Such requirements translate into the use of large Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with the largest number of Multi Gigabit Transceivers (MGTs) available on the market. The jFEX board prototype hosts four large FPGAs from the Xilinx Ultrascale family with 120 MGTs each, connected to 24 opto-electrical devices, resulting in a densely populated high speed signal board. MEGTRON6 was chosen as the material for the 24 layers jFEX board stackup because of its property of low transmission loss with high frequency signals (GHz range) and to further preserve the signal integrity special care has been put into the design accompanied by simulation to optimise the voltage drop and minimise the current density over the power planes. The jFEX prototype was delivered at the beginning of December and the preliminary results on the design validation and board characterisation will be reported

    Latest Frontier Technology and Design of the ATLAS Calorimeter Trigger Board Dedicated to Jet Identification for the LHC Run 3

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    To cope with the enhanced luminosity of the beam delivered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2020, the A Thoroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS) experiment has planned a major upgrade. As part of this, the trigger at Level-I based on calorimeter data, will be upgraded to exploit fine-granularity readout using a new system of Feature Extractors, which differ in the physics objects for the trigger selection. The presentation is focused on the jet Feature EXtractor (jFEX) prototype, one of the three Feature Extractors. In few hundreds nanoseconds latency budget, up to 2 TB/s have to be processed to provide jet identification (even large area jets) and measurements of global variables. This requires the use of large Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with the largest Multi Giga Transceiver available on the market. The jFEX board prototype hosts four large FPGAs from the Xilinx Ultrascale family with 120 Multi Giga Transceivers each, connected to 24 opto-electrical devices, resulting in a densely populated high speed signals board. For the 24 layers jFEX board stack-up, the MEGTRON6 material was chosen for its property of low transmission loss with high frequency signals (GHz range) and to further preserve the signal integrity, special care has been put into the design accompanied by simulation to optimise the voltage drop and minimise the current density over the power planes. An integrated test has been installed at the ATLAS test facility to perform numerous tests and measurements with the JFEX prototype

    Latest Frontier Technology and Design of the ATLAS Calorimeter Trigger Board Dedicated to Jet Identification

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    To cope with the enhanced luminosity of the beam delivered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2020, the A Thoroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS) experiment has planned a major upgrade. As part of this, the trigger at Level-I based on calorimeter data, will be upgraded to exploit fine-granularity readout using a new system of Feature Extractors, which differ in the physics objects for the trigger selection. The presentation is focused on the jet Feature EXtractor (jFEX) prototype, one of the three Feature Extractors. In few hundreds nanoseconds latency budget, up to 2 TB/s have to be processed to provide jet identification (even large area jets) and measurements of global variables. This requires the use of large Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with the largest Multi Giga Transceiver available on the market. The jFEX board prototype hosts four large FPGAs from the Xilinx Ultrascale family with 120 Multi Giga Transceivers each, connected to 24 opto-electrical devices, resulting in a densely populated high speed signals board. For the 24 layers jFEX board stack-up, the MEGTRON6 material was chosen for its property of low transmission loss with high frequency signals (GHz range) and to further preserve the signal integrity, special care has been put into the design accompanied by simulation to optimise the voltage drop and minimise the current density over the power planes. An integrated test has been installed at the ATLAS test facility to perform numerous tests and measurements with the JFEX prototype

    New Level-1 jet feature extraction modules for ATLAS phase-I upgrade

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    After the second long-shutdown, in 2021, the LHC will be a new machine in many respects and produce collisions with a center-of-mass energy at or near 14 TeV. The instantaneous luminosities can be expected to reach 3x10^34 cm-2s-1, which is three times the original design value. The mean number of interactions per bunch crossing is expected to go up to 80. To meet these challenges of this high-luminosity environment, the ATLAS detector will have several major upgrades to be installed during Long Shutdown 2 (Dec. 2018 to Feb. 2021). As a part of the updates, the Level-1 calorimeter trigger will be upgraded to exploit the finer granularity data by using a new system of feature extraction (FEXs) modules, which each reconstructs different physics objects at Level-1. The Jet FEX (jFEX) is one of three FEXs and has been conceived to identify small/large area jets, large-area tau leptons, missing transverse energy and the total sum of the transverse energy. The use of the latest generation Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), the UltraScale+, was dictated by the physics requirements which include substantial processing power and large input bandwidth, up to 3Tb/s, within a tight latency budget less than 390 ns. The jFEX board is characterized by a modular design that makes it possible to optimize within the limited space of an ATCA board a large number of high-speed signals. To guarantee the signal integrity, the board design has been accompanied by simulation of the power, current and thermal distribution. The printed circuit board has a 24-layer stack-up and uses the MEGTRON6 material, commonly used for signal transmission above 10 Gb/s. The talk will focus on the technological aspects of the jFEX board, reporting on the simulation studies and on the design solutions of the board. Two jFEX prototypes and one preproduction module have been produced and being tested at CERN with other systems, these test results will be presented. The firmware implemented on the trigger board will be illustrated in connection with the FPGA performance and board power consumption. The whole jFEX system, consisting of 6 boards, will be produced by the end of 2019 to allow the installation and commissioning the full system in time for the LHC restart at the beginning of 2021