160 research outputs found

    Drohnenbilder zur Untersuchung von Pflanzenwachstum und NĂ€hrstoffdynamik

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    Ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis der Dynamik hinter der Freisetzung von pflanzenverfĂŒgbaren NĂ€hrstoffen aus Boden oder organischen DĂŒnger und eine Verbesserung der NĂ€hrstoffverwertung von AckerfrĂŒchten sind zwei wichtige Herausforderungen, um die ProduktivitĂ€t im ökologischem Ackerbau zu erhöhen. Doch diese Prozesse sind stark sowohl von biotischen (z.B. Bodenmikroben) als auch abiotischen (z.B. Temperatur, Niederschlag, Bodenfeuchtigkeit, Bodenstruktur) Faktoren beeinflusst und erschweren effiziente Untersuchungen. Fernbilderkundung-Technologien (remote sensing) haben sich in den letzten Jahren stark weiterentwickelt und bieten heute neue AnsĂ€tze und Methoden, um der ErnĂ€hrungsstatus von Pflanzen sowie die Dynamik des Pflanzenwachstums nicht destruktiv zu untersuchen. In diesem Beitrag wird, anhand ersten Untersuchungen, die Möglichkeit aus Drohnenbilder Pflanzenwachstum-Parameter zu erfassen und das Potential dieser Technik fĂŒr wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen und agronomische Beratung diskutiert


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    The purpose of this paper is to determine the correlation between the nineteenth century missionary enterprise and colonial occupation of Africa. European missionaries entered Africa simultaneously at the very beginning of colonial conquest and domination of Africa. What was the relationship between missionaries, traders and administrators in the colonial era? What can we identify as the predetermined objective of colonialism vis-a-vis missions in Africa? These are some of the questions that the present study will attempt to answer from the perspective of the historiography of European expansion in Africa

    Real-time GNSS software receivers Challenges, status and perspectives

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    The idea of a software receiver is to replace the data processing implemented in hardware with software and to sample the analog input signal as close to the antenna as possible. Thus, the hardware is reduced to the minimum (antenna and analog to digital converters) while all the signal processing is done in software. As current mobile devices (such as personal digital assistants and smartphones) include more and more computing power and system features it becomes possible to integrate a complete GNSS receiver with very few external components

    Artificial intelligence exceeds humans in epidemiological job coding

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    BACKGROUND: Work circumstances can substantially negatively impact health. To explore this, large occupational cohorts of free-text job descriptions are manually coded and linked to exposure. Although several automatic coding tools have been developed, accurate exposure assessment is only feasible with human intervention. METHODS: We developed OPERAS, a customizable decision support system for epidemiological job coding. Using 812,522 entries, we developed and tested classification models for the Professions et Catégories Socioprofessionnelles (PCS)2003, Nomenclature d'Activités Française (NAF)2008, International Standard Classifications of Occupation (ISCO)-88, and ISCO-68. Each code comes with an estimated correctness measure to identify instances potentially requiring expert review. Here, OPERAS' decision support enables an increase in efficiency and accuracy of the coding process through code suggestions. Using the Formaldehyde, Silica, ALOHA, and DOM job-exposure matrices, we assessed the classification models' exposure assessment accuracy. RESULTS: We show that, using expert-coded job descriptions as gold standard, OPERAS realized a 0.66-0.84, 0.62-0.81, 0.60-0.79, and 0.57-0.78 inter-coder reliability (in Cohen's Kappa) on the first, second, third, and fourth coding levels, respectively. These exceed the respective inter-coder reliability of expert coders ranging 0.59-0.76, 0.56-0.71, 0.46-0.63, 0.40-0.56 on the same levels, enabling a 75.0-98.4% exposure assessment accuracy and an estimated 19.7-55.7% minimum workload reduction. CONCLUSIONS: OPERAS secures a high degree of accuracy in occupational classification and exposure assessment of free-text job descriptions, substantially reducing workload. As such, OPERAS significantly outperforms both expert coders and other current coding tools. This enables large-scale, efficient, and effective exposure assessment securing healthy work conditions


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    Par la mise en oeuvre et la confrontation de deux mĂ©thodes complĂ©mentaires : l'enquĂȘte historique dans la documentation scriptuaire et la fouille archĂ©ologique, tant par l'analyse des structures et des stratigraphies que par l'Ă©tude de l'ensemble du matĂ©riel recueilli, les recherches effectuĂ©es sur le chĂąteau du Vuache attirent l'attention sur la complexitĂ© d'un Ă©difice castrai et permettent l'Ă©vocation de l'histoire d'un des cadres essentiels de la vie rurale sous l'Ancien RĂ©gime, les seigne..

    The effects of performance-based assessment criteria on student performance and self-assessment skills

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    This study investigated the effect of performance-based versus competence-based assessment criteria on task performance and self-assessment skills among 39 novice secondary vocational education students in the domain of nursing and care. In a performance-based assessment group students are provided with a preset list of performance-based assessment criteria, describing what students should do, for the task at hand. The performance-based group is compared to a competence-based assessment group in which students receive a preset list of competence-based assessment criteria, describing what students should be able to do. The test phase revealed that the performance-based group outperformed the competence-based group on test task performance. In addition, higher performance of the performance-based group was reached with lower reported mental effort during training, indicating a higher instructional efficiency for novice students
