62 research outputs found

    Campylobacter jejuni benefits from the bile salt deoxycholate under low-oxygen condition in a PldA dependent manner

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    Enteric bacteria need to adapt to endure the antibacterial activities of bile salts in the gut. Phospholipase A (PldA) is a key enzyme in the maintenance of bacterial membrane homeostasis. Bacteria respond to stress by modulating their membrane composition. Campylobacter jejuni is the most common cause of human worldwide. However, the mechanism by which C. jejuni adapts and survives in the gut environment is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the roles of PldA, bile salt sodium deoxycholate (DOC), and oxygen availability in C. jejuni biology, mimicking an in vivo situation. Growth curves were used to determine the adaptation of C. jejuni to bile salts. RNA-seq and functional assays were employed to investigate the PldA-dependent and DOC-induced changes in gene expression that influence bacterial physiology. Survival studies were performed to address oxidative stress defense in C. jejuni. Here, we discovered that PldA of C. jejuni is required for optimal growth in the presence of bile salt DOC. Under high oxygen conditions, DOC is toxic to C. jejuni, but under low oxygen conditions, as is present in the lumen of the gut, C. jejuni benefits from DOC. C. jejuni PldA seems to enable the use of iron needed for optimal growth in the presence of DOC but makes the bacterium more vulnerable to oxidative stress. In conclusion, DOC stimulates C. jejuni growth under low oxygen conditions and alters colony morphology in a PldA-dependent manner. C. jejuni benefits from DOC by upregulating iron metabolism in a PldA-dependent manner

    Low-Level Tetracycline Resistance Gene tet(O)_3 in Campylobacter jejuni.

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    Campylobacter ( C.) spp. are the most important foodborne, bacterial, and zoonotic pathogens worldwide. Resistance monitoring of foodborne bacterial pathogens is an important tool to control antimicrobial resistance as a part of the "One Health" approach. The detection and functionality of new resistance genes are of paramount importance in applying more effective screening methods based on whole genome sequencing (WGS). Most tetracycline-resistant C. spp. isolates harbor tet(O), a gene that encodes a ribosomal protection protein. Here we describe tet(O)_3, which has been identified in two food isolates of C. jejuni and is very similar to the tet(O) gene in Streptococcus pneumoniae, having a truncated promoter sequence. This gene confers resistance to tetracycline below 1 mg/L, which is the epidemiological cut-off value. We have analyzed the entire genome of these two isolates, together with a C. jejuni isolate found to have high-level resistance to tetracycline. In contrast to the highly resistant isolate, the promoter of tet(O)_3 is highly responsive to tetracycline, as observed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In addition, the two isolates possess a CRISPR repeat, fluoroquinolone resistance due to the gyrA point mutation C257T, a β-lactamase resistance gene bla OXA-184 , a multidrug efflux pump CmeABC and its repressor CmeR, but no plasmid. Low-level antibiotic resistant C. jejuni might therefore have an advantage for surviving in non-host environments

    Sweet impersonators: Molecular mimicry of host glycans by bacteria

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    All bacteria display surface-exposed glycans that can play an important role in their interaction with the host and in select cases mimic the glycans found on host cells, an event called molecular or glycan mimicry. In this review, we highlight the key bacteria that display human glycan mimicry and provide an overview of the involved glycan structures. We also discuss the general trends and outstanding questions associated with human glycan mimicry by bacteria. Finally, we provide an overview of several techniques that have emerged from the discipline of chemical glycobiology, which can aid in the study of the composition, variability, interaction and functional role of these mimicking glycans

    Возможностим развития конкуренции на рынках теплоснабжения Донбасса

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    Проаналізовано стан ситем теплопостачання Донбасу, виявлено зниження виробництва та відпуску теплової енергії, що викликано появою конкурента — автономного опалення. Обгрунтовано причини протиріччя законодавства, що регулює діяльність у сфері комунального теплопостачання — природної монополії, в результаті чого порушені конституційні, цивільні, споживчі права людей. Розглянуто практику регулювання ринків теплопостачання в країнах з розвиненою ринковою економікою, і можливості застосування їх досвіду в Україні. Визначено роль держави, як найважливішого регулятора, який здійснює контроль за ринком теплопостачання, і є влавником стратегічно важливих підприємств сектора. Ключові слова: централізоване теплопостачання, природна монополія, автономне опалення, конкуренція, приватний капітал, державне регулювання.Проанализировано состояние ситем теплоснабжения Донбасса, выявлено снижение производства и отпуска тепловой энергии, что вызвано появлением конкурента — автономного отопления. Обоснованы причины протеворечивости законодательства регулирующего деятельность в сфере коммунального теплоснабжения — естественной монополии, в результате чего нарушены конституционные, гражданские, потребительские права людей. Рассмотрена практика регулирования рынков теплоснабжения в странах с развитой рыночной экономикой, и возможности применения их опыта в Украине. Определена роль государства, как важнейшего регулятора, осуществляющего контроль за рынком теплоснабжения, и собственика стратегически важных предприятий сектора. Ключевые слова: централизованное теплоснабжение, естественная монополия, автономное отопление, конкуренция, частный капитал, государственное регулирование.The state of Donbass Heating System Works, showed a reduction in production and supply of heat energy that is caused by the emergence of competitors — independent heating. Substantiated reasons imperfect legislation governing activities in the field of district heating — natural monopoly, resulting in a violation of the constitutional, civil, consumer rights of people. The practical management of district heating markets in countries with developed market economies, and the possibility of applying their experience in Ukraine. Defined the place of government as an important regulator, controlling the heating market, and the owners of strategically important enterprises in the sector. Key words: district heating, natural monopoly, independent heating, competition, private capital, government regulation

    Control of n-Butanol Induced Lipidome Adaptations in E. coli

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    The versatile compound n-butanol is one of the most promising biofuels for use in existing internal combustion engines, contributing to a smooth transition towards a clean energy society. Furthermore, n-butanol is a valuable resource to produce more complex molecules such as bioplastics. Microbial production of n-butanol from waste materials is hampered by the biotoxicity of n-butanol as it interferes with the proper functioning of lipid membranes. In this study we perform a large-scale investigation of the complete lipid-related enzyme machinery and its response to exposure to a sublethal concentration of n-butanol. We profiled, in triplicate, the growth characteristics and phospholipidomes of 116 different genetic constructs of E. coli, both in the presence and absence of 0.5% n-butanol (v/v). This led to the identification of 230 lipid species and subsequently to the reconstruction of the network of metabolites, enzymes and lipid properties driving the homeostasis of the E. coli lipidome. We were able to identify key lipids and biochemical pathways leading to altered n-butanol tolerance. The data led to new conceptual insights into the bacterial lipid metabolism which are discussed

    Влияние механической активации гидрида титана на его взаимодействие с азотом и кислородом

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    Показано, что размол гидрида титана в планетарной мельнице приводит к повышению удельной поверхности порошка, росту микроискажений кристаллической решетки, уменьшению содержания в нем водорода и повышению химической активности, что позволяет получать нитрид титана из него в среде азота уже при температуре 500 °С. За счет кислорода, адсорбирован ного механически активированным порошком при нагревании в атмосфере азота, происходят реакции окисления атомов титана, в результате чего образуется низший оксид Tі2О.Показано, що подрібнення гідриду титану в планетарному млині приводить до підвищення питомої поверхні порошку, зростанню дефектів кристалічної ґратки, зменшенню вмісту в ній водню і підвищенню хімічної активності. Це дає змогу досягти повного перетворення механічно активованого гідриду в нітрид титану вже за температури 500 °С і витримці упродовж однієї години в середовищі азоту. За рахунок кисню, адсорбованого механічно активованим порошком при нагрівання в атмосфері азоту, проходять реакції окиснення, в результаті чого утворюється нижчий оксид Ti2O.Milling of titanium hydride in planetary mill is shoun to increase the speci surface area of powder, to decrease the hydrogen content in it and to intensity chemical activity. This makesit possible to obtain titanium nitride from the titanium hydride in a nitrogen atmosphere at as low temperature as 500 °C . Thanks to the presence of oxygen adsorbed by mechanically activated powder under heating in a nitrogen atmosphere? Reaction of intramolecular oxidation -reduction, of titanium takes place, which results in forming the lower oxide Ti2O

    Campylobacter jejuni permeabilizes the host cell membrane by short chain lysophosphatidylethanolamines

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    Lysophospholipids (LPLs) are crucial for regulating epithelial integrity and homeostasis in eukaryotes, however the effects of LPLs produced by bacteria on host cells is largely unknown. The membrane of the human bacterial pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is rich in LPLs. Although C. jejuni possesses several virulence factors, it lacks traditional virulence factors like type III secretion systems, present in most enteropathogens. Here, we provide evidence that membrane lipids lysophosphatidylethanolamines (lysoPEs) of C. jejuni are able to lyse erythrocytes and are toxic for HeLa and Caco-2 cells. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assays and confocal microscopy revealed that lysoPE permeabilizes the cells. LysoPE toxicity was partially rescued by oxidative stress inhibitors, indicating that intracellular reactive oxygen species may contribute to the cell damage. Our results show that especially the short-chain lysoPEs (C:14) which is abundantly present in the C. jejuni membrane may be considered as a novel virulence factor

    The Complete Genome Sequence and Analysis of the Epsilonproteobacterium Arcobacter butzleri

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    BACKGROUND: Arcobacter butzleri is a member of the epsilon subdivision of the Proteobacteria and a close taxonomic relative of established pathogens, such as Campylobacter jejuni and Helicobacter pylori. Here we present the complete genome sequence of the human clinical isolate, A. butzleri strain RM4018. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Arcobacter butzleri is a member of the Campylobacteraceae, but the majority of its proteome is most similar to those of Sulfuromonas denitrificans and Wolinella succinogenes, both members of the Helicobacteraceae, and those of the deep-sea vent Epsilonproteobacteria Sulfurovum and Nitratiruptor. In addition, many of the genes and pathways described here, e.g. those involved in signal transduction and sulfur metabolism, have been identified previously within the epsilon subdivision only in S. denitrificans, W. succinogenes, Sulfurovum, and/or Nitratiruptor, or are unique to the subdivision. In addition, the analyses indicated also that a substantial proportion of the A. butzleri genome is devoted to growth and survival under diverse environmental conditions, with a large number of respiration-associated proteins, signal transduction and chemotaxis proteins and proteins involved in DNA repair and adaptation. To investigate the genomic diversity of A. butzleri strains, we constructed an A. butzleri DNA microarray comprising 2238 genes from strain RM4018. Comparative genomic indexing analysis of 12 additional A. butzleri strains identified both the core genes of A. butzleri and intraspecies hypervariable regions, where <70% of the genes were present in at least two strains. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The presence of pathways and loci associated often with non-host-associated organisms, as well as genes associated with virulence, suggests that A. butzleri is a free-living, water-borne organism that might be classified rightfully as an emerging pathogen. The genome sequence and analyses presented in this study are an important first step in understanding the physiology and genetics of this organism, which constitutes a bridge between the environment and mammalian hosts

    Importance of Campylobacter jejuni FliS and FliW in Flagella Biogenesis and Flagellin Secretion

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    Flagella-driven motility enables bacteria to reach their favorable niche within the host. The human foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni produces two heavily glycosylated structural flagellins (FlaA and FlaB) that form the flagellar filament. It also encodes the non-structural FlaC flagellin which is secreted through the flagellum and has been implicated in host cell invasion. The mechanisms that regulate C. jejuni flagellin biogenesis and guide the proteins to the export apparatus are different from those in most other enteropathogens and are not fully understood. This work demonstrates the importance of the putative flagellar protein FliS in C. jejuni flagella assembly. A constructed fliS knockout strain was non-motile, displayed reduced levels of FlaA/B and FlaC flagellin, and carried severely truncated flagella. Pull-down and Far Western blot assays showed direct interaction of FliS with all three C. jejuni flagellins (FlaA, FlaB, and FlaC). This is in contrast to, the sensor and regulator of intracellular flagellin levels, FliW, which bound to FlaA and FlaB but not to FlaC. The FliS protein but not FliW preferred binding to glycosylated C. jejuni flagellins rather than to their non-glycosylated recombinant counterparts. Mapping of the binding region of FliS and FliW using a set of flagellin fragments showed that the C-terminal subdomain of the flagellin was required for FliS binding, whereas the N-terminal subdomain was essential for FliW binding. The separate binding subdomains required for FliS and FliW, the different substrate specificity, and the differential preference for binding of glycosylated flagellins ensure optimal processing and assembly of the C. jejuni flagellins