277 research outputs found

    A compact very wideband amplifying filter based on RTD loaded composite right/left-handed transmission lines

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    The composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line (TL) is presented as a general TL possessing both left-handed (LH) and right-handed (RH) natures. RH materials have both positive permittivity and positive permeability, and LH materials have both negative permittivity and negative permeability. This paper aims to design and analyze nonlinear CRLH-TL transmission line loaded with resonant tunneling diode (RTD). The main application of this design is a very wideband and compact filter that amplifies the travelling signal. We used OrCAD and ADS software to analyze the proposed circuit. CRLH-TL consists of a microstrip line which is loaded with complementary split-rings resonators (CSRRs), series gaps, and shunt inductor connected parallel to the RTD. The designed structure possess a wide band that ranges from 5 to 10.5 GHz and amplifies signal up to 50 %. The proposed design is of

    تفسير الشيخ توان سؤوانساس "القرآن ترجمة وتفسير باللغة التايلاندية" وتأثيره على مفهوم الجهاد عند مجلس شيخ الإسلام فى تايلاند

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    حاول هذا البحث التعرف عن منهجية التفسير للشيخ توان سؤوانساس فى تفسيره القرآنترجمة وتفسير باللغة التايلاندية، ومدى تأثيره على مجلس شيخ الإسلام حول قضية الجهاد. هذاالبحث مهم للتعرف على ارتباط هذا التفسير بمجلس شيخ الإسلام. وكشف هذا البحث أنتفسير توان سؤوانساس يحتوى على اتجاهين فى التفسير وهما اتجاه التفسير بالرواية واتجاه التفسيربالرأي، وأن أفكار الشيخ توان سؤواساس حول قضية الجهاد فى هذا التفسير قد تؤثر كثيرا علىمفهوم الجهاد عند مجلس شيخ الإسلام. واستخلص هذا البحث فى النهاية أنه لا يجوز الجهادالقتالى باستعمال الأسلحة فى هذا البلد، لأن من شروط جواز الجهاد المسلح هو منع إظهار شعارالإسلام أو أمر بترك الشهادة، وبالنظر فى المجتمع التايلاندى الآن كل هذا لا يقع حيث يعطىالقانون التايلاندى لمعتنقى كل الديانات حرية فى الاعتقاد والعبادة، فلا يُمنع المسلمون من.الاعتقاد بالمعتقدات الإسلامية ولا يمنع العبادة والعمل بما شرع به دينهالكلمات المفتاحية: تفسير توان سؤوانساس، مفهوم الجهاد، مجلس شيخ الإسلام، الخلاف فى.جنوب تايلان

    Cardiopatías congénitas en el adulto: rol del ecocardiograma transtorácico y frecuencia de presentación

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    La presentación inicial de este tipo de cardiopatías en el adulto es poco frecuente en esta etapa de la vida; la mayoría de estas lesiones son poco complejas y fácilmente reconocidas, pero ocasionalmente se detectan cardiopatías complejas que representan un reto al diagnóstico y planteamiento de las opciones de tratamiento. Considerando el estudio hemodinámico como prueba diagnóstica principal, el ecocardiograma ha mostrado índices de sensibilidad y especificidad bastante aceptables, aunado al hecho de ser un procedimiento no invasivo, de menor costo y accesible. Por lo anterior se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo de enero del 2007 a enero del 2009 para conocer el rol de la ecocardiografía transtorácica bidimensional con Doppler color en el diagnóstico de las Cardiopatías congénitas en el adulto y la frecuencia de presentación en el Hospital Interzonal Especializado Agudos y Crónicos "San Juan de Dios”de La Plata. Se revisaron 5428 estudios ecocardiográficos, de los cuales 301 (6%) correspondieron a cardiopatías congénitas. De este total 187 (62%) correspondió al género femenino y 114 (38%) al masculino. El promedio de edad fue de 33±9 años (16-59). La cardiopatía congénita más frecuente fue la comunicación interauricular 103 (34.21%) la más común de éstas fue del tipo ostium secundum (96%), concordando con la literatura internacional. El ecocardiograma es un método diagnóstico que ofrece la oportunidad de realizar un estudio completo, no invasivo, de bajo riesgo y fácilmente repetible para estas patologías.Facultad de Ciencias Médica


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    One of the most famous American Surgeons of the early 1800s was Samuel David Gross (1805-1884). His mastery of surgery was immortalized in Thomas Eakins’ 1875 painting of Gross titled The Gross Clinic. Gross was a prolific surgeon and one of his textbooks, a System of Surgery, went through 6 editions. Not known to many is the fact that this book also covered neurosurgical diseases and techniques. Gross was a skilled surgeon and able writer. His textbooks on surgery were well received in his day. Moreover, he should be considered an early pioneer of neurosurgery as his System of Surgery is filled with neurosurgical diagnoses and neurosurgical techniques.Samuel David Gross (1805.–1884.) bio je jedan od najpoznatijih američkih kirurga prvog dijela 19. stoljeća. Njegova kirurška vještina stekla je besmrtnost u Grossovoj slici Thomasa Eakinsa iz 1875. naslovljenoj Grossova klinika (The Gross Clinic). Gross je bio plodan kirurg i jedan je od njegovih udžbenika, Sustav kirurgije (System of Surgery), doživio 6 izdanja. Ono što je malo poznato jest činjenica da je ta knjiga također pokrila neurokirurške bolesti i tehnike. Gross je bio vješt kirurg i sposoban pisac. Njegovi udžbenici o kirurgiji bili su dobro primljeni u njegovo vrijeme. Štoviše, trebao bi se smatrati ranim pionirom neurokirurgije, budući da je njegov Sustav kirurgije ispunjen neurokirurškim dijagnozama i neurokirurškim tehnikama

    Histological findings in direct inguinal hernia : Investigating the histological changes of the herniated groin looking forward to ascertain the pathogenesis of hernia disease.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: The study is focused on recognizing the histological changes of the structures close to and around the hernia opening in patients having direct inguinal hernia. METHODS: In 15 patients with primary bilateral direct inguinal hernia who underwent a Stoppa open posterior inguinal hernia repair, tissue specimens from the abdominal wall surrounding a direct hernia border were excised for histological examination. These findings in patients with direct inguinal hernia were compared with tissue specimens excised from the fossa inguinalis media of cadavers without hernia. RESULTS: Significant degenerative modifications such as fibrohyaline degeneration and fatty substitution of the muscle fibers were seen in the biopsy samples. Inflammatory infiltration with lympho-histiocitary elements, artery sub-occlusion and vascular congestion were also constantly identified. Noteworthy injuries of the nervous structures such as edema, degenerative fibrosis and atrophy were also detected. No comparable tissue damage was witnessed in the control samples. CONCLUSION: Presence of inflammatory infiltration, vascular damage and regressive nerve lesions, as well as fibrohyaline degeneration and fatty dystrophy of the muscle fibers are the features seen within the examined structures surrounding the direct hernia opening. These findings could represent a reason for a structural and functional weakening of the inguinal region. Consequently, the described results lead the authors to depict these changes as a plausible cause of direct inguinal hernia protrusion

    Naked nuclei revisited: p63 immunoexpression

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    The presence of naked nuclei (NN) in cytological preparations of fibroadenomas is a well-known finding. Regardless of their importance on the differential diagnosis of fibroadenoma and other benign lesions of the breast, the origin of NN remains elusive. Despite previous efforts to characterize them, the lack of a reliable nuclear marker for myoepithelial cells impaired definitive conclusions. We performed a systematic evaluation of p63 expression in cytological and histological preparations of 10 fibroadenoma specimens. We observed that in histological sections, p63 was restricted to the nuclei of myoepithelial/basal cells in lobules and ducts of normal breast. In fibroadenomas, p63 decorated the nuclei of myoepithelial cells in the periphery of epithelial duct-like formations and slit-like formations. No p63 immunoreactivity was observed in stromal or epithelial cells. In cytological samples, almost all NN and cells surrounding epithelial cell clusters were stained; no stromal cell admixed with fibrillary matrix or epithelial cell was stained with p63. Based on our findings, we strongly suggest that most, if not all, NN are myoepithelial in origin.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - grant SFRH/BD/5386/2001


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    Background and Aims: Hepatic enzyme CYP2E1 is involved in the metabolism of a number of exogenous and endogenous substances (i.e. ethanol, drugs and chemical carcinogens). Being polymorphic, CYP2E1 gene can give different xeno-metabolic capabilities in a population and it is well known that inadequate or no enzymatic deactivation of xenobiotics could induce an increased susceptibility to disease and cancer. In particular, one of the 5 -flanking region polymorphisms, able to differentiate CYP2E1 gene transcriptional activity, is caused by the appearance/disappearance of RsaI and PstI restriction sites, which generates two different alleles, namely *C1(Rsa+/Pst−) and *C2(Rsa−/Pst+) respectively, reported to be in complete linkage disequilibrium. Methods: To confirm the existence of a correlation between some particular CYP2E1 genotypes/haplotypes and hepatocarcinoma, we determined CYP2E1 PstI/RsaI genotypes/haplotypes by RFLP-PCR in a cohort of central western Sicily hepatocarcinoma patients and in a population of healthy students from the same geographic area. Results: In hepatocarcinoma patients, modal genotype association was Rsa++/Pst−−, corresponding to CYP2E1 *C1/*C1 haplotype, whereas the Rsa+−/Pst−+ association, equivalent to CYP2E1 *C1/*C2 haplotype, resulted to have the lowest frequency both in patients and in controls. Moreover, both in patients and in controls, noncanonical genotype associations were frequent and arose from a no-linkage disequilibrium between the two polymorphic sites. Other authors reported this finding as a rare occurrence. Thus, from analysis of only one restriction site, Rsa++ genotype was approximately 1.5-fold more frequent in patients than in controls, and the non-canonical Rsa+− genotype was found relatively frequent in patients. Moreover, HuH7 and HA22T transformed hepatocarcinoma cell lines also showed the Rsa+− genotype. Conclusions: These results suggest that the presence in CYP2E1 genotype of at least one allele with an Rsa I restriction site is correlated with hepatocarcinoma. As this site is known a consensus sequence for some specific CYP gene transcription factors, like HNF-1, it may be supposed that a single nucleotide polymorphism can alter the possibility of HNF-1 to bind CYP2E1 promoter. This could determine a marked change in the transcriptional activity of the gene, incompetence in xenobiotic metabolism or in toxic substance deactivation and an increased susceptibility to neoplastic diseases, such as hepatocarcinoma