237 research outputs found

    Self-licensing in recycling behavior : investigating the effects of economic incentives on resource consumption

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    Accepted as a negative spillover in behavioral research, the concept of self-licensing states that performing good behavior tends to make individuals feel better or less guilty about themselves, which decreases the likelihood of engagement in subsequent good acts. Self-licensing is also observed in recycling behavior. Performing recycling might have environmentally undesired outcomes like increasing subsequent consumption due to positive feeling enhancement or guilt reduction. However, although real-life waste-management policies often financially reward or penalize households for their recycling behavior, no studies in the recycling behavior literature investigate potential licensing effects of economic incentives. To reduce this gap in literature, an experimental setting to test the effects of recycling incentives on the licensing relationship was created via an online survey, where participants were randomly assigned to two groups. In order to capture the licensing effects created by recycling incentives, income and substitution effects (another impact of economic incentives on consumption) were controlled in the model. Following previous self-licensing studies, “donations” was also included as an alternative dependent measure, to see whether recycling incentives lead to self-licensing in different behavioral domains. Furthermore, the moderating roles of environmental self-identity, different cultural dimensions and the difficulty of the recycling task were checked to see if they alleviated or exacerbated the licensing effect. Results revealed significant positive indirect effects between recycling rewards and both of the dependent measures (consumption and donations), via positive feelings. This means that although recycling incentives may increase consumption by enhancing positive feelings, they might also have pro-social outcomes (i.e., increase in donations). These mixed results indicate that more empirical studies on the licensing effects of economic incentives are needed, in order to give better insights for future waste-management policies.Entendido como um efeito de transbordamento negativo na pesquisa comportamental, o conceito de auto licenciamento afirma que o bom comportamento tende a fazer com que os indivíduos se sintam melhor ou menos culpados consigo mesmos, o que diminui a probabilidade de envolvimento em boas ações subsequentes. O auto licenciamento é também observado na reciclagem. Reciclar pode ter resultados ambientalmente indesejáveis como aumentar ainda mais o consumo, devido ao aumento do sentimento positivo ou redução da culpa. No entanto, embora muitas vezes as políticas de gestão de resíduos na vida real recompensem ou penalizem financeiramente as famílias pelo seu comportamento na reciclagem, não há estudos que investiguem os seus potenciais efeitos de auto licenciamento de incentivos. Para reduzir essa lacuna, foi criado um cenário experimental para testar os efeitos dos incentivos à reciclagem na relação de auto licenciamento, por meio de uma pesquisa online na qual os participantes foram aleatoriamente divididos em dois grupos. Para registar os efeitos do auto licenciamento criados pelos incentivos à reciclagem, os efeitos da renda e da substituição (outro impacto dos incentivos económicos sobre o consumo) foram controlados no modelo. Na sequência de outros estudos de auto licenciamento anteriores, “doações” também foram incluídas como um fator condicionante alternativo, para ver se os incentivos de reciclagem levam ao auto licenciamento em diferentes domínios comportamentais. Além disso, foram verificados os papéis moderadores da autoidentidade ambiental, as diferentes dimensões culturais e a dificuldade da tarefa de reciclagem, para ver se atenuavam ou exacerbavam o efeito do auto licenciamento. Os resultados revelaram efeitos indiretos positivos significativos entre a recompensa na reciclagem e ambos os fatores dependentes (consumo e doações), por meio de sentimentos positivos. Isso significa que, embora os incentivos à reciclagem possam aumentar o consumo ao aumentar os sentimentos positivos, também podem ter resultados pró-sociais (ou seja, aumento nas doações). Esses resultados mistos indicam que mais estudos empíricos sobre os efeitos do auto licenciamento de incentivos económicos são necessários, a fim de fornecer melhores informações para futuras políticas de gestão de resíduos

    The Determination of the Relationship between Somatotypes and Speed of Sub-Elite Athletes

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between somatotypes and speed of 180 male sub-elite athletes aged between 18 and 25. Athletes were divided into two categories as balanced group (balanced somatotype groups) and randomly selected groups (groups outside balanced somatotypes groups) based on their somatotype structures. The arithmetic means and standard deviations of groups are (n=30) 21.95±2.80 years of age, height 168.40±2.62 cm, weight 69.20±5.26 kg in balanced endomorph group, (n=30) 21.60±3.15 years of age, height 170.25±6.39 cm, weight 67.25±6.09 kg in balanced mesomorph group, and (n=30) 20.40±1.46 years of age, height 175.10±5.02 cm, and weight 60.05±5.09 kg in balanced ectomorph group. On the other hand, the same values are (n=30) 21.35±2.30 years of age, height 160.10±2.20 cm, and weight 69.30±5.70 kg in random endomorph group, (n=30) 21.36±2.40 years of age, height 169.24±2.21 cm and weight 65.40±3.25 kg in random mesomorph groups, and (n=30) 20.50±1.85 years of age, height 176.15±3.30 cm and weight 70.10±4.45 kg in random ectomorph group. The measurement data were analyzed using SPSS 2.0 package program for Windows. Somatotype calculations were done in SOMATOTURK Calculation Program. The statistical analysis demonstrated that a highly positive significant correlation (p˂0.001) was found between balanced somatotype groups (balanced endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph) and randomly selected somatotype groups (random endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph)

    Late diagnosis iniencephaly with spina bifida

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    Herein a rare case of iniencephaly combined with spina bifida is reported, which was diagnosed late because the G6P5 mother had not attended hospital for first trimester anomaly scans and alpha-fetoprotein measurement. A woman aged 33 years who was 38 weeks pregnant presented for ante-natal follow-up. Her clinical results were normal but abnormalities including polyhydramnios, retroflexion of the head with absence of neck, acrania, and severe growth retardation were observed in the fetus. The infant was delivered through Cesarean section and died shortly after birth. The results of a gross examination revealed acrania, iniencephaly, spina bifida, and an imperforated anus. Iniencephaly is a rare and fatal neural tube defect characterized by extreme retroflexion of the head and severs distortion of the spine. This case report underlines the importance of first trimester anomaly scans and alpha-fetoprotein measurement

    A research on analysing the relationship between businesses, market performance and human resources applications

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    İşletmelerde yürütülen bütün faaliyetlerin temelinde insan faktörü vardır ve bu faktörlerin iyi yönetilmesi işletmenin başarısında önemli bir etkendir. Bu çalışma kapsamında işletmelerde insan kaynakları (İK) uygulamaları; personel seçim süreci, performans değerleme, iş zenginleştirme, iş basitleştirme, iş rotasyonu ve iş genişletme olarak ele alınmıştır. Diğer taraftan işletme faaliyetlerinin sonuçlarını görerek, önceden belirlenmiş amaçlara ulaşılıp ulaşılmadığına bakarlar ve bu bağlamda işletmenin dış çevresiyle ilgili olan pazar performansının değerlen-dirilmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmada işletmelerin pazar performansı ile İK uygulamaları arasındaki ilişki Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren işletmeler kapsamında araştırılmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre özellikle iş zenginleştirme ve personel seçim sürecinin etkinliğinin işletmelerin pazar performansını etkilediği görülmüştür.Human factor lies beneath all activities performed by businesses and directing this factor well is a crucial factor in the success of businesses. Within the scope of this study, human resources applications in businesses consist of employee recruitment process, performance evaluation, work enrichment, work simplification, work rotation and work expanding. Besides, businesses check whether predefined targets are reached or not by evaluating the result of their activities. In this context, it is important to consider businesses' market performance related to its outer surrounding. In this study the relationship between businesses' market performance and their human resources applications has been investigated within the scope of the businesses operational in Turkey

    The Relationship among Somatotype Structures, Body Compositions and Estimated Oxygen Capacities of Elite Male Handball Players

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship among somatotype structures, body compositions and estimated oxygen capacities of elite male handball players in Ahi Evran University Handball Team in 2017-2018 Turkish Men’s Handball First Division. It was conducted on elite male handball players (n=15) aged between 18 and 30 who voluntarily participated in the study. Their arithmetic means and standard deviations are 22.06±3.80 years of age, 186.00±7.62 cm height, 88.66±10.69 kg weight, and BMI 25.65±3.08 kg/m2, aerobic power (VO2 max.) 41.39±3.86 (ml/kg/min), and 13.10%±1.70% body fat. They had endomorph and mesomorph (4.43 – 3.96 – 2.14) in terms of somatotype properties. A highly negative significant correlation was found between VO2 max and body fat % (r= -.702, p<0.01), between VO2 max and endomorph value (r= -.702, p<0.01), and between VO2 max and mesomorph value (r= -.703, p<0.01), while a highly positive significant correlation was found between VO2 max and ectomorph value (r= .609, p<0.05). In conclusion, it can be stated that differences in body fat data may result from players’ somatotypes categories, intensity of training, duration of training, measurements by different researchers, measurements in different periods of the season, and use of different formulas in the calculation of measurement values

    Karaciğer nakli olan çocuklarda dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu

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    Amaç: Karaciğer nakilli çocuk hastalarda dikkat bozuklukları daha önce yapılan çalışmalarda saptanmış olsa da, Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu ile Karaciğer Nakli ilişkisini araştıran çalışma literatürde sınırlı sayıdadır. Çalışmamızda karaciğer nakli yapılmış çocuklarda DEHB sıklığını ve bu bozukluğa neden olabilecek etkenleri araştırmayı planladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: BÜTF Hastanesi'nde 2003 – 2015 yılları arasında karaciğer nakli yapılmış, 6-18 yaşlar arasında 62 çocuk çalışmaya katıldı. Hastaların primer tanıları, nakil yaşı, nakil öncesi hastalık süreleri, nakil öncesi ve sonrası servis ve yoğun bakımda izlem süreleri, Child Pugh ve PELD skorları, verici tipi, prematürite, düşük doğum ağırlığı, konvülziyon ve ailede epilepsi öyküsü ile annede hamilelik süresince sigara kullanımı olup olmadığı kaydedildi. Çocuk ve Ergen ruh sağlığı uzmanı olan klinik görüşmeci tarafından tüm çocuklar ve ebeveynlerine K-SADS (Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Aged Children–Kiddie-SADS-Present and Lifetime Version / Okul Çağı Çocukları için Duygulanım Bozuklukları ve Şizofreni Görüşme Çizelgesi – Şimdi ve Yaşam Boyu Versiyonu ) yapılarak mevcut DSM IV Eksen 1 tanıları belirlendi. Sonrasında Conners Anababa ve Öğretmen Derecelendirme Ölçekleri (CPRS-CTRS) (Conners’ Parent-Teacher Rating Scale) ile hastalar değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan 62 hastanın 6 sı (%9,7) DEHB tanısı aldı. Bu hastalardan ikisi Alagille sendromu, ikisi ailevi hiperkolesterolemi, biri biliyer atrezi, bir hasta tirozinemi tanılı idi. Örneklemdeki kızların (1/25) % 4’ü; erkeklerin (5/37) % 13,5’u DEHB tanısı aldı. Dikkatsizliğin baskın olduğu tipte DEHB tanısı alan tek hasta kız iken, diğer beş hasta erkekti. Dört hastada bileşik tip DEHB, bir hastada hiperaktivitenin baskın olduğu tipte DEHB saptandı. Hastaların primer tanıları, nakil yaşı, nakil öncesi hastalık süreleri, nakil öncesi ve sonrası servis ve yoğun bakımda izlem süreleri, Child Pugh ve PELD skorları, verici tipi, prematürite, düşük doğum ağırlığı, konvülziyon, ailede epilepsi öyküsü ve annede hamilelik süresince sigara kullanımı ile DEHB arasında ilişki saptanmadı. Nakil sonrasında serviste kalış süresi ve sonraki yıllarda toplam hastaneye yatış süresi arttıkça öğretmenlere yapılan Conners testinde hiperaktivite puanlarının arttığı tespit edilmiştir. (r:0,273 p:0,046 ) Sonuç: Çalışmamızda bulduğumuz DEHB oranı, toplum temelli çalışmaların oranına göre hafif yüksek, karaciğer nakilli çocuklarda yapılmış çalışmalara göre daha düşüktür. Bu durum karaciğer naklinin bilişsel fonksiyonlar ve dikkat üzerine etkilerine işaret eder. Bu çalışma ülkemizde karaciğer nakilli çocuklarda DEHB araştıran ilk çalışma olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Organ nakilli hastalarda bedensel sağlık ile ruhsal sağlığın eş zamanlı önemsenmesi, problemlere zamanında müdahale edilmesi gereklidir. Objective:. Although attention deficits have been identified in previously conducted studies in children with hepatic impairment, studies investigating the relationship between Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and Liver Transplantation are limited in the literature. In our study, we planned to investigate the frequency of ADHD in children with liver transplantation and the possible causes of this disorder. Material and Method: Sixty-two children aged between six and eighteen years, who had liver transplantation between 2003 and 2015 in BÜTF Hospital was participated in the study. Primary diagnoses, age of transplantation, duration of pre-transplantation illness, duration of hospitalization and intensive care unit before and after transplantation, Child Pugh and PELD scores, donor type, prematurity, history of low birth weight, convulsion, familial epilepsy and maternal smoking during pregnancy was recorded. K-SADS (Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Aged Children–Kiddie-SADS-Present and Lifetime Version ) was performed on all children and their parents by the clinical interviewer who is a specialist in child and adolescent mental health and DSM IV Axis 1 diagnosis was determined. Patients were evaluated with Conners' Parent-Teacher Rating Scale (CPRS - CPTS). Results: Six of the 62 patients (9.7%) were diagnosed with ADHD. Two of these patients’ primary diagnosis was Alagille syndrome, two patients had familial hypercholesterolemia, one had biliary atresia and one patient had tyrosinemia. 4% of the girls in the sample (1/25); 13,5% of men (5/37) were diagnosed with ADHD. The only patient who was diagnosed with inattentive type of ADHD was female, while the other five were male. Four patients had combined type of ADHD and one patient had hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD. There was no relationship between primary diagnoses, age of transplantation, duration of pre-transplantation illness, duration of hospitalization and intensive care unit before and after transplantation, Child Pugh and PELD scores, donor type, prematurity, history of low birth weight, convulsion, familial epilepsy and maternal smoking during pregnancy and ADHD. As the duration and number of post-transplantation hospitalization during the following years, hyperactivity scores increased in the Conners test conducted by teachers. (r: 0.273 p: 0.046) Conclusion: In our study the rate of ADHD was slightly higher than the proportion of community-based studies and lower than studies conducted with children with liver transplants. This suggests the effects of hepatic transplantation on cognitive function and attention. This study is the first study to investigate ADHD in children with liver transplants in our country. We suggest simultaneous consideration of physical health and mental health in patients with organ transplantation and problems should be intervened in time

    The Comparison of Somatotype Structures in Students Studying at Different Departments of Physical Education

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    This study aims to analyze the somatotype structures in students studying at different departments of physical education. A total of 300 male students (elite-sub-elite athletes) who study physical education and sports (n=100), coaching education (n=100) and sports management (n=100) at School of Physical Education and Sports at University of Kirsehir Ahi Evran voluntarily participated in this study. Somatotype structures were determined using Heath-Carter method and SOMATOTURK calculation program. SPSS 22.0 package program for Windows was used for correlation analysis, and the level of significance was taken as 0.05. The results indicate that while students (elite-sub-elite athletes) participating in the study had a mesomorph structure, which is one of the most important body structure parameters for performance and characterized by a muscularity component, during early periods of their education (freshman and sophomore years), their bodies transformed into an endomorph structure, which is characterized by fat components, during later periods of their education (junior and senior years)

    Investigating the non-linear effects of breach parameters on a dam break study

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    When settlements are located close to a dam, it is important to accurately predict the breach peak flow and the time to reach the peak. Therefore, the prediction of dam breach properties is essential in dam break studies. Dam breach parameters such as the breach side slope, final bottom width, final bottom elevation, weir coefficient, breach formation time, and initial elevation of reservoirs are the key variables for estimating the peak discharge during a dam break scenario. In this study, these six breach parameters were analyzed to investigate the impact of breach parameters on breach peak flow and the time to reach the peak. Thus, several scenarios were calculated and compared for Atasu Dam. The results revealed that the role of the initial water elevation, final bottom elevation, and breach development time had more of an impact on the breach peak flow and the time to reach the peak. In addition, the study indicated that the final bottom width and breach weir coefficient were less sensitive to both the peak discharge and peak discharge time. Furthermore, the analysis indicated that the breach side slope parameter had no major influence on the time to peak while also having an insignificant impact on the peak discharge. Understanding this breach mechanism provides a basis for relevant research in designating key parameters for dam break analysis. Thus, the results can contribute to decision making toward the design of flood mitigation and dam emergency action planning


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    Tüketicilerin satın alma davranışlarında önemli bir faktör olan "Marka" kavramının önemi günümüzde giderek artmaktadır. İşletmeler stratejilerinde uzun vadeli olarak markayı tüketicini hafızasına yerleştirmeli ve marka imajını güçlendirerek marka bağlılığı yaratmalıdır. Bunun içinde öncelikle marka kavramının nasıl algılandığının ve tüketiciler açısından hangi fonksiyonlara sahip olduğunun saptanması, markanın gerçek konumunun saptanması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Özellikle tüketiciler açısından algılanan kalite ve güvence, kişisel kimlik, sosyal statü gibi fonksiyonlar bu önemi daha da arttırmaktadır Bu çalışma ile üniversite öğrencilerinin marka fonksiyonu algılamalarının satın alma sonrası davranışlarına (tekrar satın alma ve değiştirme) etkileri araştırılmaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre müşterilerin marka fonksiyonu algılamalarından kalite ve güvence fonksiyonu hem tekrar satın alma hem de değiştirme davranışlarına etkilidir

    The Analysis of Running Distances in National Teams in 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup and Estimation of Oxygen Consumption Capacity Based on These Distances

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    This study aims to analyze running distances in national teams during 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup and to propose a new program which estimates oxygen consumption capacity based on running distances. The data were evaluated by SPSS 22.0 statistical package program. The findings demonstrate that among teams participating in 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup, the lowest average running distance and estimated VO2max values belong to Brazil with 7398.77 meters and 43.84 ml/kg/m, respectively. On the other hand, the highest average running distance and estimated VO2max values belong to Australia with 10598 meters and 67.69 ml/kg/m, respectively. The average running distance and estimated VO2max value in national teams participating in 2010 FIFA World Cup was 9635.54 meters and 60.52 ml/kg/m, while they were 9095.82 meters and 52 ml/kg/m in 2014 FIFA World Cup, respectively