64 research outputs found

    The Interaction of Genetic Background and Mutational Effects in Regulation of Mouse Craniofacial Shape.

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    Inbred genetic background significantly influences the expression of phenotypes associated with known genetic perturbations and can underlie variation in disease severity between individuals with the same mutation. However, the effect of epistatic interactions on the development of complex traits, such as craniofacial morphology, is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the effect of three inbred backgrounds (129X1/SvJ, C57BL/6J, and FVB/NJ) on the expression of craniofacial dysmorphology in mice (Mus musculus) with loss of function in three members of the Sprouty family of growth factor negative regulators (Spry1, Spry2, or Spry4) in order to explore the impact of epistatic interactions on skull morphology. We found that the interaction of inbred background and the Sprouty genotype explains as much craniofacial shape variation as the Sprouty genotype alone. The most severely affected genotypes display a relatively short and wide skull, a rounded cranial vault, and a more highly angled inferior profile. Our results suggest that the FVB background is more resilient to Sprouty loss of function than either C57 or 129, and that Spry4 loss is generally less severe than loss of Spry1 or Spry2 While the specific modifier genes responsible for these significant background effects remain unknown, our results highlight the value of intercrossing mice of multiple inbred backgrounds to identify the genes and developmental interactions that modulate the severity of craniofacial dysmorphology. Our quantitative results represent an important first step toward elucidating genetic interactions underlying variation in robustness to known genetic perturbations in mice

    Downregulation of FGF Signaling by Spry4 Overexpression Leads to Shape Impairment, Enamel Irregularities, and Delayed Signaling Center Formation in the Mouse Molar.

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    FGF signaling plays a critical role in tooth development, and mutations in modulators of this pathway produce a number of striking phenotypes. However, many aspects of the role of the FGF pathway in regulating the morphological features and the mineral quality of the dentition remain unknown. Here, we used transgenic mice overexpressing the FGF negative feedback regulator Sprouty4 under the epithelial keratin 14 promoter (K14-Spry4) to achieve downregulation of signaling in the epithelium. This led to highly penetrant defects affecting both cusp morphology and the enamel layer. We characterized the phenotype of erupted molars, identified a developmental delay in K14-Spry4 transgenic embryos, and linked this with changes in the tooth developmental sequence. These data further delineate the role of FGF signaling in the development of the dentition and implicate the pathway in the regulation of tooth mineralization. © 2019 The Authors. JBMR Plus is published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    Parasitic helminths induce fetal-like reversion in the intestinal stem cell niche.

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    Epithelial surfaces form critical barriers to the outside world and are continuously renewed by adult stem cells1. Whereas dynamics of epithelial stem cells during homeostasis are increasingly well understood, how stem cells are redirected from a tissue-maintenance program to initiate repair after injury remains unclear. Here we examined infection by Heligmosomoides polygyrus, a co-evolved pathosymbiont of mice, to assess the epithelial response to disruption of the mucosal barrier. H. polygyrus disrupts tissue integrity by penetrating the duodenal mucosa, where it develops while surrounded by a multicellular granulomatous infiltrate2. Crypts overlying larvae-associated granulomas did not express intestinal stem cell markers, including Lgr53, in spite of continued epithelial proliferation. Granuloma-associated Lgr5- crypt epithelium activated an interferon-gamma (IFN-Îł)-dependent transcriptional program, highlighted by Sca-1 expression, and IFN-Îł-producing immune cells were found in granulomas. A similar epithelial response accompanied systemic activation of immune cells, intestinal irradiation, or ablation of Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells. When cultured in vitro, granuloma-associated crypt cells formed spheroids similar to those formed by fetal epithelium, and a sub-population of H. polygyrus-induced cells activated a fetal-like transcriptional program, demonstrating that adult intestinal tissues can repurpose aspects of fetal development. Therefore, re-initiation of the developmental program represents a fundamental mechanism by which the intestinal crypt can remodel itself to sustain function after injury

    FGF signalling controls the specification of hair placode-derived SOX9 positive progenitors to Merkel cells

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    Merkel cells are innervated mechanosensory cells responsible for light-touch sensations. In murine dorsal skin, Merkel cells are located in touch domes and found in the epidermis around primary hairs. While it has been shown that Merkel cells are skin epithelial cells, the progenitor cell population that gives rise to these cells is unknown. Here, we show that during embryogenesis, SOX9-positive (+) cells inside hair follicles, which were previously known to give rise to hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) and cells of the hair follicle lineage, can also give rise to Merkel Cells. Interestingly, while SOX9 is critical for HFSC specification, it is dispensable for Merkel cell formation. Conversely, FGFR2 is required for Merkel cell formation but is dispensable for HFSCs. Together, our studies uncover SOX9(+) cells as precursors of Merkel cells and show the requirement for FGFR2-mediated epithelial signalling in Merkel cell specification.Peer reviewe

    Caractérisation de la dynamique du développement et du vieillissement de la denture des rongeurs

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    The evolution of the vertebrate dentition is among the most exciting topics in the evo-devo field, with particular attention being drawn to the mouse model. The mouse dentition includes four ever-growing incisors and twelve molars with a specific cusp pattern. Incisors and molars develop according to a tightly regulated molecular network.The ERK-MAPK cascade is involved at various stages of tooth development. Molar tooth phenotype comparisons in mutant mice for genes acting at various levels of the cascade highlighted a dental phenotype signature, which consists in the presence of a supernumerary tooth and shared cusp pattern defects. Some of these recall characters present in fossil rodents, supporting the ERK-MAPK as a good candidate to explain some evolutionary trends of the rodent dentition. By working on a mouse line over-expressing one of this pathway inhibitor in the oral epithelium, I perfect our understanding of Fgf gene role in specifying signaling center formation at the right stage, and in achieving correct mineralization.When considering evergrowing incisors, mouse dentition is also dynamic at the lifetime scale. I monitored the ageing process of the mouse upper incisors, and provided a chronology of occurrence of the variety of age-related defects display. These defects are set up from the six months on, the most frequent abnormality being the presence of an enamel groove along the surface of the incisor. Using Next Generation Sequencing technologies, I detected transcriptomic changes in the stem cell niches affecting cell proliferation and metabolism, as well as the stem cell niche functioning. The correlation found between the groove occurrence and a large immune response in dental tissues expands our concern for dental stem cell ageing.L’évolution de la denture des vertébrés est un sujet majeur et des plus intéressants en biologie développementale évolutive (évo-dévo). Dans ce domaine, la souris Mus musculus est traditionnellement l’animal modèle utilisé. La denture de la souris inclus quatre incisives à croissance continue et douze molaires présentant une organisation caractéristique de leurs cuspides. Le réseau moléculaire régulant le développement de ces deux types de dents est très spécifique.La cascade ERK-MAPK est impliquée lors de différentes étapes du développement dentaire. Une étude comparée du phénotype des molaires de souris mutantes pour des gènes activés à différents points de la cascade a démontré l’existence d’un phénotype caractéristique, à savoir la présence d’une dent surnuméraire en position mésiale des rangées de molaires, ainsi que la présence d’anomalie dans le nombre et la forme de certaines cuspides. Parmi ces caractères présents chez les mutants, certains rappellent des caractères ancestraux présents uniquement chez des rongeurs fossiles. Ceci appuie le rôle que la cascade ERK-MAPK a pu jouer au cours de l’évolution de la denture chez les rongeurs. En travaillant sur une lignée transgénique sur-exprimant un inhibiteur de cette cascade, j’ai pu perfectionner notre connaissance du rôle des gènes de la famille Fgf dans les processus de mise en place des centres de signalisation dentaire et de minéralisation de l’émail.Si l’on considère les incisives à croissance continue, la denture de la souris est dynamique à l’échelle de la vie d’un individu. Réalisant un suivi des incisives supérieures d’une cohorte de souris au cours de leur vieillissement, j’ai pu préciser la chronologie d’apparition de défauts liés au vieillissement. Ces défauts apparaissent sur les incisives à partir de six mois, et le plus fréquent est le développement d’un sillon visible sur l’émail de l’incisive. J’ai enfin utilisé des techniques de séquençage de nouvelle génération (NGS) pour comprendre les bases moléculaires du vieillissement des niches de cellules souches des incisives. Ce faisant, j’ai détecté des changements dans les profils d’expression de gènes régulant le maintien des cellules souches, la prolifération cellulaire et le métabolisme. La présence d’un sillon apparaît corrélée à une forte réponse immunitaire détectée dans les tissus dentaires, ce qui constitue une perspective d’étude majeure dans le but d’achever la caractérisation du vieillissement des cellules souches dentaires
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