54 research outputs found

    Paradigma Revolusi Mental Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Bangsa Berbasis Sinergitas Islam Dan Filsafat Pendidikan

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    Mental revolution associated with a massive revamp of the human mind which manifests in three mindset patterns, confident, and patterns of taste-spirituality that bear behavior. That three patterns were based on the values that is planted in a person, they are: religion, culture-tradition, and philosophy of the nation. The existence of a person's mental character is influenced by many factors, namelyeducation, environment, heredity and global culture. The global culture is useful to make everything easier to do in all areas of life, but on the other hand, the negative impact of global culture created secularism, materialism, hedonism, liberalism and the absence of religious spirituality. Therefore, this research attempts to answer how does the mental revolution paradigm toward characer establishment that based on the synergy of Islam and educational philosophy, how the strategy implies, and which values are needed to be revolutionized primarily. The approach is qualitative-reference by using analysis technique such as : content analysis, data reduction, data display and data verification. The conclusion is that a paradigm of mental revolution is basically the positive (good)-interactive mental of human and also dual-interactive. Mental revolution should be carried through stages and lasting continuously through six holistic and integral pillars:civilizing-habituation, moral knowing, moral loving and feeling, moral acting, modelling and conversion to implement takhalli, tahalli and tajalli

    Strategi Pembentukan Karakter Spiritualitas Keagamaan dan Cinta Tanah Air dalam Perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan Islam

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    The current globalization is very influential towards forming one's character, whether to be a character or uncharacteristic. The issue is how to make someone character and uncharacteristic. From the matter, the researcher will answer, how is the strategy of the character formation of Homeland's religious spirituality and love? What are the values that need to be attributed? The scientific approach used was the philosophy of Islamic education with an eclectic incorporative. The study is entirely a kind of qualitative research-a library with various literature related to the character. Data collection with documentation. Its analytical techniques (1) Content analysis, (2) Miles and Huberman (data collection, data reduction, data display, and data verification), and (3) data triangulation.  Research results; First, the strategy of establishing religious spirituality characters and the love of Homeland is habituation, moral knowing, moral feeling, immorality, and repentance with the throne, Takhalli, Tahalli, and Tajalli. Secondly, the primary value of implanted is religious-spiritual. This core value will give birth to Homeland's amount of love, integrity (honesty-trust), responsibility, respect, humility, tolerance, social care, love of science, hard work, patience, self-reliance, and social relationship

    Reformasi Pendidikan Islam Menapaki Millenium Ketiga

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    Mental revolution associated with a massive revamp of the human mind which manifests in three mindset patterns, confident, and patterns of taste-spirituality that bear behavior. That three patterns were based on the values that is planted in a person, they are: religion, culture-tradition, and philosophy of the nation. The existence of a person’s mental character is influenced by many factors, namelyeducation, environment, heredity and global culture. The global culture is useful to make everything easier to do in all areas of life, but on the other hand, the negative impact of global culture created secularism, materialism, hedonism, liberalism and the absence of religious spirituality. Therefore, this research attempts to answer how does the mental revolution paradigm toward characer establishment that based on the synergy of Islam and educational philosophy, how the strategy implies, and which values are needed to be revolutionized primarily. The approach is qualitative-reference by using analysis technique such as : content analysis, data reduction, data display and data verification. The conclusion is that a paradigm of mental revolution is basically the positive (good)-interactive mental of human and also dual-interactive. Mental revolution should be carried through stages and lasting continuously through six holistic and integral pillars:civilizing-habituation, moral knowing, moral loving and feeling, moral acting, modelling and conversion to implement takhalli, tahalli and tajalli


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    Action or morality in principle begins with a deep value in the soul. That deep value becomes a pattern of belief, awareness, and thought. Because that value has become a mindset, taste, and belief, one will easily do positive and negative actions. So, the planting of value becomes a necessity in education. This research will answer how the school's strategy instills religious values, what religious values are instilled, its supporters and inhibitions, and how they result. This type of research is qualitative with a pedagogical approach. Determination of subjects using purposive and Snowball.  Data collection with observations, interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique uses Miles and Huberman models. The conclusion is (1) strategies for planting religious values are habituation, teaching the values of goodness, nudity, repentance with istighatsah, and punishment; (2) The religious values instilled are personal and social worship; (3) the less successful factors of planting religious values are less aware learners, teachers have difficulty supervising students, parents are less exemplary, and socio-cultural environments are less supportive. Simultaneously, the success factor is compact managers, adequate facilities and infrastructure, strict school discipline application, passionate teachers, sincere, and professional managers applying the pesantren system

    Matematika untuk Anak (Penalaran dan Bimbingan Permainan)

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    Mathematic make easier daily human activities for example : an economic activities, politic, culture, health, etc so that needs to be taught since early. But, based on the result of researcher supervision, a mathematic learning method in Early Children Education Institution (PAUD), there is an institution which has not used yet guidance, reasoning, and game. This thing is not suitable with characteristic and learning principle of early children. This condition form the background of this research. This research aims to develop the mathematic learning method of early children by using guidance, reasoning, and games. Developing result is a product for mathematic learning of early children in PAUD Institution. The product is manipulative objects which consist of concrete object game, semi concrete object games, mathematic object games. The test result shows that product which is developed has fulfilled a valid criteria that is shown by validation averages result by two validator, complete practical criteria that is shown by user evaluation result and complete an effective criteria that is shown by the test result averages of children evaluation

    Paradigma Holistik-Integratif-Interkonektif Dalam Filsafat Manajemen Pendidikan Karakter

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    This paper analyzes the thought of philosophy of education management character of the nation with a philosophical method. The results of the discussion can be concluded that it needed a new paradigm in the management philosophy of education that is holistic-integrative character-interkonektif. The essence of management lies in POAC (planning, organizing, actuating and controlling). In character education management philosophy with the new paradigm is to be done thoroughly, connectedness and relatedness between one system with other systems. As a holistic-integrative-interkonektif in the level of strategy (habituation, moral knowing, moral loving-feeling, exemplary and repentance), the level of educational institutions (formal, informal and non-formal), the level of the main values of character, level kurkukulum (intra-curricular, extra curricular and hidden curriculum), the level of age (early childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age) and the level of mental gymnastics (if thought, hearts, taste-intention, spiritual and physical). With this paradigm, the management philosophy of character education will form a good character-solid man who is ready to face the impact of globalization is challenging and uncertain particularly negative impact

    Paradigma Holistik-Integratif-Interkonektif Dalam Filsafat Manajemen Pendidikan Karakter

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    This paper analyzes the thought of philosophy of education management character of the nation with a philosophical method. The results of the discussion can be concluded that it needed a new paradigm in the management philosophy of education that is holistic-integrative character-interkonektif. The essence of management lies in POAC (planning, organizing, actuating and controlling). In character education management philosophy with the new paradigm is to be done thoroughly, connectedness and relatedness between one system with other systems. As a holistic-integrative-interkonektif in the level of strategy (habituation, moral knowing, moral loving-feeling, exemplary and repentance), the level of educational institutions (formal, informal and non-formal), the level of the main values of character, level kurkukulum (intra-curricular, extra curricular and hidden curriculum), the level of age (early childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age) and the level of mental gymnastics (if thought, hearts, taste-intention, spiritual and physical). With this paradigm, the management philosophy of character education will form a good character-solid man who is ready to face the impact of globalization is challenging and uncertain particularly negative impact.</p

    Islamic Education Thought of Sheikh Nawawi Al-Bantani: The Disaster in The Qur’an

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    Abstract: Nawawi is a true teacher in Islamic science and very prolific in writing Islamic science. The purposes of this study are (1) to find out the characteristics of the plague in Nawawi’s thinking; (2) to propose the solution to the Covid-19 outbreak from the perspective of Islamic education; (3) to figure out the Islamic education from this pandemic. This study employed qualitative research from an Islamic education philosophy perspective. The data collection was documentation. It also used content analysis, thematic, and inductive-deductive approaches. There are some findings in this research. First, the words calamity, Bala, and slander, the pandemic, is a test. It happened as a result of the power of God and the work of man. The purpose is for man to be closer to God, more meaningful to God’s presence, erode pride, etc. Second, it is not permissible to approach the place of plague. If it is at the epidemic site, then do not come out of it; the sick do not mix with the healthy, avoid harming themselves and others, and put the damage off rather than benefit. Third, the values of Islamic education are spiritual, intellectual, social, and skill. Abstrak: Nawawi adalah mahaguru sejati dalam keilmuan Islam dan sangat produktif menulis bidang keilmuan Islam. Tulisan ini menjawab (1) karakteristik wabah dalam pemikiran Nawawi; (2) solusi dari wabah Covid-19 dalam perspektif pendidikan Islam; (3) nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam yang diperoleh dari pandemi ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan filsafat pendidikan Islam. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis isi, tematik, dan pola pikir induktif-deduktif. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah pertama, merujuk kepada kata musibah, bala, dan fitnah, pandemi merupakan ujian. Hal itu terjadi sebagai akibat kuasa Allah dan ulah manusia. Tujuannya agar manusia lebih dekat kepada Allah, lebih bermakna kehadiran Tuhan, mengikis kesombongan, dan lain-lain. Kedua, tidak boleh mendekati tempat wabah dan jika berada di lokasi wabah, maka jangan keluar darinya, yang sakit jangan bercampur dengan yang sehat, menghindari mudarat terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain, dan mendahulukan menutup kemudaratan daripada mengambil manfaat. Ketiga, nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam ialah nilai spiritual, intelektual, sosial, dan keterampilan
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