19 research outputs found

    Case study #4 : Strait of Sicily - Malta : Western Mediterreanean

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    The definition of spatial limits for the Strait of Sicily - Malta Case Study have been elaborated considering needs and priorities emerged from the Initial Assessment, as well as existing knowledge on: (i) maritime uses and economic domains; (ii) ecological features; (iii) legal jurisdictions and borders and (iv) transboundary issues. The definition of the case study area’s spatial limits constitute boundaries for the purpose to foster a proper analysis on human uses, ecological processes, synergies and conflicts, governance continuity, and define recommendations to establish appropriated strategies and plans. The boundaries have been drawn according to the scope of the project (e.g. to support the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in EU Member States with a concrete cross-border initiative) and the activities to be developed therefore on one hand they are representative of local conditions and policies and, on the other, they take in account potential transboundary and cross-border issues of MSP. The SIMWESTMED case study for Malta is focused on the Malta-Sicily marine waters, bordering the south of Sicily and the north of the Maltese Islands and including part of the continental shelves of Italy and Malta.Grant Agreement: EASME/EMFF/2015/

    Saude mental na estrategia saude da familia : revisao da literatura brasileira = Mental health in the Family Health Strategy : a review of Brazilian literature

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    The Family Health Strategy establishes the principles of the Brazilian Primary Health Care and shares important goals with the Psychiatric Reform. The principles of territory-centered care and longitudinal care should enhance innovative actions of mental health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation. The aim of this review was to analyze the main themes approached by the Brazilian scientific literature concerning mental health in the Family Health Strategy. We read the titles of 267 articles published between 1999 and 2009. We followed specific criteria to select 38 articles for thematic analysis. The main themes were the demands in mental health, the perceptions and practices of health personnel and the role of the psychologist in Primary Care. The publications identified several problems: stereotypical views about mental disorders, the dominance of the hospitalization rationale, and the absence of clinical reports, strategies, qualified support to families and integrated health actions. The qualitative meta-analysis indicated questions that may strengthen the debate on the topic, the reflection on further research and on professional practice in the interface between Mental Health and Family Health

    SIMWESTMED - Case Study #4 "Strait of Sicily - Malta" (R23)

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    Component: C 1.3 Support for Member States' implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning Sub‐component: C 1.3.6. Establish Case Studies on Approaches to MSP Implementation Case Study #4 Strait of Sicily (Italy-Malta) The SIMWESTMED case study for Malta is focused on the Malta - Sicily marine waters, bordering the south of Sicily and the north of the Maltese Islands. The study area (9420 km2) features portions of internal, territorial and international waters, continental shelf areas, Malta’s Contiguous Zone and Malta’s Fisheries Management Conservation Zone. After a thorough refinement of information on legal/planning status, environmental conditions and uses and acquisition of fine scale spatial data, available approaches and toolsets (http://data.adriplan.eu/tools4msp/) were used to identify MSP issues for the area, conflicts among uses and their cumulative effects on the marine environment, proper analysis of land-sea interactions, and elaborate recommendations for transboundary MSP. Results and stakeholders engagement were used for the proposal of integrated sectoral measures, with the identification of possible management objectives, plan proposals and recommendations. This report/document was produced as part of the SIMWESTMED Project (Grant Agreement N0. EASME/EMFF/2015/ PROJECT: Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region (SIMWESTMED) Competition for maritime space – for renewable energy equipment, aquaculture and other uses – has highlighted the need to manage our waters more coherently. Maritime spatial planning (MSP) works across borders and sectors to ensure human activities at sea take place in an efficient, safe and sustainable way. That is why the European Parliament and the Council have adopted a legislation to create a common framework for maritime spatial planning in Europe. The Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 (said Maritime Spatial Planning Directive) establishes a framework in order to reduce conflicts between sectors and create synergies between different activities, to encourage investment – by creating predictability, transparency and clearer rules, to increase cross-border cooperation – between EU countries to develop energy grids, shipping lanes, pipelines, submarine cables and other activities, but also to develop coherent networks of protected areas, and to protect the environment – through early identification of impact and opportunities for multiple use of space. The SIMWESTMED project (Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region) is an EU/DG Mare co-funded cross-border project. It was launched on 1st of January 2017 and involves Spain, France, Italy and Malta, while these countries had just designated their Competent Authorities and transposed the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive. SIMWESTMED aims to support the implementation of the MSP Directive in the waters of Spain, France, Italy and Malta, as well as to establish cross-border cooperation mechanisms between these Member States, to contribute to the coherence of their marine spatial plans to be established by 2021. The action ran until 31st of December 2018 and was based on a partnership of public bodies of the countries and two international organisations. It was composed of CEDEX, IEO, AFB, CEREMA, Shom, CORILA and its affiliated entities IUAV and CNR-ISMAR, MIT, IMELS, PA, CPMR, UNEP-MAP and its affiliated entity UNEP-MAP/PAP-RAC. Shom acted as coordinator. The objectives of the SIMWESTMED project were addressed through a variety of activities and desktop or case studies. They are dedicated to identifying the methodology steps, and explore the challenges and opportunities of the MSP implementation in the Western Mediterranean area, including thus related to transboundary issues (Ecosystem based approach, marine policies, Barcelona Convention, Land Sea Interactions, geographical scale of the plans, data interoperability, tools to support MSP). The project led to a multiplicity of outputs including overviews of MSP relevant information related to the countries and on more focus areas, to a number of interviews and meetings where stakeholder views were collected to feed the reasoning, and to guidelines and good practices to be shared at a national and transnational level with marine stakeholders, scientists as well as planners, administrations and authorities. In addition, SIMWESTMED permitted a lot of progression internally in the countries and regarding transboundary cooperation. It led to establish and develop new dialogues and to connect the technical or scientific actors, the stakeholders, the administrations of the countries of a same sea basin, and the administrations within the countries, including the representative of Regions. It allowed to better understand Maritime Spatial Planning mechanisms, to share knowledge and as such reached to build capacities, which is of importance as there is such a need in the Mediterranean area compared to more Northern countries. The project also permitted to address topics which have never been addressed before. The involvement of some countries in SIMWESTMED and in the EU-DG Mare "brother" projects SUPREME, SIMNORAT and SIMCelt was useful for them to develop a global vision with their neighbours through the East and West side of the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic sea basin. At the end of this exercise, it is stated the need of pursuing the work and dialogue in particular through common tools, but at this stage, the SIMWESTMED has constituted a common knowledge and background. Disclaimer: The contents and conclusions of this report, including the maps and figures, do not imply the expression of any opinion or endorsement of the participating partners concerning the legal status of any country, territory, area, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names and related data shown on maps included in this report are not warranted to be error free nor do they imply official endorsement or acceptance by any of the participating partners. This report is a working document and may rely on data from sources external to the SIMWESTMED project Consortium and, in addition to this, it may contain some information gaps. Neither the European Commission or Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises nor UN Environment/MAP Barcelona Convention Secretariat may be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained in this report

    Desempenho de diferentes substratos na decomposição de carcaça de frango de corte Performance of different substrates in the decomposition of broiler carcass

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o desempenho de diferentes substratos na decomposição de carcaça de frango de corte. Utilizaram-se seis câmaras de uma composteira, medindo 0,80 m de largura, 1,20 m de profundidade e 1,50 m de altura cada uma. Os substratos utilizados foram: acícula de pinus, bagaço de cana, palha de milho, casca de amendoim, capim e maravalha. A compostagem foi acompanhada de 4 períodos. A pilha de cada câmara foi montada em 5 camadas, de cujo total foram depositadas, em duas camadas, 5 carcaças de aves, distribuídas uniformemente. A cada 10 dias se realizou o tombamento das pilhas com o objetivo de aerar o substrato e se lhe adicionou água. Após 30 dias realizou-se o tombamento final. Na montagem das pilhas e nos tombamentos pesaram-se, separadamente, as carcaças e os substratos. Durante o processo os parâmetros monitorados foram matéria seca, cinzas, fósforo, potássio, nitrogênio, pH, carbono orgânico e razão C/N. Todos os substratos foram eficientes na decomposição das carcaças de aves e os valores da composição físico-química final dos substratos estão de acordo com os valores da IN-25/Mapa, ou seja, todos os substratos podem ser utilizados como fertilizantes orgânicos simples.<br>The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of different substrates in the decomposition of broiler carcasses. Six containers of a compost maker were used each one measuring 0.80 m width, 1.20 m depth and 1.50 m height. The substrates were: pine aciculae, sugarcane bagasse, corn straw, peanut shells, grass and sawdust. The composting was accompanied by four periods. The pile of each container was made up of five layers, in which, five poultry carcasses were uniformly deposited in two layers. The tumbling of the piles was done every 10 days, with the purpose to provide aeration for the substrate and water was added to the same. After 30 days, the final tumbling was done. In the assembly piles and in the tumbling process the carcasses and the substrate were weighed separately. During the process, the monitored parameters were dry matter, ashes, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, pH, organic carbon and C/N ratio. All substrates were efficient in the decomposition of the broiler carcasses and final physiochemical composition values are in agreement with values in IN-25/Mapa, in other words, all of the substrates can be used as simple organic fertilizers