1,316 research outputs found

    Training in social abilities: A learning and teaching method to develop interpersonal communication abilities in the infirmary area

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    Constituye el presente estudio una experiencia sobre la validez del entrenamiento en habilidades sociales en el área de la atención a pacientes en el campo de la enfermería. El estudio se ha realizado con un procedimiento experimental en el que se han utilizado dos grupos de alumnos de enfermería, uno de ellos figuraba como grupo control. Ambos grupos tenían el mismo nivel de comunicación interpersonal. Al grupo experimental se le sometió a un proceso de entrenamiento en habilidades sociales con el fin de mejorar su capacidad comunicativa. Después de varios meses se volvieron a someter a la misma prueba de habilidades sociales (Escala Multidimensional de Expresión Social) confirmándose la influencia del entrenamiento recibido por parte del grupo experimental, en el sentido de obtener éste una diferencia significativa respecto del grupo control.The present study is an experience about the validity of the training in social abilities in the area of attention to patient in the field of infirmary. The study has been carried out with an experimental procedure in which has been used two groups of nursing students, one of them figured as control group. Both groups had the same level of interpersonal communication. Experimental group was subjected to a process of training in social abilities with the purpose of improving their talkative capacity. After several months they underwent the same test of social abilities again and influence of the training received on the part of the experimental group was confirmed, in the sense of obtaining this a significant difference regarding the group control

    Diseño de un sistema de control distribuido usando Factory IO y Codesys V3 (comunication through OPC)

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    La automatización industrial se basa en la utilización de tecnologías para el control y monitoreo de procesos industriales, aparatos, dispositivos o máquinas. El objetivo de la misma es la máxima reducción posible de la intervención humana en los procesos industriales, automatizando tareas y procesos repetitivos, fatigosos o molestos. Además, permite un aumento de la producción y garantiza la uniformidad en la calidad del producto final de un lote a otro. No cabe duda de que la automatización industrial es y será un avance que nos hará más competitivos y rentables. Todo esto hace que, cualquier estudio relacionado con la automatización industrial entrañe especial importancia. [1] En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se analizan de forma general los autómatas programables (PLC´s) y se presentan los programas principales que van a ser utilizados tanto para crear la escena como para elaborar el control de la misma. Tras esto, resulta necesario la elaboración de una guía que facilite al usuario el proceso de configuración de ambos programas con vistas a la comunicación de los mismos. Dicha comunicación se realizará vía OPC y gracias a la guía citada anteriormente, el lector podrá crear un proyecto en CODESYS y, apoyándose en una de las escenas que FACTORY I/O pone a su disposición, llevar a cabo la configuración requerida hasta conseguir su propósito. A continuación, se presentará la escena elaborada, analizando las partes que la componen y ubicando todos y cada uno de los sensores y actuadores presentes en la misma. Tras la citada ubicación, se elabora un listado en el que se incluyen los nombrados sensores y actuadores, dando una breve descripción que ayude al lector a entender mejor su función dentro de la planta. Posteriormente, se analiza el funcionamiento de la planta, explicando de forma general el proceso de clasificación. Además, se exponen especificaciones que deben tenerse en cuenta a la hora de realizar el control de la planta. Por último, se presentan las soluciones elaboradas del sistema completo, capítulo en cual se analizan los distintos lenguajes de programación y se comenta la importancia de la elaboración de subsistemas a la hora de realizar el control. En adición a ello, se exponen los modos de operación y se estudia la estructura que presentan los programas existentes, analizando la dependencia entre ellos y la importancia de cada uno.Industrial automation is based on the use of technology for the control and monitoring of industrial processes, apparatus, devices, or machines. The aim is the maximum possible reduction of human intervention in industrial processes, automating tasks and repetitive, tiring or troublesome processes. In addition, it allows an increase in the production and ensures uniformity in the quality of the final product from one batch to another. There is no doubt that the industrial automation is and will be a step forward that will make us more competitive and profitable. All this means that any study related to industrial automation involves a special importance. [1] In this dissertation are analysed programmable controllers (PLC´s) generally and are presented the main programs that will be used to create the scene as to make the control of the same. After this, it is necessary to produce a guide that facilitates user setup of both programs with a view to the communication of them. This communication will be via OPC and thanks to the guide above, the reader can create a project in CODESYS and leaning on one of the scenes that FACTORY I/O puts at your disposal, carry out the required settings to achieve its purpose. The elaborate scene will be presented below, analysing the parts that compose it and locating each of the sensors and actuators on the same. After the aforementioned location, is prepared a listing that includes named sensors and actuators, giving a brief description that will help the reader to better understand their function within the plant. Subsequently, the operation of the plant is analysed, explaining the process of classification in general. In addition, specifications that must be considered when it comes to the control of the plant are exposed. Finally, presented elaborate solutions of the complete system, chapter which discusses the different programming languages and discussed the importance of the development of subsystems to control. In addition to this, operating modes are exposed and studies structure that have existing programs, analysing dependence between them and the importance of each one.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías Industriale

    Attitudes Towards the Development of Good Practices with Augmented Reality in Secondary Education Teachers in Spain

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    The attitude of the teaching staff is positioned as a fundamental aspect for the development of good training practices. These good practices are essential when applied within an innovative techno-pedagogical methodology: augmented reality in education. The objectives of this study are to analyze the development of good teaching practices with augmented reality and to discover the factors that influence their quality. A descriptive and correlational design has been carried out. A total of 1490 Spanish Secondary Education teachers have participated. The instrument used was the adaptation to the Spanish context of the questionnaire of the Attitude Scale of Augmented Reality Applications. The results reveal that teachers show a positive attitude towards the use of augmented reality. As for the aspects that influence the good attitude of teachers are age, the number of devices teachers use, the time they dedicate to technological resources and teaching experience. However, ICT training is what determines a direct influence on the attitude of teachers, as well as satisfaction with reliabilityUniversity of Granada/CBUAI + D + i Project OTRI-University of Granada with financing code number 4995EducaTech XXI Research Group (SEG-666) of the University of Granad

    Co-word analysis and academic performance from the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology in Web of Science

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    This study has been funded by the I+D+i project: Active methodologies for learning through technological resources for the development of society; code: CNT 4315.Since its inception in 1985, the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) has been dedicated to the diffusion of studies on the integration of technology in higher education. Its track record in this field has placed it in the first quartile of the Scimago Journal & Country Rank. The objective of the study was to reveal to the scientific community the journey and evolution that this journal has had throughout its existence in Web of Science. A bibliometric methodology was used, supported by a scientific mapping from a unit of analysis of 798 documents. For this reason, a co-word analysis can be a fundamental tool for understanding the characteristics of their production and their impact on the scientific community. There is an evident progressive evolution of the studies published in the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, with a first phase focused on the design and implementation of educational technology in learning environments, a second phase focused on the enrichment of technology and its acceptance within the processes of teaching and learning, and finally a stage focused on student and teacher perceptions of the implementation of technology in the educational context.I+D+i project: Active methodologies for learning through technological resources for the development of society CNT 431

    Theoretical study of the low‐lying states of trans‐1,3‐butadiene

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    We present extensive ab initio calculations on the low‐lying electronic states of trans‐1,3‐butadiene within the multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) framework by selecting the configurations with a perturbative criterion. The X 1Ag ground state and 1 3Bu, 1 3Ag, 2 1Ag, and 1 1Bu valence excited states have been calculated at a fixed geometry. The results obtained are in good agreement with previous experimental and calculated values, and could help to understand polyene spectroscopy, photochemistry, and photophysics. The advantages of a MRCI method where the most important contributions to the total MRCI wave function, perturbatively selected, are treated variationally, and the remaining terms are evaluated by means of a perturbational approach, are also discussed. Furthermore, a criterion in order to build a correlation‐consistent configuration interaction space is stated and, therefore, a reliable approximation to achieve accurate energy differences is obtained. Several monoelectronic molecular‐orbital basis functions are tried in order to select the most adequate to describe each [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Elementary presentation of self‐consistent intermediate Hamiltonians and proposal of two totally dressed singles and doubles configuration interaction methods

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    Intermediate Hamiltonians are effective Hamiltonians which are defined on an N‐dimensional model space but which only provide n<N exact eigenvalues and the projections of the corresponding eigenvectors onto the model space. For a single root research, the intermediate Hamiltonian may be obtained from the restriction of the Hamiltonian to the model space by an appropriate, uniquely defined dressing of the diagonal energies or of the first column. Approximate self‐consistent dressings may be proposed. The simplest perturbative form gives the same result as the original 2nd order intermediate Hamiltonian or the ‘‘shifted Bk’’ technique but it is of easier implementation. Self‐consistent inclusion of higher order exclusion principle violating corrections greatly improves the results, especially for nearly degenerate problems, as shown on several illustrative applications. Possible generalizations to enlarged or reduced model spaces are [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Prevalencia y riesgo anual de infeccion por tuberculosis en la población escolar de 7 años de edad de Ceuta

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    ResumenObjetivoConocer la prevalencia de la infección tuberculosa y el riesgo anual de infección en la población escolar de Ceuta.MétodoEstudio transversal. Se realizó la prueba de la tuberculina (2UT RT-23 Tween 80) a los niños de 7 años de edad escolarizados en Ceuta en 2008. Se consideraron positivos los niños no vacunados con una induración ≥5mm a las 72 horas.ResultadosSe estudiaron 612 niños. La prevalencia de la infección fue del 0,98% (intervalo de confianza del 95%, margen de error del 2,5%). Su distribución mostró diferencias entre las tres zonas de salud, y fue mayor en las zonas más deprimidas, donde llegó al 2,07%. El riesgo anual de infección fue del 0,15%.ConclusionesLa prevalencia de la infección es de las más altas de España, según los últimos estudios realizados. Los resultados no se corresponden con los datos epidemiológicos de tuberculosis de Ceuta, al tener en cuenta los casos importados.AbstractObjectiveTo determine the prevalence of tuberculosis infection and annual risk of infection in the school population of Ceuta.MethodA cross-sectional study was conducted. A tuberculin test (2UT RT-23 Tween 80) was given to 7-year-old schoolchildren in Ceuta in 2008. A positive result was considered as an induration of ≥5mm at 72hours in unvaccinated children.ResultsA total of 612 children were studied. The prevalence of tuberculosis infection was 0.98% (95% confidence interval with a 2.5% margin of error). The distribution showed differences among three health areas, and was greatest in the most deprived area (2.07%). The annual risk of infection was 0.15%.ConclusionsAccording to the most recent studies, the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in Ceuta is one of the highest of Spain. Our results do not agree with the epidemiological data for tuberculosis in Ceuta, which also includes imported cases

    Importancia de la predicción de movimientos en masa en el Valle de Aburrá

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    RESUMEN: Un movimiento en masa es un movimiento de suelo o roca hacia abajo de un talud, causado por efecto de la gravedad (Biansoongnern, Plungkang, & Susuk, 2016). De acuerdo al espesor de suelo que se desplaza, suelen ser divididos en dos tipos: superficiales y profundos, estos últimos con espesores superiores a dos metros (Sidle & Bogaard, 2016). La ocurrencia de este fenómeno representa una causa frecuente de desastres en todo el mundo, debido a que las vidas y propiedades humanas se ven afectadas en muchos casos (Aristizábal & Yokota, 2006)

    Tema 8. La evaluación en educación especial: la propuesta curricular adaptada

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    Contenidos del Tema 8. La evaluación en educación especial: la propuesta curricular adaptada