235 research outputs found


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    The treatment of residual waters is a global need, and to address this, artificial or built wetlands (BW) are an ecological and economically viable option. Currently, recent studies have focused on the use of wetlands not only as treatment systems, but also for the reuse of treated water and to solve other problems in mitigating water scarcity. Likewise, the production of ornamental plants in the wetlands, using uncommon vegetation in natural wetlands is another objective of the use of BW. Describing the BW, their main uses, and reviewing the study cases present in México, is the main objective of this study. Although in the country there are BW that show efficiency in the removal of contaminants, and therefore the reuse of water, and where ornamental plants are produced, a higher use of eco-technology is required to solve the problems of water pollution; this, in addition to the design of manuals, workshops and training for the efficient construction and operation of BW systems.El tratamiento de aguas residuales es una necesidad global, y para su atención, los humedales artificiales o construidos (HC) son una opción ecológica y económicamente viable. En la actualidad, recientes estudios han enfocado el uso de humedales no sólo como sistemas de tratamiento, sino también para reutilización del agua tratada y resolver otras problemáticas para mitigar escasez del líquido. De igual manera, la producción de plantas ornamentales en los humedales, utilizando vegetación no común en humedales naturales es otro objetivo en el uso de los HC. Describir a los HC, sus principales usos, y revisar los casos de estudio existentes en México, es el principal objetivo de este trabajo. Aunque en el país existen HC que demuestran eficiencia de remoción de contaminantes, y por lo tanto la reutilización del agua, y se producen plantas de ornato, se requiere mayor utilización de la eco-tecnología para resolver los problemas de contaminación de agua, esto aunado con el diseño de manuales, talleres y capacitaciones para la construcción y operación eficiente de sistemas de H

    A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Nitrogen Pollution in a Coastal Region with Mangroves of the Southern Gulf of Mexico

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    [EN] Nitrogen pollution is a growing problem in many rivers and estuaries of the Southern Gulf of Mexico. In Costa Esmeralda, a tourist destination in Veracruz, the increasing nitrogen pollution is causing severe environmental damage. However, very few studies addressed nitrogen pollution and its consequences for beaches and mangroves. In this study, a spatiotemporal evaluation of nitrogen concentrations was performed along two rivers discharging into Costa Esmeralda and the associated mangrove and coastal areas. The data used was obtained from the local government, which measured ammonium, nitrate and organic nitrogen concentrations between 2013 and 2016 with four annual measurements. Clustering analysis was used to detect the nitrogen concentration di erences between riverine and coastal sites. Additionally, Mann-Kendall test was used to detect the trends throughout the study period. The Mann-Whitney W-test determined the di erence in the median concentrations between the dry and the wet season. The results indicate that organic nitrogen concentrations are increasing in river mouths and coastal waters. Nitrogen pollution caused an intrusion of water hyacinths in touristic beaches and completely covered mangroves. The decomposition of these plants in saline waters was identified as the main potential source of increasing organic concentrations, driven by nitrogen pollution from wastewater, deforestation and fertilizers, and causing many environmental and socio-economic damage to the area. The results shed light on the prevailing water pollution problems in the Southern Gulf of Mexico.This research was funded by an Excellence Scholarship awarded by the Mexican Government through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID)Temiño-Boes, R.; Romero-Lopez, R.; Romero Gil, I. (2019). A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Nitrogen Pollution in a Coastal Region with Mangroves of the Southern Gulf of Mexico. Water. 11(10):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11102143S1161110Muñoz Sevilla, N. P., & Le Bail, M. (2017). Latin American and Caribbean regional perspective on Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) of Large Marine Ecosystems goods and services. Environmental Development, 22, 9-17. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2017.01.006Yáñez-Arancibia, A., Day, J. W., & Reyes, E. (2013). Understanding the Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management Approach in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Coastal Research, 63, 244-262. doi:10.2112/si63-018.1Bianchi, T. S., DiMarco, S. F., Cowan, J. H., Hetland, R. D., Chapman, P., Day, J. W., & Allison, M. A. (2010). The science of hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A review. Science of The Total Environment, 408(7), 1471-1484. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.11.047Laurent, A., Fennel, K., Cai, W., Huang, W., Barbero, L., & Wanninkhof, R. (2017). Eutrophication‐induced acidification of coastal waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Insights into origin and processes from a coupled physical‐biogeochemical model. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(2), 946-956. doi:10.1002/2016gl071881Bargu, S., Baustian, M. M., Rabalais, N. N., Del Rio, R., Von Korff, B., & Turner, R. E. (2016). Influence of the Mississippi River on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Abundance and Toxicity in Louisiana Coastal Waters. Estuaries and Coasts, 39(5), 1345-1356. doi:10.1007/s12237-016-0088-yHe, S., & Xu, Y. J. (2015). Three Decadal Inputs of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Four Major Coastal Rivers to the Summer Hypoxic Zone of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 226(9). doi:10.1007/s11270-015-2580-6Alexander, R. B., Smith, R. A., Schwarz, G. E., Boyer, E. W., Nolan, J. V., & Brakebill, J. W. (2008). Differences in Phosphorus and Nitrogen Delivery to The Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River Basin. Environmental Science & Technology, 42(3), 822-830. doi:10.1021/es0716103Álvarez Torres, P., Rabalais, N. N., Piña Gutiérrez, J. M., & Padrón López, R. M. (2017). Research and community of practice of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem. Environmental Development, 22, 166-174. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2017.04.004Martinez, M. L., Silva, R., Lithgow, D., Mendoza, E., Flores, P., Martínez, R., & Cruz, C. (2017). Human Impact on Coastal Resilience along the Coast of Veracruz, Mexico. Journal of Coastal Research, 77, 143-153. doi:10.2112/si77-015.1Macauley, J. M., Harwell, L. C., & Alafita, H. V. (2007). The Ecological Condition of Veracruz, Mexico Estuaries. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 133(1-3), 177-185. doi:10.1007/s10661-006-9571-4Rivera-Guzmán, N. E., Moreno-Casasola, P., Ibarra-Obando, S. E., Sosa, V. J., & Herrera-Silveira, J. (2014). Long term state of coastal lagoons in Veracruz, Mexico: Effects of land use changes in watersheds on seagrasses habitats. Ocean & Coastal Management, 87, 30-39. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.10.007Anguiano-Cuevas, J. R., Olivos-Ortiz, A., Cervantes, O., Azuz-Adeath, I., Ramírez-Álvarez, N., & Rivera-Rodríguez, M. C. (2015). Evaluation of trophic state in the Palo Verde estuary (Colima, México), action to regulating agricultural activities. Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, 15(4), 507-522. doi:10.5894/rgci582Okolodkov, Y. B., Campos-Bautista, G., & Gárate-Lizárraga, I. (2016). Circadian rhythm of a red-tide dinoflagellate Peridinium quadridentatum in the port of Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico, its thecal morphology, nomenclature and geographical distribution. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 108(1-2), 289-296. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.04.047Ulloa, M. J., Álvarez-Torres, P., Horak-Romo, K. P., & Ortega-Izaguirre, R. (2017). Harmful algal blooms and eutrophication along the mexican coast of the Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem. Environmental Development, 22, 120-128. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2016.10.007Mokondoko, P., Manson, R. H., & Pérez-Maqueo, O. (2016). Assessing the service of water quality regulation by quantifying the effects of land use on water quality and public health in central Veracruz, Mexico. Ecosystem Services, 22, 161-173. doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.09.001Giri, C., Ochieng, E., Tieszen, L. L., Zhu, Z., Singh, A., Loveland, T., … Duke, N. (2010). Status and distribution of mangrove forests of the world using earth observation satellite data. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20(1), 154-159. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2010.00584.xHolguin, G., Gonzalez-Zamorano, P., de-Bashan, L. E., Mendoza, R., Amador, E., & Bashan, Y. (2006). Mangrove health in an arid environment encroached by urban development—a case study. Science of The Total Environment, 363(1-3), 260-274. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.05.026Thorhaug, A. L., Poulos, H. M., López-Portillo, J., Barr, J., Lara-Domínguez, A. L., Ku, T. C., & Berlyn, G. P. (2019). Gulf of Mexico estuarine blue carbon stock, extent and flux: Mangroves, marshes, and seagrasses: A North American hotspot. Science of The Total Environment, 653, 1253-1261. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.011Kauffman, J. B., Hernandez Trejo, H., del Carmen Jesus Garcia, M., Heider, C., & Contreras, W. M. (2015). Carbon stocks of mangroves and losses arising from their conversion to cattle pastures in the Pantanos de Centla, Mexico. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 24(2), 203-216. doi:10.1007/s11273-015-9453-zFeller, I. C., Friess, D. A., Krauss, K. W., & Lewis, R. R. (2017). The state of the world’s mangroves in the 21st century under climate change. Hydrobiologia, 803(1), 1-12. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3331-zDuke, N. C., Meynecke, J.-O., Dittmann, S., Ellison, A. M., Anger, K., Berger, U., … Dahdouh-Guebas, F. (2007). A World Without Mangroves? Science, 317(5834), 41b-42b. doi:10.1126/science.317.5834.41bTorres V., J. R., Infante-Mata, D., Sánchez, A. J., Espinoza-Tenorio, A., & Barba, E. (2018). Degradación de hojarasca y aporte de nutrientes del manglar en la Laguna Mecoacán, Golfo de México. Revista de Biología Tropical, 66(2), 892. doi:10.15517/rbt.v66i2.33421Holguin, G., Vazquez, P., & Bashan, Y. (2001). The role of sediment microorganisms in the productivity, conservation, and rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems: an overview. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 33(4), 265-278. doi:10.1007/s003740000319Reis, C. R. G., Nardoto, G. B., & Oliveira, R. S. (2016). Global overview on nitrogen dynamics in mangroves and consequences of increasing nitrogen availability for these systems. Plant and Soil, 410(1-2), 1-19. doi:10.1007/s11104-016-3123-7Geedicke, I., Oldeland, J., & Leishman, M. R. (2018). Urban stormwater run-off promotes compression of saltmarshes by freshwater plants and mangrove forests. Science of The Total Environment, 637-638, 137-144. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.357Adame, M. F., Najera, E., Lovelock, C. E., & Brown, C. J. (2018). Avoided emissions and conservation of scrub mangroves: potential for a Blue Carbon project in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Biology Letters, 14(12), 20180400. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2018.0400López-Portillo, J., Lara-Domínguez, A. L., Vázquez, G., & Aké-Castillo, J. A. (2017). Water Quality and Mangrove-Derived Tannins in Four Coastal Lagoons from the Gulf of Mexico with Variable Hydrologic Dynamics. Journal of Coastal Research, 77, 28-38. doi:10.2112/si77-004.1VILLAMAGNA, A. M., & MURPHY, B. R. (2010). Ecological and socio-economic impacts of invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): a review. Freshwater Biology, 55(2), 282-298. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02294.xOliveira-Junior, E. S., Tang, Y., van den Berg, S. J. P., Cardoso, S. J., Lamers, L. P. M., & Kosten, S. (2018). The impact of water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes ) on greenhouse gas emission and nutrient mobilization depends on rooting and plant coverage. Aquatic Botany, 145, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2017.11.005Téllez, T. R., López, E., Granado, G., Pérez, E., López, R., & Guzmán, J. (2008). The Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes: an invasive plant in the Guadiana River Basin (Spain). Aquatic Invasions, 3(1), 42-53. doi:10.3391/ai.2008.3.1.8Tabla-Hernandez, J., Rodriguez-Espinosa, P. F., Mendoza-Pérez, J. A., Sánchez-Ortíz, E., Martinez-Tavera, E., & Hernandez-Ramirez, A. G. (2019). Assessment of Potential Toxic Metals in a Ramsar Wetland, Central Mexico and its Self-Depuration through Eichhornia crassipes. Water, 11(6), 1248. doi:10.3390/w11061248Fox, L. J., Struik, P. C., Appleton, B. L., & Rule, J. H. (2008). Nitrogen Phytoremediation by Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 194(1-4), 199-207. doi:10.1007/s11270-008-9708-xLuisa Martínez, M., Mendoza-González, G., Silva-Casarín, R., & Mendoza-Baldwin, E. (2014). Land use changes and sea level rise may induce a «coastal squeeze» on the coasts of Veracruz, Mexico. Global Environmental Change, 29, 180-188. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.09.009Pérez-Maqueo, O., Martínez, M. L., & Cóscatl Nahuacatl, R. (2017). Is the protection of beach and dune vegetation compatible with tourism? Tourism Management, 58, 175-183. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2016.10.019González-Marín, R. M., Moreno-Casasola, P., Castro-Luna, A. A., & Castillo, A. (2016). Regaining the traditional use of wildlife in wetlands on the coastal plain of Veracruz, Mexico: ensuring food security in the face of global climate change. Regional Environmental Change, 17(5), 1343-1354. doi:10.1007/s10113-016-0955-xAli, T. A., Mortula, M., Atabay, S., & Navadeh, E. (2015). A GIS-based spatiotemporal study of the variability of water quality in the Dubai Creek, UAE. Water Quality Research Journal, 51(3), 219-232. doi:10.2166/wqrjc.2015.020Kitsiou, D., & Karydis, M. (2011). Coastal marine eutrophication assessment: A review on data analysis. Environment International, 37(4), 778-801. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2011.02.004Primpas, I., Tsirtsis, G., Karydis, M., & Kokkoris, G. D. (2010). Principal component analysis: Development of a multivariate index for assessing eutrophication according to the European water framework directive. Ecological Indicators, 10(2), 178-183. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2009.04.007Hajigholizadeh, M., & Melesse, A. M. (2017). Assortment and spatiotemporal analysis of surface water quality using cluster and discriminant analyses. CATENA, 151, 247-258. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2016.12.018Chaudhuri, S., & Dutta, D. (2014). Mann–Kendall trend of pollutants, temperature and humidity over an urban station of India with forecast verification using different ARIMA models. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(8), 4719-4742. doi:10.1007/s10661-014-3733-6Rodríguez-Romero, A., Rico-Sánchez, A., Mendoza-Martínez, E., Gómez-Ruiz, A., Sedeño-Díaz, J., & López-López, E. (2018). Impact of Changes of Land Use on Water Quality, from Tropical Forest to Anthropogenic Occupation: A Multivariate Approach. Water, 10(11), 1518. doi:10.3390/w10111518Uso de Fertilizantes Químicos en la Superficie Sembrada 2016 https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/220645/Boletines_superficie_sembrada.pdfUlrich-Schad, J. D., de Jalón, S. G., Babin, N., Pape, A., & Prokopy, L. S. (2017). Measuring and understanding agricultural producers’ adoption of nutrient best management practices. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(5), 506-518. doi:10.2489/jswc.72.5.506Thorburn, P. J., Biggs, J. S., Palmer, J., Meier, E. A., Verburg, K., & Skocaj, D. M. (2017). Prioritizing Crop Management to Increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Australian Sugarcane Crops. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01504Van Meter, K. J., Basu, N. B., & Van Cappellen, P. (2017). Two centuries of nitrogen dynamics: Legacy sources and sinks in the Mississippi and Susquehanna River Basins. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31(1), 2-23. doi:10.1002/2016gb005498Robertson, G. P., & Vitousek, P. M. (2009). Nitrogen in Agriculture: Balancing the Cost of an Essential Resource. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 34(1), 97-125. doi:10.1146/annurev.environ.032108.105046Zaldívar-Jiménez, A., Ladrón-de-Guevara-Porras, P., Pérez-Ceballos, R., Díaz-Mondragón, S., & Rosado-Solórzano, R. (2017). US-Mexico joint Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem based assessment and management: Experience in community involvement and mangrove wetland restoration in Términos lagoon, Mexico. Environmental Development, 22, 206-213. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2017.02.007Hudson, A. (2017). Restoring and Protecting the world’s large marine ecosystems: An engine for job creation and sustainable economic development. Environmental Development, 22, 150-155. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2016.10.003Vázquez-González, C., Moreno-Casasola, P., Hernández, M. E., Campos, A., Espejel, I., & Fermán-Almada, J. L. (2016). Mangrove and Freshwater Wetland Conservation Through Carbon Offsets: A Cost-Benefit Analysis for Establishing Environmental Policies. Environmental Management, 59(2), 274-290. doi:10.1007/s00267-016-0790-3Adame, M. F., Brown, C. J., Bejarano, M., Herrera-Silveira, J. A., Ezcurra, P., Kauffman, J. B., & Birdsey, R. (2018). The undervalued contribution of mangrove protection in Mexico to carbon emission targets. Conservation Letters, 11(4), e12445. doi:10.1111/conl.1244

    Tratamiento antiarrítmico actual de la fibrilación auricular no valvular en España: datos del Registro FANTASIIA

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Recently, there have been many developments in the management of nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, antiarrhythmic and anticoagulant therapy, and nonpharmacological treatment, but these developments are not applied immediately in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to identify the overall management and antiarrhythmic therapy used in the current general population of patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in Spain. Methods. A prospective, observational study of 1318 consecutive anticoagulated patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, recruited between June 2013 and March 2014. We analyzed the patients’ general characteristics, management, and antiarrhythmic therapy. Results. Mean age was 73.8 ± 9.4 years; 42.5% were women. Atrial fibrillation was paroxysmal in 28% of the patients, permanent in 50%, persistent in 17.6%, long-standing persistent in 4.5%, and new-onset in 66 patients (5%). A rhythm control strategy was chosen in 39.4% of the patients and rate control in 60.6%. Beta-blockers were prescribed in 60.2% of the patients, digoxin in 19.5%, and calcium channel antagonists in 10.7%. The antiarrhythmic agents used were amiodarone (12.6%), flecainide (8.9%), propafenone (0.4%), sotalol (0.5%), and dronedarone (2.3%). Cardioversion had been performed previously in 41.9% of the patients, ablation in 3.4%, and atrial appendage closure in 0.2%. Conclusions. Currently, patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in Spain are managed mainly with rate control, and beta-blockers in particular. They receive few antiarrhythmic agents and only a very small number of these patients undergo nonpharmacological treatments.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. Recientemente se han producido numerosas novedades en el manejo de la fibrilación auricular no valvular y el tratamiento antiarrítmico, anticoagulante y no farmacológico empleado, pero su aplicación a la clínica no es inmediata. El objetivo del trabajo es conocer las características generales de manejo y tratamiento antiarrítmico de una población general de pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular actualmente en España. Métodos. Estudio observacional y prospectivo de 1.318 pacientes consecutivos con fibrilación auricular no valvular, anticoagulados y reclutados entre junio de 2013 y marzo de 2014. Se analizan sus características generales, el manejo y el tratamiento antiarrítmico utilizado. Resultados. La media de edad era 73,8 ± 9,4 años; eran mujeres el 42,5%. La fibrilación auricular fue paroxística en el 28% de los casos, permanente en el 50%, persistente en el 17,6%, persistente de larga duración en el 4,5% y de novo en 66 pacientes (5%). Se eligió control del ritmo en el 39,4% de los casos y de frecuencia en el 60,6%. Tomaron bloqueadores beta el 60,2%, digoxina el 19,5% y antagonistas del calcio el 10,7%. Los antiarrítmicos empleados fueron amiodarona (12,6%), flecainida (8,9%), propafenona (0,4%), sotalol (0,5%) y dronedarona (2,3%). Se realizó cardioversión previa en el 41,9%, ablación en el 3,4% y cierre de orejuela en el 0,2%. Conclusiones. Actualmente en nuestro país se maneja a los pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular preferentemente con control de frecuencia, sobre todo con bloqueadores beta, reciben pocos antiarrítmicos y se los somete en muy baja proporción a tratamientos no farmacológicos

    "Snorkelling" vs. "diving" in mixed micelles probed by means of a molecular bathymeter

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    [EN] A photoactive bathymeter based on a carboxylic acid moiety covalently linked to a signalling methoxynaphthalene (MNP) fluorophore has been designed to prove the concept of "snorkelling" vs. "diving" in mixed micelles (MM). The carboxylic acid "floats" on the MM surface, while the MNP unit sinks deep in MM. The rate constants of MNP fluorescence quenching by iodide, which remains basically in water, consistently decrease with increasing spacer length, revealing different regions. This is associated with the distance MNP should "dive" in MM to achieve protection from aqueous reactants. Unequivocal proof of the exergonic photoinduced electron transfer was obtained from the UV-visible spectral signature of I-3(-) upon steady-state photolysis. The applicability of the bathymeter was examined upon testing a family of MNP derivatives. The obtained results were validated by comparison with different lipophilicity tests: (i) a modified version of the K-ow partition coefficient and (ii) the retention factor on thin layer chromatography. This concept could potentially be extended to test drugs or pharmacophores exhibiting any photoactive moiety.Financial support from the Spanish Government (SEV-2016-0683), Red RETICS de Investigacion de Reacciones Adversas a Alergenos y Farmacos (RIRAAF), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD012/0013, RD16/0006/0030, FIS PI16/01877), VLC-Campus and the Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo Program) is gratefully acknowledged.Rodríguez Muñiz, GM.; Gomez Mendoza, M.; Nuin Pla, NE.; Andreu Ros, MI.; Marín García, ML.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ. (2017). "Snorkelling" vs. "diving" in mixed micelles probed by means of a molecular bathymeter. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 15(48):10281-10288. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7ob02595eS10281102881548Porter, C. J. H., Trevaskis, N. L., & Charman, W. N. (2007). 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    Quality of anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists

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    [Abstract] Background. Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) have a narrow therapeutic range, and literature analysis reveals poor quality of anticoagulation control. We sought to assess the prevalence of poor anticoagulant control in patients under VKA treatment in the prevention of stroke for atrial fibrillation (AF). Hypothesis.Control of anticoagulation with VKA is inadequate in a high percentage of patients with AF. Methods.Patients with AF under VKA treatment were prospectively recruited in this observational registry. The sample comprised 948 patients. The estimated time spent in the therapeutic range (TTR) was calculated, and variables related with a TTR >65% were analyzed. Results.Mean age was 73.8 ± 9.4 years, and 42.5% of the patients were women. Mean TTR was 63.77% ± 23.80% for the direct method and 60.27% ± 24.48% for the Rosendaal method. Prevalence of poor anticoagulation control was 54%. Variables associated with good anticoagulation control were university studies (odds ratio [OR]: 1.99, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.08-3.64), chronic hepatic disease (OR: 8.15, 95% CI: 1.57-42.24), low comorbidity expressed as Charlson index (OR: 0.87, 95% CI: 0.76-0.99), no previous cardiac disease (OR: 0.64, 95% CI: 0.41-0.98), lower risk of bleeding assessed as hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile international normalized ratio, elderly age, and use of drugs or alcohol (HAS-BLED; OR: 0.81, 95% CI: 0.69-0.95), and lower heart rate (OR: 0.99, 95% CI: 0.98-0.99). Conclusions.Patients who receive VKA to prevent stroke for AF spend less than half the time within therapeutic range.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0068Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0010Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0069Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/0049Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD12/0042/006