411 research outputs found

    Visualisation of Perception of Experiential Activities in Business and Administration and Economy

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    This paper explores how to incorporate information visualization tools into qualitative studies to represent the underlying structure of knowledge. Information visualization plays a key role in many areas such as decision-making, data mining, market studies, or knowledge management. A case of experiential learning was developed for Quantitative Techniques in Business and Administration and Economy Degrees at the University of Granada, Spain. The goal is to analyze the opinion of students (n = 227) on the development of the activity through information visualization techniques. The gathered information was subjected to a categorization process to unify and homogenize the responses. After a term-clumping process, a co-word analysis using the VosViewer software is used to analyze the relationships among terms and provide the network maps. Results display the main associations and clusters of terms used when assessing the experiential activity, using qualitative techniques. In conclusion, the strengths of data visualization enabling a better understanding of data for qualitative studies are established

    Relaciones de apego y dependencia en una niña en situación de vulnerabilidad de la ciudad de Cartagena

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    El siguiente trabajo tuvo como propósito analizar la dinámica en las relaciones de apego y dependencia de los vínculos objetales en una niña en situación de vulnerabilidad de la ciudad de Cartagena. Desde un enfoque cualitativo, fundamentado en la hermenéutica psicoanalítica, se indagó en una muestra única con una niña de 10 años, por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada, test de la figura humana Machover K, 1949. Con la madre refleja una relación de apego seguro, con el padre una relación distante y por último con sus hermanos se refleja una relación ambivalente. Se discuten los alcances y limitaciones de estos hallazgo

    Evaluación del diligenciamiento de la historia clínica, programa de crecimiento y desarrollo, Hospital Santa Ana, Guática, Risaralda 2016

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    El diligenciamiento de la Historia Clínica es un indicador de la calidad asistencial, el estudio de la eficacia del registro clínico en una forma de auditoria puede ser un instrumento para la mejora de los estándares de atención, más aún al tener una función educativa para los profesionales de la salud.Declaración: EL AUTOR-ESTUDIANTE, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto, la obra es de su exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARÁGRAFO: en caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, EL ESTUDIANTE-AUTOR, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina actúa como un tercero de buena fe

    Estado actual de la producción de energía geotérmica en Colombia.

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    A raíz de la crisis medioambiental detectada el siglo pasado, que llevo a la firma de los tratados de Río de Janeiro en 1992 sobre el medio ambiente y el protocolo de Kioto de 1997 sobre cambio climático, se ha generado un compromiso para que los Estados promuevan la búsqueda de fuentes energéticas renovables no convencionales que protejan el medio ambiente, entre estas fuentes de energía se encuentran la geotermia. En Colombia se han detectado varios puntos con actividad para su desarrollo, entre ellos se encuentra el Nevado del Ruiz en la zona de la Nereidas en Caldas,el Azufral de Tuquerres en el departamento de Nariño (proyecto Azufral), Proyecto Geotérmico Binacional “Tufiño-Chiles-Cerro Negro” (Colombo- Ecuatoriano) y Paipa - Iza en el departamento de Boyacá (proyecto Paipa). La producción de energía por este sistema, ha demostrado ser de bajo impacto ambiental, aunque en la fase exploratoria y de montaje genera algunas afectaciones al ambiente que han sido objeto de estudio, y se diseñó una metodología para cuidarlo. Entre 2003 y 2012, hubo un gran despliegue mediático, sobre este tema, pero en la actualidad no hay información sobre la evolución del sistema y ni siquiera la crisis energética de principios de 2016, logró que se mostraran resultados sobre este tema. El trabajo encontró que de los cuatro grandes proyectos: Azufral en Nariño, Paipa en Boyacá, Tufiño-Chiles-Cerro Negro” (Colombo- Ecuatoriano) y las Nereidas en Villamaría (Caldas), el más avanzado es este último por estar tan sólo pendiente del permiso ambiental para entrar en la fase de desarrollo. El Tufiño-Chiles-Cerro Negro”, está en la fase de prefactibilidad y de los otros dos es muy poca la información de los proyectos. Aunque ISAGEN, espera estar produciendo energía eléctrica con el proyecto binacional para el 2018.Following the environmental crisis of the last century, which led to the signing of the Rio de Janeiro treaties in 1992 on the environment and the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 on climate change, a commitment has been made for States to promote the search for non-conventional renewable energy sources that protect the environment, these sources of energy include geothermal energy. In Colombia, several points have been detected with activity for its development, among them is the Nevado del Ruiz in the area of the Nereidas in Caldas, the Azufral of Tuquerres in the department of Nariño (project Azufral), Binational Geothermal Project "Tufiño- Chiles-Cerro Negro "(Colombo-Ecuadorian) and Paipa-Iza in the department of Boyacá (Paipa project). The production of energy by this system has been shown to be of low environmental impact, although in the exploratory and assembly phase it generates some effects to the environment that have been the object of study, and a methodology was designed to take care of it. Between 2003 and 2012, there was a great deal of media coverage on this issue, but at present there is no information on the evolution of the system and not even the energy crisis of early 2016, it managed to show results on this topic. The work found that of the four large projects: Azufral in Nariño, Paipa in Boyacá, Tufiño-Chiles-Cerro Negro "(Colombo-Ecuadorian) and Nereids in Villamaría (Caldas), the most advanced is the latter because it is only pending of the environmental permit to enter the development phase. El Tufiño-Chiles-Cerro Negro ", is in the pre-feasibility phase and the other two are very little information on the projects. Although ISAGEN, hopes to be producing electricity with the binational project for 2018

    Innovación, una estrategia de competitividad de las empresas colombianas en los mercados internacionales

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    Esta investigación fue desarrollada con el objetivo de verificar que la innovación es una herramienta valiosa para agregar valor a productos y servicios que incursionan en nuevos mercados y que compiten globalmente, según lo han demostrado compañías internacionales, que actualmente generan productos y servicios novedosos no solo en presentación, sino también en funcionalidad. Aunque no se puede afirmar, que la innovación es la única estrategia a aplicar, si se puede convertir en la mejor, pues es un factor determinante para la generación de competitividad en los paíse

    Influence of a Water-Based Exercise Program in the Rate of Spontaneous Birth: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    The authors are very grateful for the collaboration received in the financing of the publication with the San Cecilio Clinical Universitary Hospital of Granada and especially thank the collaboration with the Research Coordinator of the San Cecilio Clinical University Hospital. The University of Granada collaborated by facilitating the pool facilities at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.Introduction: Many women change their lifestyles and habits when they become pregnant, to avoid potentially harmful effects to themselves and their babies. This is especially so with respect to physical exercise, which is often greatly reduced due to ignorance of the benefits it provides during pregnancy. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of spontaneous birth among women who participated in a water-based physical exercise program. Methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted with a sample of 129 pregnant women (Control Group, CG = 64; Exercise Group, EG = 65). A physical exercise protocol, specifically designed for pregnant women, was created and applied. Those in the EG performed 60 min exercise sessions, three times per week for 17 weeks. The participants in the CG received routine check-ups and advice throughout their pregnancy. Findings: The women in the EG presented better results for the onset of spontaneous birth (OR = 2.060 (0.980–4.332)) and for neonate Apgar score of 10 at five minutes (OR = 8.53 (3.60–20.17)). Those who had normal weight at the start of pregnancy achieved better results for spontaneous delivery (OR = 2.099 (1.017–4.335)) than those with overweight/obesity. The rate of caesarean delivery was higher in the women with overweight/obesity (OR = 3.570 ((1.226–10.397)) than in those with normal weight. Conclusions: In our study, the women who followed the water-based exercise program gained less weight during pregnancy, which facilitated a better rate of spontaneous, non-instrumental childbirth, together with a better Apgar test score at five minutes

    New Insights in Prognosis and Therapy of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is a heterogeneous disease with a very variable clinical outcome. New biological markers, such as cytogenetic abnormalities or mutation status, have become important prognostic factors. Whole-genome sequencing studies have revealed novel genomic mutations, NOTCH1, SF3B1, BIRC3, TP53 and MYD88 being the most important. All these mutations have also been associated with the disease outcome. The treatment of CLL has evolved favourably in recent years. However, adverse events or chemorefractoriness occurs in some cases. Luckily, an increasing number of compounds are under development with promising results. Some of these new targeted therapies include B-cell receptor inhibitors, new anti-CD20 antibodies, Bcl-2 inhibitors, immunomodulatory drugs or chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). In this chapter, we will conduct a review of the new prognostic markers of CLL, the relationship they have with each other to build prognostic scores, the role they have in guiding treatment decisions and the novel therapies that have emerged recently with immunologic, biochemical and genetic targets

    DNA damage response-related alterations define the genetic background of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and chromosomal gains

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    [EN]The presence of chromosomal gains other than trisomy 12 suggesting a hyperdiploid karyotype is extremely rare in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and is associated with a dismal prognosis. However, the genetic mechanisms and mutational background of these patients have not been fully explored. To improve our understanding of the genetic underpinnings of this subgroup of CLL, seven CLL patients with several chromosomal gains were sequenced using a next-generation sequencing (NGS)-targeted approach. The mutational status of 54 genes was evaluated using a custom-designed gene panel including recurrent mutated genes observed in CLL and widely associated with CLL pathogenesis. A total of 21 mutations were detected; TP53 (42.8%), ATM (28.5%), SF3B1 (28.5%), and BRAF (28.5%) were the most recurrently mutated genes. Of these mutations, 61.9% were detected in genes previously associated with a poor prognosis in CLL. Interestingly, five of the seven patients exhibited alterations in TP53 or ATM (deletion and/or mutation), genes involved in the DNA damage response (DDR), which could be related to a high genetic instability in this subgroup of patients. In conclusion, CLL patients with several chromosomal gains exhibit high genetic instability, with mutations in CLL driver genes and high-risk genetic alterations involving ATM and/or TP53 genes

    Water Exercise and Quality of Life in Pregnancy: A Randomised Clinical Trial

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    Background: Physical exercise helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle and its practice is recommended for women during pregnancy as a means of limiting the negative effects on the body that may take place and to optimise well-being, mood and sleep patterns, as well as encouraging daily physical activity, enhancing the ability to work and preventing pregnancy-related complications. Aim: To analyse the quality of life in pregnancy for women who complete a programme of moderate physical activity in water, following a designed method that the woman can perform physical exercise safely during pregnancy called the SWEP (study of water exercise during pregnancy) method. Materials and methods: A randomised clinical trial was performed. One hundred and twenty-nine pregnant women were randomly assigned either to an exercise class following the SWEP method (EG, n = 65) or to a control group (CG, n = 64). The trial began in week 20 of pregnancy (May 2016) and ended in week 37 (October 2016). Heath-related quality of life (HRQoL) was evaluated with the SF36v2 health questionnaire at weeks 12 and 35 of pregnancy. Results: The HRQoL score decreased significantly between weeks 12 and 35 of gestation, except for the mental health component, which in the CG fell by -3.28 points and in the EG increased slightly (p > 0.05). Among the CG, the score for the mental health component at week 35 was <42, indicating a positive screening risk of depression (39.20 +/- 4.16). Conclusions: Physical activity programmes in water, such as SWEP, enhance the HRQoL of pregnant women

    Symptoms associated with reading from a smartphone in conditions of light and dark

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    Asthenopia symptoms were investigated in visually-normal subjects without computer-related vision symptoms after prolonged reading from: smartphone versus hardcopy under photopic conditions, and smartphone in conditions of ambient versus dark room illumination. After reading from the smartphone, total symptom scores and nine out of ten questionnaire symptoms were significantly worse than for the hardcopy (“blurred vision while viewing the text, “blurred distance vision after the task”, “difficulty in refocusing from one distance to another”, “irritated or burning eyes”, “dry eyes”, “eyestrain”, “tired eyes”, “sensitivity to bright lights” and “eye discomfort”). Mean total symptom scores and scores for “irritated or burning eyes” and “dry eyes” were significantly higher for the dark versus photopic conditions. In conclusion, prolonged smartphone reading could cause worse asthenopic symptoms than reading from a hardcopy under similar conditions. Symptoms could be even worse when reading from a smartphone in the dark