101 research outputs found

    Impact of the religious factor in the Ecuadorian community in Madrid : the case of the “Virgin of the Swan”

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    El artículo tiene como objetivo principal analizar el fenómeno social que se produce con la presencia de una tradición de Ecuador, como es la veneración a la Virgen del Cisne, que se produce en la Parroquia de San Lorenzo de Lavapiés en Madrid, España. Se incluyen datos tanto de experiencias personales como comunitarias de los inmigrantes ecuatorianos en los que emerge el fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural a través de la religión. Se alude al legado religioso-cultural de España de veneración a la Virgen María. Se realizan algunas reflexiones sobre raíces comunes y tradiciones procedentes de España con las semejanzas que existen en cuanto a la veneración a la Virgen María.The article's main objective is to analyze the social phenomenon that occurs in the presence of a tradition of Ecuador, such as the veneration of the Virgin of the Swan, which occurs in the parish of San Lorenzo de Lavapies in Madrid, Spain. Data from personal and community experience of Ecuadorian immigrants in emerging strengthening cultural identity through religion is included. This refers to the religious and cultural heritage of Spain in the veneration of the Virgin Mary. Reflections on common roots and traditions from Spain are made with the similarities as to the veneration of the Virgin Mary

    On the track of the missing tRNA genes: a source of non-canonical functions?

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    Cellular tRNAs appear today as a diverse population of informative macromolecules with conserved general elements ensuring essential common functions and different and distinctive features securing specific interactions and activities. Their differential expression and the variety of post-transcriptional modifications they are subject to, lead to the existence of complex repertoires of tRNA populations adjusted to defined cellular states. Despite the tRNA-coding genes redundancy in prokaryote and eukaryote genomes, it is surprising to note the absence of genes coding specific translational-active isoacceptors throughout the phylogeny. Through the analysis of different releases of tRNA databases, this review aims to provide a general summary about those “missing tRNA genes.” This absence refers to both tRNAs that are not encoded in the genome, as well as others that show critical sequence variations that would prevent their activity as canonical translation adaptor molecules. Notably, while a group of genes are universally missing, others are absent in particular kingdoms. Functional information available allows to hypothesize that the exclusion of isodecoding molecules would be linked to: 1) reduce ambiguities of signals that define the specificity of the interactions in which the tRNAs are involved; 2) ensure the adaptation of the translational apparatus to the cellular state; 3) divert particular tRNA variants from ribosomal protein synthesis to other cellular functions. This leads to consider the “missing tRNA genes” as a source of putative non-canonical tRNA functions and to broaden the concept of adapter molecules in ribosomal-dependent protein synthesis

    Alternative mechanisms of p53 action during the unfolded protein response

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    The tumor suppressor protein p53 orchestrates cellular responses to a vast number of stresses, with DNA damage and oncogenic activation being some of the best described. The capacity of p53 to control cellular events such as cell cycle progression, DNA repair, and apoptosis, to mention some, has been mostly linked to its role as a transcription factor. However, how p53 integrates different signaling cascades to promote a particular pathway remains an open question. One way to broaden its capacity to respond to different stimuli is by the expression of isoforms that can modulate the activities of the full-length protein. One of these isoforms is p47 (p53/47, Δ40p53, p53ΔN40), an alternative translation initiation variant whose expression is specifically induced by the PERK kinase during the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) following Endoplasmic Reticulum stress. Despite the increasing knowledge on the p53 pathway, its activity when the translation machinery is globally suppressed during the UPR remains poorly understood. Here, we focus on the expression of p47 and we propose that the alternative initiation of p53 mRNA translation offers a unique condition-dependent mechanism to differentiate p53 activity to control cell homeostasis during the UPR. We also discuss how the manipulation of these processes may influence cancer cell physiology in light of therapeutic approaches

    A pair of non-optimal codons are necessary for the correct biosynthesis of the Aspergillus nidulans urea transporter, UreA

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    In both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, synonymous codons are unevenly used. Such differential usage of optimal or non-optimal codons has been suggested to play a role in the control of translation initiation and elongation, as well as at the level of transcription and mRNA stability. In the case of membrane proteins, codon usage has been proposed to assist in the establishment of a pause necessary for the correct targeting of the nascent chains to the translocon. By using as a model UreA, the Aspergillus nidulans urea transporter, we revealed that a pair of non-optimal codons encoding amino acids situated at the boundary between the N-terminus and the first transmembrane segment are necessary for proper biogenesis of the protein at 37°C. These codons presumably regulate the translation rate in a previously undescribed fashion, possibly contributing to the correct interaction of ureA-translating ribosome-nascent chain complexes with the signal recognition particle and/or other factors, while the polypeptide has not yet emerged from the ribosomal tunnel. Our results suggest that the presence of the pair of non-optimal codons would not be functionally important in all cellular conditions. Whether this mechanismwould affect other proteins remains to be determined

    Let’s Play Democracy, Exploratory Analysis of Political Video Games

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    In current times, the concept of democracy has been transformed due to the ups and downs of the hyperdigitalized society, modifying its discourses and forms of participation. Recognizing that video games maintain a prominent role in the new generations, this research has the objective of analyzing independent video games related to the notion of democracy. For this reason, 26 video games were analyzed according to their democratic principles, their typology and their key components, resulting in a tendency towards the guarantee of civil liberties, political pluralism and separation of powers; likewise, there is a clear differentiation between persuasive and expressive video games, the former linked to polarization and criticism, while the latter responded to a reflexive conceptual line, added to the use of reward systems and progression in their key design components. It can be concluded that video games linked to democracy respond to an innovative interactive dimension that converts the traditional political canons by the creativity, freedom, and autonomy of the current audiences

    An ethnographic documentary-participatory: "Natem, the sacred drink of the Shuar"

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en los lineamientos del CONSEP, a través del proyecto “Sustancias enteógenas en Ecuador. El ritual de la ayahuasca en Zamora Chinchipe”. Esta investigación pertenece a la Quinta convocatoria interna de proyectos 2015 de la UTPL titulada “Sustancias ancestrales enteógenas en Ecuador” (PROY_CCCOM_1049).La investigación describe el uso ritual de la ayahuasca en la comunidad shuar de Shaime, localizada en la provincia ecuatoriana de Zamora-Chinchipe. Se analizan las implicaciones sociales y culturales en el uso del bebedizo dentro de la comunidad, mediante observación participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas con las principales autoridades, sanadores locales y consumidores. El texto estudia la influencia que tiene sobre la medicina tradicional la llegada a la comunidad de programas de salud gubernamentales. El estudio expone que el consumo de ayahuasca supone un elemento que refuerza la identidad cultural de los habitantes de Shaime, incluso entre aquellas personas que migran a los centros urbanos. La vinculación de la comunidad de Shaime con la ayahuasca se recoge en el documental etnográfico-participativo Natem, la bebida sagrada de los shuar, presentado en la Conferencia Mundial de la Ayahuasca 2014.This research describes the ritual use of ayahuasca in Shaime, a Shuar community located in the Ecuadorian province of ZamoraChinchipe. Through participant observation and semi-structured interviews with community authorities, local healers and ayahuasca consumers, the social and cultural consequences of using the beverage by community residents are discussed. The text examines the social changes in traditional medicine due to the development of government health programs in the community. This research shows that ayahuasca consumption is a key element that reinforces the cultural identity of community members, even among those who migrate to urban centres. Linking Shaime with the use of ayahuasca results in Natem, la bebida sagrada de los shuar (Natem, the sacred beverage of the Shuar), an ethnographic documentary shown at the World Ayahuasca Conference 2014.Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) PROY_CCCOM_104

    An ethnographic documentary-participatory: "Natem, the sacred drink of the Shuar"

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    La investigación describe el uso ritual de la ayahuasca en la comunidad shuar de Shaime, localizada en la provincia ecuatoriana de Zamora-Chinchipe. Se analizan las implicaciones sociales y culturales en el uso del bebedizo dentro de la comunidad, mediante observación participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas con las principales autoridades, sanadores locales y consumidores. El texto estudia la influencia que tiene sobre la medicina tradicional la llegada a la comunidad de programas de salud gubernamentales. El estudio expone que el consumo de ayahuasca supone un elemento que refuerza la identidad cultural de los habitantes de Shaime, incluso entre aquellas personas que migran a los centros urbanos. La vinculación de la comunidad de Shaime con la ayahuasca se recoge en el documental etnográfico-participativo Natem, la bebida sagrada de los shuar, presentado en la Conferencia Mundial de la Ayahuasca 2014.This research describes the ritual use of ayahuasca in Shaime, a Shuar community located in the Ecuadorian province of Zamora-Chinchipe. Through participant observation and semi-structured interviews with community authorities, local healers and ayahuasca consumers, the social and cultural consequences of using the beverage by community residents are discussed. The text examines the social changes in traditional medicine due to the development of government health programs in the community. This research shows that ayahuasca consumption is a key element that reinforces the cultural identity of community members, even among those who migrate to urban centres. Linking Shaime with the use of ayahuasca results in Natem, la bebida sagrada de los shuar (Natem, the sacred beverage of the Shuar), an ethnographic documentary shown at the World Ayahuasca Conference 2014.- Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. - Área de Antropología Social. Universidad de Jaén. - Laborarorio de Antropología Social y Cultural (HUM-472). Universidad de Almería. - Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada.Agradecemos a la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) y al Consejo Nacional de Control de Sustancias Estupefacientes y Psicotrópicas del Ecuador (CONSEP) por la financiación y ayuda prestada en la realización de la investigación. Este trabajo se enmarca en los lineamientos del CONSEP, a través del proyecto "Sustancias enteógenas en Ecuador. El ritual de la ayahuasca en Zamora Chinchipe". Est investigación pertenece a la Quinta convocatoria interna de proyectos 2015 de la UTPL titulada "Sustancias ancestrales enteógenas en Ecuador" (PROY_CCCOM_1049)

    Propuesta metodológica basada en los conocimientos científicos de George Polya para la resolución de problemas matemáticos

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    The research was to determine the incidence of methodological proposal based on scientific knowledge of George Polya learning of mathematical problem solving of a group of students. Research corresponded to the type of pre experimental research, since no comparison group research was conducted nor was it included a control group. Two measurements on the same group before and after application of the methodology were performed. Were administered two tests: The pre test was at the beginning of the investigation and posttest then applied the proposed methodological application troubleshooting of George Polya a significant sample taking into account the requirements of the investigation. A drummer four structured questionnaires, made up of closed questions that allowed validate learning mathematical problem solving was applied. It was determined that the application of the methodology based on scientific knowledge of George Polya promoted a notable increase in average earned by students after the implementation of the proposal.La investigación consistió en determinar la incidencia de la propuesta metodológica basada en el conocimiento científico de George Polya para el aprendizaje de la resolución de problemas matemáticos de un grupo de estudiantes. La investigación correspondió al tipo de investigación pre-experimental, ya que no se realizó comparación de grupos de investigación ni se contó con un grupo de control. Se realizaron dos mediciones sobre el mismo grupo antes y después de la aplicación de la propuesta metodológica. Se le aplicó dos pruebas: La pre-prueba que fue al inicio de la investigación y las post-prueba aplicada luego de la propuesta de aplicación metodológica de resolución de problemas de George Polya a una muestra significativa tomando en cuenta los requerimientos de la investigación. Se aplicó un batería de cuatro cuestionarios estructurados, conformados por preguntas cerradas que permitieron validar el aprendizaje de la resolución de problemas matemáticos. Se determinó que la aplicación de esta propuesta promovió un incremento notable en los promedios obtenidos por los estudiantes después de la aplicación de la propuesta

    Newsgames en Ecuador

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    Video games have been created on political and social issues since the beginning of this medium. In recent years, many computer developers are creating and launching games quickly in response to current events. These games are known as “newsgames”. Increasingly the number of Internet users increases using the network to consume news. Newsgames could become an important part of how people understand current events and could be an important and expressive genre of video games. Digital journalism is making the media look for new ways to tell news and interact with their audience. A journalist should use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and implement new journalistic formats. In Ecuador this process takes time to boot although some media are putting these formats into practice as is the case of newsgames. Our work studies the newsgames that are being produced in Ecuador.Se han creado videojuegos sobre temas políticos y sociales desde los inicios de este medio. En los últimos años, muchos desarrolladores informáticos están creando y lanzando juegos rápidamente en respuesta a eventos actuales. Estos juegos se conocen como “newsgames”. Cada vez más el número de internautas aumenta utilizando la red para consumir noticias. Los newsgames podrían convertirse en una parte importante de cómo la gente entiende los acontecimientos actuales y ser un importante y expresivo género de videojuegos. El periodismo digital está haciendo que los medios busquen nuevas maneras de contar las noticias y de interactuar con su público. Un periodista debe de utilizar las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) y poner en práctica los nuevos formatos periodísticos. En Ecuador, este proceso tarda en arrancar, aunque ya algunos medios están poniendo en práctica estos formatos como es el caso de los newsgames. Nuestro trabajo estudia los newsgames que se están produciendo en Ecuador

    The sector of the animation stages of production and new trends

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    En este artículo se reflexiona sobre los cambios que se están produciendo en el sector de la animación, que condicionarán cambios en la sociedad tal y como lo conocemos. La forma en que vemos las series, los nuevos formatos, el video bajo demanda, cómo se financian los proyectos de animación, las nuevas televisiones inteligentes, los cambios en los planes de marketing y el desarrollo del crossmedia y el transmedia nos llevan a una nueva sociedad de pantallas.This article reflects on the changes taking place in the field of animation that will determine changes in society as we know about it. The way we see the series, new formats, the video on demand, how animation projects are funded, the new Smart TVs, changes in marketing plans, and the development of crossmedia and transmedia lead to a new society screens