23 research outputs found

    Academic Engagement in Health Sciences students at the University of Málaga (Spain): four years follow up

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    Introduction. Student engagement in post-school education has been researched since the 1990s, have been considered as an important factor in determining student learning and personal development during college [1,2]. The concept of engagement in relation to the student university experience is generally acknowledged as a multidimensional phenomenon that may result from a variety of factors relating to the individual and the context in which they are learning [3]. Objectives. To know and compare the levels of engagement at university in Health Sciencies students (Nursing, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Occupational Therapy) along the first, second and last year of their degree. Relevance. Educational institutions play an important role in encouraging student engagement. It is necessary to know how students are engaged with their studies at university. Participants. The sample consisted of 250 freshman students (28% of the total population) at the University of Málaga (Spain) who were followed-up from 2009 to 2012. Methodology. Descriptive longitudinal study. Students were asked to fill out an on-line questionnaire (UWES-S) in May 2010, 2011 and 2013. Mean and standard deviation were calculated for each engagement dimension (vigor, dedication and absorption). Anova test was used for mean comparisons. Results. Although it has been observed a slight decrease in the levels of engagement from the first year of degree, differences were no statistically significant. In general, it can be say that these students feel engaged at university along their degree. Mean scores for engagement dimensions range from 4.89 to 2.9 into a Likert scale of 6 points. 2009-10 2010-11 2012-13 Dimensions Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Vigor 3,13 1,02 2,90 1,04 3,00 1,09 Dedication 4,89 1,07 4,64 1,32 4,74 1,32 Absorption 3,15 1,28 2,93 1,23 3,15 1,32 Conclusions. In a general way, it can be said that the Health Sciencies students analyzed are engaged at university and show a high dedication to their degree. However, it is also important to highlight that engagement scores don´t rise in the last year as it would be expected taking in account that in this year students reach the most practical knowledge and start their profession in the society. Keywords: academic engagement, university, health sciences. References 1. Astin AW: What matters in college: four critical years revisited. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 1993. 2. Pascarella ET, Terenzini PT: How collage affects students. A third decade of research, Volume 2. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2005. 3. Fredericks JA, Blumenfeld PC, Paris AH: School engagement: potential of the concept, state of the evidence. Rev Educ Res 2004, 74:59–109.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Well-Being, Self-Efficacy and Independence in older adults: A Randomized Trial of Occupational Therapy

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    Objective: The main objective of the research was to analyze whether there were differences in the effects of individual and group occupational therapy (OT) treatment on psychological well-being, self-efficacy and personal independence. Method: A randomized clinical trial (N = 70; age = 85 years, SD = 4) comparing individual versus group occupational therapy treatment for 6 months was conducted. The evaluation was performed with the Barthel Index (Personal Independence), the Ryff Wellness Index (Well-being), the Global Self-Efficacy Scale (Self-efficacy) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (Affective state Scale). Results: Results showed a decrease in individual treatment scores in the variables autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth and purpose in life, reflecting worse self-acceptance and negative well-being as well as a lower ability to maintain stable relationships. By contrast, group treatment users maintained more stable social relationships and exhibited a greater ability to resist social pressure, to develop their potential skills and to define their goals in life. There were statistically significant differences in overall self-efficacy (p < 0.001), emotional well-being (p < 0.001) and personal independence (p = 0.013), with better scores in group versus individual treatment. Conclusions: Group occupational therapy interventions in older adults could be the treatment of choice in people with depressed state, improving their emotional well-being, sense of self-efficacy and level of personal independence in basic activities of daily livin

    Los estudiantes de Grado en Enfermería y su compromiso con los estudios

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    The engagement or commitment to studies is a positive affective state of the student with everything related to the studies.Objective: The objective of this work was to determine the level of engagement of students assigned Degree Nursing Council of Malaga Center of UMA and its relationship with socio-demographic and socio-educational variables.Methods: We performed a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study. The UWES-S instrument was used to measure the commitment or engagement with their studies. The data were obtained by questionnaire on line.Results: 170 students responded to the questionnaire and the turnout was 52.99% . The mean values of engagement were obtained: overall score (mean 58.52 SD 11,852 ), vigor (mean 17.93 SD 5,087) (mean 25.54 SD 3.980) and dedication (mean 15.09 SD 4,079) absorption.Conclusions: We have detected correlations between the overall score of engagement, vigor and absorption with academic performance. Likewise, we detected statistically significant mean differences between the sexes in dedication and overall score. Means in absorption are higher in those students who live with a partner and those who have other duties of care. The age has been correlated with positive absorptionEl engagement o compromiso con los estudios es un estado afectivo positivo del estudiante con todo lo relacionado con los estudios.Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo era conocer el nivel de engagement de los estudiantes de Grado en Enfermería del Centro adscrito de Diputación de Málaga de la UMA, así como su relación con las variables sociodemográficas y socioeducativas.Método: Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional. Se utilizó el instrumento UWES-S para medir el compromiso o engagement con sus estudios. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante cuestionario enviado on-line.Resultados: Respondieron al cuestionario 170 alumnos y la participación fue del 52,99%. Los valores medios de engagement obtenidos fueron: puntuación global (media 58,52 SD 11,852 ), vigor (media 17,93 SD 5,087 ), dedicación (media 25,54 SD 3,980) y absorción (media 15,09 SD 4,079 ).Conclusiones: Hemos detectado correlaciones entre la puntuación global de engagement, el vigor y la absorción con el rendimiento académico. Así mismo hemos detectado diferencias de medias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos sexos en dedicación y puntuación global. Las medias en absorción son mayores en aquellos alumnos que viven en pareja y en aquellos que tienen otras obligaciones de cuidados. La edad ha correlacionado con la absorción de forma positiv

    Does tension headache have a central or peripheral origin? current state of affairs

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    Purpose of Review The aim of this narrative review is to analyze the evidence about a peripheral or central origin of a ten-sion headache attack in order to provide a further clarification for an appropriate approach.Recent Findings Tension headache is a complex and multifactorial pathology, in which both peripheral and central factors could play an important role in the initiation of an attack. Although the exact origin of a tension headache attack has not been conclusively established, correlations have been identified between certain structural parameters of the craniomandibular region and craniocervical muscle activity. Future research should focus on improving our understanding of the pathology with the ultimate goal of improving diagnosis.Summary The pathogenesis of tension-type headache involves both central and peripheral mechanisms, being the perpetu-ation over time of the headache attacks what would favor the evolution of an episodic tension-type headache to a chronic tension-type headache. The unresolved question is what factors would be involved in the initial activation in a tension head-ache attack. The evidence that favors a peripheral origin of the tension headache attacks, that is, the initial events occur outside the brain barrier, which suggests the action of vascular and musculoskeletal factors at the beginning of a tension headache attack, factors that would favor the sensitization of the peripheral nervous system as a result of sustained sensory input.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Evaluación de los autocuidados del pie en pacientes diabéticos : análisis retrospectivo 2008-2013

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    El objetivo es evaluar el estado en el que se encuentra la relación del autocuidado y autoexploración de los pies con respecto al desarrollo de complicaciones de diabetes mellitus. Mediante revisión sistemática de los estudios publicados relativos a la evaluación de los hábitos de salud en cuanto a intervenciones de educación para la salud sobre pie diabético, así como ensayos clínicos, metaanálisis y revisiones Cocrhane. Durante el periodo comprendido entre 2000 y marzo de 2013 De los estudios identificados solamente 33 fueron seleccionados para el desarrollo de nuestra investigación de los cuales habían sido seleccionados previamente 34 de pubmed, 12 de web of knowledge y 4 de Cochrane que fueron considerados como válidos al cumplir el requisito de tratarse de intervenciones que reducían las complicaciones en los pies derivadas de la diabetes. Las estrategias orientadas al cambio de comportamiento tienen efectividad sobre el control metabólico de la enfermedad y la reducción de amputaciones. Pero es necesario validar una herramienta fiable que permita conocer el estado del desarrollo de conductas saludables y que éstas se mantengan en el tiempo, dado el déficit metodológico que presentan la mayoría de los estudios, en cuanto a selección de la muestra y tiempo de estudio. Palabras clave: revisión sistemática; diabetes; pie diabético; autocuidado; calidad de vida

    Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy student's motivation. A Comparative study in the University of Malaga, Spain

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to know and compare motivational facts and vocational behaviour among students of physical therapy and occupational therapy. Other secondary objectives are: • To know the satisfaction these students report with their university studies • To analyze the level of academic decision about their professional future. • To know if these students have an effective academic behavior. Participants. Participants were 141 Spanish collegue students who volunteered for the study. They were students of second and third year of Physical therapy (69) and Occupational therapy (72) in the University of Malaga. Methods: Cross-sectional design. Paticipants completed in one setting the “Cuestionario de Biodatos Universitarios - CBU- The CBU is a 9 item scale that offers information about student academic motivation, academic decisions, satisfaction or future professional purpose. Each questionnaire response is assigned a value with a maximum possible total score of 26. Results: Regarding student satisfaction, 68.1% of physical therapy (PT) student are very satisfied with the career choices they made in thei day, like the 56.95% of students in occupational therapy (OT). Regarding the degree of academic decision on the professional expertise they would like to pursue in the future, 44,9% doe not have anything decided in PT, similar to the 36,1% found in OT. After completing his studies, 48,62% of OT students planning to do a Master or postgraduate course compared with the 81.1% referring this intention in PT. In relation to the exercise of the profession immediately obtained similar results in both degrees, 56.95% in OT and 66.2% in PT. Only 6.95% of repondents in OT and 14.49% in PT have not decided yet. Among the difficulties or problems for a decision by a specialty or area of works, 57.9% highlights the lack of information on the characteristics of that product in PT and 31.95% at OT, whereas only 2.9% and 5.56% refer to that no option would fully satisfied respectively. Comprehensively analyzed, and pre-vocational behaviour of respondents was fully efficient, so that in all cases there is an effective career development, slightly better in pupils PT. Conclusions: The descriptive analysis of a sample CBU draws us highly satisfied with their university studies, with an efficient vocational behaviour, who knows the need for specialization through graduate school, but lacks sufficient information in making their decisions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Academic Engagement in Health Sciences students at the University of Málaga (Spain): four years follow up

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    Introduction. Student engagement in post-school education has been researched since the 1990s, have been considered as an important factor in determining student learning and personal development during college [1,2]. The concept of engagement in relation to the student university experience is generally acknowledged as a multidimensional phenomenon that may result from a variety of factors relating to the individual and the context in which they are learning [3]. Objectives. To know and compare the levels of engagement at university in Health Sciencies students (Nursing, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Occupational Therapy) along the first, second and last year of their degree. Relevance. Educational institutions play an important role in encouraging student engagement. It is necessary to know how students are engaged with their studies at university. Participants. The sample consisted of 250 freshman students (28% of the total population) at the University of Málaga (Spain) who were followed-up from 2009 to 2012. Methodology. Descriptive longitudinal study. Students were asked to fill out an on-line questionnaire (UWES-S) in May 2010, 2011 and 2013. Mean and standard deviation were calculated for each engagement dimension (vigor, dedication and absorption). Anova test was used for mean comparisons. Results. Although it has been observed a slight decrease in the levels of engagement from the first year of degree, differences were no statistically significant. In general, it can be say that these students feel engaged at university along their degree. Mean scores for engagement dimensions range from 4.89 to 2.9 into a Likert scale of 6 points. 2009-10 2010-11 2012-13 Dimensions Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Vigor 3,13 1,02 2,90 1,04 3,00 1,09 Dedication 4,89 1,07 4,64 1,32 4,74 1,32 Absorption 3,15 1,28 2,93 1,23 3,15 1,32 Conclusions. In a general way, it can be said that the Health Sciencies students analyzed are engaged at university and show a high dedication to their degree. However, it is also important to highlight that engagement scores don´t rise in the last year as it would be expected taking in account that in this year students reach the most practical knowledge and start their profession in the society. Keywords: academic engagement, university, health sciences. References 1. Astin AW: What matters in college: four critical years revisited. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 1993. 2. Pascarella ET, Terenzini PT: How collage affects students. A third decade of research, Volume 2. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2005. 3. Fredericks JA, Blumenfeld PC, Paris AH: School engagement: potential of the concept, state of the evidence. Rev Educ Res 2004, 74:59–109.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Vocación ocupacional y género en estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias de la Salud

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    El proceso de elección vocacional está conformado por varios elementos, tales como rasgos de personalidad, intereses vocacionales, aptitudes y habilidades. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la relación entre la vocación y el género en una muestra española de 156 estudiantes de primer curso de las titulaciones de Ciencias de la Salud de Enfermería, Fisioterapia, Podología y Terapia Ocupacional de la Universidad de Málaga. La metodología es cuantitativa y el alcance de esta investigación es descriptivo. El instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario The Oregon Vocational Interest Scales (Orvis). Los resultados indicaron que hay diferencias significativas en algunas dimensiones tras realizar la prueba T-Student: Liderazgo (F=6.532; p=0.012), Organización (F=3.818; p=0.05) y Aventura (F=4.211; p=0.029). No obstante, discutimos la necesidad de realizar estudios que contemplen otras variables que puedan influir

    Students in graduate programs in nursing and commitment to studies

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    El engagemento compromiso con los estudios es un estado afectivo positivo del estudiante con todo lo relacionado con los estudios.Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo era conocer el nivel de engagement de los estudiantes de Grado en Enfermería del Centro adscrito de Diputación de Málaga de la UMA, así como su relación con las variables sociodemográficas y socioeducativas.Método: Se ha realizadoun estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional. Se utilizó el instrumento UWES-S para medir el compromiso o engagement con sus estudios. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante cuestionario enviado on-line. Resultados: Respondieron al cuestionario 170 alumnos y la participación fue del 52,99%. Los valores medios de engagement obtenidos fueron: puntuación global (media 58,52 SD 11,852 ), vigor (media 17,93 SD 5,087 ), dedicación (media 25,54 SD3,980) y absorción (media 15,09 SD 4,079 ).Conclusiones: Hemos detectado correlaciones entre la puntuación global de engagement, el vigor y la absorción con el rendimiento académico. Así mismo hemos detectado diferencias de medias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos sexos en dedicación y puntuación global. Las medias en absorción son mayores en aquellos alumnos que viven en pareja y en aquellos que tienen otras obligaciones de cuidados. La edad ha correlacionado con la absorción de forma positiva.ABSTRACT: Theengagementorcommitment tostudiesis a positiveaffective stateof the student witheverything related tothe studies.Objective: The objective of this work was to determine the level of engagement of students assigned Degree Nursing Council of Malaga Center of UMA and its relationship with socio-demographic and socio-educational variables.Methods: We performed a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study. The UWES-S instrument was used to measure the commitment or engagement with their studies. The data were obtained by questionnaire on line.Results: 170 students responded to the questionnaire and the turnout was 52.99% . The mean values of engagement were obtained: overall score (mean 58.52 SD 11,852 ), vigor (mean 17.93 SD 5,087) (mean 25.54 SD 3.980) and dedication (mean 15.09 SD 4,079) absorption.Conclusions: We have detected correlations between the overall score of engagement, vigor and absorption with academic performance. Likewise, we detected statistically significant mean differences between the sexes in dedication and overall score. Means in absorption are higher in those students who live with a partner and those who have other duties of care. The age has been correlated with positive absorption