1,374 research outputs found

    Acute Respiratory Diseases and Carboxyhemoglobin Status in School Children of Quito, Ecuador

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    Outdoor carbon monoxide comes mainly from vehicular emissions, and high concentrations occur in areas with heavy traffic congestion. CO binds to hemoglobin, forming carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), and reduces oxygen delivery. We investigated the link between the adverse effects of CO on the respiratory system using COHb as a marker for chronic CO exposure. We examined the relationship between acute respiratory infections (ARIs) and COHb concentrations in school-age children living in urban and suburban areas of Quito, Ecuador. We selected three schools located in areas with different traffic intensities and enrolled 960 children. To adjust for potential confounders we conducted a detailed survey. In a random subsample of 295 children, we determined that average COHb concentrations were significantly higher in children attending schools in areas with high and moderate traffic, compared with the low-traffic area. The percentage of children with COHb concentrations above the safe level of 2.5% were 1, 43, and 92% in low-, moderate-, and high-traffic areas, respectively. Children with COHb above the safe level are 3.25 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.65–6.38] times more likely to have ARI than children with COHb < 2.5%. Furthermore, with each percent increase in COHb above the safety level, children are 1.15 (95% CI, 1.03–1.28) times more likely to have an additional case of ARI. Our findings provide strong evidence of the relation between CO exposure and susceptibility to respiratory infections

    Characterization of source rocks and groundwater radioactivity at the Chihuahua valley

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    As part of a scientific research project about alpha radioactivity in groundwater for human consumption at the Chihuahua City, the charac-terization of rock sources of radioactivity around de Chihuahua valley was developed. The radioactivity of groundwater and sediments wasdetermined, too. The radioactivity of uranium- and thorium- series isotopes contained in rocks was obtained by high resolution gamma-rayspectroscopy. Some representative values are 50 Bq/kg for the mean value of Bi-214 activity, and 121.5 Bq/kg for the highest value at Westof the city. The activity of sediments, extracted during wells perforation, was determined using a NaI(Tl) detector. A non-reported beforeuranium ore was localized at the San Marcos range formation. Its outcrops are inside the Chihuahua-Sacramento valley basin and its activ-ity characterization was performed. Unusually high specific uranium activities, determined by alpha spectrometry, were obtained in water,plants, sediments and fish extracted at locations close to outcrops of uranium minerals. The activity of water of the San Marcos dam reached7.7 Bq/L. The activity of fish, trapped at San Marcos dam, is 0.99 Bq/kg. Conclusions about the contamination of groundwater at North ofChihuahua City were obtained.Como parte de un proyecto cient ́ıfico sobre actividad alfa en agua subterr ́anea de consumo humano en la ciudad de Chihuahua, se hadesarrollado la caracterizaci ́on de las rocas fuentes de la radiactividad en el valle de Chihuahua. Se determin ́o tambi ́en la actividad de muestrasde agua subterr ́anea y de sedimentos. La actividad de los is ́otopos de las series radiactivas en las rocas se obtuvo usando espectroscop ́ıagamma de alta resoluci ́on. Algunos valores representativos son 50 Bq/kg para el valor medio de la actividad del Bi-214 y 121.5 Bq/kg para elvalor m ́as alto al oeste de la ciudad. La actividad de los sedimentos extra ́ıdos durante la perforaci ́on de pozos para agua potable, se determin ́ousando un detector de NaI(Tl). En la formaci ́on monta ̃nosa de San Marcos se localiz ́o un dep ́osito de uranio no publicado. Sus afloramientosse encuentran dentro de la cuenca del valle Chihuahua-Sacramento y se realiz ́o la caracterizaci ́on de su radiactividad. Se determinaronactividades por espectrometr ́ıa alfa de agua, plantas, sedimentos y peces extra ́ıdos en emplazamientos cercanos a los afloramientos deminerales de uranio. La actividad del agua en la presa de san Marcos lleg ́o a 7.7 Bq/L. La actividad de pescados de la misma presa alcanza0.99 Bq/kg. Se obtuvieron conclusiones sobre la contaminaci ́on del agua subterr ́anea al norte de la ciudad de Chihuahua

    Rediscovery of the Endangered Carchi Andean Toad, \u3cem\u3eRhaebo colomai\u3c/em\u3e (Hoogmoed, 1985), in Ecuador, with Comments on Its Conservation Status and Extinction Risk

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    Since 1984 there have been no records of Rhaebo colomai (Hoogmoed, 1985) within the territory of Ecuador. This species was known from 2 localities in the province of Carchi, northwestern Ecuador, and the department of Nariño, southwestern Colombia, which were reported in 1979 and 2015, respectively. We report the recent sightings of R. colomai at 3 new localities in Ecuador and discuss and evaluate this species’ extinction risk and conservation status

    Diálogos sobre transdisciplina: los investigadores y su objeto de estudio

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    A la transdisciplinariedad se le ha definido como “una feliz transgresión de las fronteras entre las disciplinas” y es en este tono en que se presenta esta obra, que recopila las experiencias y reflexiones, las discusiones y propuestas de una veintena de investigadores y académicos que hablan sobre o desde la transdisciplina acerca de los temas de su interés o especialidad. La aproximación se da desde perspectivas académicas diversas y se adereza con expresiones estéticas que van desde la poesía hasta la pintura, a través de las cuales se busca ofrecer un espacio a las rutas posibles y limitaciones connaturales de acceder a la realidad para construir conocimiento “de frontera”, “en las fronteras”. Los abordajes son fruto de la exploración, filiación, encantos y desencantos por parte de los autores con la entidad de su búsqueda, quienes buscan contestar, entre otras, las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Cómo establecer un acercamiento transdisciplinar al objeto de estudio? ¿Qué hace a un objeto de estudio transdisciplinar? ¿Cómo impacta la transdisciplinariedad la identidad del académico? Una obra concebida desde una perspectiva más pedagógica que desde la doxa académica, con el interés de aportar una lectura amena para las reflexiones en torno a la trasgresión de las fronteras disciplinarias.ITESO, A.C

    Role of phosphorus on activated carbons used as catalytic support in steam reforming of pyrolysis liquids

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    Hydrogen production from steam reforming (SR) of the liquids resulting from biomass waste pyrolysis with nickel catalysts is a sustainable alternative for decarbonization. Chemical activation with H3PO4 provide activated carbons (ACs) with high surface area and porosity development, improved surface oxidation/gasification resistance and acid character due to the presence of stable surface phosphorus groups. In addition, they can be prepared from the same biomass waste making them sustainable supports for steam reforming Ni catalysts. However, little is known about the role of surface P groups on the activity of nickel. In this work ACs, with different amounts of P, have been used as support for steam reforming Ni catalysts in order to study the effect of P on the catalytic activity and stability. Pistachio shell (PS), a non-edible agroforestry waste, has been used as feedstock for both the preparation of the activated carbons (ACs) and the pyrolysis liquids. P-containing AC was obtained by chemical activation of PS with 3:1 acid to precursor mass ratio and activation temperature of 500 ºC (PS3P sample). The amount of surface P in PS3P was partially decreased by hydrogen treatment at 600 ºC for 4 h (PSLP sample). P-free AC was also prepared by CO2 physical activation of PS at 800 ºC for 3 h (PSG sample). 10 % wt. Ni nominal loading were supported onto the ACs by the incipient wetness impregnation method with Ni(NO3)2·6H2O and thermal annealing in N2 atmosphere at 700 ºC for 2 h. The resulting catalysts have been evaluated on SR of a mixture of oxygenated hydrocarbons (ethanol, acetone and acetic acid) usually found in pyrolysis liquids. Each of them was fed with a 0.75 % volume concentration, while the steam to carbon ratio was set on the stoichiometric value. The reaction was carried out in a fixed bed tubular reactor at a temperature ranging from 500 to 800 °C and using a space time of 50 gcat·s·mmol-1.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Los autores agradecen al MICCIN (RTI2018-097555-B-100) por la ayuda financiera

    Fotoblastismo negativo en la especie invasora Eschscholzia californica Cham. (Papaveraceae): Patrones de variación altitudinal en el rango nativo e introducido

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    Negative photoblastism is defined as the inhibitory effect of light on seed germination. This effect can be modulated by abiotic variables, such as temperature, light condition and water potential. This conditions change notoriously at higher altitudes, could promote differentiations in the photoblastic response among populations. Also, this physiological attribute poses an interesting conflict for plant regeneration, because prevents seed germination on the soil surface, however, it can also to reduce the mortality of seeds germinants in unsuitable conditions and consequently, seedling mortality. Eschscholzia californica is one of the few species with negative photoblastism and it is invasive in Chile, growing primarily in open and disturbed places. Some invasive species have the potential to adapt their morphological and ecophysiological characteristics faced to new environmental conditions. In this study, we examined variation in negative photoblastism between populations from central Chile (invasive) and California (native) located at the extremes of their altitudinal distribution. We used common garden experiments where seeds from different origins were germinated under controlled lab condition in Chile. If negative photoblastism is conserved, we would see similar responses among seeds original from this climatic analogues regions. Also, we evaluated whether seed burial increases seed germination of this species as a mechanism for escaping the intense luminosity at the soil surface, by planting seeds at different soil depths. For this experiment, we expected an increase of germination at higher soil depth. The results indicate no differences in negative photoblastism between Chilean and Californian populations. A significant variation across altitudinal range in California suggests the existence of genetic differentiation in the native region, however, the absence of differences across the altitudinal range in Chile suggests trait conservatism at local scale. Seed germination was zero at the soil surface and increased when seeds were experimentally buried, suggesting that negative photoblastism is inhibited. Three possible explanations are given to explain the pattern of establishment of E. californica despite having negative photoblastism. This is a fairly specialist trait, related with Mediterranean climates and does not explain by itself the invasiveness described for this specie. In any case, is clear that more studies are necessary to disentangle the adaptive value of this physiological trait.El fotoblastismo negativo es definido como el efecto inhibitorio de la luz sobre la germinación de las semillas. Este efecto puede ser modulado por variables abióticas, tales como temperatura, condición lumínica y potencial hídrico. Estas condiciones cambian notoriamente a mayores altitudes, pudiendo promover diferenciación en la respuesta fotoblástica entre poblaciones. Adicionalmente, este atributo fisiológico presenta un interesante conflicto para la regeneración de la planta, porque previene la germinación de las semillas sobre el suelo, sin embargo también puede reducir la mortalidad de semillas germinantes en condiciones desfavorables y consecuentemente, la mortalidad de plántulas. Eschscholzia californica es una de las pocas especies con fotoblastismo negativo y es invasora en Chile, creciendo primariamente en sitios abiertos e intervenidos. Algunas especies invasoras tienen el potencial de adaptar sus características morfológicas y fisiológicas enfrentadas a nuevas condiciones ambientales. En este estudio, examinamos la existencia de variación en el fotoblastismo negativo entre poblaciones de Chile central (invasivas) y California (nativas) localizadas en los extremos de su distribución altitudinal. Utilizamos experimentos de jardín común donde semillas de distintos orígenes fueron germinadas bajo condiciones controladas de laboratorio en Chile. Si el fotoblastismo negativo es conservado, observaríamos similares respuestas entre semillas originarias de estas regiones climáticas análogas. También evaluamos si el entierro de las semillas incrementa su germinación, como un mecanismo para escapar de la intensidad luminosa de la superficie, plantando semillas a diferentes profundidades del suelo. Los resultados indican que no hay diferencias en el fotoblastismo negativo entre las poblaciones de Chile y California. Una significativa variación a través del rango altitudinal de California sugiere la existencia de diferenciación genética en la región nativa, sin embargo, la ausencia de diferencias a través del rango altitudinal de Chile sugiere conservatismo del rasgo a escala local. La germinación de semillas fue cero en la superficie del suelo y se incrementó cuando las semillas fueron experimentalmente enterradas, sugiriendo que el fotoblastismo negativo es inhibido. Tres posibles explicaciones son entregadas para explicar el patrón de establecimiento de E. californica a pesar de poseer fotoblastismo negativo. Este es un rasgo bastante especialista, relacionado con climas mediterráneos y no explica por sí solo la invasibilidad descrita para esta especie. De todas formas, es claro que más estudios son necesarios para dilucidar el valor adaptativo de este atributo fisiológico

    Use of tocilizumab in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-1

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with coronavirus infection is related to a cytokine storm with large interleukin-6 (IL-6) release. The IL-6-receptor blocker tocilizumab may control the aberrant host immune response in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) . In this pandemic, kidney transplant (KT) recipients are a high-risk population for severe infection and showed poor outcomes. We present a multicenter cohort study of 80 KT patients with severe COVID-19 treated with tocilizumab during hospital admission. High mortality rate was identified (32.5%), related with older age (hazard ratio [HR] 3.12 for those older than 60 years, P = .039). IL-6 and other inflammatory markers, including lactic acid dehydrogenase, ferritin, and D-dimer increased early after tocilizumab administration and their values were higher in nonsurvivors. Instead, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels decreased after tocilizumab, and this decrease positively correlated with survival (mean 12.3 mg/L in survivors vs. 33 mg/L in nonsurvivors). Each mg/L of CRP soon after tocilizumab increased the risk of death by 1% (HR 1.01 [confidence interval 1.004-1.024], P = .003). Although patients who died presented with worse respiratory situation at admission, this was not significantly different at tocilizumab administration and did not have an impact on outcome in the multivariate analysis. Tocilizumab may be effective in controlling cytokine storm in COVID-19 but randomized trials are needed

    Observation of γ-delayed 3α breakup of the 15.11 and 12.71 MeV states in 12C

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    6 pags., 4 figs., 2 tabs. -- PACS:27.20.+n25.55.Hp23.20.-g29.85.-cThe reactions 10B (3He, p α α α) at 4.9 MeV and 11B (3He, d α α α) at 8.5 MeV have been used to investigate the γ decay of states in 12C. By measuring the four-body final state in complete kinematics we are able to detect γ transitions indirectly. We find γ transitions from the 15.11 MeV state in 12C to the 12.71, 11.83, 10.3 and 7.65 MeV states followed by their breakup into three α particles. The relative γ-ray branching ratios obtained are (1.2 ± 0.3), (0.32 ± 0.12), (1.4 ± 0.2) and (4.4 ± 0.8) %, respectively, with the remaining (92.7 ± 1.0) % of the γ decays going to the bound states. We obtain Γα / Γ = (2.8 ± 1.2) % for the isospin-forbidden α decay of the 15.11 MeV state. From the 12.71 MeV state we find γ transitions to the 10.3 and 7.65 MeV states. The relative γ-ray branching ratios are (0.9- 0.5 + 0.6) and (2.6- 1.2 + 1.6) %, respectively, with the remaining (96.6- 1.3 + 1.7) % of the γ decays going to the bound states. Finally, we discuss the relation between the β decay of 12N and 12B to states in 12C and the γ decay of the 15.11 MeV analog in 12C to the same states. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.We would like to acknowledge the support of the Spanish CICYT research grant FPA2007-62170 and the MICINN Consolider Project CSD 2007-00042 as well as the support of the European Union VI Framework through RII3-EURONS/JRA4-DLEP (contract number 506065). D.G. is a Juan de la Cierva fellow