8 research outputs found

    Neural crest–derived cells with stem cell features can be traced back to multiple lineages in the adult skin

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    Given their accessibility, multipotent skin-derived cells might be useful for future cell replacement therapies. We describe the isolation of multipotent stem cell–like cells from the adult trunk skin of mice and humans that express the neural crest stem cell markers p75 and Sox10 and display extensive self-renewal capacity in sphere cultures. To determine the origin of these cells, we genetically mapped the fate of neural crest cells in face and trunk skin of mouse. In whisker follicles of the face, many mesenchymal structures are neural crest derived and appear to contain cells with sphere-forming potential. In the trunk skin, however, sphere-forming neural crest–derived cells are restricted to the glial and melanocyte lineages. Thus, self-renewing cells in the adult skin can be obtained from several neural crest derivatives, and these are of distinct nature in face and trunk skin. These findings are relevant for the design of therapeutic strategies because the potential of stem and progenitor cells in vivo likely depends on their nature and origin

    T‐Cadherin 2: Molecular characterization, function in cell adhesion, and coexpression with T‐cadherin and N‐cadherin

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    [EN] Cadherins are integral membrane glycoproteins that mediate calcium-dependent, hornophilic cell-cell adhesion and are implicated in controlling tissue morphogenesis. T-cadherin is anchored to the membrane through a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol and expressed in a restricted pattern in developing embryos. We report here the molecular and functional characterization of the T-cadherin isoform, T-cadherin 2 (Tcad-2) and the expression of the corresponding mRNA. Tcad-2 cDNA differs in its 3’ nucleotide sequence from T-cadherin cDNA and encodes a protein in which the carboxy terminal Leu of T-cadherin is substituted by Lys and extended by the amino acids SerPheProTyrVal. By RNase protection, mRNAs encoding the T-cadherin isoforms are coexpressed in heart, muscle, liver, skin, somites, and in neural tissue. Many tissues contain both T-cadherin and Tcad-2 mRNAs in conjunction with N-cadherin transcripts, and T-cadherins and N-cadherin proteins are coexpressed on the surface of individual neurons in vitro. Expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) revealed that Tcad-2 is a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-anchored membrane protein that functions in calcium-dependent, homophilic cell adhesion. The identification of a functional T-cadherin isoform and the coexpression of T-cadherins and N-cadherin by individual cells suggest that specific adhesive interactions of embryonic cells may involve a complex interplay between multiple cadherins

    Nogo receptor Homolog NgR2 expressed in sensory DRG neurons controls epidermal innervation by interaction with Versican

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    Primary sensory afferents of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) that innervate the skin detect a wide range of stimuli, such as touch, temperature, pain, and itch. Different functional classes of nociceptors project their axons to distinct target zones within the developing skin, but the molecular mechanisms that regulate target innervation are less clear. Here we report that the Nogo66 receptor homolog NgR2 is essential for proper cutaneous innervation. NgR2(-/-) mice display increased density of nonpeptidergic nociceptors in the footpad and exhibit enhanced sensitivity to mechanical force and innocuous cold temperatures. These sensory deficits are not associated with any abnormality in morphology or density of DRG neurons. However, deletion of NgR2 renders nociceptive nonpeptidergic sensory neurons insensitive to the outgrowth repulsive activity of skin-derived Versican. Biochemical evidence shows that NgR2 specifically interacts with the G3 domain of Versican. The data suggest that Versican/NgR2 signaling at the dermo-epidermal junction acts in vivo as a local suppressor of axonal plasticity to control proper density of epidermal sensory fiber innervation. Our findings not only reveal the existence of a novel and unsuspected mechanism regulating epidermal target innervation, but also provide the first evidence for a physiological role of NgR2 in the peripheral nervous system

    A new mouse mutant with cleavage-resistant versican and isoform-specific versican mutants demonstrate that proteolysis at the Glu441-Ala442 peptide bond in the V1 isoform is essential for interdigital web regression

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    Two inherent challenges in the mechanistic interpretation of protease-deficient phenotypes are defining the specific substrate cleavages whose reduction generates the phenotypes and determining whether the phenotypes result from loss of substrate function, substrate accumulation, or loss of a function(s) embodied in the substrate fragments. Hence, recapitulation of a protease-deficient phenotype by a cleavage-resistant substrate would stringently validate the importance of a proteolytic event and clarify the underlying mechanisms. Versican is a large proteoglycan required for development of the circulatory system and proper limb development, and is cleaved by ADAMTS proteases at the Glu441-Ala442 peptide bond located in its alternatively spliced GAGÎČ domain. Specific ADAMTS protease mutants have impaired interdigit web regression leading to soft tissue syndactyly that is associated with reduced versican proteolysis. Versikine, the N-terminal proteolytic fragment generated by this cleavage, restores interdigit apoptosis in ADAMTS mutant webs. Here, we report a new mouse transgene, VcanAA, with validated mutations in the GAGÎČ domain that specifically abolish this proteolytic event. VcanAA/AA mice have partially penetrant hindlimb soft tissue syndactyly. However, Adamts20 inactivation in VcanAA/AA mice leads to fully penetrant, more severe syndactyly affecting all limbs, suggesting that ADAMTS20 cleavage of versican at other sites or of other substrates is an additional requirement for web regression. Indeed, immunostaining with a neoepitope antibody against a cleavage site in the versican GAGα domain demonstrated reduced staining in the absence of ADAMTS20. Significantly, mice with deletion of Vcan exon 8, encoding the GAGÎČ domain, consistently developed soft tissue syndactyly, whereas mice unable to include exon 7, encoding the GAGα domain in Vcan transcripts, consistently had fully separated digits. These findings suggest that versican is cleaved within each GAG-bearing domain during web regression, and affirms that proteolysis in the GAGÎČ domain, via generation of versikine, has an essential role in interdigital web regression

    Three mechanisms assemble central nervous system nodes of ranvier

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    Rapid action potential propagation in myelinated axons requires Na(+) channel clustering at nodes of Ranvier. However, the mechanism of clustering at CNS nodes remains poorly understood. Here, we show that the assembly of nodes of Ranvier in the CNS involves three mechanisms: a glia-derived extracellular matrix (ECM) complex containing proteoglycans and adhesion molecules that cluster NF186, paranodal axoglial junctions that function as barriers to restrict the position of nodal proteins, and axonal cytoskeletal scaffolds (CSs) that stabilize nodal Na(+) channels. We show that while mice with a single disrupted mechanism had mostly normal nodes, disruptions of the ECM and paranodal barrier, the ECM and CS, or the paranodal barrier and CS all lead to juvenile lethality, profound motor dysfunction, and significantly reduced Na(+) channel clustering. Our results demonstrate that ECM, paranodal, and axonal cytoskeletal mechanisms ensure robust CNS nodal Na(+) channel clustering

    Extracellular matrix of the central nervous system: from neglect to challenge

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    The basic concept, that specialized extracellular matrices rich in hyaluronan, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (aggrecan, versican, neurocan, brevican, phosphacan), link proteins and tenascins (Tn-R, Tn-C) can regulate cellular migration and axonal growth and thus, actively participate in the development and maturation of the nervous system, has in recent years gained rapidly expanding experimental support. The swift assembly and remodeling of these matrices have been associated with axonal guidance functions in the periphery and with the structural stabilization of myelinated fiber tracts and synaptic contacts in the maturating central nervous system. Particular interest has been focused on the putative role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in suppressing central nervous system regeneration after lesions. The axon growth inhibitory properties of several of these chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in vitro, and the partial recovery of structural plasticity in lesioned animals treated with chondroitin sulfate degrading enzymes in vivo have significantly contributed to the increased awareness of this long time neglected structure