321 research outputs found

    La extirpación de la grasa de Hoffa y de la porción central del tendón rotuliano: Estudio experimental en la rodilla del conejo

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    Se estudia la repercusión de la extirpación parcial de la grada de Hoffa, y de ésta junto con el tercio central del tendón rotuliano en la rodilla de 16 conejos machos adultos, seguidos durante 6 meses. En los 6 casos que completan el estudio con extirpación de la grasa aislada no se detectó sobre el tendón o las superficies articulares cambios macro o microscópicos. Cuando se extirpó además de la grada el tercio central del ligamento rotuliano, se observó adelgazamiento y elongación del tendón rotuliano con erosiones mínimas en la articulación femororotuliana en 4 rodillas examinadas. En ninguno de los dos grupos se observó neoformación de la grasa extirpada.The repercussion on the knee after partial excision of the Hoffa pad, isolated or in combination with the central portion of the patella tendon, was studied in 16 adult male rabbits, with a follow-up of 6 months. In the 6 surviving cases of isolated Hoffa pad excision, no changes were observed on the tendon neither the articular surfaces on macro and microscopic. In the 6 cases of Hoffa pa and central portion of the patella tendon excision, thinning and elongation of the tendon with some erosion of the articular surface of the femoropatellar joint was observed. The fat pad was nor regenerated in neither group

    Frequency Analysis of a 64x64 Pixel Retinomorphic System with AER Output to Estimate the Limits to Apply onto Specific Mechanical Environment

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    The rods and cones of a human retina are constantly sensing and transmitting the light in the form of spikes to the cortex of the brain in order to reproduce an image in the brain. Delbruck’s lab has designed and manufactured several generations of spike based image sensors that mimic the human retina. In this paper we present an exhaustive timing analysis of the Address-Event- Representation (AER) output of a 64x64 pixels silicon retinomorphic system. Two different scenarios are presented in order to achieve the maximum frequency of light changes for a pixel sensor and the maximum frequency of requested directions on the output AER. Results obtained are 100 Hz and 1.66 MHz in each case respectively. We have tested the upper spin limit and found it to be approximately 6000rpm (revolutions per minute) and in some cases with high light contrast lost events do not exist.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639- C04-0

    Reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior por un abordaje trastendón rotuliano

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    Describimos la técnica de la plastia del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) usando el hueso-tendón-hueso a través de un abordaje transtendón rotuliano. Esto facilita la condiloplastia, la visión de los puntos de inserción del ligamento cruzado anterior y la realización de intervenciones asociadas con meniscectomía o suturas meniscales. Los resultados clínicos son semejantes a los de otras técnicas a cielo abierto o por atroscopia.The reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament by bone-tendon-bone through a transpatellar tendon approach facilitates notchplasty, allows visualization of the insertion points of the ligament, and the performance of other associated surgery like meniscectomy and meniscal sutures. The clinical results are similar to other techniques using arthrotomy or arthroscopy

    Mentoría y formación del profesorado novel para la comunicación emocional en los centros de difícil desempeño

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    El profesorado que ingresa por primera vez en un centro educativo se encuentra con una realidad que probablemente imaginara de otra manera, las dificultades que pueden surgir se ven incrementadas por las características propias de los centros educativos catalogados como de difícil desempeño. Estos centros están enmarcados en un espacio geográfico determinado, barrios circundantes, segregados. Esto supone que una buena parte de la población sufre una importante desconexión. El perfil del alumnado de estos centros, suelen ser: afectivos, emotivos, impulsivos (Agresivos), poco reflexivos, dinámicos, activo y diluyen su responsabilidad personal en el amparo del grupo. En este sentido el profesorado novel encuentra mayor dificultad en el inicio de su trayectoria profesional. Por eso los procesos de Mentoría ofrecen estrategias específicas de la mano de un experto, que se traducirán en mejoras de la práctica docente. Ser capaz de reconocer las expresiones emocionales en el alumnado y de expresarlas no es siempre fácil, por eso la propuesta es ir acompañado de profesorado veterano que ejerza como mentor para la mejora de la gestión del aula

    Potenciales evocados cerebrales en el contexto de la investigación psicológica: una actualización

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    -Event-related brain potentials (ERPS) are presented in the context of the psychological research. Firstly, aspects such as how un ERP is obtained, their characteristic features, the way in which they are classified, or their main advantages with respect to another type of measures usually used in Psychology, are presented. Then, two cognitive processes that have been extensively investigated with this technique are briejly reviewed,concretely, attention and language, and the recent research in the study of emotional processes is also commented. The main ERPs that have been used to study these psychological processes are discussed.En este articulo se presenta la técnica de registro de 10s potenciales evocados (PESe)n el contexto de la investigación psicológica. En primer lugar, se abordan aspectos tales como el proceso de obtención de un potencial evocado, sus caracteristicas definitorias, la forma en que se clasifican, sus principales ventajas respecto a otro tipo de medidas  usualmente utilizadas por la psicologia, etc. A continuación se repasan brevemente dos de 10s procesos cognitivos que han generado más investigación con esta técnica, concretamente la atención y el lenguaje, usí como 10s recientes avances que se han desarrollado en el campo de 10s procesos emocionales. Se comentan después 10s principales potenciales evocados que se utilizan para abordar este tip0 de procesos psicológicos

    Maximize Resolution or Minimize Error? Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing to Investigate the Recent Diversification of Helianthemum (Cistaceae)

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    A robust phylogenetic framework, in terms of extensive geographical and taxonomic sampling, well-resolved species relationships and high certainty of tree topologies and branch length estimations, is critical in the study of macroevolutionary patterns. Whereas Sanger sequencing-based methods usually recover insufficient phylogenetic signal, especially in recently diversified lineages, reduced-representation sequencing methods tend to provide well-supported phylogenetic relationships, but usually entail remarkable bioinformatic challenges due to the inherent trade-off between the number of SNPs and the magnitude of associated error rates. The genus Helianthemum (Cistaceae) is a species-rich and taxonomically complex Palearctic group of plants that diversified mainly since the Upper Miocene. It is a challenging case study since previous attempts using Sanger sequencing were unable to resolve the intrageneric phylogenetic relationships. Aiming to obtain a robust phylogenetic reconstruction based on genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS), we established a rigorous methodological workflow in which we i) explored how variable settings during dataset assembly have an impact on error rates and on the degree of resolution under concatenation and coalescent approaches, ii) assessed the effect of two extreme parameter configurations (minimizing error rates vs. maximizing phylogenetic resolution) on tree topology and branch lengths, and iii) evaluated the effects of these two configurations on estimates of divergence times and diversification rates. Our analyses produced highly supported topologically congruent phylogenetic trees for both configurations. However, minimizing error rates did produce more reliable branch lengths, critically affecting the accuracy of downstream analyses (i.e. divergence times and diversification rates). In addition to recommending a revision of intrageneric systematics, our results enabled us to identify three highly diversified lineages in Helianthemum in contrasting geographical areas and ecological conditions, which started radiating in the Upper Miocene.España, MINECO grants CGL2014- 52459-P and CGL2017-82465-PEspaña, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, reference IJCI-2015-2345

    Sustainable City: architecture, art and machine.

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    Abstract: The use of digital technology in architecture and art is associated often with the collaboration of interdisciplinary teams in participatory and experimental spaces, especially in the Media Lab model or its variants, such as the City Lab, Living Lab, the New Media Art and even the World Wide Lab. This is a model that combines the premises of the technological and innovation hand advanced users and whose clear precedents are, on the one hand, Russian Constructivism, and decades later the MIT hand Nicholas Negroponte. In the first case, in the Constructivism, there may be mentioned emblematic examples such as the Experimental Laboratory Building Kinetics of Proletkult in Moscow, Workshops Higher Education Arts and Techniques (VKHUTEMAS) founded in 1920, or the Group of Constructivists in Action the Institute of Artistic Culture (1921). The second case, the model Media Lab, Media Laboratory English acronym, translated as "Media Lab", originated in 1985 within the "Group of Architecture and Machines". The group has its immediate precedent in the draft Computer Aided Design (1959-1967), funded to maximize military power and whose director was Douglas T. Ross; it was addressing the man-machine complementary binding and design computationally, with a direct applicability of the technology. This model will be adopted by the architects of the Institute to raise new urban proposals based on component technology and social utopias. Also within the Media Lab, emerged in the late nineties, the term Living Lab hand WJ Mitchell and referred to urban planning using digital tools and with the involvement of the people themselves, albeit with different "degrees of citizen participation". This ever-closer union between man and machine is the direct consequence of the unstoppable digital revolution that is transforming the ways of city planning. Resumen: El uso de tecnología digital en arquitectura y arte va asociado, con frecuencia, a la colaboración de equipos interdisciplinares en espacios participativos y experimentales, especialmente en el modelo Media Lab o sus variantes, como el City Lab, el Living Lab, el New Media Art e incluso el World Wide Lab. Se trata de un modelo que aúna las premisas de lo tecnológico y la innovación, de la mano de usuarios avanzados y cuyos precedentes claros son, por un lado, el Constructivismo ruso, y décadas después el MIT de la mano de Nicholas Negroponte. En el primer caso, dentro del Constructivismo, pueden citarse ejemplos emblemáticos como el Laboratorio Experimental de Construcciones Cinéticas del Proletkult en Moscú, los Talleres de Enseñanza Superior de las Artes y las Técnicas (VKHUTEMAS) fundados en 1920, o el Grupo de Constructivistas en Acción del Instituto de Cultura Artística (1921). El segundo caso, el modelo Media Lab, acrónimo del inglés Media Laboratory, traducido como “Laboratorio de medios de comunicación”, tiene su origen en 1985 en el seno del “Grupo de Arquitectura y Máquinas”. Dicho grupo tiene su precedente inmediato en el Proyecto de Diseño Asistido por Computador (1959-67), financiado para maximizar el poderío bélico y cuyo director fue Douglas T. Ross; se trataba de abordar la unión complementaria hombre-máquina y el diseño en términos computacionales, con una aplicabilidad directa de la tecnología. Este modelo será adoptado por los arquitectos del Instituto para plantear nuevas propuestas urbanas basadas en la componente tecnológica y en utopías sociales. También en el seno del Media Lab, surge, a finales de los noventa, el término Living Lab de la mano de W. J. Mitchell y referido a planificación urbana mediante herramientas digitales y con la implicación de los propios habitantes, si bien con diferentes “grados de participación ciudadana”. Esta unión cada vez más estrecha entre hombre y máquina es la consecuencia directa de la imparable revolución digital que está transformando los modos de planificación de las ciudades.Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Preparation of palladium-supported periodic mesoporous organosilicas and their use as catalysts in the Suzuki cross-coupling reaction

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    Three periodic mesoporous materials, i.e., two organosilicas with either ethylene or phenylene bridges and one silica, have been used as supports for Pd nanoparticles. All Pd-supported samples (1.0 wt%) were prepared by the incipient wetness method and subsequently reduced in an H2 stream at 200 °C. Both hydrogen chemisorption and temperature programmed reduction experiments revealed significant differences depending on the support. Pd2+ species were more reducible on the mesoporous organosilicas than on their silica counterpart. Also, remarkable differences on the particle morphology were observed by transmission electron microscopy. All Pd-supported samples were active in the Suzuki cross-coupling reaction between bromobenzene and phenylboronic acid

    Collagenase nanocapsules: An approach to fibrosis treatment

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    Fibrosis is a common lesion in different pathologic diseases and defined by the excessive accumulation ofcollagen. Different approaches have been used to treat different conditions characterized by fibrosis. TheFDA and EMA approved the use of collagenase to treat palmar fibromatosis (Dupuytren’s contracture).The EMA approved additionally its use in severe Peyronie’s disease, but it has been used off label in otherconditions [1,2]. The approved treatment includes up to three (in palmar fibromatosis) or up to eight (inpenile fibromatosis) injections followed by finger extension or penile modeling procedures, typicallycausing severe pain. Frequent single injections are adequate to treat palmar fibromatosis [3]. The needto repeatedly inject doses of this enzyme can be due to the labile nature of collagenase, which exhibitsa complete activity loss after a short period of time. This study presents a novel strategy to manage thisenzyme based on the synthesis of polymeric nanocapsules that contain collagenase encapsulated withintheir matrix. These nanocapsules have been engineered for achieving a gradual release of the encapsu-lated enzyme for a longer time, which can be up to ten days. The efficacy of these nanocapsules has beentested in a murine model of local dermal fibrosis, and the results demonstrate a reduction in fibrosisgreater than that with the injection of free enzyme; this type of treatment showed a significant improve-ment compared to conventional therapy of free collagenase