27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the gut microbiota after metformin intervention in children with obesity: A metagenomic study of a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Metformin, a first-line oral antidiabetic agent that has shown promising results in terms of treating childhood and adolescent obesity, might influence the composition of the gut microbiota. We aimed to evaluate whether the gut microbiota of non-diabetic children with obesity changes after a metformin intervention. Methods: The study was a multicenter and double-blind randomized controlled trial in 160 children with obesity. Children were randomly assigned to receive either metformin (1 g/day) or placebo for 6 months in combination with healthy lifestyle recommendations in both groups. Then, we conducted a metagenomic analysis in a subsample obtained from 33 children (15 metformin, 18 placebo). A linear mixed-effects model (LMM) was used to determine the abundance changes from baseline to six months according to treatment. To analyze the data by clusters, a principal component analysis was performed to understand whether lifestyle habits have a different influence on the microbiota depending on the treatment group. Results: Actinobacteria abundance was higher after placebo treatment compared with metformin. However, the interaction time x treatment just showed a trend to be significant (4.6% to 8.1% after placebo vs. 3.8 % to 2.6 % after metformin treatment, p = 0.055). At genus level, only the abundance of Bacillus was significantly higher after the placebo intervention compared with metformin (2.5% to 5.7% after placebo vs. 1.5 % to 0.8 % after metformin treatment, p = 0.044). Furthermore, different ensembles formed by Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Verrucomicrobia were found according to the interventions under a similar food consumptionSpanish Ministry of Health, Social and Equality, General Department for Pharmacy and Health ProductsInstituto de Salud Carlos III-Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FONDOS FEDER), Redes temáticas de investigación cooperativa RETIC Red SAMID RD12/0026/001

    Adaptació a l’EEES de les assignatures experimentals troncals de la titulació de Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial en Química Industrial de la EUETIT

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    L'objectiu d'aquest projecte s'ha centrat en l'estructuració coordinada del programa del bloc d'assignatures experimentals troncals de la titulació d'Enginyeria Tècnica en Química Industrial, amb especial atenció a la introducció i implementació de forma progressiva de determinades competències transversals com: treball en grup, comunicació oral i escrita i gestió del treball i del temps. Aquestes competències es corresponen amb les definides en la proposta del perfil de formació de la titulació en Enginyeria Química de la EUETIT i aquesta experiència presenta una proposta per a la seva implementació a través de les quatre assignatures experimentals troncals de la titulació en Química Industrial. L'experiència ha suposat una millora de la coordinació i qualitat de les assignatures del bloc experimental ja que aquest procés d'adaptació ha motivat la programació coordinada de cadascuna d'aquestes assignatures en una línia més coherent amb el que hauria de ser la docència en el nou marc del EEES, potenciant els següents aspectes: i) la definició dels objectius formatius de l'assignatura, incloent els de caràcter transversal, ii) la definició adequada i ajustada al temps assignat a cada assignatura del pla d'activitats presencials i no presencials del curs, iii) la planificació d'un protocol de recollida de dades sobre la marxa del curs, la satisfacció dels estudiants i el temps de dedicació dels estudiants a les tasques del programa, iv) el seguiment de les assignatures mitjançant l'elaboració d'un informe periòdic d'anàlisi i millora de l'assignatura, iv) l'adequació del Campus Digital de l'assignatura per a la difusió d'informació i una comunicació eficaç amb els estudiants.Peer Reviewe

    Resting-state default mode network connectivity in young individuals with Down syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder that causes intellectual disability. Few studies have been conducted on functional connectivity using restingstate fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) signals or more specifically, on the relevant structure and density of the default mode network (DMN). Although data on this issue have been reported in adult DS individuals (age: >45 years), the DMN properties in young DS individuals have not been studied. The aim of this study was to describe the density and structure of the DMN network from fMRI signals in young DS (age: <36 years). Method: A sample of 22 young people with DS between the ages of 16 and 35 (M = 25.5 and SD = 5.1) was recruited in various centers for people with intellectual disability (ID). In addition to sociodemographic data, a six-minute fMRI session was recorded with a 3. T Philips Ingenia scanner. A control group of 22 young people, matched by age and gender, was obtained from the Human Connectome Project (to compare the networks properties between groups). Results: The values of the 48 ROIs that configured the DMN were obtained, and the connectivity graphs for each subject, the average connectivity graph for each group, the clustering and degree values for each ROI, and the average functional connectivity network were estimated. Conclusions: A higher density of overactivation was identified in DS group in the ventral, sensorimotor, and visual DMN networks, although within a framework of a wide variability of connectivity patterns in comparison with the control group network. These results extend our understanding of the functional connectivity networks pattern and intrasubject variability in DS

    Complexity Analysis of the Default Mode Network Using Resting-State fMRI in Down Syndrome: Relationships Highlighted by A Neuropsychological Assessment

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    Background: Studies on complexity indicators in the field of functional connectivity derived from resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) in Down syndrome (DS) samples and their possible relationship with cognitive functioning variables are rare. We analyze how some complexity indicators estimated in the subareas that constitute the default mode network (DMN) might be predictors of the neuropsychological outcomes evaluating Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and cognitive performance in persons with DS. Methods: Twenty-two DS people were assessed with the Kaufman Brief Test of Intelligence (KBIT) and Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) tests, and fMRI signals were recorded in a resting state over a six-minute period. In addition, 22 controls, matched by age and sex, were evaluated with the same rs-fMRI procedure. Results: There was a significant difference in complexity indicators between groups: the control group showed less complexity than the DS group. Moreover, the DS group showed more variance in the complexity indicator distributions than the control group. In the DS group, significant and negative relationships were found between some of the complexity indicators in some of the DMN networks and the cognitive performance scores. Conclusions: The DS group is characterized by more complex DMN networks and exhibits an inverse relationship between complexity and cognitive performance based on the negative parameter estimates

    Confirmatory factor analysis with missing data in a small sample: cognitive reserve in people with Down Syndrome

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    The presence of missing data and small sample sizes are very common in social and health sciences. Concurrently to present a methodology to solve the small sample size and miss- ing data, we aim to present a definition of Cognitive Reserve for people with Down Syn- drome. This population has become an appealing focus to study this concept because of the high incidence of dementia. The accidental sample comprised 35 persons with DS (16- 35 years). A total of 12 variables were acquired, four of them had missing data. Two types of multiple imputation were made. Confirmatory factor analysis with Bayesian estimations was performed on the final database with non-informative priors. However, to solve the sample size problem, two additional corrections were made: first, we followed the Jiang and Yuan (2017) schema, and second, we made a Jackknife correlation correction. The estimations of the confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the global fit, are adequate. As an applied perspective, the acceptable fit of our model suggests the possibility of opera- tionalizing the latent factor Cognitive Reserve in a simple way to measure it in the Down Syndrome population

    How to Handle Concomitant Asymptomatic Prosthetic Joints During an Episode of Hematogenous Periprosthetic Joint Infection, a Multicenter Analysis

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    [Background] Prosthetic joints are at risk of becoming infected during an episode of bacteremia, especially during Staphylocococcus aureus bacteremia. However, it is unclear how often asymptomatic periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) occurs, and whether additional diagnostics should be considered.[Methods] In this multicenter study, we retrospectively analyzed a cohort of patients with a late acute (hematogenous) PJI between 2005–2015 who had concomitant prosthetic joints in situ. Patients without at least 1 year of follow-up were excluded.[Results] We included 91 patients with a hematogenous PJI and 108 concomitant prosthetic joints. The incident PJI was most frequently caused by Staphylococcus aureus (43%), followed by streptococci (26%) and Gram-negative rods (18%). Of 108 concomitant prosthetic joints, 13 were symptomatic, of which 10 were subsequently diagnosed as a second PJI. Of the 95 asymptomatic prosthetic joints, 1 PJI developed during the follow-up period and was classified as a “missed” PJI at the time of bacteremia with S. aureus (1.1%). Infected prosthetic joints were younger than the noninfected ones in 67% of cases, and prosthetic knees were affected more often than prosthetic hips (78%).[Conclusions] During an episode of hematogenous PJI, concomitant asymptomatic prosthetic joints have a very low risk of being infected, and additional diagnostic work-up for these joints is not necessary.Peer reviewe

    How to Handle Concomitant Asymptomatic Prosthetic Joints During an Episode of Hematogenous Periprosthetic Joint Infection:a Multicenter Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Prosthetic joints are at risk of becoming infected during an episode of bacteremia, especially during Staphylocococcus aureus bacteremia. However, it is unclear how often asymptomatic periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) occurs, and whether additional diagnostics should be considered. METHODS: In this multicenter study, we retrospectively analyzed a cohort of patients with a late acute (hematogenous) PJI between 2005-2015 who had concomitant prosthetic joints in situ. Patients without at least 1 year of follow-up were excluded. RESULTS: We included 91 patients with a hematogenous PJI and 108 concomitant prosthetic joints. The incident PJI was most frequently caused by Staphylococcus aureus (43%), followed by streptococci (26%) and Gram-negative rods (18%). Of 108 concomitant prosthetic joints, 13 were symptomatic, of which 10 were subsequently diagnosed as a second PJI. Of the 95 asymptomatic prosthetic joints, 1 PJI developed during the follow-up period and was classified as a "missed" PJI at the time of bacteremia with S. aureus (1.1%). Infected prosthetic joints were younger than the noninfected ones in 67% of cases, and prosthetic knees were affected more often than prosthetic hips (78%). CONCLUSIONS: During an episode of hematogenous PJI, concomitant asymptomatic prosthetic joints have a very low risk of being infected, and additional diagnostic work-up for these joints is not necessary

    Ingeniería Forestal y ambiental en medios insulares

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    Las Islas Canarias a pesar de su reducida extensión y del relativo poco peso específico a nivel mundial, no es ajena a los problemas globales detectados en la conservación de bosques y en la importancia que éstos tienen para obtener beneficios económicos, socioculturales y ambientales. La gestión forestal sostenible es en este sentido esencial para asegurar y compatibilizar los diversos beneficios del bosque. El papel específico de los bosques y su gestión son sin embargo temas aún por conocer en nuestras islas, por lo que el Año Internacional de los Bosques ha representado una oportunidad única para dar a conocer el mundo forestal y acercarlo a nuestra sociedad. El presente libro consta de 25 capítulos donde se ha contemplado la mayoría de los aspectos a tener en cuenta en la planificación y gestión del medio forestal y natural. Desde la historia forestal del archipiélago, hasta el uso y técnicas de manejo de los recursos naturales, incluyendo el agua, la energía en forma de biomasa y la selvicultura