20 research outputs found

    Mercury, cadmium, and lead levels in human placenta: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Placental tissue may furnish information on the exposure of both mother and fetus. Mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) are toxicants of interest in pregnancy because they are associated with alterations in child development. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to summarize the available information regarding total Hg, Cd, and Pb levels in human placenta and possible related factors. METHODS: We performed a systematic search of PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, Lilacs, OSH, and Web of Science for original papers on total Hg, Cd, or Pb levels in human placenta that were published in English or Spanish (1976-2011). Data on study design, population characteristics, collection and analysis of placenta specimens, and main results were extracted using a standardized form. RESULTS: We found a total of 79 papers (73 different studies). Hg, Cd, and Pb levels were reported in 24, 46, and 46 studies, respectively. Most studies included small convenience samples of healthy pregnant women. Studies were heterogeneous regarding populations selected, processing of specimens, and presentation of results. Hg concentrations > 50 ng/g were found in China (Shanghai), Japan, and the Faroe Islands. Cd levels ranged from 1.2 ng/g to 53 ng/g and were highest in the United States, Japan, and Eastern Europe. Pb showed the greatest variability, with levels ranging from 1.18 ng/g in China (Shanghai) to 500 ng/g in a polluted area of Poland. CONCLUSION: The use of the placenta as a biomarker to assess heavy metals exposure is not properly developed because of heterogeneity among the studies. International standardized protocols are needed to enhance comparability and increase the usefulness of this promising tissue in biomonitoring studies.We thank the librarians of the Móstoles Hospital and of the National Health Sciences Library (ISCIII).S

    Factores de riesgo y eventos cardiovasculares en inmigrantes latinoamericanos adultos en el Distrito Macarena, Sevilla, España: estudio piloto

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    Con la finalidad de estimar la prevalencia por autorreporte de factores de riesgo y eventos cardiovasculares en población latinoamericana inmigrante adulta del Distrito 2 (Macarena) de Sevilla, se realizó un estudio piloto de investigación descriptiva de corte transversal. Fue utilizado un cuestionario anónimo con autorreporte de factores de riesgo y eventos cardiovasculares. Resultados: participaron 34 personas, (18% de la muestra), media etaria: 31,8 años, residencia media: 6,5 años, mujeres: 52,9%. Prevalencias de factores de riesgo: 8,8% diabetes, 14,7% colesterol elevado y 23,5% hipertensión arterial. Prevalencia de eventos coronarios corresponde a 8,8%: angina de pecho, infarto de miocardio y accidente cerebrovascular: 2,9% para ambos. Se concluye en que la prevalencia de eventos cardiovasculares autorreportados supera la mencionada en la literatura, mereciendo este asunto la atención de los organismos sanitarios. Este dato debe ser tenido en cuenta por enfermería para elaborar planes de cuidados adaptados culturalmente al contexto de este colectivo inmigrante

    Accuracy of anthropometric measurements and weight status perceptions reported by parents of 4-year-old children

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of self-reported height and weight by parents of 4-year-old children and subjective weight perception. DESIGN: Descriptive cross-sectional study. SETTING: Paediatric population living in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. PARTICIPANTS: Children born in 2008-2009 examined at 47-59 months of age. Data were collected by paediatricians of the Madrid Primary Care Physicians Sentinel Network. Parents reported weight and height data. Prevalence of weight status categories was calculated using WHO and International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) reference criteria. Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value (PPV) were estimated. The appraisal of their child's weight perception and parental misperception were assessed. RESULTS: For 2914 children, reported height was underestimated by -1·38 cm, weight by -0·25 kg and BMI was overestimated by +0·41 kg/m2 on average. The prevalence of obesity estimated with reported data was 2·7 times higher than that calculated with measured data (16·2 v. 6·0 %) according to WHO classification, and 3·6 times higher with IOTF classification. Sensitivity to identify obesity was 70·5 %, specificity was 87·3 % and PPV was 26·2 % (WHO classification). Half of the parents of pre-schoolers with obesity failed to identify their child's weight status. Parental misperception among children classified as having overweight or obesity reached 93·0 and 58·8 %, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Parents underestimated children's height and weight, leading to an overestimation of the prevalence of obesity. Small inaccuracies in reported measures have an important effect for the estimation of population prevalences. Parents' report of child weight status is unreliable. Parental awareness and acknowledgement of child weight status should be improved.S

    Coverage and predictors of influenza vaccination in patients with cystic fibrosis in a campaign with a mobile phone text messaging intervention

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    Annual influenza vaccination is considered the best protection against influenza infection. We analyzed the influenza vaccine coverage (IVC) in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and evaluated the factors associated with the IVC, including the effect of text-message/SMS reminders. We performed a cross-sectional study in the Community of Madrid (Spain) in 2015. The target population was people with CF older than 6 months of age at the beginning of the flu vaccination campaign. The IVC was calculated according to the study variables. A total of 445 CF patients were analyzed. In 2015, IVC reached 67.9% and was higher in children and women. The main factor associated with flu vaccination was having been vaccinated in the previous campaign (aOR 14.36; IC95%: 8.48–24.32). The probability of being vaccinated after receiving the SMS was more than twice than for those who did not receive it, although no statistical significance was reached. In conclusion the IVC of patients with CF is high, but it still has room for improvement. SMS reminders sent to CF patients might improve influenza vaccine uptake

    Características epidemiológicas de la pluripatología y su influencia en la utilización de servicios sanitarios a partir de una Encuesta de Salud. Madrid, 2007

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    Fundamentos: La acumulación de patologías crónicas en un mismo paciente es cada vez más frecuente, por lo que se está convirtiendo en un problema de salud pública. Los objetivos de este estudio son describir la prevalencia de pluripatología en la población, sus características epidemiológicas y su influencia en la utilización de servicios sanitarios a partir de la Encuesta Regional de Salud de Madrid (ERSM2007) y comparar dos indicadores de pluripatología. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Se analizó la ERSM2007 (n=12.190 mayores de 15 años). Se elaboraron dos indicadores: la presencia de 2 o más Problemas Crónicos (PC) y la existencia de 2 o más categorías clínicas afectadas según una definición de Paciente Pluripatológico (PP). Otras variables analizadas fueron: sexo, edad, clase social, nivel de estudios, índice de masa corporal, actividad física, consumos de alcohol y de tabaco, y la utilización de servicios sanitarios. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, bivariado y multivariado mediante regresión logística con el cálculo de odds ratios (OR) e intervalos de confianza del 95%. Resultados: La prevalencia de pluripatología medida con PC fue 23,7% en hombres y 37,3% en mujeres y con PP fue 5,4% y 8,0% respectivamente. La pluripatología aumentó con la edad, con el bajo nivel educativo (OR=2,0; 1,4-2,8, en mujeres sin estudios o primarios respecto a universitarios), con la obesidad (OR=2,6; 1,9-3,3, en obesas respecto a mujeres de peso normal), y con el consumo previo de alcohol y de tabaco. La mayor asociación se observó con PP y el ingreso hospitalario (OR=4,1 ; 3,0-5,5 en hombres y OR=3,3 ; 2,6-4,3 en mujeres). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de pluripatología fue mayor en mujeres, en personas de mayor edad, con menor nivel de estudios o en clases sociales más desfavorecidas. Se asoció con la obesidad, con consumos previos de tabaco o alcohol. La utilización de los servicios sanitarios aumentó con la pluripatología. Estos indicadores pueden ser complementarios, por su diferente asociación con cada nivel asistencial

    Demand for health services and drug prescriptions among overweight or obese preschool children.

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    To evaluate the association between excess weight and the demand of health services in preschool children compared with healthy weight. The data come from the Longitudinal Study of Childhood Obesity cohort (1884 4-year-old children, residing in the Madrid region, Spain) who provided information through telephone questionnaire, physical examination and electronic medical records. We defined overweight, general and abdominal obesity based on body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio. Using mixed models of multivariable negative binomial regression we calculated the incidence rate ratio (IRR) regarding primary care (PC) doctor visits, drug prescriptions and hospital admissions by weight status at the end of the 2-year follow-up. Childhood general obesity was associated with a higher demand for PC services related to psychological problems (IRR=1.53; 95% CI 1.02 to 2.28) and childhood abdominal obesity, according to waist-to-height ratio, was related to more frequent problems of the musculoskeletal system (IRR=1.27; 95% CI 1.00 to 1.62). Drugs were prescribed more frequently to children falling under all three definitions of excess weight, compared with healthy weight children. No differences in the number of hospital admissions were observed. The demand of health services related to early childhood obesity was small. Nevertheless, obesity was associated with a slightly greater demand for drug prescriptions and for PC doctor visits related to psychological and musculoskeletal problems.S

    Prevalence of Steinert’s Myotonic Dystrophy and Utilization of Healthcare Services: A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study

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    Myotonic dystrophy type I (MDI) is the most common muscular dystrophy in adults. The main objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of MDI in the Community of Madrid (CM) (Spain) and to analyze the use of public healthcare services; a population-based cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on patients with MDI in CM and data were obtained from a population-based registry (2010–2017). A total of 1101 patients were studied (49.1% women) with average age of 47.8 years; the prevalence of MDI was 14.4/100,000 inhabitants. In the women lineal regression model for hospital admissions, being in the fourth quartile of the deprivation index, was a risk factor (regression coef (rc): 0.80; 95%CI 0.25–1.37). In the overall multiple lineal regression model for primary health care (PHC) attendance, being a woman increased the probability of having a higher number of consultations (rc: 3.99; 95%CI: 3.95–5.04), as did being in the fourth quartile of the deprivation index (rc: 2.10; 95%CI: 0.58–3.63); having received influenza vaccines was a protective factor (rc: −0.46; 95%CI: −0.66–(−0.25)). The prevalence of MDI in the CM is high compared to other settings. Moreover, having any level of risk stratification of becoming ill (high, medium or low) has a positive association with increased PHC consultations and hospital admissions