705 research outputs found

    Percepción de las familias y profesores sobre los efectos del programa piloto Aprender a Convivir en Casa

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    Several studies in the last decades provide scientific evidence about the benefits of family intervention at an early age. Carried out the implementation of the Aprender a Convivir en Casa [Learning to Live Together at Home] program (ACC), aimed for Spanish families with preschoolers to prevent behavioural problems, juvenile delinquency and harassment, as well as promote an optimal family functioning and parenting wellbeing; the aim of this study is to compare the effects on pre-schooler’s adaptive skills and behavioural problems through the BASC-P1 and BASC-T1, parents and teachers respectively. Parents of 18 three to five-year-old children participated in the study, 9 parents were assigned to parent training (PT, experimental group) and 9 to a waiting list group (WL, control group). The results indicate that the children of the PT group obtained significantly higher scores in social competence compared with the WL group. The effect sizes ranges are large in this dimension, ranging from 2.12 in adaptive skills and 2.57 in social skills. Moreover, no significant differences have been found in internalizing and externalizing problems. Related to the comparison between teachers and parent’s perspective in the PT group, there is an agreement in some aspects of the social competence factors but there is no arrangement in the conduct problems dimensions, coinciding with other current research. Based on the parent’s perception of ACC efficacy, it is found high satisfaction and benefits after participating. These results suggest that ACC family program may be useful to promote family functioning and wellbeing and preschooler’s social competence.Percepción de las familias y profesores sobre los efectos del programa piloto Aprender a Convivir en Casa. Varios estudios en las últimas décadas muestran los beneficios de la intervención familiar en edad temprana. Llevada a cabo la implementación del programa Aprender a Convivir en Casa (ACC), dirigido a familias españolas con niños en edad preescolar para prevenir problemas de conducta, delincuencia juvenil y acoso, así como para promover un óptimo funcionamiento y bienestar familiar; el objetivo de este estudio es comparar los efectos sobre las habilidades adaptativas y los problemas de conducta de los preescolares a través del BASC-P1 y BASC-T1, progenitores y profesores respectivamente. Los progenitores de 18 niños y niñas de tres a cinco años participaron en el estudio, 9 progenitores fueron asignados al grupo de entrenamiento (PT, grupo experimental) y 9 a un grupo en lista de espera (WL, grupo control). Los resultados indican que los niños del grupo PT obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en competencia social en comparación con el grupo WL. Los tamaños del efecto son grandes en esta dimensión, que van desde 2,12 en habilidades de adaptación y 2,57 en habilidades sociales. Por otra parte, no se han encontrado diferencias significativas en la interiorización y exteriorización de problemas. En relación a la comparación entre profesores y progenitores, en el grupo PT existe acuerdo en algunas dimensiones de competencia social, pero no en las dimensiones de problemas de conducta, coincidiendo con otras investigaciones actuales. Se observa un alto grado de satisfacción y beneficios después de la participación. Estos resultados sugieren que el programa familiar ACC puede ser útil para promover el funcionamiento y el bienestar de la familia y la competencia social de preescolares.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (EDU2013-41054-P)

    Classroom emotional climate: nature, measurement, effects and implications for education

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    Classroom Emotional Climate (CEC) is a variable that is been connected with academic skills, satisfaction, psychological wellbeing. However, its definition, the limits of the construct and the relationship with others classroom factors are not clearly established. This study we develop and validate and an instrument, the Classroom Emotional Climate Questionnaire (CECQ), to assess the CEC and analyze the relationships between different components of classroom climate as well as their relative role for predicting students’ satisfaction with teachers’ socioemotional support and with sense of community. A total of 749 Secondary and High School students formed the sample. Students completed five questionnaires: Classroom Emotional Climate Questionnaire (CEC-Q); Classroom Motivational Climate Questionnaire (CMC-Q); Disruption Management Climate Questionnaire (DMC-Q); Sense of Community Questionnaire (SoC-Q); Satisfaction with Teacher’s way of treating students Questionnaire (SAT-TWTS). For validating the CEC-Q structure, several models were tested trough confirmatory factor analyses, and for testing construct validity, correlation and regression analysis were realized using children’s sense of community and satisfaction with teacher’s socio-emotional support as external criteria. Results support hypotheses related to CEC-Q structure, to discriminant validity in relation to the other components of classroom climate, and to concurrent validity in relation to external criteria. These results underlie the importance of acting on CEC-Q and CMC components to favor students’ emotional satisfaction and sense of communityEste trabajo se lleva a cabo con financiación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (Proyectos EDU2012-37382 y EDU2017-89036-P

    Early motor copying behaviours: analysis of their functions and relationship with language

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    The development of copying behaviours of a group of infants from 9 to 15months of age is analysed. These behaviours are classified according totheir type (mimetic or imitated) and function (instrumental, social orhybrid). The function of the behaviours is derived from observableindicators linked to dyadic interaction. Mimetic behaviours aremaintained from 9 to 15 months, while imitative behaviours increase infrequency. The elicited copying situation promotes more behaviourswith instrumental function, while other functions appear spontaneously.The concurrent and prospective relationships between copyingbehaviours–frequency, type and function- and receptive andexpressive language are different through development. This studyproposes an innovative definition of the functions of copyingbehaviours that is based on dynamic variables linked to interaction, incontrast to previous work that derives function from static variablessuch as context, object use and/or the body part performing themovementThis research has been supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Spain, underProject PSI2013-44250-

    Dinámica poblacional, características clínicas, sensibilidad antimicrobiana y tipado molecular de la infección gonocócica: estudio clínico y epidemiológico en el área de Bilbao

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    191 p.Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo prospectivo en el que se analizan tanto los aislamientos de N. gonorrhoeae realizados en el Servicio de Microbiología Clínica y Control de Infección del Hospital Universitario Basurto, situado en Bilbao, durante los años 2011, 2012 y 2013, así como los datos demográficos de los pacientes a los que pertenecen estos aislamientos. Se obtuvo la sensibilidad antimicrobiana de todas las cepas a distintos antimicrobianos utilizados en el tratamiento de la infección gonocócica, así como posibles alternativas en el futuro y antimicrobianos que nos pueden orientar la sensibilidad a otros antimicrobianos. La sensibilidad antimicrobiana se realizó por el método de difusión en disco-placa, en todos los antimicrobianos estudiados, por el método de dilución en agar, en el caso de cefixima, ceftriaxona y ciprofloxacino, y por el méotodo de E-test, en los casos de azitromicina resistentes. Se obtuvieron 371 aislamientos de N. gonorrhoeae pertenecientes a 292 pacientes y 309 episodios. La tipificación molecular se llevó a cabo mediante NG-MAST sobre todos los aislamientos de los años 2012 y 2013 obteniendo el ST de un total de 212 aislamientos

    Research domain criteria from neuroconstructivism: a developmental view on mental disorders

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    Neuroconstructivism can provide Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) with a developmental framework to understand mental disorders. Neuroconstructivism proposes that mental disorders are the outcome of a developmental trajectory. Based on this assumption, symptoms would reveal the system’s adaptation to optimize functioning according to the system’s experience of the physical and social contexts. RDoC adopts a translational research approach with the aim of detecting, curing and preventing mental illness. More specifically this involves to: (1) identify early signs of mental disorders, (2) find the optimal patient-treatment fit, and (3) design efficient interventions to prevent the system’s eventual pathological functioning. We propose that meeting RDoC’s three-fold objective necessarily involves predicting the system’s developmental trajectory. Such endeavor requires counting with assessment tools that are sensitive to both the process of development and its different contexts; the measures provided by these tools will allow identifying the risk and protective factors that make the system vulnerable to depart from a typical developmental trajectory. Including vectors relative to time and contexts in a relevant part of the matrix will make of RDoC a truly integrative model, which considers the relationships between behaviour and neural circuits throughout the developmental pathwayEuropean Regional Development Fund Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI 2015‐66509/P

    Mother-infant co-regulation from 0 to 2 years: The role of copy behaviors. A systematic review

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    The purpose of this review was twofold: (1) to examine how copy behaviors (CB) have been studied in mother-infant natural interactions from 0 to 24 months, and (2) to determine to what extent they can be considered co-regulation processes between both members of the dyad. To do this, 36 studies published between 1975 and 2021 were systematically examined, classified and discussed. The analyzed evidence showed that CB in spontaneous mother-infant interactions have been examined under different perspectives, that such behaviors might be differentially classified as distinct modes of copying according to their traits and, lastly, that CB operate as social facilitators that foster the co-regulation of both affects and behaviors and direct mothers and infants, most of the times, towards a mutual sense of interpersonal matching that adds quality to their interactionsThis work has been carried out within the framework of a contract granted by the Industrial Doctorates of the Community of Madrid, of which the author MVC is a beneficiary (IND2019/SOC-17215), and the project TRABERITEA: “Developmental trajectories in infants at risk for autism: processes of neurocognitive specialization and early interaction and phenotypic outcomes.” [PID2020–117087GB-I00] – financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agenc

    La evaluación de la calidad docente en el nuevo marco del EEES : un estudio sobre la encuesta de opinión del Programa DOCENTIA-ANDALUCÍA

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    La adaptación de los Títulos al nuevo marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) requiere la optimización de la calidad de las actividades desarrolladas por el profesorado. La evaluación de la actividad docente se convierte así en un pilar fundamental en el ámbito de los nuevos Sistemas de Garantía de Calidad (SGC). Por ello, y en este contexto de cambios, la necesidad de emprender la evaluación de la labor docente de forma integral constituye una de las demandas más urgentes para las universidades españolas. A pesar de la importancia de contextualizar la evaluación, la utilización de indicadores específicos permite detectar problemáticas educativas e implementar medidas de mejora continua. Asimismo, posibilita el uso de un lenguaje común entre instituciones académicas, fortaleciéndose el sentido de la evaluación de la labor docente como sistema integral de calidad. En este sentido, el mantenimiento de indicadores depende de la implantación de procedimientos validados por la comunidad universitaria. Un ejemplo de ello es el uso de herramientas fiables como la Encuesta de Opinión de los Estudiantes sobre la Labor Docente del Profesorado Universitario, originaria del programa DOCENTIA-ANDALUCIA, y que representa una muestra de la utilidad de este tipo de instrumentos. El estudio que se presenta se enmarca en las nuevas formas de docencia universitaria y supone un cambio en la concepción de la evaluación docente._________________________________________Adjustment of Degrees to the new framework of the European Space for Higher Education needs optimization of the quality of the activities developed by the teaching staff. So, the assessment of the teaching activity becomes a mainstay in the field of new Quality Assurance Systems. In this context of changes, the need to undertake an integral evaluation of the academic job represents one of the most urgent demands for the Spanish universities. In spite of importance of the context of evaluation, utilization of specific indicators allows to detect educational problems and to implement measures of constant improvement. Likewise, it makes possible the use of a common language among academic institutions and it strengthens the sense of evaluation of the teaching labour as integral system of quality. In this respect, maintenance of indicators depends on implementation of validated procedures by the university community. An example of it is the use of trustworthy tools such as the Opinion polls of the Students about Teaching Activity of University Professor. This survey comes from program DOCENTIA-ANDALUCIA and it represents a sample of utility of this type of instruments. The study presented places in the new forms of university teaching and it means a change in the conception of the academic/educational/teaching process evaluation

    Individualized Novel Therapies for Patients with Tumor Suppressor Genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutated Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

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    Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death in women with gynecological cancer, since a large proportion of patients are diagnosed at later stages of the disease. The incidence of ovarian cancer in the general population is 2%, but patients with germline mutations in the BRCA genes have a risk of developing ovarian cancer of up to 2050% with a cumulative risk of ovarian cancer at 70 years of age of 40% in BRCA1 and 18% in BRCA2 mutation carriers. Although it is a chemosensitive tumor, most of the patients after surgery and chemotherapy based on taxanes and platinum will relapse later in life. Due to the high risk of developing ovarian cancer in patients with BRCA germline mutations, new treatments rely increasingly on histological and molecular characteristics of the primary tumor, achieving greater selectivity and lower toxicity compared with standard cytotoxic agents. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARPS) inhibitors are the first biologically active agents for patients with ovarian cancer with alterations in the DNA repair pathway, particularly in the high-grade serous subtype of ovarian cancer

    El modelo historicista inglés del XVIII como vía de análisis y acceso a propuestas actuales de modernidad en la educación de la mujer

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    Partimos de unas reflexiones sobre el Racionalismo y el Historicismo como dos enfoques con perfiles epistemológicos claramente diferenciados, que llevan a quien en ellos se sitúe a muy diversos planteamientos respecto a cualquier cuestión de carácter social. Examinamos el alcance y potencial de ambos en su argumentación cuando pretenden dar cuenta del origen de la sociedad política y todo lo que ello representa, instituciones, valores… Esbozada esta cuestión se recala en el análisis jovellanista de la mujer. Jovellanos conoce bien ambos enfoques, sus lecturas de los autores aquí citados están plenamente contrastadas y no son objeto de este trabajo; apuesta por el enfoque historicista inglés para comprender el rol femenino, para situar a las instituciones que le niegan su ingreso en su decurso histórico, y curiosamente convierte el modelo historicista en una vía de análisis y acceso a propuestas de una extraordinaria modernidad. Analizamos desde estos enfoques los planes de estudio en los que estamos inmersos