397 research outputs found

    Planteamientos metodológicos en el estudio de las mujeres musulmanas y judías en la Edad Media hispana: La poetisa Qasmuna bat Isma' il.

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    I want to thank professors Montserrat Abumalham, Shalom Goldman and Devin Stewart for reading preliminary versions of this article and giving me their useful advise on the contents and its edition in English. The preparation of this article has been possible thanks to a Fulbright!MEC postdoctoral fellowship. This article is a revision of the paper I gave in the conference on Appropriating and Reappropiating the Past: History and Historiográphy in Islamic and Judaic Traditions (Den ver, 1996), under the title "The Historiography of the Andalusian Poetess Qasmuna bat Isma'il and the Reflection of Jewish Women in Andalusian Sources". ·This article gives a general overview of the various methodological approacheswhich have been employed in the study of Muslim and Jewish women in Medieval Spain.Then discussion will tum to the Spanish J ewish woman poet Qasmuna bat Isma' il.Este artículo ofrece, en primer lugar, un panorama general sobre la metodologíautilizada en el estudio de mujeres musulmanas y judías en la España medieval, paracentrarse, finalmente, en el caso de la poetisa hispano-hebrea Qasmuna bat Isma'il.Fulbrigh

    La importancia de la ética en la venta desde el punto de vista del consumidor

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    Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de la ética en la venta, más concretamente en la importancia que los consumidores conceden a la corrección ética del comportamiento de los vendedores con los que entran en contacto en una relación de compraventa. Lo que se pretende conocer es si la actuación ética de los vendedores en la relación de compraventa ocupa algún lugar en la mente de los consumidores involucrados en la misma, si existe una imagen ética de los vendedores. Para ello, se presenta un modelo de relaciones que se somete a contrastación en el sector del automóvil. Los resultados muestran la existencia de dicha imagen y ponen de manifiesto algunos de los factores que afectan a dicha imagenRACT: This paper focuses on the study of ethics in personal selling. The aim of this article is to know the importance of ethics in personal selling for consumers. After carrying out a revision of the previous academic research, we outline a relational model. This model is going to be tested in automobile sales market. The results of our empirical study show that customers have an ethics image of the salesperson’s fir

    Planteamientos metodológicos en el estudio de las mujeres musulmanas y judías en la Edad Media hispana: La poetisa Qasmuna bat Isma' il.

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    This article gives a general overview of the various methodological approacheswhich have been employed in the study of Muslim and Jewish women in Medieval Spain.Then discussion will tum to the Spanish J ewish woman poet Qasmuna bat Isma' il.Este artículo ofrece, en primer lugar, un panorama general sobre la metodologíautilizada en el estudio de mujeres musulmanas y judías en la España medieval, paracentrarse, finalmente, en el caso de la poetisa hispano-hebrea Qasmuna bat Isma'il

    El gran problema de la PYME: Su financiación. Soluciones a través del capital riesgo y los segundos mercados bursátiles

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    Uno de los principales problemas con que se encuentran las Pymes a la hora de afrontar los procesos de inversión que les permitan crecer y sobrevivir, es el de la financiación. Este tipo de empresas sólo puede recurrir a fondos bancarios que, para ellas, son a corto plazo y elevado interés. En este artículo analizamos esta situación así como el capital riesgo y los segundos mercados bursátiles como solución posible y bastante efectiva en otros países. Analizaremos también la evolución de estos fenómenos en nuestro país

    Comercio judío en Fez en la etapa previa a la conquista almohade

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    This work is part of a project undertaken by the co-authors on ‘Interfaith relations in medieval Islam: Jewish minorities under Almohad rule’ supported by a joint project grant from the British Academy and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid. The authors thank both institutions for their generous support.This article presents a Genizah letter dealing with Jewish trade in Fes shortly after the Almohads had started their conquest of southern Morocco. The authors propose a new reading of the text, as part of a project of revision of primary sources related to interfaith relations under Almohad rule.En este artículo se presenta una carta de la Genizah relativa comercio judío en la ciudad de Fez, en el período en el que los Almohades habían comenzado la conquista del Sur de Marruecos. Las autoras proponen una nueva lectura del texto, como parte de un proyecto de revisión de fuentes primarias relativas a las relaciones interreligiosas bajo poder almohade.British AcademyConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madri


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    One of the most striking developments in the history of medieval and early modern Iberia is that of its linguistic transformation from being a predominantly Romance speaking community to being thoroughly monolingual in Arabic in most territories under Islamic rule, only to become again an almost exclusively Romance speaking society after the expulsion of the Moriscos in 1609. This linguistic development can be arguably related to the political and social transformations due, in the first place, to the Islamic conquest and rule of most of the Iberia peninsula for a period of eight centuries and, second, to the subsequent belligerent reaction of the Christian Kingdoms of the North that ended up in the defeat and disappearance of the last Muslim kingdom of Granada in 1492, followed by the expulsion in 1609 of the last Muslims (Moriscos) of the Iberian peninsula many of whom were still speakers of the Arabic language. The association of Arabic with Islam and that of Romance with Christianity was a prevalent notion among both Christians and Muslims but it led to different linguistic policies and linguistic attitudes in the Iberia ruled by Muslims and in the Iberia ruled by Christians. In this article we intend to do a comparative study of the linguistic attitudes and policies towards the language of the religious “other” or religious “enemy” in two different specific periods: First, in al-Andalus, from the eleventh century onwards, at the time that Arabic was the dominant language and when religious diversity was on the verge of extinction after the strict rule of the Almohad dynasty. Second, in 16th century Christian Spain, at the time that Castilian Romance was being standardized and the dominant language of the country and when the only traces of religious diversity, that is, the Morisco community, were harshly repressed and on the eve of being expelled from the country. In both cases, the religious minority under duress was identified with a powerful external threat: the Christians of the North, in the first case, and external Islam (Ottoman Empire and North Africa), in the second. Furthermore, those minorities are representative of the religious enemy within the framework of confrontation between Islam and Christianity in the Iberian Peninsula. The comparison will be articulated through two main enquiries: First, the enquiry into the degree of knowledge of the language of the religious other/enemy and, more specifically, the awareness and interpretation of the two existing diglossias: Classical Arabic/Andalusi Arabic in the case of Muslims and Romance/Latin in the case of Christians. Second, we will address our enquiry into the linguistic policies (whether overt or surreptitious) and linguistic attitudes towards the language of the religious other as reflected in contemporary literature

    Orígenes y evolución del lenguaje según el gramático y exegeta caraíta Abū l-Farağ Hārūn ibn al-Farağ

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    Abū l-Farağ Hārūn ibn al-Farağ is to be considered the main representative of the Karaite grammatical school that evolved in Palestine in the tenth and eleventh centuries CE. However, little is known of the contents of his works given the lack of complete editions of any of his grammatical treatises. Taking advantage of the fact that the first complete edition of one of his major works, al-Kitāb al-Kāfī (The Sufficient Book) has been finished and is about to come out, I present in this article a selection and summary of his ideas with regard to the origin and evolution of language, as it appears in this treatise. Its study reveals in a meaningful way the racionalist approach that caracterised the Karaite movement.Abū l-Farağ Hārūn ibn al-Farağ es el máximo representante de la escuela gramatical caraíta que se desarrolló en Palestina entre los siglos X y XI. Los contenidos de sus obras, sin embargo, son poco conocidos por la falta de ediciones completas de sus tratados gramaticales. Aprovechando la finalización y próxima publicación de la primera edición completa de una de sus obras mayores, al-Kitāb al-Kāfī (= Libro Suficiente), presento en este artículo una selección y resumen de sus ideas en torno al origen y desarrollo del lenguaje según aparecen en este tratado. Su estudio revela de forma significativa el análisis racionalista que caracterizó al movimiento caraíta

    Judeo-Arabic Interaction and 19th Century Jewish Arabists: The Beginning of Judeo-Arabic Studies

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    Este trabajo se encuadra dentro del Proyecto de investigación FF2010-20568 Lengua y Literatura judeo-árabe de la Edad Media a la Edad moderna.A mediados del siglo xix tuvo lugar un desarrollo inusitado de los estudios judeo-árabes protagonizado por dos insignes arabistas judíos: Salomon Munk y Moritz Steinschneider. Su trabajo, al igual que el de otros estudiosos judíos de la época, estuvo influido por las teorías predominantes en este periodo sobre la interacción judeo-islámica y, más concretamente, la visión idealizada de ésta. En este artículo se describen y analizan los comienzos y etapa fundacional del estudio de la literatura judeo-árabe medieval dentro de este marco teórico.In the middle of the nineteenth century a significant development of Judeo-Arabic studies had place, mostly thanks to the efforts of two reknown Jewish Arabists, Salomon Munk and Moritz Steinschneider. Similarly to other scholars of this period, they were both influenced by the prevailing theories on Jewish-Islamic interaction and, more specifically, by an idealized view of such interaction. My goal in this article is to describe and analize in this theoretical light the beginnings and foundational period of the study of Judeo-Arabic medieval literature