7,235 research outputs found

    Urban sign. The polis furnished

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    Just as the linguistic sign, defined by Saussure, is like a double-sided coin: significant + meaning, so the city can be defined by this dichotomy, that is, on the one hand is composed of matter and, second, to function or content. We travel the city as the baudelairean flâneur as untimely affiliates walkers to the Situationist International, and so we wear away the tread on the asphalt. Politics, associations and media are responsible for our public space is constantly bombarded by private interests with the consequent impact on the development of citizen relations in semi-privatized public space. The Art brings significant strategies of non-urban places and does so through the Public Art as artistic intervention appropriation of public space by the affirmation of ordinary citizens living there, i.e. by an art to the city and citizenship. Exploring the current state of the contemporary city gives us the framework to review part of urban artistic poetics emerged in recent decades.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Understanding the Institutional Evolution of the European Rural Policy: A Methodological Approach

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    Last decades have seen the development of a new rural policy. Different problems occurring in rural areas have pushed the EU Commission to draft policy instruments aiming to address them. However this rural policy path has not always been explicit neither has followed a continuous trend but rather has seen a series of forward and backward steps. Given the lack of a method to establish the relevance and the level of political acceptance of EU rural policy, a methodology has been developed. This methodology has tried to identify the EU political procedure trend, though this is not a formal sequence, and to establish a classification of different events according to a proposed hierarchy. Several EU documents, decisions, directives and financial resource allocations have been analysed. Within the review performed, each rural policy milestone has been classified following the proposed hierarchical chart. This has enabled the drawing of the different backs and forwards taken by this process. Besides, it has lead to the interpretation of the rural policy instruments current position in relation with other European policy instruments.Rural development, policy analysis, institutional processes, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Existence and uniqueness to a fully non-linear version of the Loewner-Nirenberg problem

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    We consider the problem of finding on a given Euclidean domain Ω\Omega of dimension n≥3n \geq 3 a complete conformally flat metric whose Schouten curvature AA satisfies some equation of the form f(λ(−A))=1f(\lambda(-A)) = 1. This generalizes a problem considered by Loewner and Nirenberg for the scalar curvature. We prove the existence and uniqueness of such metric when the boundary ∂Ω\partial\Omega is a smooth bounded hypersurface (of codimension one). When ∂Ω\partial\Omega contains a compact smooth submanifold Σ\Sigma of higher codimension with ∂Ω∖Σ\partial\Omega\setminus\Sigma being compact, we also give a `sharp' condition for the divergence to infinity of the conformal factor near Σ\Sigma in terms of the codimension

    Biopax and Semantics

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    Biopax community is producing sets of data in RDF files, but most of them are not available through query interfaces. The publication of SPARQL endpoints is feasible with current sets of data, but the use of reasoning in these interfaces is unfeasible in many cases. The use of large scale reasoners is a need to take advantage of these data sets

    The 1D Hubbard model within the Composite Operator Method

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    Although effective for two dimensional (2D) systems, some approximations may fail in describing the properties of one-dimensional (1D) models, which belong to a different universality class. In this paper, we analyze the adequacy of the Composite Operator Method (COM), which provides a good description of many features of 2D strongly correlated systems, in grasping the physics of 1D models. To this purpose, the 1D Hubbard model is studied within the framework of the COM by considering a two-pole approximation and a paramagnetic ground state. The local, thermodynamic and single-particle properties, the correlation functions and susceptibilities are calculated in the case of half filling and arbitrary filling. The results are compared with those obtained by the Bethe Ansatz (BA) as well as by other numerical and analytical techniques. The advantages and limitations of the method are analyzed in detail.Comment: 19 RevTeX pages, 41 embedded eps figure

    Understanding rural areas dynamics from a complex perspective. An application of Prospective Structural Analysis

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    The development of rural areas continues to be an international priority. The urgent need to fight poverty (mainly concentrated in rural areas) in developing countries, and the demand for increasing economic and social cohesion in developed countries, explain this priority on the political agendas of multilateral bodies, the EU and most other countries. When Development Economics was acknowledged as part of the social and economic theory in the 50’s, different theories and models have tried to explain the unevenness of development and the key elements or conditions that foster it. Traditional rural development programmes were characterised by the implementation of non coordinated, sectoral, horizontal and top-down policies and strategies. The lack of effectiveness and the failures prompted by these policies have propelled the development of new approaches. Territorial rural development is a policy approach embracing contributions from different theoretical frameworks that attempt to foster development strategies based on the consideration of territory as a social construction. Thus, the territory (including all the existing elements and its interactions) has become a key actor for development. However, most of these approaches contemplate rural world through simplistic and monodimensional analysis based on methodologies from single disciplines and on quantitative and/or qualitative morphological descriptions. The pretended multidisciplinarity, frequently ends up on an addition of mono-disciplinary analysis around the object of study. The objective of the present paper is to check the role different elements considered relevant for development by literature´s recent approaches play or can play in rural territories with a very different development situation, using techniques and tools that allow the analysis of rural areas from a complex perspective.territorial rural development, complexity, prospective structural analysis, Community/Rural/Urban Development,
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