296 research outputs found

    Black Color Morph of the Brown Lemming, Lemmus trimucronatus = L. sibiricus

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    A black pelage Brown Lemming is reported from Barrow, Alaska. The occurrence of this black color morph appears to be rare. During twelve years of Snowy Owl research and lemming trapping, only one has been seen. Of 554 snap-trapped Brown Lemmings and 1649 Brown Lemmings found cached at owl nests, no black individuals were found. The pelage of the black morph is described using a Munsell Soil Color Chart

    Influence of Nitrogen Rate and Sampling Date on Soil Analysis Values of Highbush Blueberries

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    Three studies were conducted on nitrogen (N) fertilization effects on soil of highbush blueberries in Arkansas. Objectives included: 1) determination of varying N rate effects on the standard soil analysis variables, 2) determination of date of soil sampling effects on soil analyses, 3) evaluation of the interactions of N rate and time of sampling, and 4) determination of changes in soil content over years. This research was done in two of the more important highbush blueberry production areas in Arkansas: the Arkansas River Valley where blueberries are grown on sandy loam soils, and northwest Arkansas where production is more common on silt loam soils. This information provides greater insight into the soil dynamics of highbush blueberry plantings in Arkansas and can be used to increase precision of fertility and other soil property recommendations provided to growers

    Behaviors Viewed as Deplorable by Peers: A Different Approach to Programming to Curb Unacceptable Behaviors in Fraternities and Sororities

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    This article posits a different approach to social norm programming by presenting a targeted approach that centers attention on the degree to which members of a fraternity or sorority disdain excessive alcohol use, drug use, sexual assault, racism, and homophobia rather than a focus on the frequency of such behaviors of their peers. An appendix to this article provides a survey instrument for fraternity/sorority advisors to gauge the social norms of their chapters in regards to a handful of specific illicit behaviors – homophobia, racism, sexual assault, drug use, and alcohol use. While social norms interventions have met with limited success historically with fraternity and sorority members, this instrument and its proposed implementation are designed to evade the pitfalls of past fraternity/sororityfocused programs

    Silviculture and the red-cockaded woodpecker: Where do we go from here?

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    Recent standards and guidelines for the protection and management of red-cockaded woodpecker habitat within 3/4 mi of colony sites, and also thinning within colonies to reduce basal area and midstory will have a significant effect on National Forest lands. The relation of these thinnings to forest pest management will be examined as well as the area of forest involved. Current fire regulations in relation to prescribed burns and potential fuel buildup will be examined. Plans for research, including disturbances, hazard, and risk rating for southern pine beetle and landscape changes will be presented

    Lexan Linear Shaped Charge Holder with Magnets and Backing Plate

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    A method was developed for cutting a fabric structural member in an inflatable module, without damaging the internal structure of the module, using linear shaped charge. Lexan and magnets are used in a charge holder to precisely position the linear shaped charge over the desired cut area. Two types of charge holders have been designed, each with its own backing plate. One holder cuts fabric straps in the vertical configuration, and the other charge holder cuts fabric straps in the horizontal configuration

    Teneurins and Teneurin C-Terminal Associated Peptide (TCAP) in Metabolism: What’s Known in Fish?

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    Teneurins have well established roles in function and maintenance of the central nervous systems of vertebrates. In addition, teneurin c-terminal associated peptide (TCAP), a bioactive peptide found on the c-terminal portion of teneurins, has been shown to regulate glucose metabolism. Although, the majority of research conducted on the actions of teneurins and TCAPs has strictly focused on neurological systems in rodents, TCAP was first identified in rainbow trout after screening trout hypothalamic cDNA. This suggests a conserved functional role of TCAP across vertebrates, however, the current depth of literature on teneurins and TCAPs in fish is limited. In addition, the overall function of TCAP in regulating metabolism is unclear. This review will highlight work that has been conducted specifically in fish species in relation to the teneurin system and metabolism in order to identify areas of research that are needed for future work

    Elevated Lipid Oxidation Is Associated with Exceeding Gestational Weight Gain Recommendations and Increased Neonatal Anthropometrics: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Deviations from gestational weight gain (GWG) recommendations are associated with unfavorable maternal and neonatal outcomes. There is a need to understand how maternal substrate metabolism, independent of weight status, may contribute to GWG and neonatal outcomes. The purpose of this study was to explore the potential link between maternal lipid oxidation rate, GWG, and neonatal anthropometric outcomes. METHODS: Women (N = 32) with a lean pre-pregnancy BMI were recruited during late pregnancy and substrate metabolism was assessed using indirect calorimetry, before and after consumption of a high-fat meal. GWG was categorized as follows: inadequate, adequate, or excess. Shortly after delivery (within 48 h), neonatal anthropometrics were obtained. RESULTS: Using ANOVA, we found that fasting maternal lipid oxidation rate (grams/minute) was higher (p = 0.003) among women with excess GWG (0.1019 ± 0.0416) compared to women without excess GWG (inadequate = 0.0586 ± 0.0273, adequate = 0.0569 ± 0.0238). Findings were similar when lipid oxidation was assessed post-meal and also when expressed relative to kilograms of fat free mass. Absolute GWG was positively correlated to absolute lipid oxidation expressed in grams/minute at baseline (r = 0.507, p = 0.003), 2 h post-meal (r = 0.531, p = 0.002), and 4 h post-meal (r = 0.546, p = 0.001). Fasting and post-meal lipid oxidation (grams/minute) were positively correlated to neonatal birthweight (fasting r = 0.426, p = 0.015; 2-hour r = 0.393, p = 0.026; 4-hour r = 0.540, p = 0.001) and also to neonatal absolute fat mass (fasting r = 0.493, p = 0.004; 2-hour r = 0.450, p = 0.010; 4-hour r = 0.552, p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: A better understanding of the metabolic profile of women during pregnancy may be critical in truly understanding a woman\u27s risk of GWG outside the recommendations. GWG counseling during prenatal care may need to be tailored to women based not just on their weight status, but other metabolic characteristics

    Making Room for Zoom in Focus Group Methods: Opportunities and Challenges for Novice Researchers (During and Beyond COVID-19)

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    Als die COVID-19-Pandemie über die Welt hereinbrach, waren viele Menschen gezwungen, sich auf online-basierte Routinen einzustellen, darunter auch qualitative Forscher*innen, die nach alternativen Möglichkeiten zur Erhebung aussagekräftiger Daten suchten. Während Fokusgruppen traditionell Face to Face durchgeführt werden, bieten Fortschritte bei Online-Videokonferenzanwendungen neue Methoden zur Datenerhebung, die jedoch bisher nur selten untersucht wurden. In diesem Artikel berichten wir über die Erfahrungen von 12 Doktorand*innen mit der Durchführung von Fokusgruppen unter Verwendung von Zoom im Rahmen eines Kurses zu qualitativen Interviewmethoden. Wir reflektieren Chancen und Herausforderungen, die wir als Moderator*innen und Teilnehmer*innen bei der Nutzung von Zoom erlebten z.B. bei der Vorbereitung oder in Bezug auf Rapport, die Einbindung anderer digitaler Tools und von Internetverbindungen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Durchführung von Online-Fokusgruppen unter Verwendung von Zoom insgesamt eine positive Erfahrung war und mit Face-to-Face-Fokusgruppen vergleichbar ist. Möglichkeiten der Teilnehmer*innenrekrutierung, die Sicherheitsmerkmale von Zoom und die Nutzung von Zoom und allgemeiner neuen Technologien sollten auch jenseits der Pandemie weiter erforscht werden.As the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the world, it forced many people to adapt to an online-based routine, including qualitative researchers looking for alternative ways to collect meaningful data. While focus groups are traditionally conducted in-person, advances with online videoconferencing applications present a new method to collect data, however, few studies have explored this. In this article we present 12 doctoral students' experiences with conducting focus groups using the videoconferencing application Zoom during a qualitative methods course on interviewing methods. Through this self-study qualitative analysis, participants reflected on the opportunities and challenges experienced as both moderators and participants using Zoom including: preparation, rapport, incorporating other digital tools, and internet connectivity. In conclusion, doing focus groups online using Zoom was a positive experience overall and comparable to in-person focus groups for collecting qualitative data, despite the introduction of technology. More research on participant recruitment, new technology, Zoom's security features, and Zoom's use outside of a pandemic should be further explored
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