28 research outputs found

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Perangkat Diagnostik ELISA Serta Variannya Untuk Deteksi Patogen Tanaman

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    Diseases aremajor constrains to agricultural crop productions in Indonesia.In the current free world trade system, the chances ofintroduction of plant quarantine agents are higher, and aredifficult to control, due to importation of seeds and otherplanting materials. Principles of the plant disease controlinclude exclusion and eradication. Early and accurate diseasediagnosis is an early and important step for a successfuldisease control. Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA) is a promising technique for an aneffective andefficient disease diagnosis. Some advantages of techniqueover the conventional and molecular diagnostic techniquesare economical use of reagents, high sensitivity, relativelysimple and quick, suitable for large numbers of samples,and adaptable for automation. In the past decade, severalvariants and kits of ELISA had been introduced, such asIndirect ELISA, F(ab')2 ELISA, Dot Blot ELISA, and ImmunoFluorescence Assay (ELFA). Based on the solid membraneused, the Dot Blot ELISA some variants were developed,such as the NCM-ELISA, Tissue Blotting ELISA, dan Paper ELISA. The ELISA variants had different limit of detection levels. The limit detection of the variants for bacteria is ranging from 102-105 cells/ml, while those for viruses were from 1-10 ng/ml. The times required for the ELISA tests ranging from 5-48 hours. Models and components of ELISA kits for some viral and bacterial plant pathogens had been developed, but more are still needed since generally for each pathogen needs a different kit. The commercially available ELISA kits are limited in numbers, some of themare for pathogens that are not present in Indonesia. Production of ELISA kits for domestic uses will be more effective and efficent, particularly for pathogens that are present in the country. The ELISA kits are applicable not only fo detection and identification of pathogens, but also forecological study of the pathogens in conjuction with epidemiological study of the disease. This paper is a brief review on the ELISA technique and its variants and potential uses for detection of plant pathogen

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Perangkat Diagnostik ELISA serta Variannya untuk Deteksi Patogen Tanaman

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    Diseases aremajor constrains to agricultural crop productions in Indonesia.In the current free world trade system, the chances ofintroduction of plant quarantine agents are higher, and aredifficult to control, due to importation of seeds and otherplanting materials. Principles of the plant disease controlinclude exclusion and eradication. Early and accurate diseasediagnosis is an early and important step for a successfuldisease control. Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA) is a promising technique for an aneffective andefficient disease diagnosis. Some advantages of techniqueover the conventional and molecular diagnostic techniquesare economical use of reagents, high sensitivity, relativelysimple and quick, suitable for large numbers of samples,and adaptable for automation. In the past decade, severalvariants and kits of ELISA had been introduced, such asIndirect ELISA, F(ab’)2 ELISA, Dot Blot ELISA, and ImmunoFluorescence Assay (ELFA). Based on the solid membraneused, the Dot Blot ELISA some variants were developed,such as the NCM-ELISA, Tissue Blotting ELISA, dan Paper ELISA. The ELISA variants had different limit of detection levels. The limit detection of the variants for bacteria is ranging from 102-105 cells/ml, while those for viruses were from 1-10 ng/ml. The times required for the ELISA tests ranging from 5-48 hours. Models and components of ELISA kits for some viral and bacterial plant pathogens had been developed, but more are still needed since generally for each pathogen needs a different kit. The commercially available ELISA kits are limited in numbers, some of themare for pathogens that are not present in Indonesia. Production of ELISA kits for domestic uses will be more effective and efficent, particularly for pathogens that are present in the country. The ELISA kits are applicable not only fo detection and identification of pathogens, but also forecological study of the pathogens in conjuction with epidemiological study of the disease. This paper is a brief review on the ELISA technique and its variants and potential uses for detection of plant pathogen

    Konjugat Poliklonal Antibodi Nanopartikel Emas untuk Deteksi Potato Virus Y

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    Polyclonal Antibodi-Gold Nanoparticles for Potato Virus Y Detection Gold nanoparticles are stable colloidal solutions with dimensions of 1-100 nm having surface plasmon resonance with six free electrons. The existing of six free electrons on the surface of a plasmon causes gold nanoparticles to bind easily to various types of bioreseptors including polyclonal antibodies. Polyclonal potato virus Y (PVP) antibodi been successfully conjugate with gold nanoparticles in order to develop a rapid detection for PVY infection in potato plants. The gold nanoparticles was synthetized by the reduction of gold (III) chloride trihydrate (HAuCl4) with 1% sodium citrate. Subsequently, the nanoparticles were used to make gold nanoparticle-antiobody PVY-conjugate. PVY detection was carried out with dot blot method on the nitrocellulose membrane. The results showed that the PVY virus on the membrane can be detected 10-30 minutes after incubation, depend on the concentration of the conjugate and the concentration of the virus in the sampel. The use of gold nanoparticle conjugates can increase the efficiency of the immunodot blot method in about 1 hour, and this method can be developed to be a lateral flow system for field detection of PVY.Polyclonal Antibodi-Gold Nanoparticles for Potato Virus Y Detection Gold nanoparticles are stable colloidal solutions with dimensions of 1-100 nm having surface plasmon resonance with six free electrons. The existing of six free electrons on the surface of a plasmon causes gold nanoparticles to bind easily to various types of bioreseptors including polyclonal antibodies. Polyclonal potato virus Y (PVP) antibodi been successfully conjugate with gold nanoparticles in order to develop a rapid detection for PVY infection in potato plants. The gold nanoparticles was synthetized by the reduction of gold (III) chloride trihydrate (HAuCl4) with 1% sodium citrate. Subsequently, the nanoparticles were used to make gold nanoparticle-antiobody PVY-conjugate. PVY detection was carried out with dot blot method on the nitrocellulose membrane. The results showed that the PVY virus on the membrane can be detected 10-30 minutes after incubation, depend on the concentration of the conjugate and the concentration of the virus in the sampel. The use of gold nanoparticle conjugates can increase the efficiency of the immunodot blot method in about 1 hour, and this method can be developed to be a lateral flow system for field detection of PVY

    Ketahanan Galur Padi Hibrida Potensi Hasil Tinggi terhadap Penyakit Tungro

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    ABSTRACT Wild rice Oryza rufipogon accession can be used as a source of resistance genes to develop elite rice varieties for Rice tungro virus. This study aimed to examine some potential high yield rice lines developed by crossing IR64 with O. rufipogon for their response to three isolates of Rice tungro virus originating from Bogor, Sumedang, and Bali. Virus transmission was done by insect vector, Nephottetix virescens. Variation on plant response was observed. Three lines i.e. Bio5-AC-Blas/BLB, Bio62-AC-Blas/BLB-03, Bio111-BC-Pir7, showed stabile resistance response to all isolates of Rice tungro virus; 6 lines i.e. Bio132-AC2-Blas, Bio138-AC2-Blas, Bio148-Mamol-Dro, Bio154-Mamol-Dro, Bio159-Mamol-Dro, Bio 153-Mamol-Dro were moderately resistance. Virus isolates from Sumedang and Bali is more virulence than isolate from Bogor based on observation on incubation period, disease severity and suppression of plant height

    A narrativa na síndrome de down

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    Orientador : Reny Maria Gregolin GuindasteDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Defesa : Curitiba, 04/06/2002Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração : Estudos linguísticosResumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo refletir sobre a importância de considerar a narrativa de sujeitos portadores de síndrome de Down em espaço de interação verbal, uma vez é nesse espaço que eles (re)constroem sua narrativa e em que se revelam como sujeitos com habilidade para o relato do real, e ao mesmo tempo revelam dificuldades para operar com a ficção. Com vistas a conhecer a síndrome de Down, apresentamos, no primeiro capítulo, o histórico, a classificação e suas causas de acordo com a literatura especializada, bem como a linguagem dos seus portadores. No segundo capítulo nos reportamos ao trabalho de PERRONI sobre narrativas de crianças consideradas normais e de CAMARGO sobre narrativas de crianças com síndrome de Down, destacando a análise comparativa que esta autora faz com o estudo de PERRONI. No terceiro capítulo, fazemos as considerações sobre a metodologia utilizada na coleta de dados. Em seguida, considerando o trabalho dessas duas autoras, analisamos, neste mesmo capítulo, os dados de quatro portadores da síndrome de Down, procurando evidenciar o potencial narrativo desses sujeitos, respeitando possíveis limites característicos da síndrome.Abstract: This study aims at reflecting about the importance of considering the narrative of Down syndrome carriers individuals in environment of verbal interaction, provided that it is in that environment that he constructs/ reconstructs his narrative, in which he reveals himself as a subject with abilities to account reality and at the same time shows difficulties to operate with fiction. With the objective of knowing Down syndrome, in the first chapter we present the history, the classification and causes of that syndrome, according to specialized literature, as well as the language used by carriers. In the second chapter we refer to the work of PERRONI about narratives of children considered normal and the work of CAMARGO about narratives of children with Down syndrome, evincing the comparative analysis of this author with the study of PERRONI. In the third chapter we consider the methodology used in data collection. Afterwards, considering the work of those two authors we analyze data of four Down syndrome carriers, trying to make evident the narrative potential of those individuals, respecting possible limitations which are characteristic of that syndrome

    Resistance and Phenotypic Character of Chili M2 Mutant Lines Against Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus

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    Chilli veinal mottle virus infection (ChiVMV) could reduce the quality and 60–100% of yield losses of chili. Among the chilivarieties released, no one has been resistant to ChiVMV, mainly due to a high variation of ChiVMV strains and not well mapped.Therefore, finding a new source of ChiVMV resistant genes is pivotal role in order to assembly new varieties. Approach throughin vitro mutation induction using mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) is one of the efforts to increase genetic diversity.Previous studies has successfully acquired 800 M2 lines through callus induction of Gelora variety with EMS. This study aimed toobtain M2 lines resistant to ChiVMV and having a good agronomical characters. A total of 800 chili M2 lines that derived from chiliM2 mutations using mutagen EMS has been tested in greenhouse to ChiVMV resistance and studied character phenotype. Theresults showed that of the 800 lines, there were 28 strains obtained showed a response tolerant and resistant to ChiVMV. Eightmutant lines of which have good agronomic characters. The mutant lines are M2.100, M2.108, M2.200, M2. 122, M2.238, M2.353,M2.420, and M2.517. Eight lines will be selected and further observed to obtain chili promising lines that are resistant to ChiVMVand high yielding

    Resistance and Phenotypic Character of Chili M2 Mutant Lines Against Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus

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    Chilli veinal mottle virus infection (ChiVMV) could reduce the quality and 60–100% of yield losses of Chili. Among the Chilivarieties released, no one has been resistant to ChiVMV, mainly due to a high variation of ChiVMV strains and not well mapped.Therefore, finding a new source of ChiVMV resistant genes is pivotal role in order to assembly new varieties. Approach throughin vitro mutation induction using mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) is one of the efforts to increase genetic diversity.Previous studies has successfully acquired 800 M2 lines through callus induction of Gelora variety with EMS. This study aimed toobtain M2 lines resistant to ChiVMV and having a good agronomical characters. A total of 800 Chili M2 lines that derived from ChiliM2 mutations using mutagen EMS has been tested in greenhouse to ChiVMV resistance and studied character phenotype. Theresults showed that of the 800 lines, there were 28 strains obtained showed a response tolerant and resistant to ChiVMV. Eightmutant lines of which have good agronomic characters. The mutant lines are M2.100, M2.108, M2.200, M2. 122, M2.238, M2.353,M2.420, and M2.517. Eight lines will be selected and further observed to obtain Chili promising lines that are resistant to ChiVMVand high yielding