59 research outputs found

    Preferential expression of the transcription coactivator HTIF1alpha gene in acute myeloid leukemia and MDS-related AML

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    HTIF1α, a transcription coactivator which is able to mediate RARα activity and functionally interact with PML, is encoded by a gene on chromosome 7q32–34, which is a critical region in acute myeloid leukemias (AML). With the assumption that this gene may be related to AML, we investigated the HTIF1α DNA structure and RNA expression in leukemic cells from 36 M1–M5 AML patients (28 ‘de novo’ and eight ‘secondary’ to myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)). Abnormal HTIF1α DNA fragments were never found, whereas loss of HTIF1α DNA was observed in the patients with chromosome 7q32 deletion and translocation, and in one case without detectable chromosome 7 abnormality. HTIF1α RNA was found in acute myelocytic leukemic blasts, and was almost undetectable in normal mononuclear cells. The expression varied among the patients: higher in M1 to M3 subtypes, with the highest values in M1; low levels were constantly observed in M4 and M5 AML. In addition, HTIF1α was significantly overexpressed in MDS-related AML (MDR-AML), but not in MDS. We also found that HTIF1α expression was high in myeloid cell lines. In myeloblastic HL60 and promyelocytic NB4 cells, induced to differentiate along the monocytic–macrophage pathway by TPA or vitamin D3, HTIF1α expression decreased, whereas it was maintained at high levels on induction to granulocytic differentiation by RA or DMSO. In K562 cells, HTIF1α RNA levels did not change after hemin-induced erythroid differentiation. These results suggest that HTIF1α could play a role in myeloid differentiation, being distinctly regulated in hematopoietic lineages

    Multidimensional Functional Profiling of Human Neuropathogenic FOXG1 Alleles in Primary Cultures of Murine Pallial Precursors

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    FOXG1 is an ancient transcription factor gene mastering telencephalic development. A number of distinct structural FOXG1 mutations lead to the “FOXG1 syndrome”, a complex and heterogeneous neuropathological entity, for which no cure is presently available. Reconstruction of primary neurodevelopmental/physiological anomalies evoked by these mutations is an obvious pre-requisite for future, precision therapy of such syndrome. Here, as a proof-of-principle, we functionally scored three FOXG1 neuropathogenic alleles, FOXG1G224S, FOXG1W308X, and FOXG1N232S, against their healthy counterpart. Specifically, we delivered transgenes encoding for them to dedicated preparations of murine pallial precursors and quantified their impact on selected neurodevelopmental and physiological processes mastered by Foxg1: pallial stem cell fate choice, proliferation of neural com-mitted progenitors, neuronal architecture, neuronal activity, and their molecular correlates. Briefly, we found that FOXG1G224S and FOXG1W308X generally performed as a gain-and a loss-of-function-allele, respectively, while FOXG1N232S acted as a mild loss-of-function-allele or phenocopied FOXG1WT . These results provide valuable hints about processes misregulated in patients heterozygous for these mutations, to be re-addressed more stringently in patient iPSC-derivative neuro-organoids. Moreover, they suggest that murine pallial cultures may be employed for fast multidimensional profiling of novel, human neuropathogenic FOXG1 alleles, namely a step propedeutic to timely delivery of therapeutic precision treatments

    Identification of a Polycystin-1 Cleavage Product, P100, That Regulates Store Operated Ca2+ Entry through Interactions with STIM1

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    Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is a genetic disorder resulting in large kidney cysts and eventual kidney failure. Mutations in either the PKD1 or PKD2/TRPP2 genes and their respective protein products, polycystin-1 (PC1) and polycystin-2 (PC2) result in ADPKD. PC2 is known to function as a non-selective cation channel, but PC1's function and the function of PC1 cleavage products are not well understood. Here we identify an endogenous PC1 cleavage product, P100, a 100 kDa fragment found in both wild type and epitope tagged PKD1 knock-in mice. Expression of full length human PC1 (FL PC1) and the resulting P100 and C-Terminal Fragment (CTF) cleavage products in both MDCK and CHO cells significantly reduces the store operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) resulting from thapsigargin induced store depletion. Exploration into the roles of P100 and CTF in SOCE inhibition reveal that P100, when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, directly inhibits the SOCE currents but CTF does not, nor does P100 when containing the disease causing R4227X mutation. Interestingly, we also found that in PC1 expressing MDCK cells, translocation of the ER Ca2+ sensor protein STIM1 to the cell periphery was significantly altered. In addition, P100 Co-immunoprecipitates with STIM1 but CTF does not. The expression of P100 in CHO cells recapitulates the STIM1 translocation inhibition seen with FL PC1. These data describe a novel polycystin-1 cleavage product, P100, which functions to reduce SOCE via direct inhibition of STIM1 translocation; a function with consequences for ADPKD

    Automated detection of orthopedic devices in X-Ray images using SVM and Random Forest

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    reservedIl rilevamento automatico di oggetti nelle immagini Ăš un ambito di ricerca in costante avanzamento, che ha piĂč volte dimostrato la sua utilitĂ  in svariati ambiti. Quest’opera mira ad investigare l’implementazione di algoritmi di Machine Learning, in particolare SVM e Random Trees, in ambiente biomedico, utilizzandoli per attuare il rilevamento di oggetti su radiografie di specifici impianti ortopedici. L’obbiettivo Ăš quello di addestrare e valutare le prestazioni di queste due tipologie di algoritmi per poterne valutare l’utilizzo come fulcro di un software di ricostruzione 3D degli impianti ortopedici. L'algoritmo dovrĂ  quindi identificare e classificare le regioni dell'immagine che contengono gli oggetti dell'impianto cosĂŹ da poter elaborare successivamente la corretta disposizione nella radiografia. Vengono anche presentate alcune tecniche di elaborazione preliminare delle immagini come possibili metodi utilizzabili dal software per: rimuovere le informazioni testuali private dei pazienti dalla radiografia, l'operazione viene effettuata ai fini del rispetto della privacy, tema di grande importanza in ambito biomedicale e medico in generale; preparare propriamente l’immagine per il processo di rilevamento degli oggetti.The automatic detection of objects in images is an area of research in constant progress, which has repeatedly proved its utility in various fields. This work aims to investigate the implementation of Machine Learning algorithms, in particular SVM and Random Trees, in the biomedical environment, using them to detect objects on X-Ray images of specific orthopedic implants. The goal is to train and evaluate the performance of these two types of algorithms in order to evaluate their use as the core of a 3D reconstruction software for those implants. The algorithm should be able to define the regions of the image which contains the objects of the implant in order to be able to process the correct arrangement of the object in the X-ray. Some pre-processing techniques are also presented as methods that the software can use to remove patient’s private information from the X-ray, and properly prepare the image for the object detection task

    Tirzepatide to treat diabetes and obesity.

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    reservedQuesto lavoro di tesi propone di fornire una descrizione dettagliata di entrambe le patologie, diabete ed obesitĂ , con relative cure e trattamenti ponendo particolare attenzione al nuovo farmaco tirzepatide.This thesis work aims to provide a detailed description of both pathologies, diabetes and obesity, with related cures and treatments, paying particular attention to the new drug tirzepatide

    Educare al teatro nella scuola dell'infanzia

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    The cytoplasmic C-terminus of polycystin-1 increases cell proliferation in kidney epithelial cells through serum-activated and Ca2+-dependent pathway(s)

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    Polycystin-1 (PC1) is a large transmembrane protein important in renal differentiation and defective in most cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), a common cause of renal failure in adults. Although the genetic basis of ADPKD has been elucidated, molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for the dysregulation of epithelial cell growth in ADPKD cysts are still not well defined. We approached this issue by investigating the role of the carboxyl cytoplasmic domain of PC1 involved in signal transduction on the control of kidney cell proliferation. Therefore, we generated human HEK293 cells stably expressing the PC1 cytoplasmic tail as a membrane targeted TrkA-PC1 chimeric receptor protein (TrkPC1). We found that TrkPC1 increased cell proliferation through an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels and activation of PKC alpha, thereby upregulating D1 and D3 cyclin, downregulating p21waf1 and p27kip1 cyclin inhibitors, and thus inducing cell cycle progression from G0/G1 to the S phase. Interestingly, TrkPC1-dependent Ca2+ increase and PKC alpha activation are not constitutive, but require serum factor(s) as parallel component. In agreement with this observation, a significant increase in ERK1/2 phosphorylation was observed. Consistently, inhibitors specifically blocking either PKC alpha or ERK1/2 prevented the TrkPC1-dependent proliferation increase. NGF, the TrkA ligand, blocked this increase. We propose that in kidney epithelial cells the overexpression of PC1 C-terminus upregulates serum-evoked intracellular Ca2+ by counteracting the growth-suppression activity of endogenous PC1 and leading to an increase in cell proliferation

    The cytoplasmic C-terminus of polycystin-1 increases cell proliferation in kidney epithelial cells through serum-activated and Ca2+-dependent pathway(s)

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    Polycystin-1 (PC1) is a large transmembrane protein important in renal differentiation and defective in most cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), a common cause of renal failure in adults. Although the genetic basis of ADPKD has been elucidated, molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for the dysregulation of epithelial cell growth in ADPKD cysts are still not well defined. We approached this issue by investigating the role of the carboxyl cytoplasmic domain of PC1 involved in signal transduction on the control of kidney cell proliferation. Therefore, we generated human HEK293 cells stably expressing the PC1 cytoplasmic tail as a membrane targeted TrkA-PC1 chimeric receptor protein (TrkPC1). We found that TrkPC1 increased cell proliferation through an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels and activation of PKC alpha, thereby upregulating D1 and D3 cyclin, downregulating p21waf1 and p27kip1 cyclin inhibitors, and thus inducing cell cycle progression from G0/G1 to the S phase. Interestingly, TrkPC1-dependent Ca2+ increase and PKC alpha activation are not constitutive, but require serum factor(s) as parallel component. In agreement with this observation, a significant increase in ERK1/2 phosphorylation was observed. Consistently, inhibitors specifically blocking either PKC alpha or ERK1/2 prevented the TrkPC1-dependent proliferation increase. NGF, the TrkA ligand, blocked this increase. We propose that in kidney epithelial cells the overexpression of PC1 C-terminus upregulates serum-evoked intracellular Ca2+ by counteracting the growth-suppression activity of endogenous PC1 and leading to an increase in cell proliferation

    Analisi dell’instabilità in elementi cilindrici flangiati

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    Multidimensional Functional Profiling of Human Neuropathogenic <i>FOXG1</i> Alleles in Primary Cultures of Murine Pallial Precursors

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    FOXG1 is an ancient transcription factor gene mastering telencephalic development. A number of distinct structural FOXG1 mutations lead to the “FOXG1 syndrome”, a complex and heterogeneous neuropathological entity, for which no cure is presently available. Reconstruction of primary neurodevelopmental/physiological anomalies evoked by these mutations is an obvious pre-requisite for future, precision therapy of such syndrome. Here, as a proof-of-principle, we functionally scored three FOXG1 neuropathogenic alleles, FOXG1G224S, FOXG1W308X, and FOXG1N232S, against their healthy counterpart. Specifically, we delivered transgenes encoding for them to dedicated preparations of murine pallial precursors and quantified their impact on selected neurodevelopmental and physiological processes mastered by Foxg1: pallial stem cell fate choice, proliferation of neural committed progenitors, neuronal architecture, neuronal activity, and their molecular correlates. Briefly, we found that FOXG1G224S and FOXG1W308X generally performed as a gain- and a loss-of-function-allele, respectively, while FOXG1N232S acted as a mild loss-of-function-allele or phenocopied FOXG1WT. These results provide valuable hints about processes misregulated in patients heterozygous for these mutations, to be re-addressed more stringently in patient iPSC-derivative neuro-organoids. Moreover, they suggest that murine pallial cultures may be employed for fast multidimensional profiling of novel, human neuropathogenic FOXG1 alleles, namely a step propedeutic to timely delivery of therapeutic precision treatments
