3,104 research outputs found

    Business models, circular and green economy towards sustainability. A systematic literature review

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    The paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) on the connection between business models and the adoption of the circular economy and the green economy towards sustainability. A classification is offered through which it is possible to understand the environmental, economic and social advantages that these components would be able to bring to the enterprise. We used the Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar databases as the main source to collect papers. Initially, 387 papers were collected. Subsequently, we proceeded to review the contributions and, once the selection criteria were outlined, we analyzed and classified 84 publications as priorities. The SLR is performed through a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer software. Finally, we elaborated the state of the art of this research topic for the future agenda

    Infection by high-risk human papillomaviruses, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and squamous pre-malignant or malignant lesions of the uterine cervix: a series of chained events?

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    : Wound healing requires static epithelial cells to gradually assume a mobile phenotype through a multi-step process termed epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Although it is inherently transient and reversible, EMT perdures and is abnormally activated when the epithelium is chronically exposed to pathogens: this event deeply alters the tissue and eventually contributes to the development of diseases. Among the many of them is uterine cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the most frequent malignancy of the female genital system. SCC, whose onset is associated with the persistent infection of the uterine cervix by high-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPVs), often relapses and/or metastasizes, being resistant to conventional chemo- or radiotherapy. Given that these fearsome clinical features may stem, at least in part, from the exacerbated and long-lasting EMT occurring in the HPV-infected cervix; here we have reviewed published studies concerning the impact that HPV oncoproteins, cellular tumor suppressors, regulators of gene expression, inflammatory cytokines or growth factors, and the interactions among these effectors have on EMT induction and cervical carcinogenesis. It is predictable and desirable that a broader comprehension of the role that EMT inducers play in SCC pathogenesis will provide indications to flourish new strategies directed against this aggressive tumor

    Video Suppression Head Impulses and Head Impulses Paradigms in Patients with Vestibular Neuritis: A Comparative Study

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    Background: This study aims to explore the clinical relevance of the Suppression Head Impulse Paradigm (SHIMP) to better understand if it represents an additional clinical value compared to the Head Impulse Paradigm (HIMP) in patients with vestibular neuritis (VN) in different stages of the disease. Methods: From January 2020 to June 2022, patients with unilateral VN were found in a database of an ENT vestibular clinic. Clinical presentation, vestibular test outcomes, therapy, and recovery were examined in medical records. Results: A total of 42 patients (16 Females, mean age 51.06 ± 12.96; 26 Male, mean age 62.50 ± 9.82) met the inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the study. The means of the VOR gain for both paradigms were respectively 0.38 ± 0.12 (SHIMP) and 0.46 ± 0.13 (HIMP) at T0 and 0.55 ± 0.20 (SHIMP) and 0.64 ± 0.19 (HIMP) at T1 for the lesional side. For the HIMP, the gain value <0.76 identified the affected side of VN with 100% sensitivity (92–100) and 100% specificity (91–100). For the SHIMP, the gain value <0.66 identified the affected side of VN with 100% sensitivity (92–100) and 100% specificity (91–100) and an AUC of 1.0 (0.96–1.0, p < 0.0001). Conclusion: The SHIMP paradigm has a diagnostic accuracy equal to the classic HIMP paradigm in patients with VN. The assessment of VOR slow phase velocity and vestibulo-saccadic interaction in patients with VN could be easier with the use of the SHIMPs paradigm. SHIMPs paradigm provides helpful information about the evaluation of VOR slow phase velocity and vestibulo-saccadic interaction as new recovery strategies in patients with VN

    Tattoo Antenna Temporary Transfers Operating On-Skin (TATTOOS)

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    This paper discusses the development of RFID logo antennas based on the logos of Loughborough University and the University of Kent which can be tattooed directly onto the skin’s surface. Hence, this paper uses aesthetic principles to create functional wearable technology. Simulations of possible designs for the tattoo tags have been carried out to optimize their performance. Prototypes of the tag designs were fabricated and read range measurements with the transfer tattoos on a volunteers arm were carried out to test the performance. Measured Read ranges of approximately 0.5 m have been achieved with the antenna 10 µm from the body

    Neomaskellia andropogonis (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), a new genus and species record for Iran

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    سفیدبالک Neomaskellia andropogonis Corbett در تاریخ 1/4/1383 از شرکت کشت و صنعت امیر کبیر اهواز از روی گیاه نیشکر، Saccharum officinarum (Poaceae)، جمع‌آوری گردید. جنس و گونه‌ی این سفیدبالک برای اولین بار از ایران گزارش می‌شود. جنس Neomaskellia Quaintance & Baker متعلق به مناطق گرمسیری دنیای قدیم است و تا کنون فقط دو گونه، یعنیN. bergii (Signoret) و N. andropogonis، از این جنس توصیف شده است که هر دو گونه عمدتاً روی گیاهان تیره‌ی Poaceae فعالیت دارند

    Otolithic receptor mechanisms for vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials: A review

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    Air-conducted sound and bone-conduced vibration activate otolithic receptors and afferent neurons in both the utricular and saccular maculae, and trigger small electromyographic (EMG) responses [called vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs)] in various muscle groups throughout the body. The use of these VEMPs for clinical assessment of human otolithic function is built on the following logical steps: (1) that high-frequency sound and vibration at clinically effective stimulus levels activate otolithic receptors and afferents, rather than semicircular canal afferents, (2) that there is differential anatomical projection of otolith afferents to eye muscles and neck muscles, and (3) that isolated stimulation of the utricular macula induces short latency responses in eye muscles, and that isolated stimulation of the saccular macula induces short latency responses in neck motoneurons. Evidence supports these logical steps, and so VEMPs are increasingly being used for clinical assessment of otolith function, even differential evaluation of utricular and saccular function. The proposal, originally put forward by Curthoys in 2010, is now accepted: that the ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potential reflects predominantly contralateral utricular function and the cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potential reflects predominantly ipsilateral saccular function. So VEMPs can provide differential tests of utricular and saccular function, not because of stimulus selectivity for either of the two maculae, but by measuring responses which are predominantly determined by the differential neural projection of utricular as opposed to saccular neural information to various muscle groups. The major question which this review addresses is how the otolithic sensory system, with such a high density otoconial layer, can be activated by individual cycles of sound and vibration and show such tight locking of the timing of action potentials of single primary otolithic afferents to a particular phase angle of the stimulus cycle even at frequencies far above 1,000 Hz. The new explanation is that it is due to the otoliths acting as seismometers at high frequencies and accelerometers at low frequencies. VEMPs are an otolith-dominated response, but in a particular clinical condition, semicircular canal dehiscence, semicircular canal receptors are also activated by sound and vibration, and act to enhance the otolith-dominated VEMP responses

    The effect of vestibular stimulation on motor functions of children with cerebral palsy

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    Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) has been defined as a nonprogressive disease of movement and posture development. Physical therapy techniques use different forms of sensory stimulation to improve neuromotor development. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a vestibular stimulation training in improving motor functions in cerebral palsy. Population: Fourteen children with CP were randomly separated into two different groups in a cross-over trial. Methods: Over a period of 10 weeks, each group performed 10 sessions of 50 min of neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) and 10 sessions of vestibular training (VR). Children were evaluated with the Gross Motor Function Measurement-88 scale, the Goal Attainment Scale and the root mean square of head accelerations. Results: A significant improvement in the GAS-score (p =.003) was noted after NDT+VR. Conclusions: Vestibular stimulation integrated with NDT proved to be an effective complementary strategy for facilitating motor functioning

    Management at the service of research: ReOmicS, a quality management system for omics sciences

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    Management and research represent a binomial almost unknown, whose potentialities and requirements have not yet been fully exploited even if, recently, the scientific and social communities have felt the burden of producing results and data requiring at the same time reproducibility, reliability, safety and efficacy of the discoveries, as well as a profitable use of resources. A Quality Management System (QMS) could represent a valid tool for these purposes, improving the quality of the research. The research community could ask whether and how it is possible to apply this approach in a research laboratory without hindering their creativity, and what the possible benefits might be. On the other hand, an international standard for a quality management system appropriate for a research laboratory is yet to come. The choice, the design and the application of a QMS, inspired by the Good Laboratory Practices, in a research laboratory specialized on “omics” sciences, is fully described in this paper. Its application has already shown good outcomes as testified by specific metric of efficiency and effectiveness. The approach is innovative as there is no obvious requirement for research laboratories to develop and define quality objectives. The paper highlights how the QMS approach enhances the relationship with public and private sectors by increasing customer confidence and loyalty, as well as improving the overall performance of the laboratory in terms of throughput and value of research. These results encourage proposing it as a QMS model providing a new and scalable operational strategy to be applied in a research environment with the same target and even in a generic research laboratory

    Draft Genome Sequences of Three Novel Staphylococcus arlettae Strains Isolated from a Disused Biological Safety Cabinet

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    The genome sequences of three new strains of Staphylococcus arlettae named Bari1, Bari2, and Bari3 are presented. The strains exhibited tolerance to hexavalent chromium ions. An sprC gene encoding a putative chromium transporter was present in each of the three draft genome sequences