2,413 research outputs found

    Magnetic Response of Magnetospirillum Gryphiswaldense

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    In this study we modelled and measured the U-turn trajectories of individual magnetotactic bacteria under the application of rotating magnetic fields, ranging in ampitude from 1 to 12 mT. The model is based on the balance between rotational drag and magnetic torque. For accurate verification of this model, bacteria were observed inside 5 m tall microfluidic channels, so that they remained in focus during the entire trajectory. From the analysis of hundreds of trajectories and accurate measurements of bacteria and magnetosome chain dimensions, we confirmed that the model is correct within measurement error. The resulting average rate of rotation of Magnetospirillum Gryphiswaldense is 0.74 +- 0.03 rad/mTs.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Magneto-optical study of electron occupation and hole wave functions in stacked self-assembled InP quantum dots

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    We have studied the magnetophotoluminescence of doubly stacked layers of self-assembled InP quantum dots in a GaInP matrix. 4.0±0.1 monolayers of InP were deposited in the lower layer of each sample, whereas in the upper layer 3.9, 3.4, and 3.0 monolayers were used. Low-temperature photoluminescence measurements in zero magnetic field are used to show that, in each case, only one layer of dots is occupied by an electron, and imply that when the amount of InP in both layers is the same, the dots in the upper layer are larger. High-field photoluminescence data reveal that the position and extent of the hole wave function are strongly dependent on the amount of InP in the stack. ©2001 American Institute of Physics

    The I-mode confinement regime at ASDEX Upgrade: global propert ies and characterization of strongly intermittent density fluctuations

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    Properties of the I­mode confinement regime on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak are summarized. A weak dependence of the power threshold for the L­I transition on the toroidal magnetic field strength is found. During improved confinement, the edge radial electric field well deepens. Stability calculations show that the I­mode pedestal is peeling­ballooning stable. Turbulence investigations reveal strongly intermittent density fluctuations linked to the weakly coherent mode in the confined plasma, which become stronger as the confinement quality increases. Across all investigated structure sizes ( ≈ ⊄ k 5 – 12 cm − 1 , with ⊄ k the perpendicular wavenumber of turbulent density fluctuations), the intermittent turbulence bursts are observed. Comparison with bolometry data shows that they move poloidally toward the X­point and finally end up in the divertor. This might be indicative that they play a role in inhibiting the density profile growth, such that no pedestal is formed in the edge density profile.European Union (EUROfusion 633053)European Union (EUROfusion AWP15­ENR­09/IPP­02

    Experimental observation of resonance manifold shrinking under zonal flow shear

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    Photodissociation Dynamics of Molecular Fluorine in an Argon Matrix Induced by Ultrashort Laser Pulses

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    The electronic excitation induced by ultrashort laser pulses and the subsequent photodissociation dynamics of molecular fluorine in an argon matrix are studied. The interactions of photofragments and host atoms are modeled using a Diatomics-In-Molecule Hamiltonian. Two types of methods are compared: Quantum-classical simulations where the nuclei are treated classically, with surface-hopping algorithms to describe either radiative or non-radiative transitions between different electronic states. Fully quantum-mechanical simulations, but for a model system of reduced dimensionality, in which the two most essential degrees of freedom are considered. Some of the main results are: The sequential energy transfer events from the photoexcited F2 into the lattice modes are such that the ``reduced dimensionality'' model is valid for the first 200 fs. This, in turn, allows us to use the quantum results to investigate the details of the excitation process with short laser pulses. Thus, it also serves as a reference for the quantum-classical ``surface hopping'' model of the excitation process. Moreover, it supports the validity of a laser pulse control strategy developed on the basis of the ``reduced dimensionality'' model. Both in the quantum and quantum-classical simulations, the separation of the F atoms following photodissociation does not exceed 20 bohr. The cage exit mechanisms appear qualitatively similar in the two sets of simulations but quantum effects are quantitatively important. Nonlinear effects are important in determining the photoexcitation yield. In summary, this paper demonstrates that quantum-classical simulations combined with reduced dimensionality quantum calculations can be a powerful approach to the analysis and control of the dynamics of complex systems

    Humanized hemato-lymphoid system mice

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    Over the last decades, incrementally improved xenograft mouse models, supporting the engraftment and development of a human hemato-lymphoid system, have been developed and now represent an important research tool in the field. The most significant contributions made by means of humanized mice are the identification of normal and leukemic hematopoietic stem cells, the characterization of the human hematopoietic hierarchy, and their use as preclinical therapy models for malignant hematopoietic disorders. Successful xenotransplantation depends on three major factors: tolerance by the mouse host, correct spatial location, and appropriately cross-reactive support and interaction factors such as cytokines and major histocompatibility complex molecules. Each of these can be modified. Experimental approaches include the genetic modification of mice to faithfully express human support factors as non-cross-reactive cytokines, to create free niche space, the co-transplantation of human mesenchymal stem cells, the implantation of humanized ossicles or other stroma, and the implantation of human thymic tissue. Besides the source of hematopoietic cells, the conditioning regimen and the route of transplantation also significantly affect human hematopoietic development in vivo. We review here the achievements, most recent developments, and the remaining challenges in the generation of pre-clinically-predictive systems for human hematology and immunology, closely resembling the human situation in a xenogeneic mouse environment

    Wave packet dynamics of potassium dimers attached to helium nanodroplets

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    The dynamics of vibrational wave packets excited in K2_2 dimers attached to superfluid helium nanodroplets is investigated by means of femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy. The employed resonant three-photon-ionization scheme is studied in a wide wavelength range and different pathways leading to K2+^+_2-formation are identified. While the wave packet dynamics of the electronic ground state is not influenced by the helium environment, perturbations of the electronically excited states are observed. The latter reveal a strong time dependence on the timescale 3-8 ps which directly reflects the dynamics of desorption of K2_2 off the helium droplets

    Experimental Validation of a Filament Transport Model in Turbulent Magnetized Plasmas

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    In a wide variety of natural and laboratory magnetized plasmas, filaments appear as a result of interchange instability. These convective structures substantially enhance transport in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. According to filament models, their propagation may follow different regimes depending on the parallel closure of charge conservation. This is of paramount importance in magnetic fusion plasmas, as high collisionality in the scrape-off layer may trigger a regime transition leading to strongly enhanced perpendicular particle fluxes. This work reports for the first time on an experimental verification of this process, linking enhanced transport with a regime transition as predicted by models. Based on these results, a novel scaling for global perpendicular particle transport in reactor relevant tokamaks such as ASDEURATOM 63305
