159 research outputs found

    Intellectual capital and its role in the formation of innovative economic system

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    Обґрунтовано концептуальні засади управління інтелектуальним капіталом на різних рівнях. Поглиблено структуру інтелектуального капіталу та виокремлено інформаційний капітал як одну із його складових, до якої входять інформація про клієнтів, постачальників, конкурентів, доступ до спеціальних баз даних наукових розробок та винаходів, науково-методичні матеріали, ноухау. Досліджено існуючі методологічні підходи визначення інтелектуального капіталу на різних рівнях.Обоснованы концептуальные основы управления интеллектуальным капиталом на разных уровнях. Детализирована структура интеллектуального капитала и выделен информационный капитал как один из его составляющих, в который входят информация о клиентах, поставщиках, конкурентах, доступ к специальным базам данных научных разработок и изобретений, научно-методические материалы, ноу-хау. Исследованы существующие методологические подходы определения интеллектуального капитала.Conceptual bases of intellectual capital management at different levels. Profound structure of intellectual capital and information assets singled out as one of its components, which includes information about customers, suppliers, competitors, access to specialized databases of scientific developments and inventions, scientific and methodological materials and knowhow. The existing methodological approaches to the definition of intellectual capital at different levels. The practical significance of the results is that through the proposed method can be made more precise definition of intellectual capital that will increase the efficiency of its use at different levels of management

    Application of the controlling mechanism and sustainable development principles in the implementation of construction projects

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the need to ensure sustainable functioning of construction enterprises by increasing the efficiency of investment projects through the use of controlling mechanisms and application of the ESG concept. As a result of the research, the interrelation of project implementation processes by management phases was analyzed, problems in terms of control of investment and construction projects were identified and directions for improving the control mechanism with the application of the ESG concept were proposed. The purpose and main result of the study is to develop measures to improve the methods of control over the timing of implementation of investment and construction projects, taking into account compliance with the principles of the ESG concept


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    Today, the transformation processes taking place in the modern economy lead to the restructuring of agricultural production on a new technological and socio-economic basis, which requires the formation of a more rational management mechanism, perhaps the most important part of which is the resource base. The change in the return of the resource base for the period in the dynamics is analyzed as the main criterion of expediency of attracting additional capital as the basis of the resource base. It has been established that the issue of the need to attract additional funds for the reproduction of the fixed capital becomes relevant for agricultural producers because an unjustified increase in value leads to an increase in the cost of production, and reduces the value of the final results of the activity. The cost of sale acts as a reserve for obtaining additional income, which can be obtained at the expense of an increase in the sale price. It is proved that there is a direct relationship between the indicators of resource equipment and profitability, with the growth of the resource base used, the profit received by enterprises increases. It is substantiated that the efficiency of resource base use is closely related to specialization and its level, and changing the structure of marketable products to only plant specialization reduces the return on additional investments in the resource base. The existence of a relationship between the indicator of the fund of 100 hectares of agricultural land and the profitability of 100 hectares of agricultural land in the cross-section of enterprises of various specializations using the methods of mathematical statistics is substantiated. Built models by types of groupings by specialization can be used as an additional factor in forecasting and planning the production plan and forming the structure of the company's products

    Hypoxic conditioning suppresses cytotoxic nitricoxide production by endothelium upon reperfusion following acute myocardial ischemia

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    Normobaric hypoxia conditioning reduces blood pressure and normalizes nitric oxide synthesis in patients with arterial hypertension

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    ,d Objectives Insufficient production and/or increased decomposition of the potent endogenous vasodilator nitric oxide plays an important role in development and progression of arterial hypertension and its complications. One of the most effective means of stimulating endogenous nitric oxide synthesis is controlled adaptation to hypoxia. This study examined the effect of a 20-day, intermittent, normobaric intermittent hypoxia conditioning (IHC) program on blood pressure (BP) and nitric oxide production in patients with stage 1 arterial hypertension. Methods The IHC sessions consisted of four to 10 cycles of alternating 3-min hypoxia (10% FIO 2 ) and 3-min room air breathing. BP was monitored for 24 h before and after IHC, and nitric oxide synthesis was evaluated by 24-h urinary excretion of the stable nitric oxide metabolites nitrate and nitrite. Results IHC increased nitric oxide synthesis and decreased BP in hypertensive patients to values similar to those of normotensive individuals. Significant inverse correlations were found between nitric oxide production and disease duration, SBP, and DBP. Moreover, IHC enhancement of nitric oxide synthesis was especially robust in patients with arterial hypertension of more than 5 years duration. The reduction in BP persisted for at least 3 months in 28 of 33 hypertensive patients. Conclusion IHC exerted a robust, persistent therapeutic effect and can be considered as an alternative, nonpharmacological treatment for patients with stage 1 arterial hypertension. The antihypertensive action of IHC is associated with normalization of nitric oxide production

    Восемь законов логики для судебного эксперта-строителя

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    Forensic experts’ primary and additional professional education does not include such a subject as logic. At the same time, knowledge of logic is crucial at all stages of the examination process. Filling this gap, the authors of this article reveal the content of the fundamental laws of logic and demonstrate their role in the cognitive activity of knowledgeable persons who implement their specialized (primarily construction and technical) knowledge in court proceedings. This paper deals successively with such laws of logic as the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded middle, the law of sufficient reason, the law of double negation, Clavius’s law, the law of contraposition, and laws of division (the dichotomy of logic) concerning various investigative and forensic situations. The projection of these laws of logic on the intellectual operations performed by experts will allow, from the authors’ point of view, to give the process of forensic examinations greater clarity and consistency, which, ultimately, should ensure an increase in its efficiency and quality of results. Logically verified approaches to work will also reduce time and financial costs.Базовое и дополнительное профессиональное образование судебных экспертов не включает такую дисциплину, как логика. Вместе с тем знание логики необходимо на всех стадиях производства экспертизы. Восполняя этот пробел, авторы статьи раскрывают содержание основных законов логики, их значение в познавательной деятельности сведущих лиц, реализующих свои специальные (прежде всего строительно-технические) знания в судопроизводстве. Применительно к различным следственно- и судебно-экспертным ситуациям последовательно рассмотрены закон тождества, закон противоречия, закон исключенного третьего, закон достаточного основания, закон двойного отрицания, закон Клавия, закон контрапозиции и законы деления (дихотомии логики). Проекция указанных законов логики на мыслительные операции, выполняемые экспертами, позволит с точки зрения авторов сделать процесс производства судебных экспертиз более четким и последовательным, что повысит его эффективность и качество. Логически выверенные подходы к работе позволят сократить временные и финансовые затраты

    A Rat Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome Causes Phenotype-Associated Morphological Changes and Hypofunction of the Adrenal Gland

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    BACKGROUND Rats exposed to chronic predator scent stress mimic the phenotype of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in humans, including altered adrenal morphology and function. High- and low-anxiety phenotypes have been described in rats exposed to predator scent stress (PSS). This study aimed to determine whether these high- and low-anxiety phenotypes correlate with changes in adrenal histomorphology and corticosteroid production. METHODS Rats were exposed to PSS for ten days. Thirty days later, the rats' anxiety index (AI) was assessed with an elevated plus-maze test. Based on differences in AI, the rats were segregated into low- (AI ≤ 0.8, n = 9) and high- (AI > 0.8, n = 10) anxiety phenotypes. Plasma corticosterone (CORT) concentrations were measured by ELISA. Adrenal CORT, desoxyCORT, and 11-dehydroCORT were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. After staining with hematoxylin and eosin, adrenal histomorphometric changes were evaluated by measuring the thickness of the functional zones of the adrenal cortex. RESULTS Decreased plasma CORT concentrations, as well as decreased adrenal CORT, desoxyCORT and 11-dehydroCORT concentrations, were observed in high- but not in low-anxiety phenotypes. These decreases were associated with increases in AI. PSS led to a significant decrease in the thickness of the zona fasciculata and an increase in the thickness of the zona intermedia. The increase in the thickness of the zona intermedia was more pronounced in low-anxiety than in high-anxiety rats. A decrease in the adrenal capsule thickness was observed only in low-anxiety rats. The nucleus diameter of cells in the zona fasciculata of high-anxiety rats was significantly smaller than that of control or low-anxiety rats. CONCLUSION Phenotype-associated changes in adrenal function and histomorphology were observed in a rat model of complex post-traumatic stress disorder

    A Rat Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome Causes Phenotype-Associated Morphological Changes and Hypofunction of the Adrenal Gland

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    Background: Rats exposed to chronic predator scent stress mimic the phenotype of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in humans, including altered adrenal morphology and function. High- and low-anxiety phenotypes have been described in rats exposed to predator scent stress (PSS). This study aimed to determine whether these high- and low-anxiety phenotypes correlate with changes in adrenal histomorphology and corticosteroid production. Methods: Rats were exposed to PSS for ten days. Thirty days later, the rats’ anxiety index (AI) was assessed with an elevated plus-maze test. Based on differences in AI, the rats were segregated into low- (AI ≤ 0.8, n = 9) and high- (AI > 0.8, n = 10) anxiety phenotypes. Plasma corticosterone (CORT) concentrations were measured by ELISA. Adrenal CORT, desoxyCORT, and 11-dehydroCORT were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. After staining with hematoxylin and eosin, adrenal histomorphometric changes were evaluated by measuring the thickness of the functional zones of the adrenal cortex. Results: Decreased plasma CORT concentrations, as well as decreased adrenal CORT, desoxyCORT and 11-dehydroCORT concentrations, were observed in high- but not in low-anxietyphenotypes. These decreases were associated with increases in AI. PSS led to a significant decrease in the thickness of the zona fasciculata and an increase in the thickness of the zona intermedia. The increase in the thickness of the zona intermedia was more pronounced in low-anxiety than in high-anxiety rats. A decrease in the adrenal capsule thickness was observed only in low-anxiety rats. The nucleus diameter of cells in the zona fasciculata of high-anxiety rats was significantly smaller than that of control or low-anxiety rats. Conclusion: Phenotype-associated changes in adrenal function and histomorphology were observed in a rat model of complex post-traumatic stress disorder

    Acute hypoxia-reoxygenation and vascular oxygen sensing in the chicken embryo.

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    Fetal/perinatal hypoxia is one of the most common causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality and is frequently accompannied by vascular dysfunction. However, the mechanisms involved have not been fully delineated. We hypothesized that exposure to acute hypoxia-reoxygenation induces alterations in vascular O2 sensing/signaling as well as in endothelial function in the chicken embryo pulmonary artery (PA), mesenteric artery (MA), femoral artery (FA), and ductus arteriosus (DA). Noninternally pipped 19-day embryos were exposed to 10% O2 for 30 min followed by reoxygenation with 21% O2 or 80% O2 Another group was constantly maintained at 21% O2 or at 21% O2 for 30 min and then exposed to 80% O2 Following treatment, responses of isolated blood vessels to hypoxia as well as endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine) and -independent (sodium nitroprusside and forskolin) relaxation were investigated in a wire myograph. Hypoxia increased venous blood lactate from 2.03 ± 0.18 to 15.98 ± 0.73 mmol/L (P < 0.001) and reduced hatchability to 0%. However, ex vivo hypoxic contraction of PA and MA, hypoxic relaxation of FA, and normoxic contraction of DA were not significantly different in any of the experimental groups. Relaxations induced by acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside, and forskolin in PA, MA, FA, and DA rings were also similar in the four groups. In conclusion, exposure to acute hypoxia-reoxygenation did not affect vascular oxygen sensing or reactivity in the chicken embryo. This suggests that direct effects of acute hypoxia-reoxygenation on vascular function does not play a role in the pathophysiology of hypoxic cardiovascular injury in the perinatal period