6 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Pola Perawatan Dan Perbaikan Terencana Sistem Pendingin (Cold Storage) 70 Ton Berdasarkan Analisa Keandalan

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    To support production process keep going from engine stuck, we have to devise a maintenance action or replacement of a damaged engine coolant (cold storage). If the maintenance alternatively exist longer, it will increase prevented-maintenance cost. So need to find an interval of maintenance and repair to minimize total cost of maintenance and repair by using reliability analyse. In determining interval time of optimum maintenance and repair to critical spare part , reliability analyse is applied against those components by using available downtime data as a premise to find the time of optimum maintenance and repair. The calculation result of reliability value against the critical components, are expected as input to devise strategy of maintenance and repair optimizely. Optimum determining interval time of maintenance and repair optimizely in this research recommended each components reliability index 0.1 with the interval time of maintenance and repair component Exhaust valve compressor & Intake valve compressor are on the day 450th, Expansion valve component is on the day 630thand Ring set compressor component is on the day 1170thwith time interval one year are optimum policy

    Bioaccumulated Mercury by Several Types of Plants in Ex-Traditional Gold Processing Area, Gogorea Village, Buru Island

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    This study examines the accumulation of metallic mercury by several types of plants in the traditional gold processing area in the village of Gogore, Buru district. The plants that were sampled in this study were guava, lempuyang gajah, and harendong bulu. These three plant species were chosen because they dominate the vegetation in the gold processing area. The analysis results showed that the lempuyang gajah was the plant that accumulated the highest mercury metal, namely in the roots of 16.79 ppm and the leaves of 15.03 ppm. Guava plants accumulated metal mercury in the roots and leaves of 11.73 ppm and 9.90 ppm, respectively. Meanwhile, harendong plants accumulated mercury in the roots and leaves of 2.59 ppm and 10.39 ppm, respectively. The BCF values ​​of guava, lempuyang gajah, and harendong bulu plants were 1.58, 0.41, and 0.39, respectively. Meanwhile, the TF values ​​of the three plants were 0.84, 0.89, and 4.01, respectively. From these results, it can be concluded that the three plants can accumulate mercury in high enough concentrations, so these three types of plants are categorized as hyper tolerant plants and accumulators


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    Artikel ini membahas dampak penerapan kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam sistem informasi pada tenaga kerja dan masyarakat. Penerapan AI telah mengubah cara sistem informasi beroperasi, menciptakan peluang baru, dan menghadirkan tantangan signifikan. Dalam aspek positif, penggunaan AI telah meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas, meningkatkan kualitas hidup melalui diagnosis medis yang lebih akurat, dan memberikan layanan pelanggan yang lebih baik. AI juga mengoptimalkan rantai pasokan dan menyediakan pendidikan yang lebih personal. Namun, dampak negatif termasuk kehilangan pekerjaan, disparitas ekonomi, bias dalam algoritma, serta isu privasi dan ketergantungan pada teknologi. Kendati begitu, AI tetap menjadi kekuatan penggerak perubahan dalam sistem informasi yang memerlukan kolaborasi antara pemerintah, perusahaan, dan masyarakat. Investasi dalam pelatihan tenaga kerja, pengembangan regulasi yang bijaksana, dan penerapan etika dalam penggunaan AI adalah langkah-langkah penting menuju pemanfaatan AI yang berkelanjutan dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Artikel ini memberikan gambaran tentang peran AI dalam transformasi sistem informasi modern dan pentingnya pertimbangan etika dalam penerapannya

    Exploring The Potential Of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (Mall) Applications In Developing English Vocabulary Skills

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    This literature review aims to investigate the potential of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) applications in the development of English vocabulary skills. As mobile devices become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, their potential as tools for language learning has gained significant attention. This article explores the current research and examines the effectiveness of MALL applications in enhancing English vocabulary acquisition. The review highlights the advantages, challenges, and implications of using MALL applications and offers recommendations for educators, researchers, and developers to optimize the utilization of these applications for improving English vocabulary skills

    Penggunaan Pupuk Hayati dan Pupuk Npk untuk Menekan Penyakit Layu dan Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna Sinencis L.)

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    The use of either liquid or carrier-based biofertilizers reduced the application of excessive inorganic fertilizers. The purpose of this research was to verified the effect of biofertilizer application of Bokelas Plus (BP) and NPK inorganic fertilizer on the intensity of dumping off diseases, growth and yield of long bean plants. The experiment have been done in experimental field of Agricultural Extension Center of Baguala Sub-district in Nania Village, Ambon city. The treatments were 400 kg NPK / ha, 300 kg NPK / ha, 200 kg NPK / ha, 75 kg BP / ha + 400 kg NPK / Ha, 75 kg BP / ha + 300 kg NPK / ha, and 75 kg BP / ha + 200 kg NPK / ha. The results showed that the application of biofertilizer BP and NPK fertilizer affected intensity of wilt disease caused by Scerotium rolfsii pathogen, plant height, long and pea pod weight. The best dose was 75 kg BP / ha + 300 kg NPK / ha. This experiment suggest that BP biofertilizer reduced the use of NPK fertilizer by 25%

    The Effectiveness of Folklore based Animation Video in Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill

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    English as a compulsory subject at school, is often a scourge for students. This has become a common conflict that occurs in schools. In this case, the work of the teacher is urgently needed to convey learning in a needs-based manner. Teachers do not only design lessons according to lesson plans, but they also need to be able to design lessons creatively to foster positive habits that directly improve learners' English skills.  The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of learning English using two-dimensional animation media, especially folklore from the Papua region, one of which is from Tambrauw Regency. The design of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The sample of this research is 25 students of 1st Semester English Education Study Program at Universitas Victory Sorong who learn in English Club. The results of the research showed that: (1) Based on observations, students will become more interested and confident in speaking English. (2) Based on the test, there is a very large change in the positive direction compared to a very good value of 36% in cycle 1, but in cycle 2 it is 84%, an increase of 48%. This folklore-based animated video worked well and met the needs of students in the first semester of the English Club