7 research outputs found

    Relación de la apolipoproteína D y sus homólogos en Drosophila con las membranas biológicas: Estudio de su función en diferentes procesos celulares y de su localización y efectos sobre las balsas lipídicas

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    Tesis Doctoral presentada por Manuela del Caño Espinel para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Valladolid, Facultad de Medicina (Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Fisiología).-- Sujeta a Licencia Creative Commons.La apolipoproteína D (ApoD) es un Lipocalina secretada principalmente por células gliales cuya expresión aumenta con el envejecimiento y la neurodegeneración. Lazarillo Glial (GLAZ) y Lazarillo Neural (NLaz) son homólogos de ApoD en Drosophila. ApoD protege contra el estrés oxidativo y promueve la regeneración axonal después de una lesión, pero su mecanismo de acción es desconocido. ApoD se encuentra entre un pequeño conjunto de genes cuya sobre-expresión con el envejecimiento del sistema nervioso está evolutivamente conservada, y dicha sobre-expresión se correlaciona estrechamente con un amplio espectro de daño al sistema nervioso, como apoplejía, trastornos psiquiátricos y enfermedades neurodegenerativas como el Alzheimer, Parkinson, Huntington o la enfermedad de Niemann Pick. Se ha propuesto que su función protectora podría deberse a una posible capacidad de contrarrestar la peroxidación lipídica. En esta tesis se plantea la hipótesis de que GLaz/NLaz/ApoD pueda modular la composición de la membrana, la dinámica y la oxidación. Para contrastar esta hipótesis se estudiaron los efectos de estas lipocalinas en diferentes procesos en los que la membrana juega un papel importante.  Peer Reviewe

    Lazarillo-related Lipocalins confer long-term protection against type i Spinocerebellar Ataxia degeneration contributing to optimize selective autophagy

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.[Background]: A diverse set of neurodegenerative disorders are caused by abnormal extensions of polyglutamine (poly-Q) stretches in various, functionally unrelated proteins. A common feature of these diseases is altered proteostasis. Autophagy induction is part of the endogenous response to poly-Q protein expression. However, if autophagy is not resolved properly, clearance of toxic proteins or aggregates cannot occur effectively. Likewise, excessive autophagy induction can cause autophagic stress and neurodegeneration. The Lipocalins ApoD, Glial Lazarillo (GLaz) and Neural Lazarillo (NLaz) are neuroprotectors upon oxidative stress or aging. In this work we test whether these Lipocalins also protect against poly-Q-triggered deterioration of protein quality control systems. [Results]: Using a Drosophila retinal degeneration model of Type-1 Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA1) combined with genetic manipulation of NLaz and GLaz expression, we demonstrate that both Lipocalins protect against SCA1 neurodegeneration. They are part of the endogenous transcriptional response to SCA1, and their effect is non-additive, suggesting participation in a similar mechanism. GLaz beneficial effects persist throughout aging, and appears when expressed by degenerating neurons or by retinal support and glial cells. GLaz gain-of-function reduces cell death and the extent of ubiquitinated proteins accumulation, and decreases the expression of Atg8a/LC3, p62 mRNA and protein levels, and GstS1 induction. Over-expression of GLaz is able to reduce p62 and ubiquitinated proteins levels when rapamycin-dependent and SCA1-dependent inductions of autophagy are combined. In the absence of neurodegeneration, GLaz loss-of-function increases Atg8a/LC3 mRNA and p62 protein levels without altering p62 mRNA levels. Knocking-down autophagy, by interfering with Atg8a or p62 expression or by expressing dominant-negative Atg1/ULK1 or Atg4a transgenes, rescues SCA1-dependent neurodegeneration in a similar extent to the protective effect of GLaz. Further GLaz-dependent improvement is concealed. [Conclusions]: This work shows for the first time that a Lipocalin rescues neurons from pathogenic SCA1 degeneration by optimizing clearance of aggregation-prone proteins. GLaz modulates key autophagy genes and lipid-peroxide clearance responsive genes. Down-regulation of selective autophagy causes similar and non-additive rescuing effects. These data suggest that SCA1 neurodegeneration concurs with autophagic stress, and places Lazarillo-related Lipocalins as valuable players in the endogenous protection against the two major contributors to aging and neurodegeneration: ROS-dependent damage and proteostasis deterioration.This work was supported by grants to MDG and DS: Junta de Castilla y León (JCyL) grant VA180A11-2, and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) grants BFU2008-01170 and BFU2011-23978. MdC-E was supported by a University of Valladolid, predoctoral fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Proposal for "return to sport" test after injury, specific to football

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    The decision to return to sport (RTS) after an injury is one of the most complicated in sports medicine, due to the posibility of reinjury. The return to sport tests allow one to set goals to assess the condition of the patient and establish certain criteria before returning to competition. These tests include: strength tests, jumping tests and stability tests, and are based on the “Limb Symetry Indexes” (LSI). Nevertheless, there are studies which indicate that this method of evaluation could overestimate knee function values, and the need to include specific sport movements in the tests

    The neuroprotective lipocalin apolipoprotein D stably interacts with specific subtypes of detergent-resistant membrane domains in a basigin-independent manner

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    Accumulated evidence points to the lipocalin apolipoprotein D (ApoD), one of the few genes consistently upregulated upon brain ageing and neurodegeneration, as an endogenous controller of the redox state of cellular and extracellular lipid structures. This biochemical function has downstream consequences as apparently varied as control of glycocalyx and myelin compaction, cell viability upon oxidative stress or modulation of signalling pathways. In spite of this knowledge, it is still unclear if ApoD function requires canonical receptor-mediated transductions systems. This work aims to examine ApoD-cell membrane interaction and its dependence on a proposed ApoD receptor, Basigin. Whole and fractionated membrane preparations from the brain, primary astrocytes, glial and neuronal cell lines, reveal ApoD as a very specific component of particular subtypes of detergent-resistant microdomains (DRMs). ApoD interacts in vitro with neuronal membranes and is stably associated with astrocytic membranes. ApoD associates with DRMs with specific buoyancy properties that co-fractionate with plasma or late-endosome-lysosome markers. A mass spectrometry analysis reveals that these Triton X-114 DRMs contain both plasma membrane and endosomal-lysosomal compartment lipid raft proteins. ApoD-DRM association is maintained under metabolic and acute oxidative stress conditions. However, ApoD-membrane interaction, its internalization and its lipid-antioxidant function do not require the presence of Basigin. This work supports a stable association of ApoD with membranes, independent of Basigin, and provides the basis to fully understand ApoD antioxidant neuroprotective mechanism as a mechanism taking place in specific membrane subdomains.This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion grants BFU2015-68149-R and PID2019-110911RB-I00 to M.D.G. and D.S

    The neuroprotective lipocalin apolipoprotein D stably interacts with specific subtypes of detergent-resistant membrane domains in a Basigin-independent manner

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    Producción CientíficaAccumulated evidence points to the lipocalin apolipoprotein D (ApoD), one of the few genes consistently upregulated upon brain ageing and neurodegeneration, as an endogenous controller of the redox state of cellular and extracellular lipid structures. This biochemical function has downstream consequences as apparently varied as control of glycocalyx and myelin compaction, cell viability upon oxidative stress or modulation of signalling pathways. In spite of this knowledge, it is still unclear if ApoD function requires canonical receptor-mediated transductions systems. This work aims to examine ApoD-cell membrane interaction and its dependence on a proposed ApoD receptor, Basigin. Whole and fractionated membrane preparations from the brain, primary astrocytes, glial and neuronal cell lines, reveal ApoD as a very specific component of particular subtypes of detergent-resistant microdomains (DRMs). ApoD interacts in vitro with neuronal membranes and is stably associated with astrocytic membranes. ApoD associates with DRMs with specific buoyancy properties that co-fractionate with plasma or late-endosome-lysosome markers. A mass spectrometry analysis reveals that these Triton X-114 DRMs contain both plasma membrane and endosomal-lysosomal compartment lipid raft proteins. ApoD-DRM association is maintained under metabolic and acute oxidative stress conditions. However, ApoD-membrane interaction, its internalization and its lipid-antioxidant function do not require the presence of Basigin. This work supports a stable association of ApoD with membranes, independent of Basigin, and provides the basis to fully understand ApoD antioxidant neuroprotective mechanism as a mechanism taking place in specific membrane subdomains.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant BFU2015-68149-R and PID2019-110911RB-I00)Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Aging without apolipoprotein D: Molecular and cellular modifications in the hippocampus and cortex

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    A detailed knowledge of the mechanisms underlying brain aging is fundamental to understand its functional decline and the baseline upon which brain pathologies superimpose. Endogenous protective mechanisms must contribute to the adaptability and plasticity still present in the healthy aged brain. Apolipoprotein D (ApoD) is one of the few genes with a consistent and evolutionarily conserved up-regulation in the aged brain. ApoD protecting roles upon stress or injury are well known, but a study of the effects of ApoD expression in the normal aging process is still missing.Using an ApoD-knockout mouse we analyze the effects of ApoD on factors contributing to the functional maintenance of the aged brain. We focused our cellular and molecular analyses in the cortex and hippocampus at an age representing the onset of senescence where mortality risks are below 25%, avoiding bias towards long-lived animals. Lack of ApoD causes a prematurely aged brain without altering lifespan. Age-dependent hyperkinesia and memory deficits are accompanied by differential molecular effects in the cortex and hippocampus. Transcriptome analyses reveal distinct effects of ApoD loss on the molecular age-dependent patterns of the cortex and hippocampus, with different cell-type contributions to age-regulated gene expression. Markers of glial reactivity, proteostasis, and oxidative and inflammatory damage reveal early signs of aging and enhanced brain deterioration in the ApoD-knockout brain. The lack of ApoD results in an age-enhanced significant reduction in neuronal calcium-dependent functionality markers and signs of early reduction of neuronal numbers in the cortex, thus impinging upon parameters clearly differentiating neurodegenerative conditions from healthy brain aging. Our data support the hypothesis that the physiological increased brain expression of ApoD represents a homeostatic anti-aging mechanism.This work was supported by grants: Junta de Castilla y León (JCyL) grant VA180A11-2, and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) grants BFU2008-01170 and BFU2011-23978 to M.D.G. and D.S.Peer Reviewe

    Lazarillo-related Lipocalins confer long-term protection against type I Spinocerebellar Ataxia degeneration contributing to optimize selective autophagy

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    BACKGROUND: A diverse set of neurodegenerative disorders are caused by abnormal extensions of polyglutamine (poly-Q) stretches in various, functionally unrelated proteins. A common feature of these diseases is altered proteostasis. Autophagy induction is part of the endogenous response to poly-Q protein expression. However, if autophagy is not resolved properly, clearance of toxic proteins or aggregates cannot occur effectively. Likewise, excessive autophagy induction can cause autophagic stress and neurodegeneration. The Lipocalins ApoD, Glial Lazarillo (GLaz) and Neural Lazarillo (NLaz) are neuroprotectors upon oxidative stress or aging. In this work we test whether these Lipocalins also protect against poly-Q-triggered deterioration of protein quality control systems. RESULTS: Using a Drosophila retinal degeneration model of Type-1 Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA1) combined with genetic manipulation of NLaz and GLaz expression, we demonstrate that both Lipocalins protect against SCA1 neurodegeneration. They are part of the endogenous transcriptional response to SCA1, and their effect is non-additive, suggesting participation in a similar mechanism. GLaz beneficial effects persist throughout aging, and appears when expressed by degenerating neurons or by retinal support and glial cells. GLaz gain-of-function reduces cell death and the extent of ubiquitinated proteins accumulation, and decreases the expression of Atg8a/LC3, p62 mRNA and protein levels, and GstS1 induction. Over-expression of GLaz is able to reduce p62 and ubiquitinated proteins levels when rapamycin-dependent and SCA1-dependent inductions of autophagy are combined. In the absence of neurodegeneration, GLaz loss-of-function increases Atg8a/LC3 mRNA and p62 protein levels without altering p62 mRNA levels. Knocking-down autophagy, by interfering with Atg8a or p62 expression or by expressing dominant-negative Atg1/ULK1 or Atg4a transgenes, rescues SCA1-dependent neurodegeneration in a similar extent to the protective effect of GLaz. Further GLaz-dependent improvement is concealed. CONCLUSIONS: This work shows for the first time that a Lipocalin rescues neurons from pathogenic SCA1 degeneration by optimizing clearance of aggregation-prone proteins. GLaz modulates key autophagy genes and lipid-peroxide clearance responsive genes. Down-regulation of selective autophagy causes similar and non-additive rescuing effects. These data suggest that SCA1 neurodegeneration concurs with autophagic stress, and places Lazarillo-related Lipocalins as valuable players in the endogenous protection against the two major contributors to aging and neurodegeneration: ROS-dependent damage and proteostasis deterioration. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13024-015-0009-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users