77 research outputs found

    Lateral Habenula Gone Awry in Depression: Bridging Cellular Adaptations With Therapeutics.

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    Depression is a highly heterogeneous disease characterized by symptoms spanning from anhedonia and behavioral despair to social withdrawal and learning deficit. Such diversity of behavioral phenotypes suggests that discrete neural circuits may underlie precise aspects of the disease, rendering its treatment an unmet challenge for modern neuroscience. Evidence from humans and animal models indicate that the lateral habenula (LHb), an epithalamic center devoted to processing aversive stimuli, is aberrantly affected during depression. This raises the hypothesis that rescuing maladaptations within this nucleus may be a potential way to, at least partially, treat aspects of mood disorders. In this review article, we will discuss pre-clinical and clinical evidence highlighting the role of LHb and its cellular adaptations in depression. We will then describe interventional approaches aiming to rescue LHb dysfunction and ultimately ameliorate depressive symptoms. Altogether, we aim to merge the mechanistic-, circuit-, and behavioral-level knowledge obtained about LHb maladaptations in depression to build a general framework that might prove valuable for potential therapeutic interventions

    Synchronized network activity in developing rat hippocampus involves regional hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channel function.

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    The principal form of synchronized network activity in neonatal hippocampus consists of low frequency 'giant depolarizing potentials' (GDPs). Whereas contribution of both GABA and glutamate to their generation has been demonstrated, full understanding of the mechanisms underlying these synchronized activity bursts remains incomplete. A contribution of the h-current, conducted by HCN channels, to GDPs has been a topic of substantial interest. Here we focus on HCN1, the prevalent HCN channel isoform in neonatal hippocampus, and demonstrate an HCN1 spatiotemporal expression pattern in both CA3 principal cells and interneurons that correlates with the developmental profile of GDPs. Abrogation of HCN physiological function in CA3, via the selective I(h)-blocker ZD7288, disrupts GDP generation. Furthermore, ZD7288 specifically abolishes spontaneous bursting of the CA3 pyramidal cells at frequencies typical of GDPs without major influence on interneuronal firing. These findings support a pivotal role for HCN channels expressed by CA3 neurons, and particularly CA3 pyramidal cells, in GDP-related network synchronization

    Synaptic inhibition in the lateral habenula shapes reward anticipation

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    The lateral habenula (LHb) supports learning processes enabling the prediction of upcoming rewards. While reward-related stimuli decrease the activity of LHb neurons, whether this anchors on synaptic inhibition to guide reward-driven behaviors remains poorly understood. Here, we combine in vivo two-photon calcium imaging with Pavlovian conditioning in mice and report that anticipatory licking emerges along with decreases in cue-evoked calcium signals in individual LHb neurons. In vivo multiunit recordings and pharmacology reveal that the cue-evoked reduction in LHb neuronal firing relies on GABAA-receptor activation. In parallel, we observe a postsynaptic potentiation of GABAA-receptor-mediated inhibition, but not excitation, onto LHb neurons together with the establishment of anticipatory licking. Finally, strengthening or weakening postsynaptic inhibition with optogenetics and GABAA-receptor manipulations enhances or reduces anticipatory licking, respectively. Hence, synaptic inhibition in the LHb shapes reward anticipation. Keywords: GABA(A) receptors; cue-reward associative behavior; lateral habenula; synaptic inhibition; synaptic plasticit

    Drug-Driven AMPA Receptor Redistribution Mimicked by Selective Dopamine Neuron Stimulation

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    Addictive drugs have in common that they cause surges in dopamine (DA) concentration in the mesolimbic reward system and elicit synaptic plasticity in DA neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Cocaine for example drives insertion of GluA2-lacking AMPA receptors (AMPARs) at glutamatergic synapes in DA neurons. However it remains elusive which molecular target of cocaine drives such AMPAR redistribution and whether other addictive drugs (morphine and nicotine) cause similar changes through their effects on the mesolimbic DA system

    Insights into NdIII to YbIII Energy Transfer and Its Implications in Luminescence Thermometry

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    This work challenges the conventional approach of using NdIII 4F3/2 lifetime changes for evaluating the experimental NdIII → YbIII energy transfer rate and efficiency. Using near-infrared (NIR) emitting Nd:Yb mixed-metal coordination polymers (CPs), synthesized via solvent-free thermal grinding, we demonstrate that the NdIII [2H11/2 → 4I15/2] → YbIII [2F7/2 → 2F5/2] pathway, previously overlooked, dominates energy transfer due to superior energy resonance and J-level selection rule compatibility. This finding upends the conventional focus on the NdIII [4F3/2 → 4I11/2] → YbIII [2F7/2 → 2F5/2] transition pathway. We characterized Nd0.890Yb0.110(BTC)(H2O)6 as a promising cryogenic NIR thermometry system and employed our novel energy transfer understanding to perform simulations, yielding theoretical thermometric parameters and sensitivities for diverse Nd:Yb ratios. Strikingly, experimental thermometric data closely matched the theoretical predictions, validating our revised model. This novel perspective on NdIII → YbIII energy transfer holds general applicability for the NdIII/YbIII pair, unveiling an important spectroscopic feature with broad implications for energy transfer-driven materials design

    Specialized Astrocytes Mediate Glutamatergic Gliotransmission in the CNS

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    Multimodal astrocyte–neuron communications govern brain circuitry assembly and function. For example, through rapid glutamate release, astrocytes can control excitability, plasticity and synchronous activity of synaptic networks, while also contributing to their dysregulation in neuropsychiatric conditions. For astrocytes to communicate through fast focal glutamate release, they should possess an apparatus for Ca2+-dependent exocytosis similar to neurons. However, the existence of this mechanism has been questioned owing to inconsistent data and a lack of direct supporting evidence. Here we revisited the astrocyte glutamate exocytosis hypothesis by considering the emerging molecular heterogeneity of astrocytes and using molecular, bioinformatic and imaging approaches, together with cell-specific genetic tools that interfere with glutamate exocytosis in vivo. By analysing existing single-cell RNA-sequencing databases and our patch-seq data, we identified nine molecularly distinct clusters of hippocampal astrocytes, among which we found a notable subpopulation that selectively expressed synaptic-like glutamate-release machinery and localized to discrete hippocampal sites. Using GluSnFR-based glutamate imaging in situ and in vivo, we identified a corresponding astrocyte subgroup that responds reliably to astrocyte-selective stimulations with subsecond glutamate release events at spatially precise hotspots, which were suppressed by astrocyte-targeted deletion of vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1). Furthermore, deletion of this transporter or its isoform VGLUT2 revealed specific contributions of glutamatergic astrocytes in cortico-hippocampal and nigrostriatal circuits during normal behaviour and pathological processes. By uncovering this atypical subpopulation of specialized astrocytes in the adult brain, we provide insights into the complex roles of astrocytes in central nervous system (CNS) physiology and diseases, and identify a potential therapeutic target

    Controlling the persistence of drug-evoked plasticity in the mesolimbic dopamine system

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    La consommation répétée et prolongée de drogues est à l'origine de l'addiction, une maladie affectant le fonctionnement du cerveau. L'addiction représente un fardeau économique et social pour la société actuelle, se chiffrant en un coût annuel de plusieurs dizaines de milliards d'euros, en Europe. Cette maladie chronique est caractérisée par des états de tolérance, de manque et d'usage compulsif de drogues, malgré des conséquences négatives certaines, ainsi que d'un risque de rechute à long terme. Afin de développer des outils thérapeutiques performants, il est nécessaire de comprendre les processus physiologiques et pathologiques sous-jacents à l'addiction et à sa persistance. Une hypothèse actuelle propose que l'addiction affecte plus particulièrement les mécanismes d'apprentissage et de mémorisation, lors desquels la prise répétée de drogues provoque des changements à long terme dans le cerveau, avec pour résultat une augmentation de la réponse aux drogues, ou à des stimuli directement rattachés aux drogues. Parmi ces changements provoqués par les drogues, la modification de l'activité synaptique semble être un mécanisme clef du stockage de mémoire à long terme, caractéristique de l'addiction

    Synaptic plasticity and addiction: learning mechanisms gone awry

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    Experience-dependent changes in synaptic strength, or synaptic plasticity, may underlie many learning processes. In the reward circuit for example, synaptic plasticity may serve as a cellular substrate for goal-directed behaviors. Addictive drugs, through a surge of dopamine released from neurons of the ventral tegmental area, induce widespread synaptic adaptations within this neuronal circuit. Such drug-evoked synaptic plasticity may constitute an early cellular mechanism eventually causing compulsive drug-seeking behavior in some drug users. In the present review we will discuss how different classes of addictive drugs cause an increase of dopamine release and describe their effects on synapses within the mesolimbic dopamine system. We will emphasize the early synaptic changes in the ventral tegmental area common to all additive drugs and go on to show how these adaptations may reorganize neuronal circuits, eventually leading to behaviors that define addiction

    mGluR-LTD at Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses in the Lateral Habenula Tunes Neuronal Output

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    Excitatory and inhibitory transmission onto lateral habenula (LHb) neurons is instrumental for the expression of positive and negative motivational states. However, insights into the molecular mechanisms modulating synaptic transmission and the repercussions for neuronal activity within the LHb remain elusive. Here, we report that, in mice, activation of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors triggers long-term depression at excitatory (eLTD) and inhibitory (iLTD) synapses in the LHb. mGluR-eLTD and iLTD rely on mGluR1 and PKC signaling. However, mGluR-dependent adaptations of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission differ in their expression mechanisms. mGluR-eLTD occurs via an endocannabinoid receptor-dependent decrease in glutamate release. Conversely, mGluR-iLTD occurs postsynaptically through PKC-dependent reduction of β2-containing GABAA-R function. Finally, mGluR-dependent plasticity of excitation or inhibition decides the direction of neuronal firing, providing a synaptic mechanism to bidirectionally control LHb output. We propose mGluR-LTD as a cellular substrate that underlies LHb-dependent encoding of opposing motivational states