939 research outputs found

    Gotthi intra Hispanias sedes acceperunt. Consideraciones sobre la supuesta inmigración visigoda en la Península Ibérica

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    En este artículo se quiere alambicar y revalorar la tradicional tesis de la inmigración de un amplio grupo de población visigoda a finales del siglo V desde la Gallia a la Península Ibérica. Además de un breve resumen respecto al problemático hallazgo arqueológico y sus implicaciones a la cuestión relativa, el punto esencial de este trabajo está formado por la interpretación de dos pasajes claves de los Consularia Caesaraugustana, única fuente escrita que presuntamente da testimonio de tal migración. Teniendo en cuenta los modernos conceptos científicos sobre el funcionamiento de etnicidad y etnogénesis, los resultados del análisis sugieren pensar en explicaciones alternativas a la de una inmigración masiva, para hacer entender la identidad visigoda en el posterior Reino de Toledo.This paper is set out to question and to re-evaluate these traditional concepts, concerning an ethnic Visigothic descendants massive migration from areas north of the Pyrenees to the Iberian Peninsula during the end of the 5th century. Besides presenting a short resume on the problematic archaeological situation concerning our topic, this article mainly focuses on the interpretation of two key passages of the Consularia Caesaraugustana. This testimony presumably is the only written source for the interpretation of Visigothic immigration to the suggested geographic areas. In order to understand Visigothic identity in the posterior Kingdom of Toledo, the results of this examination shall provide alternative explanations to the traditional concepts of grand scale immigration, particularly taking into account modern concepts of functionality in ethnicity and ethnogenesis

    La imperialización del reino visigodo bajo Leovigildo. ¿Es la imitatio imperii de Leovigildo la manifestación de un momento de cambio en la pretensión de poder y la ideología visigodas?

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    La acumulación de elementos representativos de origen imperial, observables en la época del rey Leovigildo, se interpreta generalmente como una muestra de imitatio imperii por parte de dicho monarca. Con respecto a la historia visigoda, esta imperialización se valora mayoritariamente como una novedad. En ciertas ocasiones, esta transformación en las formas de representación se entiende también como la manifestación de un momento de cambio ideológico. Este artículo se propone discutir algunos de los problemas metodológicos inherentes a esa interpretación, así como sugerir un punto de vista alternativo para la comprensión de dicho fenómeno.The accumulation of imperial elements of representation observable during the reign of king Leovigild are basically considered to be an imitatio imperii on the part of the monarch. With regards to Visigothic history the majority of scholars classify this imperialisation as novelty. Frequently this transformation in the mode of representation is also understood as a manifestation of an ideological point of inflexion. Reflecting on a variety of methodological problems within this interpretation this paper is set out to offer a slightly different understanding of this phenomenon

    Report of the Workshop on Concepts and Methods of Identifying Digital Potentials in Information Management

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    Recently a discussion has been instigated in the scientific community on whether our understanding of information management (IM) is still up to date[1]. A workshop on the concepts and methods of an additional IM perspective which intends to identify possible technology applications (by putting the primary focus on the possibilities offered by information technology rather than on the support of existing organisational functions and task structures) was held at the WI Conference 2019. This paper summarizes the conceptual input of the workshop and provides an overview of the initial workshop contributions

    COMAND - A Distributed Configuration Management Framework

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    Software development is becoming a more and more distributed process, which urgently needs supporting tools in the field of configuration management, software process/w orkflow management, communication and problem tracking. In this paper we present a new distributed software configuration management framework COMAND. It offers high availabilit y through replication and a mechanism to easily change and adapt the project structure to new business needs. To better understand and formally prove some properties of COMAND, we have modeled it in a formal technique based on distributed graph transformations. This formalism provides an intuitive rule-based description technique mainly for the dynamic behavior of the system on an abstract level. We use it here to model the replication subsystem

    Application-Based Learning Of Signal Analysis Methods With The Help Of A Graphical Open-Source Software

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    In almost all engineering disciplines, engineers need to evaluate and extract information from time-dependent quantities, making signal processing and analysis a central topic in engineering education. The theoretical foundation is anchored in many courses, however, often only few application-based learning opportunities are offered. To provide these opportunities without the need for expensive hardware, a graphical open-source software is developed. This workshop offers a first opportunity to explore how a graphical software can be used to learn signal processing and analysis methods

    Coupling of Smoothened to inhibitory G proteins reduces voltage-gated K

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    SMO (Smoothened), the central transducer of Hedgehog signaling, is coupled to heterotrimeric Gi proteins in many cell types, including cardiomyocytes. In this study, we report that activation of SMO with SHH (Sonic Hedgehog) or a small agonist, purmorphamine, rapidly causes a prolongation of the action potential duration that is sensitive to a SMO inhibitor. In contrast, neither of the SMO agonists prolonged the action potential in cardiomyocytes from transgenic GiCT/TTA mice, in which Gi signaling is impaired, suggesting that the effect of SMO is mediated by Gi proteins. Investigation of the mechanism underlying the change in action potential kinetics revealed that activation of SMO selectively reduces outward voltage-gated K+ repolarizing (Kv) currents in isolated cardiomyocytes and that it induces a down-regulation of membrane levels of Kv4.3 in cardiomyocytes and intact hearts from WT but not from GiCT/TTA mice. Moreover, perfusion of intact hearts with Shh or purmorphamine increased the ventricular repolarization time (QT interval) and induced ventricular arrhythmias. Our data constitute the first report that acute, noncanonical Hh signaling mediated by Gi proteins regulates K+ currents density in cardiomyocytes and sensitizes the heart to the development of ventricular arrhythmias. © 2018 Cheng et al

    Preclinical Testing of Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes for Root Canal Disinfection—A Series of Preliminary Studies

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    While numerous approaches have meanwhile been described, sufficient disinfection of root canals is still challenging, mostly due to limited access and the porous structure of dentin. Instead of using different rinsing solutions and activated irrigation, the electrolysis of saline using boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes thereby producing reactive oxygen species may be an alternative approach. In a first step, experiments using extracted human teeth incubated with multispecies bacterial biofilm were conducted. The charge quantities required for electrochemical disinfection of root canals were determined, which were subsequently applied in an animal trial using an intraoral canine model. It could be shown that also under realistic clinical conditions, predictable disinfection of root canals could be achieved using BDD electrodes. The parameters required are in the range of 5.5 to 7.0 V and 9 to 38 mA, applied for 2.5 to 6.0 min with approximately 5 to 8 mL of saline. The direct generation of disinfective agents inside the root canal seems to be advantageous especially in situations with compromised access and limited canal sizes. The biologic effect with respect to the host reaction on BDD-mediated disinfection is yet to be examined

    Analysis of the jet propagation of hydrogen and helium with PFI- and DI-injectors using BOS = Analyse der Strahlausbreitung von Wasserstoff und Helium bei PFI und Dl-Injektoren mittels BOS (Background Oriented Schlieren)

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    Im Gegensatz zu flüssigen Kraftstoffen können farblose Gase nicht einfach mit einer Kamera sichtbar gemacht werden. Zu diesem Zweck wird das „Background Oriented Schlieren-Verfahren angewendet. Die Strahlbilder können für die Validierung von CFD Modellen der Gaseinblasung, den Test von Injektorkomponenten sowie die Analyse von Gemischbildung im Bezug auf Strahlwinkel, Strahlform und Eindringgeschwindigkeit genutzt werden. In der Praxis wird oft Helium anstelle von Wasserstoff für Strahlausbreitungsversuche benutzt, da Helium nicht brennbar ist, weniger Sicherheitsvorkehrungen bei der Versuchsdurchführung getroffen werden müssen und die Stoffe eine ähnliche Dichte besitzen. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob Helium bei der Nutzung von „Background Oriented Schlieren“ tatsächlich ein zu Wasserstoff vergleichbares Strahlbild erzeugt. Dazu wird in dieser Arbeit die Strahlausbreitung beider Stoffe mit einem Saugrohr- und Direkteinblasinjektor im Hinblick auf die Eindringgeschwindigkeit und die Strahlfläche analysiert. Der Direkteinblasinjektor wird mit Strahlkappe und freier Düse verwendet. Die Injektoren sind in einer Druckkammer verbaut, um Gegendrücke ähnlich einer Anwendung im Bereich der Saugrohr- oder Niederdruckdirekteinblasung darzustellen. Allgemein lässt sich für die untersuchten Injektoren sagen, dass die Strahlausbreitung für beide Stoffe sehr ähnlich ist und keine großen Unterschiede gemessen werden können. Beim Saugrohrventil sowie dem nach außen öffnenden Direkteinblasinjektor mit Strahlkappe sind die Abweichungen zwischen Wasserstoff und Helium gering. In Einzelfällen gibt es bei Nutzung des Direkteinblasinjektors mit freier Düse sichtbare Unterschiede zwischen Helium und Wasserstoff bei hohen Kammer- und Einblasedrücken