126 research outputs found

    Population distribution and population growth in Yogyakarta special region

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    ABSTRACT The Sultanate of Yogyakarta which, during the struggle for independence and subsequently has been known as the Special Region of Yogyakarta, is located in the southern part of Central Java. It constitutes much of the heartland of Javanese culture, for Yogyakarta was the center of the pre-colonial Kingdom of Mataram. Within Yogyakarta Special Region, there is a marked contrast in the population density between Bantu! and Sleman regencies on one hand, and Gunung Kidul and Kulon Progo on the other hand. The basic reason for this difference is the fact that the soil of Bantul and Sleman regencies is primarily young and vulcanic, while there is also a good water supply and intensive irrigation network. The annual rate of population growth in Yogyakarta Special Region is much lower compared with other provinces in Java. During 1961 and 1971 the rate of population growth was 1.1 percent, for the period 1971â 1980 became 1.09 percent. This region experienced a net loss of population through migration, and that the losses were greater in the poor areas of Gunung Kidul and Kulon Progo Key word: vulcani

    Memorandum akhir masa jabatan direktur jenderal kebudayan prof dr ida bagus mantra 1968-1978

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    Buku ini berisi Memorandum akhir masa jabatan direktur jenderal kebudayan prof dr ida bagus mantra periode tahun 1968-1978

    Kulkul in Global Era of Communication Advancement

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    Communication is a form of interaction between the communicator and the communicant, requiring certain media in order for the message to be conveyed well. Kulkul as a communication medium has a significant role and several functions as a means to unite the community. For the people of Bali, kulkul has a high spirit of togetherness. Every time the sound of kulkul is heard, the residents will be present at the place previously agreed upon. With the power of its sound, kulkul is able to create unwritten rules. It is obeyed by all members of the community. It does not matter whether they are officials, farmers, caste people or ordinary people, all of them have to gather when they hear kulkul. This is because the sound of kulkul is a significant order that must be obeyed by the members of the community. The development and advancement of information and communication technologies in various forms of digital media, which make all activities more effective and efficient cause kulkul function as a traditional communication medium in an intense pressure from electronic media. Kulkul as traditional communication medium for the Balinese is deemed to be able to bridge the communication among the Balines

    Migran permanen di DKI Jakarta (Suatu Tinjauan dari Segi Kependudukan) = Permanent Migrant in DKI Jakarta (From the Point of View of Population Studies)

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    This research is especially intended to: (I) recognize the characteristics of the permanent migrants in DKI Jakarta (the Special Region of Jakarta Capital City)(2) recognize the migration process of the migrants to DKI Jakartaand (3) recognize the relation of the migrants to their place of origin. The respondents taken are migrants with the category that the province where they were bron is not the same with the province where they are presently living (DKI Jakarta) and intend to do so permanently. The result of this research indicates that the permanent migrants in DKI Jakarta are, from productive age group, men migrants are greater in number compared to with women migrants. Around 35 percent of the migrants have low education (Primary School downward) and the highest percentage (35 percent) of them work in production sector. In regard to the source of information on the destination area, the migrants ofhigh education much depend on mass media while those of low education is on family. In the decision making for doing the migration, 55 percent of them is on \u27their own\u27 (by themselves)male migrants tend to migrate on \u27economic\u27 reason, while female migrants is on \u27fantliy\u27reason_ The \u27economic\u27 reason is a dominant factor for the migrants to leave from their place of origin and to choose their place of destination. Thus, for men migrants \u27economic\u27 reason plays important role, while for women migrants it is the \u27family\u27 reason does. Migrants of high education tend to choose (DKI Jakarta) due to \u27economic\u27 reason, while those of low education is to the \u27family\u27 reason. Keywords: permanent migrant -- decision making -- remittance


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    This study was aimed to find out the factors that influence the lack of speaking skill in management students at Hindu Indonesia University in the second semester of 2019. The subject of this study consists of 100 students. This study is descriptive qualitative in the form of a case study. The data were collected through questionnaires and students' interviews. The result showed some factors influence the lack of speaking skill such as the students to feel more enthusiasm when they do the active activity like playing games, explaining something or telling a story; the use of Indonesian or Balinese language during English class could hold up the process of speaking; the limitation in students to speak English because of the lack of vocabulary. The information gathered that the teacher should use more activity and strategy to make students more enthusiastic in speaking during English clas

    Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pembuatan Sumur Resapan Air Hujan (Studi Kasus di Desa Minomartani dan Pakembinagun, Kabupaten Sleman)

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    Abstract This Research was intended to investigate the degree of knowledge, attitude, and community participation in building infiltration wells, and factors, infuencing them in Minomartani and Pakem-binangun villages, Sleman Regency, Province of Yogyakarta. Besides, the uniformity of measure and lay out of infiltration wells for community that had been built, was also studied. Field research was undertaken by applying survey method, using questionnaire, interview, and observation to complete the collection of data. The data were analyzed using frequency tables, cross table analysis, multiple regression analysis, and correlation. Measure and lay out of infiltration wells were suitable with The Indonesian National Standard. The sampling technique was combination of purposive sampling and random sampling, each sampling consisted of 75 respondents in Minomartani village and 75 respondents in Pakembinangun village. The Result of this research showed that: (1) degree of knowledge, attitude, and community participation in building infiltration wells in Minomartani and Pakembinangun villages were low(2) attitude and community participation in building of infiltration wells were influenced by degree of knowledge, age, level of formal education, occupation, length of stay, tha building cost of infiltration wells and information given. It showed that correlation coefficient was 81% in Minomartani village and 70% in Pakembinangun village, determination coefficient was 66% in both of research villages. Among those factors, knowledge was the predominant one, that was 99,99% in level of significant T 0,005(3) measure and lay out of infiltration wells for community that had been built, fulfilled. The Indonesian National Standard in both of villages studied. Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, participation, infiltration well


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    One of the indicators of teacher professional competence is being able to utilize technology in the learning process to answer the challenges of the times. This is in accordance with the competence of 21st-century teachers, namely having good skills and digital literacy. In other words, teachers' competence from time to time must continuously be upgraded to keep up with the development. This study used qualitative research design to investigate the teachers’ roles in innovating learning strategies. The study found that teachers are required to use various skills in developing teaching and learning strategies to meet the demand of the students to equip them with sufficient knowledge and skills to survive in this new millennium era. Furthermore, this study highlights that teachers should continually upgrade their knowledge and ability to conduct learning activities professionall

    Integrating collaborative learning in cyclic learning sessions to promote students’ reading comprehension and critical thinking

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    The advancement of technology requires higher skill in obtaining information due to the rapid flows of information in this recent globalization era. Consequently,  reading comprehension becomes an important language skill for students to nurture. In classroom practices, Indonesian students still encounter problems in English reading comprehension. The present classroom action study dealt with improving reading comprehension through collaborative learning. This is due to some studies revealed that collaborative learning is an effective learning strategy to improve students' learning achievement. The data were collected by administering a pre-test in reading comprehension prior to the teaching cycle and two post-tests at the end of every teaching cycle. The results showed that collaborative learning is significantly effective to improve students' reading comprehension and critical thinking. This study implies that teachers should consider the integration of collaborative learning in teaching reading comprehension

    Conducting assessment instrument models for teacher competence, teacher welfare as an effort to enhance education quality

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    Teacher competence and teacher welfare are essential aspects to successfully improve education quality. Assessment instrument models for teacher competence and teacher welfare therefore important to be developed to meet the required standards. This study aims at developing a set of assessment instrument models for teacher competence, teacher welfare, and educational quality improvement. The study was designed for two years adopting the Research and Development method employing 4D models consisting of Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The result of this study is in the form of assessment models for teacher competence, teacher welfare, and quality of education which have been validated by selected teachers, principals, and school supervisors. This assessment models have strong beneficial significance to the improvement of education quality and teacher professional development
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