14 research outputs found

    « Au milieu du chemin de notre vie »

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    Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitami ritrovai per una selva oscura,chĂ© la dritta via era smarrita. Ahi quanto a dir qual era Ăš cosa duraEsta selva selvaggia e aspra e forteChe nel pensier rinova la paura ! Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto 1, 1-6. Introduction Pour les demandeurs d’asile prĂ©sents sur le sol français, le passage par un centre de soins pour migrants est devenu une Ă©tape courante du parcours. Suivant des approches cliniques diffĂ©rentes (Fassin et d’Halluin, 2007), ces centres off..

    Les rĂ©cits de vie des demandeurs d’asile tamouls

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    La demande du statut de rĂ©fugiĂ© nĂ©cessite d’ĂȘtre fortement motivĂ©e. Les demandeurs d’asile doivent faire Ă©tat de menaces rĂ©elles qui les poussent Ă  quitter leur pays d’origine. La procĂ©dure bureaucratique contraint les requĂ©rants Ă  se construire dans la figure de la victime individuelle et met Ă  mal le sentiment d'un destin commun. Ces rĂ©cits ne permettent pas l'Ă©mergence d'une mĂ©moire collective partagĂ©e par l'ensemble de la communautĂ© tamoule

    Experimental Analysis of Optimal Operation Mode of a Ground Source Heat Pump System

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    Abstract This paper presents experimental data and modeling of a ground source heat pump (GSHP) with variable speed compressor, variable speed water pumps and variable speed fans in the coils, installed at Hiref Spa (Italy) in the framework of the European Project Ground-Med. The present model has been developed to evaluate the operating conditions that lead to the maximum seasonal coefficient of performance and to analyze the behavior of the system at partial loads since variable capacity heat pumps do not work at nominal power for most of the time. The control parameters of the model that can be varied are the followings: frequency of compressor, frequency of water pump to the borehole heat exchangers, frequency of water pump to the user, velocity of the fans and water temperature to the user. The model has been compared with experimental data taken during a heating season and it can be the baseline to develop a control strategy with the final objective of maximizing the seasonal coefficient of performance of the system

    Validation of TESS exoplanet candidates orbiting solar analogues in the all-sky PLATO input catalogue

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    Funding: G.M. acknowledges the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and of the doctoral grant funded by the University of Padova and by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). G.M. is also grateful to the Centre for Exoplanet Science, University of St Andrews (StA-CES) for hospitality and computing resources. GPi, LBo, VNa, and FZM acknowledge the funding support from Italian Space Agency (ASI) regulated by ‘Accordo ASI-INAF n. 2013-016-R.0 del 9 luglio 2013 e integrazione del 9 luglio 2015 CHEOPS Fasi A/B/C’. We acknowledge the support of PLATO ASI-INAF agreements n.2015-019-R0-2015 and n. 2015-019-R.1-2018. T.G.W. and A.C.C. acknowledge support from STFC consolidated grant number ST/V000861/1, and UKSA grant ST/R003203/1.The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is focusing on relatively bright stars and has found thousands of planet candidates. However, mainly because of the low spatial resolution of its cameras (≈ 21 arcsec/pixel), TESS is expected to detect several false positives (FPs); hence, vetting needs to be done. Here, we present a follow-up program of TESS candidates orbiting solar-analogue stars that are in the all-sky PLATO input catalogue. Using Gaia photometry and astrometry we built an absolute colour-magnitude diagram and isolated solar-analogue candidates’ hosts. We performed a probabilistic validation of each candidate using the vespa software and produced a prioritized list of objects that have the highest probability of being genuine transiting planets. Following this procedure, we eliminated the majority of FPs and statistically vetted 23 candidates. For this remaining set, we performed a stellar neighbourhood analysis using Gaia Early Data Release 3 and centroid motion tests, greatly enhancing the on-target probability of 12 of them. We then used publicly available high-resolution imaging data to confirm their transit source and found five new, fully validated planets. For the remaining candidates, we propose on-off photometry to further refine the list of genuine candidates and prepare for the subsequent radial velocity follow-up.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Certifications of citizenship: the history, politics and materiality of identity documents in South Asian states and diasporas

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    Experiences in the post-partition Indian subcontinent refute the conventional expectation that the 'possession of citizenship enables the acquisition of documents certifying it' (Jayal, 2013, 71). Instead, identity papers of various types play a vital part in certifying and authenticating claims to citizenship. This is particularly important in a context where the history of state formation, continuous migration flows and the rise of right-wing majoritarian politics has created an uncertain situation for individuals deemed to be on the ‘margins’ of the state. The papers that constitute this special issue bring together a range of disciplinary perspectives in order to investigate the history, politics and materiality of identity documents, and to dismantle citizenship as an absolute and fixed notion, seeking instead to theorise the very mutable ‘hierarchies’ and ‘degrees’ of citizenship. Collectively they offer a valuable lens onto how migrants, refugees and socio-economically marginal individuals negotiate their relationship with the state, both within South Asia and in South Asian diaspora communities. This introduction examines the wider context of the complex intersections between state-issued identity documents and the nature of citizenship and draws out cross-cutting themes across the papers in this collection

    Combattants et victimes en temps de guerre et d'exil. Violence, mémoire et subjectivité dans les récits de vie de Tamouls sri lankais en France

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    Composition du jury : Patrice Bourdelais, directeur de thĂšse, ÈHESS ;Gille Tarabout, codirecteur de thĂšse, CNRS ;MichĂšle Baussant, CNRS ;Anne de Sales, CNRS ;Michel Naepels, ÈHESS ;Jonathan Spencer, UniversitĂ© d'Edimbourg. ThĂšse soutenue le 8 septembre 2015, mention trĂšs honorable avec fĂ©licitations du jury Ă  l’unanimitĂ©. RĂ©sumĂ© Cette thĂšse porte sur la mĂ©moire et les histoires de vie de Tamouls sri lankais arrivĂ©s en France depuis les annĂ©es 2000. Elle s’appuie sur une enquĂȘte ethnographique..

    Classificazione delle galassie: caratteristiche morfologiche, fotometriche e cinematiche

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    In questo scritto vengono analizzate le principali caratteristiche morfologiche, fotometriche e cinematiche delle galassie classificate da Edwin Hubble. Dopo una prima breve introduzione si passa alla parte piĂč corposa di questo elaborato in cui sono descritte le galassie nelle loro particolaritĂ  morfologiche, a cui vengono aggiunti i contributi alla classificazione proposti da de Vaucouleurs. Nel terzo capitolo vengono trattate le caratteristiche fotometriche delle galassie ellittiche e a spirale tramite l’utilizzo di leggi e relazioni fondamentali o comunque rilevanti. Infine, nella quarta sezione, viene analizzata la cinematica delle galassie con particolare attenzione agli studi spettroscopici ed ai profili di dispersione di velocitĂ  nelle galassie ellittiche, alle curve di rotazione nelle spirali; in aggiunta viene fatta una breve trattazione della materia oscura. Non sarĂ  analizzata nel particolare la Via Lattea, per via della scelta di trattare tale elaborato da un punto di vista generico ed extragalattico

    Energy Efficiency in a Ground Source Heat Pump With Variable Speed Drives

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    A variable capacity heat pump, with variable speed drives on the secondary circuits, needs an adequate control for gaining the maximum energy efficiency. In the present paper, a model of a ground-source heat pump with variable speed compressor, variable speed water pumps and variable speed fans in the coils is presented. This model is used to develop a control strategy which is implemented in the GSHP (Ground Source Heat Pump) system installed at HirefSpA (Italy) in the framework of the European Project Ground-Med. The goal is to maximize the overall coefficient of performance, accounting for energy inputs to the compressor and the auxiliary components. The control parameters of the model that can be varied are the followings: frequency of compressor, frequency of water pump to the borehole heat exchangers, frequency of the water pump to the user, velocity of the fans, water temperature to the user. The present model allows to evaluate the operating conditions that lead to the maximum seasonal coefficient of performance of the system. The present model is also the baseline for the development of the strategy control, with the final objective of maximizing the seasonal coefficient of performance of the system. In order to make the system operate at optimal conditions when the load varies, a primary and secondary control has been implemented. The temperature of the tank is used in a primary controller to vary the heat output of the heat pump, depending on the difference between the measured temperature of the tank and the setpoint value. The ambient temperature is used in a secondary controller to vary the heat capacity of the fancoil unit as a function of the difference between the measured and ambient setpoint temperature