295 research outputs found

    Loopedia, a Database for Loop Integrals

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    Loopedia is a new database at loopedia.org for information on Feynman integrals, intended to provide both bibliographic information as well as results made available by the community. Its bibliometry is complementary to that of SPIRES or arXiv in the sense that it admits searching for integrals by graph-theoretical objects, e.g. its topology.Comment: 16 pages, lots of screenshot

    W+WW^+W^- production at hadron colliders in NNLO QCD

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    Charged gauge boson pair production at the Large Hadron Collider allows detailed probes of the fundamental structure of electroweak interactions. We present precise theoretical predictions for on-shell W+WW^+W^- production that include, for the first time, QCD effects up to next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbation theory. As compared to next-to-leading order, the inclusive W+WW^+W^- cross section is enhanced by 9% at 7 TeV and 12% at 14 TeV. The residual perturbative uncertainty is at the 3% level. The severe contamination of the W+WW^+W^- cross section due to top-quark resonances is discussed in detail. Comparing different definitions of top-free W+WW^+W^- production in the four and five flavour number schemes, we demonstrate that top-quark resonances can be separated from the inclusive W+WW^+W^- cross section without significant loss of theoretical precision.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Adaptive multigrid algorithm for the lattice Wilson-Dirac operator

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    We present an adaptive multigrid solver for application to the non-Hermitian Wilson-Dirac system of QCD. The key components leading to the success of our proposed algorithm are the use of an adaptive projection onto coarse grids that preserves the near null space of the system matrix together with a simplified form of the correction based on the so-called gamma_5-Hermitian symmetry of the Dirac operator. We demonstrate that the algorithm nearly eliminates critical slowing down in the chiral limit and that it has weak dependence on the lattice volume

    3-loop heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering

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    We present our most recent results on the calculation of the heavy flavor contributions to deep-inelastic scattering at 3-loop order in the large Q2Q^2 limit, where the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients are known to factorize into light flavor Wilson coefficients and massive operator matrix elements. We describe the different techniques employed for the calculation and show the results in the case of the heavy flavor non-singlet and pure singlet contributions to the structure function F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2).Comment: 4 pages Latex, 2 style files, 4 Figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of QCD '14, Montpellier, Jult 201

    Iterative and Iterative-Noniterative Integral Solutions in 3-Loop Massive QCD Calculations

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    Various of the single scale quantities in massless and massive QCD up to 3-loop order can be expressed by iterative integrals over certain classes of alphabets, from the harmonic polylogarithms to root-valued alphabets. Examples are the anomalous dimensions to 3-loop order, the massless Wilson coefficients and also different massive operator matrix elements. Starting at 3-loop order, however, also other letters appear in the case of massive operator matrix elements, the so called iterative non-iterative integrals, which are related to solutions based on complete elliptic integrals or any other special function with an integral representation that is definite but not a Volterra-type integral. After outlining the formalism leading to iterative non-iterative integrals,we present examples for both of these cases with the 3-loop anomalous dimension γqg(2)\gamma_{qg}^{(2)} and the structure of the principle solution in the iterative non-interative case of the 3-loop QCD corrections to the ρ\rho-parameter.Comment: 13 pages LATEX, 2 Figure

    A new type of CP symmetry, family replication and fermion mass hierarchies

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    We study a two-Higgs-doublet model with four generalised CP symmetries in the scalar sector. Electroweak symmetry breaking leads automatically to spontaneous breaking of two of them. We require that these four CP symmetries can be extended from the scalar sector to the full Lagrangian and call this requirement the principle of maximal CP invariance. The Yukawa interactions of the fermions are severely restricted by this requirement. In particular, a single fermion family cannot be coupled to the Higgs fields. For two fermion families, however, this is possible. Enforcing the absence of flavour-changing neutral currents, we find degenerate masses in both families or one family massless and one massive. In the latter case the Lagrangian is highly symmetric, with the mass hierarchy being generated by electroweak symmetry breaking. Adding a third family uncoupled to the Higgs fields and thus keeping it massless we get a model which gives a rough approximation of some features of the fermions observed in Nature. We discuss a number of predictions of the model which may be checked in future experiments at the LHC.Comment: 24 pages. Version published in EPJC. Minor changes as suggested by the refere

    Weighted least-squares finite elements based on Particle Imaging Velocimetry data

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    Abstract The solution of the Navier-Stokes equations requires that data about the solution is available along the boundary. In some situations, such as particle imaging velocimetry, there is additional data available along a single plane within the domain, and there is a desire to also incorporate this data into the approximate solution of the Navier-Stokes equation. The question that we seek to answer in this paper is whether 2-dimensional velocity data containing noise can be incorporated into a full 3-dimensional solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in an appropriate and meaningful way. For addressing this problem, we examine the potential of least-squares finite element methods (LSFEM) because of their flexibility in the enforcement of various boundary conditions. Further, by weighting the boundary conditions in a manner that properly reflects the accuracy with which the boundary values are known, we develop the weighted LSFEM. The potential of weighted LSFEM is explored for three different test problems: the first uses randomly generated Gaussian noise to create artificial 'experimental' data in a controlled manner, and the second and third use particle imaging velocimetry data. In all test problems, weighted LS-FEM produces accurate results even for cases where there is significant noise in the experimental data

    Slepton pair production in the POWHEG BOX

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    We present an implementation for slepton pair production at hadron colliders in the POWHEG BOX, a framework for combining next-to-leading order QCD calculations with parton-shower Monte-Carlo programs. Our code provides a SUSY Les Houches Accord interface for setting the supersymmetric input parameters. Decays of the sleptons and parton-shower effects are simulated with PYTHIA. Focussing on a representative point in the supersymmetric parameter space we show results for kinematic distributions that can be observed experimentally. While next-to-leading order QCD corrections are sizable for all distributions, the parton shower affects the color-neutral particles only marginally. Pronounced parton-shower effects are found for jet distributions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure