12 research outputs found

    Ureteral reconstruction by vermiform appendix (clinical case)

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    The method of a replaceable reconstruction of ureter by appendix for improvement the results of operative treatment for extended strictures of ureter is offered. The clinical case of successful ureteral reconstruction of the proximal part of ureter by appendix with the good long - term result is presented.Для улучшения результатов оперативного лечения протяженных стриктур мочеточника предлагается метод заместительной пластики мочеточника червеобразным отростком. Приводится клинический пример одного случая успешной аппендикоуретеропластики верхней трети мочеточника с хорошим отдаленным результатом

    Towards synthesis of petri nets from scenarios

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    Abstract. Given a set of scenarios, we answer the question whether this set equals the set of all executions of a Petri net. Formally, scenarios are expressed by (isomorphism classes of) labelled partial orders (LPOs), also known as pomsets or partial words. An LPO is an execution of a Petri net if it is a sequentialization of an LPO generated by a process of the net. We propose a definition of regions for a set of LPOs, i.e for a partial language. Given a partial language of scenarios, we prove a necessary and sufficient condition (based on regions) for the partial language of scenarios to be the partial language of executions of a place/transition Petri net. Finally, we prove our notion of regions to be consistent with the notion of regions of trace languages.