9 research outputs found

    Maintenance haemodialysis with low dialysate flow rates in Senegal

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    Introduction: The objective of the study reported here was to demonstrate that maintenance haemodialysis using a reduced dialysate flow rate of 300 mL/min (RQD) is not inferior to haemodialysis using the standard flow rate of 500 mL/min (SQD) in respect of the delivered dose of dialysis. Methods: A prospective, single-centre, sequential study was performed at the haemodialysis  centre of Pikine Hospital in Dakar. Twenty patients were included. During the first week, three haemodialysis sessions were performed with SQD and during the second week three haemodialysis  sessions were conducted with RQD for each patient. Results: For SQD, the mean eKt/V was 1.38 ± 0.58. There were 38 (63%) sessions with eKt/V greater than 1.2 and 16 patients (80%) had adequate dialysis, based on the average eKt/V. For RQD, the mean eKt/V was 1.2 ± 0.43 with 25 sessions (42%) having an eKt/V greater than 1.2. There were 11 patients (55%) with adequate dialysis. The dialysis dose was higher with the SQD prescription (P < 0.001). Ten patients with dry weight ≤60 kg had adequate dialysis with RQD. Cases of hypokalaemia were significantly higher with the SQD (P = 0.001). Conclusions: RQD appears to be inferior in terms of dialysis dose. However, for patients with dry weight ≤60 kg, adequate dialysis could be delivered with RQD, consequently allowing substantial saving of water in haemodialysis

    Evaluation de l’état hydrique chez les patients hémodialysés chroniques : une étude transversale monocentrique: Assessment of the hydration status in chronic hemodialysis patients: a single-center cross-sectional study

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    Context and objective. For many practitioners, blood pressure is the main indicator of the hydration status of the chronic hemodialysis patient. The objective of this study was to assess the extent to which bioimpedance analysis (BIA) can assist in determining acute changes in fluid volume during the hemodialysis session. Methods. This was a 9-week longitudinal study. The total body water (TBW) was measured with a BIA analyzer, before and after 6 successive sessions. The ΔWeight was compared to the ΔTBW by calculating the P/V ratio (ΔWeight/ΔTBW) with the assumption that the dry weight is reached when P/V = 1. Results. The measurements made in 22 patients (46.6 years, 54.5% men, 92.3 months on dialysis) were reproducible. There was no statistically significant difference between ΔTBW and ΔWeight. However, at the individual level, significant differences had been observed. Using hypertension as a marker for a state of hyperhydration, a 31.8% agreement was noted between the P/V ratio and hypertension. Conclusion. Although the loss of water predicted by the BIA did not always correspond to the weight loss, BIA is a technique that can be used to assess the variations in TBW during the hemodialysis session in patients. Contexte et objectif. La pression artĂ©rielle est pour de nombreux praticiens, l’indicateur principal du statut hydrique du patient hĂ©modialysĂ© chronique. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer dans quelle mesure l’analyse d’impĂ©dance bioĂ©lectrique (BIA) pourrait aider Ă  la dĂ©termination des variations aigues du volume hydrique au cours de la sĂ©ance d’hĂ©modialyse. MĂ©thodes. Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude de suivi longitudinal sur 9 semaines. Le volume total d’eau (VTE) a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ© par BIA, avant et après 6 sĂ©ances. Le ΔPoids a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ© au ΔVTE par le calcul du ratio P/V (ΔPoids / ΔVTE) dans l’hypothèse que le poids sec est atteint lorsque P/V = 1. RĂ©sultats. Les mesures faites chez 22 patients (46,6 ans, 54,5% hommes, 92,3 mois en dialyse) Ă©taient reproductibles. Il n’y avait pas de diffĂ©rence statistiquement significative entre le ΔVTE et le ΔPoids. Cependant Ă  l’échelon individuel des diffĂ©rences importantes Ă©taient observĂ©es. En utilisant l’hypertension artĂ©rielle (HTA) comme marqueur d’un Ă©tat d’hyperhydratation, une concordance de 31,8% Ă©tait notĂ©e entre le ratio P/V et l’HTA. Conclusion. Bien que la perte d’eau prĂ©dite par la BIA ne corresponde pas toujours Ă  celle du poids, la BIA est une technique qui peut ĂŞtre utilisĂ©e pour Ă©valuer les variations du VTE au cours de la sĂ©ance d’hĂ©modialys

    NCR3 polymorphism, haematological parameters, and severe malaria in Senegalese patients

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    Background Host factors, including host genetic variation, have been shown to influence the outcome of Plasmodium falciparum infection. Genome-wide linkage studies have mapped mild malaria resistance genes on chromosome 6p21, whereas NCR3-412 polymorphism (rs2736191) lying within this region was found to be associated with mild malaria. Methods Blood samples were taken from 188 Plasmodium falciparum malaria patients (76 mild malaria patients, 85 cerebral malaria patients, and 27 severe non-cerebral malaria patients). NCR3-412 (rs2736191) was analysed by sequencing, and haematological parameters were measured. Finally, their association with clinical phenotypes was assessed. Results We evidenced an association of thrombocytopenia with both cerebral malaria and severe non-cerebral malaria, and of an association of high leukocyte count with cerebral malaria. Additionally, we found no association of NCR3-412 with either cerebral malaria, severe non-cerebral malaria, or severe malaria after grouping cerebral malaria and severe non-cerebral malaria patients. Conclusions Our results suggest that NCR3 genetic variation has no effect, or only a small effect on the occurrence of severe malaria, although it has been strongly associated with mild malaria. We discuss the biological meaning of these results. Besides, we confirmed the association of thrombocytopenia and high leukocyte count with severe malaria phenotypes

    Acceptation de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 chez les patients en dialyse péritonéale au Sénégal

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    IntroductionThe aim of this study was to assess vaccination coverage among peritoneal dialysis patients and to identify factors associated with non-vaccination.Patients and methodsThis was a multicenter, retrospective, descriptive, and analytical study conducted over a 6-month period in 4 peritoneal dialysis units. Patients on peritoneal dialysis for at least 3 months were included.ResultsForty-nine patients were included in our study. Of these, 30 (61.2%) were vaccinated against COVID-19, with a sex ratio of 0.8. Eighty-three percent of patients had received 2 doses. Of these, 63.3% had received the AstraZeneca vaccine, 33.3% Sinopharm, and 3.4% Johnson & Johnson. Adverse events were mainly pain at the inoculation site in 100% of cases and influenza-like illness in 25%. The reason for non-vaccination in 42% of cases was fear of vaccine side effects and/or minimization of the severity of COVID-19. Among vaccinated patients, 2 (6.6%) had tested positive for COVID-19 after vaccination, including one with a severe form 3 months after vaccination. The average age of vaccinated patients was significantly higher (47.6 years) than that of non-vaccinated patients (37.6 years) (p=0.048).ConclusionIt is vital to continue applying COVID-19 prevention measures in the various peritoneal dialysis centers, and to encourage vaccination or completion of vaccination schedules, particularly in younger patients.Introductio Ce travail avait pour objectif d’évaluer la couverture vaccinale chez les patients en dialyse péritonéale et de déterminer les facteurs associés à la non-vaccination.Patients et méthodesIl s’agissait d’une étude multicentrique, rétrospective, descriptive et analytique, réalisée sur une période de 6 mois, dans 4 unités de dialyse péritonéale. Les patients en dialyse péritonéale depuis au moins 3 mois étaient inclus.RésultatsQuarante-neuf patients étaient inclus dans notre étude. Parmi eux 30 (61,2%) étaient vaccinés contre la COVID-19 avec un sex-ratio de 0,8. Il y avait 83% des patients qui avaient reçu 2 doses. Il y avait 63,3% des patients qui avaient reçu le vaccin d’AstraZeneca, 33,3% celui de Sinopharm et 3,4% celui de Johnson & Johnson. Les effets indésirables étaient principalement une douleur au niveau du point d’inoculation dans 100% des cas et un syndrome grippal dans 25% des cas. La raison de la non vaccination était dans 42% des cas une peur des effets secondaires des vaccins et/ou une minimisation de la gravité de la COVID-19. Parmi les patients vaccinés, 2 (6,6%) avaient été testés positifs à la COVID-19 après vaccination dont un avec une forme sévère 3 mois après le vaccin. La moyenne d’âge des patients vaccinés était significativement plus élevée (47,6 ans) que celle des non vaccinés (37,6 ans) (p=0,048).ConclusionIl est primordial de continuer à appliquer les mesures de prévention de la COVID-19 dans les différents centres de dialyse péritonéale et d’encourager la vaccination ou la complétion des schémas vaccinaux notamment chez les plus jeunes

    Proliferative Glomerulonephritis: Risk Factor for Hypertension in Lupus

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    Studies report a high prevalence of hypertension in lupus, reaching up to 74%. The incidence of hypertension in SLE patients is increased with the severity of the kidney damage. This work was carried out with the objective of determining the prevalence of hypertension in lupus nephritis and to seek the existence of an association between the presence of a proliferative glomerulonephritis and hypertension. Patients and Methods. This was a case-control study, carried out in the nephrology department of the Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital in Dakar. All records of patients with lupus nephritis over a 10-year period, from January 01, 2007, to December 31, 2016, were included. Results. During the study period, out of 64 lupus nephritis records collected, 28 patients had hypertension, for a hospital prevalence of 43.75%. The mean age of the patients was 30.64 years ± 10.44. There were 24 women and 4 men. The mean systolic blood pressure was 156 mmHg (110–220) and the mean diastolic blood pressure was 100 mmHg (80–130). The mean serum creatinine was 29.48 mg/l ± 24.99. The mean proteinuria was 4.50 g/24 h ± 2.87. Hypertriglyceridemia was observed in one patient. Hypercholesterolemia was present in 3 patients. HDL levels were normal in all patients and elevated LDL levels were noted in all 4 patients. None of our patients had diabetes. Class III was found in 11 cases, class IV in 14 cases, pure class V in 2 cases, and class II in 1 case. Hypertension was associated with the presence of proliferative glomerulonephritis (odds ratio, 7.45; 95% CI, 1.9 to 29.1; p=0.002). Conclusion. Hypertension is common in lupus nephritis. The presence of a proliferative glomerulonephritis is a risk factor for the development of arterial hypertension. Screening and adequate management of hypertension are essential for the prevention of the progression of chronic kidney disease in lupus

    Cytokine response during non-cerebral and cerebral malaria: evidence of a failure to control inflammation as a cause of death in African adults

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    Background. With 214 million cases and 438,000 deaths in 2015, malaria remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases in tropical countries. Several species of the protozoan Plasmodium cause malaria. However, almost all the fatalities are due to Plasmodium falciparum, a species responsible for the severest cases including cerebral malaria. Immune response to Plasmodium falciparum infection is mediated by the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and growth factors whose actions are crucial for the control of the parasites. Following this response, the induction of anti-inflammatory immune mediators downregulates the inflammation thus preventing its adverse effects such as damages to various organs and death. Methods. We performed a retrospective, nonprobability sampling study using clinical data and sera samples from patients, mainly adults, suffering of non-cerebral or cerebral malaria in Dakar, Sénégal. Healthy individuals residing in the same area were included as controls. We measured the serum levels of 29 biomarkers including growth factors, chemokines, inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Results. We found an induction of both pro- and anti-inflammatory immune mediators during malaria. The levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers were higher in the cerebral malaria than in the non-cerebral malaria patients. In contrast, the concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines were comparable in these two groups or lower in CM patients. Additionally, four pro-inflammatory biomarkers were significantly increased in the deceased of cerebral malaria compared to the survivors. Regarding organ damage, kidney failure was significantly associated with death in adults suffering of cerebral malaria. Conclusions. Our results suggest that a poorly controlled inflammatory response determines a bad outcome in African adults suffering of cerebral malaria

    Relationship between Antibody Levels, IgG Binding to Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes, and Disease Outcome in Hospitalized Urban Malaria Patients from Dakar, Sénégal

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    Background. Management of clinical malaria requires the development of reliable diagnostic methods and efficient biomarkers for follow-up of patients. Protection is partly based on IgG responses to parasite antigens exposed at the surface of infected erythrocytes (iRBCs). These IgG responses appeared low during clinical infection, particularly in severe disease. Methods. We analyzed the IgG binding capacity to the surface of live erythrocytes infected by knob positive FCR3 strain. Sera from 69 cerebral malaria (CM) and 72 mild malaria (MM) cases were analyzed by ELISA for IgG responses to five antigens from iRBC and by flow cytometry for IgG binding as expressed in labeling index ratio (LIR). The relationship between IgG levels, LIR, parasitemia, age, and the clinical outcomes was evaluated. Results. We found a significant decrease of LIR in adult CM fatal cases compared to surviving patients (p=0.019). In MM, LIRs were correlated to IgG anti-iRBC and anti-PfEMP3/5 levels. In CM, no correlation was found between LIR, IgG levels, and parasitemia. Conclusion. The IgG binding assay was able to discriminate outcome of cerebral malaria cases and it deserves further development as a potential functional-associated assay for symptomatic malaria analysis

    Usefulness of foot-to-foot bioimpedance analysis for assessing volume status in chronic hemodialysis patients at the Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital (Senegal)

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    Introduction: Determination of dry weight is one of the daily goals to achieve in hemodialysis. The aim of this study was to validate the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) in estimation of dry weight in a population of Senegalese chronic hemodialysis patients. Patients and methods: A 9-week cross-sectional study was carried out at the hemodialysis unit of Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital. Adult patients with no previous hospital history were included. The total body water (TBW) was measured with a single frequency bioelectric impedance foot-to-foot analyzer, before and after six successive hemodialysis sessions. These results were compared with those from clinical measurements with the Watson equation using a Student’s t-test and Bland-Altman analysis. Results: 264 measurements were made in 22 patients (46.6 years, 54.5% men, 92.3 months on dialysis, 62.7 kg mean dry weight). A significant reduction in weight (ΔWeight = 2.0 ± 1.1 kg; p < 0.0001) and in TBW measured by the BIA (ΔTBWBIA = 3.3 ± 1.0 liters; p < 0.0001)) or calculated by Watson’s equation (ΔTBWWatson = 0.5 ± 0.2 liter; p = 0.0001) was observed. There was a strong linear correlation and agreement between the 2 TBW measurements in pre-dialysis. In post-dialysis the concordance diagram indicated a bias = –2.2 and wide agreement limits. Conclusion: The BIA allows reproducible and reliable measurements and a fair estimate of the TBW in pre-dialysis