363 research outputs found

    Normative beliefs about aggression as a mediator of narcissistic exploitativeness and cyberbullying

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    The current study examined normative beliefs about aggression as a mediator between narcissistic exploitativeness and cyberbullying using two Asian adolescent samples from Singapore and Malaysia. Narcissistic exploitativeness was significantly and positively associated with cyberbullying and normative beliefs about aggression and normative beliefs about aggression were significantly and positively associated with cyberbullying. Normative beliefs about aggression were a significant partial mediator in both samples; these beliefs about aggression served as one possible mechanism of action by which narcissistic exploitativeness could exert its influence on cyberbullying. Findings extended previous empirical research by showing that such beliefs can be the mechanism of action not only in offline but also in online contexts and across cultures. Cyberbullying prevention and intervention efforts should include modification of norms and beliefs supportive of the legitimacy and acceptability of cyberbullying

    Monitoring of underground coal fires using thermal infrared data

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    The potential utility of thermal infrared and short wavelength infrared data for detecting and mapping sub-surface high temperature sources is analysed. In this study, NOAA-9 AVHRR data and Landsat-5 TM data were used to detect and map sub-surface coal fires. Brightness temperature depicted by AVHRR band 3 illustrated high thermal anomalies in the suspected area. Due to the relatively low spatial resolution of the AVHRR data, only TM data is used in detailed analysis. The short wavelength infrared sensors (bands 5 and 7) have been used to locate the positions of the most intense burning. The thermal band (band 6) has been useful in distinguishing gross thermal anomalies from the background of solar warming, The resultant surface temperature anomalies are compared to surface temperatures derived from thermal infrared aerial survey and ground measurements. Correlation of these data indicate that the relatively coarse resolution of the thermal TM data enabled the detection, delineation and quantifying of sub-surface coal fire zones. However, the capability of the short wavelength infrared bands to locate the position of the fire fronts is only preliminary. The research shows that the information gathered from the TM data could only be used as a basis for planning the detailed ground geothermal operation. The investigation also reveals the potential capability of the AVHRR band 3 to detect sub-surface high temperature sources such as coal fires

    Review of Energy Storage System Technologies in Microgrid Applications:Issues and Challenges

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    Bioremediation of palm industry wastes using vermicomposting technology: its environmental application as green fertilizer

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    Several technologies are being applied for treatment of palm oil mill wastes. Among them, the biological treatments (vermicomposting) have widely been recognized as one of the most efficient and eco-friendly methods for converting organic waste materials into valuable products. The present study focuses on vermicomposting of acidic palm oil mill effluent (POME) mixed with the palm pressed fibre (PPF) which are found difficult to decompose in the environment. The industrial waste (POME) was vermicomposted using Lumbricus rubellus under laboratory conditions for a period of 45 days. A significant improvement in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content was monitored during vermicomposting process. In addition, the decline in C:N ratio of vermicompost (up to 17.20 ± 0.60) reflects the degree of stabilization of POME–PPF mixture. Different percentages of the vermicompost extract obtained from POME–PPF mixture were also examined for the germination of mung bean (Vigna radiata) seed. The results showed that 75% vermicompost extract demonstrated better performance for the seed germination. On the basis of significant findings, POME–PPF mixture can be successfully used as a feeding material for the earthworms, while on the other hand, it can also be used as a cost-effective fertilizer for the germination and the proper growth of mung bean

    The formation of yttrium aluminium monoclinic (Y4Al2O9) by sol-gel synthesis at low heating temperature

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    Y4Al2O9 has been synthesized by means of the citrate-nitrate sol-gel combustion method using yttrium (III) nitrate and aluminium (III) nitrate. DTA/TG analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), FT-IR and 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) measurements were used to characterize the phase decomposition, weight loss of the sample, the crystal structure and phase formation of the Y4Al2O9 material. XRD shows the Y4Al2O9 starts to crystallize at low temperature, 700°C, with an average particle size around 49 nm

    Population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of intramuscular quinine in Tanzanian children with severe Falciparum malaria.

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    Although artesunate is clearly superior, parenteral quinine is still used widely for the treatment of severe malaria. A loading-dose regimen has been recommended for 30 years but is still often not used. A population pharmacokinetic study was conducted with 75 Tanzanian children aged 4 months to 8 years with severe malaria who received quinine intramuscularly; 69 patients received a loading dose of 20 mg quinine dihydrochloride (salt)/kg of body weight. Twenty-one patients had plasma quinine concentrations detectable at baseline. A zero-order absorption model with one-compartment disposition pharmacokinetics described the data adequately. Body weight was the only significant covariate and was implemented as an allometric function on clearance and volume parameters. Population pharmacokinetic parameter estimates (and percent relative standard errors [%RSE]) of elimination clearance, central volume of distribution, and duration of zero-order absorption were 0.977 liters/h (6.50%), 16.7 liters (6.39%), and 1.42 h (21.5%), respectively, for a typical patient weighing 11 kg. Quinine exposure was reduced at lower body weights after standard weight-based dosing; there was 18% less exposure over 24 h in patients weighing 5 kg than in those weighing 25 kg. Maximum plasma concentrations after the loading dose were unaffected by body weight. There was no evidence of dose-related drug toxicity with the loading dosing regimen. Intramuscular quinine is rapidly and reliably absorbed in children with severe falciparum malaria. Based on these pharmacokinetic data, a loading dose of 20 mg salt/kg is recommended, provided that no loading dose was administered within 24 h and no routine dose was administered within 12 h of admission. (This study has been registered with Current Controlled Trials under registration number ISRCTN 50258054.)

    Fracturas del macizo trocantéreo. Estudio comparativo Ender-DHS: revision de 114 casos

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    Se presenta un estudio retrospectivo de 114 fracturas pertrocantéreas tratadas con enclavado elástico de Ender (71) y tornillo placa deslizante, DHS (43). Se efectuó un estudio estadístico descriptivo-comparativo entre los 2 grupos de pacientes según la técnica quirúrgica empleada. Se constató un mayor índice de estabilidad usando el DHS (81%), frente al 6 1 % del otro grupo. La tasa de complicaciones fue del 16% y 55% respectivamente. Los resultados clínicos fueron mejores en los enfermos tratados con DHS, fundamentalmente en cuanto a la deambulación que se consiguió en el 98% (Ender 75%), ausencia de dolor y movilidad conservada. Los autores piensan que la estabilidad preoperatoria no influye en la solidez del montaje usando el DHS, pero con la técnica de Ender ésta disminuye en las fracturas inestables; por ello, la técnica de Ender estaría solamente indicada en el tratamiento de fracturas estables en pacientes de edad avanzada o con mal estado general, aunque en clara competencia con el DHS.A retrospective study of 114 intertrochanteric fractures operated on either with Ender's rods (71) or dynamic hip screws, DHS (43) is presented. A statistical descriptive-comparative study between the 2 groups was attempted. There was a greater index of stability using the DHS (82%) than Ender's rods (61%). The rate of complications was 16% and 55% respectively. The clinical outcome was better in cases treated with DHS, specially for walking ability, which was regained in the 98% of cases (Ender 75%), painless and preserved mobility. The authors think that the stability before operation do not influence the solidity of the assembly using the DHS device. On the contrary, with the Ender's technique the fixation is no satisfactory in unstables fractures. Ender's rods would only be suitable for treatment of stable fractures in older patient or with serious associated diseases, although in clear competition with the DHS

    Development of web application package to design AC substation grounding system based on IEE STD. 80-2000 for continuous education and professional training

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    Substation grounding is a very important aspect in a substation design which forms a safe grounding grid system besides functioning as a means of dissipating currents to the surrounding ground during normal and fault conditions, also prevents the ground potential rise during a fault from creating dangerous potential gradients on the substation ground surface that can endanger a life of a person in the vicinity of the grounded facility. This grounding study is based on IEEE Standard 80-2000 (Revision of IEEE Std. 80-1986) which serves as a guide to the safety in ac substation grounding. With the fast growing of the use on the Internet technology and the daily use of it in all life routines including education, it will be necessary and interesting to provide a learning and educational web application for the Internet users especially the engineers of them