98 research outputs found


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    The process of transferring the script of a text of the same language is a type of intralingual translation. The focus of this study was intralingual translation from Jawi into Rumi. This study aimed to examine problems faced by translators in translating old Malay manuscript from Jawi to Rumi and approaches used to oversee the problems. This study employed a descriptive approach by examining the text of Undang-Undang Adat Negeri Kedah as the research data. The finding shows that there are some problems in translating old Malay manuscripts which involve the overloaded use of Arabic language and dialect, blurry writing, the use of old version of Jawi scripts and difficult-to-understand words. To address the identified challenges, this study presents some suggestions appropriate to intralingual translation techniques. This study is expected to serve as a basic guideline to translators who engage in intralingual translation of the Jawi script to Rumi.Keywords: Intralingual translation, Jawi, Malay manuscript, Malay langauge, Undang-Undang Adat Negeri KedahCite as: Mansor, I. (2017). Cabaran dan pendekatan penterjemahan intralingual jawi kepada rumi Undang-undang Adat Negeri Kedah [Challenges and approaches to intralingual translation of jawi to rumi Undang-undang Adat Negeri Kedah]. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(2), 251-263.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss2pp251-263 AbstrakProses mengubah bentuk tulisan sesebuah teks dalam bahasa yang sama merupakan salah satu bentuk terjemahan intralingual. Fokus kajian ini adalah terjemahan intralingual daripada Jawi kepada Rumi. Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh penterjemah dalam mentransliterasi sebuah manuskrip Melayu lama daripada Jawi kepada Rumi dan pendekatan yang digunakan bagi mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan meneliti teks Undang-Undang Adat Negari Kedah sebagai data kajian. Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat beberapa permasalahan dalam mengalih tulisan manuskrip lama yang antaranya melibatkan penggunaan bahasa Arab dan dialek yang sarat, tulisan yang kabur, penggunaan tulisan Jawi lama serta perkataan yang sukar difahami. Bagi menangani cabaran tersebut, kajian ini mengemukakan beberapa cadangan yang berkaitan dengan teknik terjemahan intralingual yang sesuai digunakan. Kajian ini diharap dapat menjadi panduan asas kepada penterjemah yang menceburi bidang terjemahan intralingual daripada tulisan Jawi kepada Rumi. Kata Kunci : Bahasa Melayu, Jawi, manuskrip Melayu, terjemahan intralingual Undang-Undang Adat Negeri Kedah.

    Technical efficiency estimates of paddy farming in peninsular Malaysia : a comparative analysis

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    Estimating technical efficiency of production techn ology is important for policy purposes, particularl y for a sector which has strategic importance in self sufficiency level such as paddy farming. This study compared te chnical efficiency of paddy farming in east coast and west coast of Peninsular Malaysia by using data envelopm ent analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). Prima ry data were collected using a set of structured qu estionnaire from 230 farmers in east coast and west coast of Pe ninsular Malaysia. The data are analyzed by using D EA and SFA. The results indicated that the differences in methodologies employed produced different efficienc y estimates. The DEA result showed that efficiency score for Pen insular Malaysia is 56%, which is lower from the ef ficiency score obtained using the SFA at 69%. Due to the lar ge differences in technical efficiency results, rec ommendation for policy purpose should not depend on only one me thod as it is inaccurate

    Toxicity immobilization of refinery sludge containing heavy metals via vitrification process

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    Heavy metals are known to be toxic to human and the environment. Despite the growing of petrochemical and refinery industries, the world is facing problems with the heavy metals contamination from the sludge by the industries. Many methods have been applied to address these issues from the refinery sludge. In this study, stabilization and solidification of refinery sludge containing heavy metals using vitrification method was utilized to solve this problem. The ashing temperature of 550oC was selected in preparing the ash of the dried sludge prior to the vitrification process at 1110oC to 1400oC. After vitrification, all samples were morphologically, thermally and toxically analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy, Thermogravimetric Analysis and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure. The sludge contained high amount of iron and aluminum, followed by some amount of magnesium, gold, arsenic and zinc with some traces of nickel and lead. Results showed that at maximum vitrified temperature of 1400oC, no magnesium, nickel and lead were detected in the sludge and only some traces of other heavy metals with less than 1 ppm. The vitrification method exhibits excellent output in immobilizing the transition metals leading to a reduction in environmental pollution caused by petrochemical and refinery sludge containing heavy metals

    Arab journalistic translators’ familiarity with the Arabic language academy’s terminology work of Arabicization

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    This paper aims to investigate the stances and perceptions of Arab journalistic translators about the terminology work of Arabicization and to what extent they are familiar with the Arabicized terms, which are proposed by the Arabic Language Academy (ALA) in the Arab region. The Arabicization task has been concertedly shouldered by language academies in several Arab countries, such as Cairo, Iraq, and Jordan. In this study, Arab journalistic translators’ attitudes, familiarity, and employment of the proposed Arabicized termsin journalistic translation have been investigated. In this study, the adopted methodology follows the quantitative approach to collect and analyse the data of a small-scale survey among Arab journalists and translators in various media outlets in the Arab region. The respondents of the conducted survey included Arab journalists, journalistic translators, script editors, and interpreters at Arab press agencies in several Arab countries, including Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt. According to the survey findings, the proposed Arabicized terms by the Arabic Language Academy are not broadly circulated among Arab journalists and translators in the Arab press. Moreover, the results confirmed that Arab journalistic translators are not completely familiar with the academy’s Arabicized terminologies. Therefore, they do not use them in English-Arabic journalistic translation. To enhance the ALA’s terminology work of Arabicization, more effective endeavours should be directed towards circulating the academy’s Arabicized terminology among journalistic translators in the media sector in the Arab region through establishing cooperation and coordination channels between the academy and the Arab press agencies

    Penguasaan kecekapan budaya dalam terjemahan Arab–Melayu

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    Dalam sesuatu aktiviti terjemahan, penterjemah berperanan sebagai perantara antara dua masyarakat yang berbeza bahasa dan budaya. Namun begitu, komunikasi yang baik antara dua masyarakat yang berbeza bahasa akan terganggu jika budaya dalam sesuatu unit bahasa itu tidak difahami oleh penterjemah semasa melakukan aktiviti penterjemahan. Hal ini demikian kerana budaya umpama cerminan bagi sesuatu bahasa. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pastiperbezaan bentuk dan tahap ketepatan hasil terjemahan berdasarkan kecekapan budaya oleh pelajar jurusan bahasa Arab di dua buah institut perguruan, selain untuk mengenal pasti faktor yang mempengaruhi tahap kecekapan budaya mereka. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif deskriptif yang menggunakan dua jenis instrumen, iaitu instrumen soalan ujian berkaitan kecekapan terjemahan yang dijalankan terhadap 90 orang sampel pelajar dan instrumen temu bual yang dijalankan terhadap seorang peserta pensyarah dan 12 orang peserta pelajar. Instrumen temu bual dijalankan bagi mengetahui faktor yang mungkin mempengaruhi tahap penguasaan kecekapan budaya dalam kalangan pelajar. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa tahap penguasaan kecekapan budaya pelajar jurusan bahasa Arab di dua buah institusi perguruan tersebut adalah pada aras sederhana rendah, iaitu dengan nilai min markah sebanyak 53.44%. Hasil tinjauan temu bual pula mendedahkan bahawa pelajar kurang diberi penekanan aplikasi dan praktikal tentang elemen budaya dalam terjemahan. Kajian ini diharap dapat memberi input baharu yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh para pelajar bagi menghasilkan terjemahan yang lebih baik antara dua bahasa yang bersilang budaya, di samping dapat memberi idea kepada pihak yang berautoriti untuk mengambil langkah yang lebih proaktif dalam meningkatkan tahap penguasaan kecekapan budaya dalam kalangan pelajar, seperti memasukkan elemen budaya dalam silibus kursus terjemahan

    Design And Analysis Of Low Noise Amplifier Using Cadence

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    Low Noise Amplifier also known as LNA is one of the most significant component for application in wireless communication system. It is a very important part in RF receiver because it can reduce noise of gain by the amplifier when the noise of the amplifier is received directly. The low noise amplifier has been designed to get the better performance by follow the requirement in this new era consists of high gain, low noise figure, lower power consumption, small chip area, low cost and good input and output matching. In this research, a LNA schematic consists of three stages which are common gate amplifier, common drain amplifier and active inductor is designed to mitigate this constraint. Common gate and common drain are used for input and output stages in every LNA. Both are also used for excellent input and output matching and have a potential to get a lower noise whereas for active inductor, it is used to obtain the lower power consumption and to reduce the chip size in layout design. The results show that the proposed LNA is able to achieve the best performance with a simulated gain of 14.7dB, extremely lower power consumption of 0.8mW, noise figure of 7dB and small chip area 0.26mm². Consequently, this modified LNA is appropriate for low-voltage applications especially in wireless communication system