10 research outputs found

    An assigned responsibility system for robotic teleoperation control

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    This paper proposes an architecture that explores a gap in the spectrum of existing strategies for robot control mode switching in adjustable autonomy. In situations where the environment is reasonably known and/or predictable, pre-planning these control changes could relieve robot operators of the additional task of deciding when and how to switch. Such a strategy provides a clear division of labour between the automation and the human operator(s) before the job even begins, allowing for individual responsibilities to be known ahead of time, limiting confusion and allowing rest breaks to be planned. Assigned Responsibility is a new form of adjustable autonomy-based teleoperation that allows the selective inclusion of automated control elements at key stages of a robot operation plan鈥檚 execution. Progression through these stages is controlled by automatic goal accomplishment tracking. An implementation is evaluated through engineering tests and a usability study, demonstrating the viability of this approach and offering insight into its potential applications

    Probabilistic decomposition of sequential force interaction tasks into Movement Primitives

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    Revelaci贸n on-line de la informaci贸n financiera y no financiera de las entidades de la rama ejecutiva del orden nacional en Colombia

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    En Colombia, la rendici贸n de cuentas se haconfigurado como un mecanismo inherente al sistema de gobiernodemocr谩tico, sustentada en la obligaci贸n de todogestor p煤blico de informar y justificar sus actuaciones antela sociedad y hacerse responsable de ellas. Esta rendici贸nse puede realizar por medio de una serie de instrumentoscomo la revelaci贸n y divulgaci贸n de la informaci贸n por Internet,lo cual ha sido contemplado por el gobierno nacionalen la estrategia de gobierno en l铆nea. De acuerdo conlo anterior, la presente investigaci贸n eval煤a de manera emp铆ricay descriptiva el grado de revelaci贸n y divulgaci贸n dela informaci贸n financiera y no financiera, de las entidadesde la rama ejecutiva del orden nacional nivel central en Colombia.Los resultados evidencian un grado de revelaci贸nintermedio de la informaci贸n publicada en los sitios webde las entidades analizadas, lo cual limita el control social yconfigura un posible riesgo de corrupci贸n al no permitir lavisibilidad que se requiere para evaluar la gesti贸n p煤blica

    Probabilistic progress prediction and sequencing of concurrent movement primitives

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