255 research outputs found

    A double-edged sword: Residents' views on the health consequences of gentrification in Porto, Portugal

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    Gentrification is currently shaping the urban environment in important ways. It also contributes to shaping the health of the inhabitants of gentrifying cities, although it is still unclear how. Gentrification processes are often linked to different drivers and have specific local translations, further complicating the study of the relationship between gentrification and health. We investigated this relationship in Porto, Portugal, a southern European city undergoing rampant transnational gentrification. In order to study how gentrification impacts health from the point of view of that city's residents, we conducted a study using photovoice with a sample of participants recruited from a population-based cohort, which was divided into three different groups: one from gentrifying areas of Porto, another from deprived non-gentrifying areas, and the other from affluent areas. The thematic analysis of data generated six themes, each referring to a change, or a set of connected changes, related to gentrification: increasing floating population, lack of housing access and displacement, construction and rehabilitation, changing local commerce, loss of place, and broader socioeconomic change. According to the accounts from participants, these changes affect health in different ways, both beneficial and harmful. Participants also reflected on how to act on this issue. This research adds to the knowledge about the relationship between gentrification and health by providing detailed and nuanced views about this relationship considering its city-wide impacts.This work was supported by FEDER through the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Internationalisation and national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) under the Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia - Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit) (UIDB/04750/2020) and Laboratório para an Investigação Integrativa e Translacional em Saúde Populacional (ITR) (LA/P/0064/2020); and the project “HUG: The health impacts of inner-city gentrification, displacement and housing insecurity: a quasi-experimental multi-cohort study” (PTDC/GES-OUT/1662/2020); Ana Isabel Ribeiro was supported by National Funds through FCT, under the ‘Stimulus of Scientific Employment – Individual Support’ programme within the contract CEECIND/02386/2018. The funding sources had no role in the research conducted neither in the preparation of this article

    Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de autoeficacia para los hábitos alimentarios (AEHA)

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    Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir las propiedades psicométricas preliminares de la “Escala de autoeficacia para hábitos alimentarios”. Material y Métodos: Participaron en un ensayo clínico aleatorizado para la modificación del estilo de vida 135 sujetos con síndrome metabólico, divididos en dos grupos (grupo control y grupo experimental), con un seguimiento de 18 meses. La evaluación incluyó datos antropométricos, clínicos, psicológicos y de estilo de vida. Para la validez y fiabilidad se realizó análisis factorial, de la consistencia interna, estabilidad temporal, sensibilidad al cambio y validez concurrente. Resultados: La solución de 2 factores explica el 60,97% de la varianza común. La consistencia interna para la puntuación total fue de 0,971 - alfa de Cronbach. En cuanto a la estabilidad temporal, no se observó ningún cambio en el grupo control. Con respecto a la sensibilidad al cambio, el grupo experimental presentó mayor autoeficacia a lo largo del seguimiento. Conclusiones: Los resultados preliminares mostraron niveles adecuados de validez y fiabilidad, demostrando ser una escala útil para evaluar la autoeficacia relacionada a la alimentación.Introduction: The aim of this study was to describe the preliminary psychometric properties of the “Self-Efficacy to Regulate Eating Habits (SEREH)”. Material and Methods: Participated in a randomized clinical trial for lifestyle modification 135 subjects with metabolic syndrome, who were divided into two groups (e.g., experimental and control), in a 18-months follow-up. The evaluation included anthropometric, clinical, psychological and lifestyle data. To verify the validity and reliability, a factorial analysis was performed, as well as analyses of the internal consistency, temporal stability, sensitivity to change, and convergent validity. Results: A solution with two factors was extracted, which explained 60.97% of the variance of the SEREH. The internal consistency for the total score was 0,971 - Cronbach’s alpha. Regarding temporal stability, no changes were observed during the follow-up in the control group. With regard to sensitivity to change, the experimental group showed greater self-efficacy than did the control group during the follow-up. Conclusions: These preliminary results showed adequate psychometric properties of the scale, demonstrating that this is a valid and reliable scale for assessing self-efficacy related to food behaviors.El presente trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Educación de Brasil (Fundación Capes) [beca número 5566- 10-0]

    Validez y fiabilidad de la escala de autoeficacia para el ejercicio físico en pacientes con síndrome metabólico

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    Self-efficacy refers to beliefs in individuals’ own capac-ities to do something. With the intent of evaluate the validity and reliability, we investigated the psychometric properties of the Self-Efficacy to Regulate Exercise Scale (SERES) in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS).Methods: 135 participants with medical diagnosis of MetS took part in the study (Mage=55.5, SD=7.6). We investigated sociodemographic, psycho-logical, and life-style variables. Participants were recruited at the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves (HUVN) in Granada (Spain) between 2013 and 2014. In order to characterise the sample, descriptive statistics were used. Factorial analysis, internal consistency and convergent reliability of the SERES were also calculated. Group differences were investigated using Student’s t test.Results: A solution with two factors was extracted, which explained 72.7% of the variance of the SERES. The internal consistency values for the total score of the SERES were (0.925 and 0.864) according to the values of Cronbach’s alpha and Guttman’s two halves, respectively. Significant corre-lations of the SERES were detected for with physical exercise, assertiveness, stress, anger, and active life-style (e.g., renouncing to sedentary behaviours) Conclusions: This was the first study to report on psychometric prop-erties of the SERES. Results supported the adequacy of the measure for use with patients with MetS. SERES seemed to be useful in evaluating self-ef-ficacy in relation to physical exercise, psychosocial, and lifestyle variables.Fundamentos: La autoeficacia percibida se refiere a la creencia en la propia capacidad para hacer algo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue obtener la validez y la fiabilidad de la escala de autoeficacia para el ejercicio físico (AEEF) en pacientes con síndrome metabólico (SM) y para ello fueron veri-ficadas las propiedades psicométricas de la misma. Métodos: Participaron en el estudio 135 sujetos con una edad media de 55,5 años (DT=7,6) que cumplían los criterios diagnósticos para el SM. Se tomaron medidas sociodemográficas, psicológicas y de estilo de vida de los mismos. Los sujetos fueron reclutados en el Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves (HUVN) de Granada (España) durante los años de 2013 a 2014. La caracterización de la muestra fue realizada a través de análisis descriptivos. Se realizó el análisis factorial, de la consistencia interna y de validez convergente del AEEF; las diferencias intra e intergrupales fueron evaluadas a través de la prueba t de Student. Resultados: Extrajimos una solución de 2 factores que explicaron el 72,7% de la varianza común. Los valores de consistencia interna para la puntuación total de la AEEF fueron de (0,925 y 0,864) según los valores del alfa de Cronbach y del método de las dos mitades de Guttman, respec-tivamente. Las correlaciones de la AEEF con la frecuencia de la práctica de ejercicios, la renuncia al sedentarismo, la asertividad, el estrés y la ira fueron estadísticamente significativasConclusiones: Este es el primer estudio sobre las propiedades psi-cométricas de la versión española de la AEEF. Los resultados mostraron niveles aceptables de validez y fiabilidad en pacientes con SM. La escala demostró ser útil para evaluar la asociación de la autoeficacia relativa al ejercicio físico con distintas variables psicosociales y de estilo de vida

    Scales for social support for eating habits and exercise: psychometric properties

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    Fundamentos: El apoyo social puede introducir cambios favorables en el estilo de vida de cara a reducir el riesgo cardiovascular. El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar dichos cambios en la población clínica que participó en el mismo y presentar las propiedades psicométricas de dos escalas de apoyo social: los hábitos alimentarios y el ejercicio. Ambas fueron aplicadas en pacientes con síndrome metabólico (SM). Métodos: Participaron 135 sujetos en un programa de modificación de estilo de vida. Las medidas sociodemográficas, psicológicas y de estilo de vida fueron tomadas en el Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves (HUVN) de Granada (España) durante 2013 y 2014. Se realizaron los siguientes análisis: análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC), de la consistencia interna, de la sensibilidad al cambio y de la estabilidad temporal. Resultados: El AFC confirmó la estructura original de ambas escalas, excepto por la exclusión del factor 2 (familia) de la escala de apoyo social para el ejercicio. Para la escala de apoyo social, el ajuste local, todos los ítems presentaron altos valores de cargas factoriales y fiabilidades individuales (λ≥0,64 y R2≥0,41, respectivamente). Para la escala de ejercicio, el ajuste local, los ítems presentaron altos valores de cargas factoriales y fiabilidades individuales (λ≥0,62 y R2≥0,38, respectivamente). Los valores de consistencia interna resultaron entre adecuados y excelentes, con cifras de alfa de Cronbach entre 0,714 y 0,864. En cuanto a la sensibilidad al cambio, el grupo experimental aumentó la percepción del apoyo social para la alimentación y para el ejercicio. El grupo de control no presentó diferencias significativas. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran niveles adecuados de validez y fiabilidad, demostrando que las escalas son adecuadas para evaluar el apoyo social en pacientes con SM.Background: Social support can introduce favorable changes in lifestyle to reduce the cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was to verify these changes in the clinical population participating in this study and present the psychometric properties of the scales of social support for ‘Eating Habits’ and ‘Exercise’ in patients diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. Methods: 135 participants attending a programme for changing lifestyle habits. Sociodemographic, psychological, and lifestyle variables were assessed at the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves (HUVN) in Granada (Spain) between 2013 and 2014. The following procedures were used: Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), internal consistency, sensibility to change and temporal stability. Results: The AFC confirmed the original structure of both scales, except for the exclusion of factor 2 (family) from the social support scale for the year. For the social support scale, the local adjustment, all items presented high values of factor loads and individual reliability (λ≥0.64 and R2≥0.41, respectively). For the exercise scale, the local adjustment, the items presented high values of factor loads and individual reliability (λ≥0.62 and R2≥0.38, respectively). Internal consistency values were between adequate and excellent, with Cronbach’s alpha figures between 0.714 and 0.864. Regarding sensitivity to change, the experimental group increased the perception of social support for food and exercise. The control group did not show significant differences. Conclusions: Our results show adequate indices for validity and reliability of the measures. Both measures appeared to be useful to assess social support in patients diagnosed with metabolic syndrome

    Uso de la imagen radiológica y serología por Western Blot para el diagnóstico de la neurocisticercosis en un hospital del norte del Perú

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    Background: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a parasitic zoonosis of the central nervous system caused by the tapeworm Taenia solium, which affects developing countries with poor basic sanitation. Objective: To describe the use and concordance of radiological tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and western blot (WB) serology in the diagnosis of NCC in a hospital in northern Peru. Material and Methods: Retrospective observational study. The medical history was the unit of analysis. The cases were searched in the Epidemiology office using the ICD-10-B69 and registry of the Laboratory of Parasitology, Metaxenics and Zoonoses of the same hospital, in the period from 2015 to 2017. Results: 67 medicales records were studied, which complied with the absolute diagnostic criteria for NCC. The patients were men in 55.2% and had a mean age of 40.2 (± 17.8) years. 35.9% had a positive result by WB (19/39), cystic lesions with scolex were observed in 25.4% of the CT and in 29.6 of the MRI. The concordance observed between the serological test with CT and MRI was poor, with (Kappa = 0.073, 95% CI: 0.053 - 1.084) and (Kappa = 0.112, 95% CI: 0.092 - 1.092) and a percentage of agreement of 42.0% and 45.7% respectively. Conclusions: Differentiated use and poor concordance between the WB serological test and radiological imaging are performed in patients with a diagnosis of neurocysticercosis in the studied population.Introducción: La neurocisticercosis (NCC) es una zoonosis parasitaria del sistema nervioso central causada por el céstodo Taenia solium, y que afecta a países en desarrollo y con escaso saneamiento básico. Objetivo: Describir el uso y la concordancia de la imagen radiológica por tomografía (TAC) o resonancia magnética (RM) y serología por western Blot (WB) en el diagnóstico de la NCC en un hospital del norte del Perú. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo. La historia clínica fue la unidad de análisis. Los casos se buscaron en la oficina de Epidemiología mediante el CIE-10- B69 y registro del Laboratorio de Parasitología, Metaxénicas y Zoonosis del mismo hospital, en el periodo del año 2015 al 2017. Resultados: Se estudiaron 67 historias clínicas, que cumplían con los criterios diagnósticos absolutos de NCC. Los pacientes fueron varones en el 55,2 % y tuvieron una media de edad de 40,2 (±17,8) años. El 35,9% tuvieron un resultado positivo por WB (19/39), las lesiones quísticas con escólex fueron observada en el 25,4% de las TAC y en el 29,6 de las RM. La concordancia observada entre la prueba serológica con TAC y RM fue escasa, siendo (Kappa=0,073, IC95%: 0,053 – 1,084) y (Kappa=0,112, IC95%: 0,092 – 1,092) y un porcentaje de acuerdo de 42,0% y 45,7% respectivamente. Conclusiones: Se observó uso diferenciado y escasa concordancia entre la prueba serológica por WB e imagen radiológica en pacientes con diagnóstico de neurocisticercosis en la población estudiada

    Epidemiology of Plasmodium vivax Malaria in Peru.

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    Malaria in Peru, dominated by Plasmodium vivax, remains a public health problem. The 1990s saw newly epidemic malaria emerge, primarily in the Loreto Department in the Amazon region, including areas near to Iquitos, the capital city, but sporadic malaria transmission also occurred in the 1990s-2000s in both north-coastal Peru and the gold mining regions of southeastern Peru. Although a Global Fund-supported intervention (PAMAFRO, 2005-2010) was temporally associated with a decrease of malaria transmission, from 2012 to the present, both P. vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria cases have rapidly increased. The Peruvian Ministry of Health continues to provide artemesinin-based combination therapy for microscopy-confirmed cases of P. falciparum and chloroquine-primaquine for P. vivax Malaria transmission continues in remote areas nonetheless, where the mobility of humans and parasites facilitates continued reintroduction outside of ongoing surveillance activities, which is critical to address for future malaria control and elimination efforts. Ongoing P. vivax research gaps in Peru include the following: identification of asymptomatic parasitemics, quantification of the contribution of patent and subpatent parasitemics to mosquito transmission, diagnosis of nonparasitemic hypnozoite carriers, and implementation of surveillance for potential emergence of chloroquine- and 8-aminoquinoline-resistant P. vivax Clinical trials of tafenoquine in Peru have been promising, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in the region has not been observed to be a limitation to its use. Larger-scale challenges for P. vivax (and malaria in general) in Peru include logistical difficulties in accessing remote riverine populations, consequences of government policy and poverty trends, and obtaining international funding for malaria control and elimination

    Atendimento pelo SUS na percepção de mulheres com lesões de câncer cervicouterino em Goiânia-GO

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    O câncer de colo do útero é prioridade nas políticas de saúde no Brasil. Apesar da existência do fluxo de atendimento estabelecido pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), fragilidades são observadas na sua operacionalização. Objetivou-se analisar a percepção de mulheres com lesões de colo do útero acerca do atendimento pelo SUS em Goiânia-GO. Estudo descritivo, exploratório de abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas, utilizando-se a técnica de incidente crítico e análise de conteúdo. Na percepção das mulheres, o atendimento é permeado por falhas no acolhimento, comunicação, assistência do profissional de saúde, falta de efetividade e pelo desconhecimento do próprio fluxo de atendimento. Evidenciou-se a necessidade de reorientação do atual modelo assistencial de atendimento, com abordagens conscientizadoras, que permitam aos profissionais e aos gestores desenvolverem habilidades de ouvir, acolher e de se responsabilizar pelo cuidado, a fim de promover a transformação dessa realidade. Descritores: Neoplasias do colo do útero; Saúde Pública; Percepção; Saúde da Mulher

    Parenting Culture(s): Ideal-Parent Beliefs Across 37 Countries

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    What is it to be “an ideal parent”? Does the answer differ across countries and social classes? To answer these questions in a way that minimizes bias and ethnocentrism, we used open-ended questions to explore ideal-parent beliefs among 8,357 mothers and 3,517 fathers from 37 countries. Leximancer Semantic Network Analysis was utilized to first determine parenting culture zones (i.e., countries with shared ideal-parent beliefs) and then extract the predominant themes and concepts in each culture zone. The results yielded specific types of ideal-parent beliefs in five parenting culture zones: being “responsible and children/family-focused” for Asian parents, being “responsible and proper demeanor-focused” for African parents, and being “loving and responsible” for Hispanic-Italian parents. Although the most important themes and concepts were the same in the final two zones—being “loving and patient,” there were subtle differences: English-speaking, European Union, and Russian parents emphasized “being caring,” while French-speaking parents valued “listening” or being “present.” Ideal-parent beliefs also differed by education levels within culture zones, but no general pattern was discerned across culture zones. These findings suggest that the country in which parents were born cannot fully explain their differences in ideal-parent beliefs and that differences arising from social class or education level cannot be dismissed. Future research should consider how these differences affect the validity of the measurements in question and how they can be incorporated into parenting intervention research within and across cultures

    Inhibitory control, but not prolonged object-related experience appears to affect physical problem-solving performance of pet dogs

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    Human infants develop an understanding of their physical environment through playful interactions with objects. Similar processes may influence also the performance of non-human animals in physical problem-solving tasks, but to date there is little empirical data to evaluate this hypothesis. In addition or alternatively to prior experiences, inhibitory control has been suggested as a factor underlying the considerable individual differences in performance reported for many species. Here we report a study in which we manipulated the extent of object-related experience for a cohort of dogs (Canis familiaris) of the breed Border Collie over a period of 18 months, and assessed their level of inhibitory control, prior to testing them in a series of four physical problem-solving tasks. We found no evidence that differences in object-related experience explain variability in performance in these tasks. It thus appears that dogs do not transfer knowledge about physical rules from one physical problem-solving task to another, but rather approach each task as a novel problem. Our results, however, suggest that individual performance in these tasks is influenced in a complex way by the subject’s level of inhibitory control. Depending on the task, inhibitory control had a positive or a negative effect on performance and different aspects of inhibitory control turned out to be the best predictors of individual performance in the different tasks. Therefore, studying the interplay between inhibitory control and problem-solving performance will make an important contribution to our understanding of individual and species differences in physical problem-solving performance