28 research outputs found

    Vrednotenje otrokovih okoljskih svetovnih nazorov in skrbi

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    The goal of the present research was to assess the environmental worldviews and concerns of students from the fourth to the seventh grade in Slovenia. The New Ecological Paradigm Scale for Children was translated and validated for use with Slovenian primary school students (N = 310). The students were also asked about their environmental concerns (using statements from the Environmental Motives Scale) and demographic questions. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted for the New Ecological Paradigm scale using AMOS software, confirming a three-dimensional model with ten items. The students showed the highest agreement with the items in the factor Rights of Nature, and the lowest agreement with Human Exemptionalism. The environmental attitudes of the students decreased from the fourth to the seventh grade, while altruistic environmental concerns significantly increased with higher grades. Gender differences were not statistically significant for environmental worldviews and concerns. The reported results show that biospheric environmental concern positively correlates with the factors Rights of Nature and belief in Eco-Crisis, and negatively correlates with Human Exemptionalism. The New Ecological Paradigm tool will enable the evaluation of education programmes for children in Slovenia. (DIPF/Orig.

    Assessing childrenʼs environmental worldviews and concerns

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    The goal of the present research was to assess the environmental world-views and concerns of students from the fourth to the seventh grade in Slovenia. The New Ecological Paradigm Scale for Children was translated and validated for use with Slovenian primary school students (N = 310). The students were also asked about their environmental concerns (us-ing statements from the Environmental Motives Scale) and demographic questions. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted for the New Eco-logical Paradigm scale using AMOS software, confirming a three-dimen-sional model with ten items. The students showed the highest agreement with the items in the factor Rights of Nature, and the lowest agreement with Human Exemptionalism. The environmental attitudes of the stu-dents decreased from the fourth to the seventh grade, while altruistic en-vironmental concerns significantly increased with higher grades. Gender differences were not statistically significant for environmental worldviews and concerns. The reported results show that biospheric environmental concern positively correlates with the factors Rights of Nature and belief in Eco-Crisis, and negatively correlates with Human Exemptionalism. The New Ecological Paradigm tool will enable the evaluation of education programmes for children in Slovenia

    Assessing childrenʼs environmental worldviews and concerns

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    Cilj raziskave je bil oceniti okoljski svetovni nazor in skrb za okolje učencev od četrtega do sedmega razreda v Sloveniji. Lestvica nove eko-loške paradigme za otroke je bila prevedena in validirana za uporabo s slovenskimi osnovnošolci (N = 310). Učence smo tudi spraševali o nji-hovi skrbi za okolje (z uporabo lestvice okoljskih motivov) in zastavlja-li demografska vprašanja. Za Lestvico nove ekološke paradigme je bila izvedena potrditvena faktorska analiza s pomočjo programske opreme AMOS, ki je potrdila tridimenzionalni model z desetimi trditvami. Štu-dentje so pokazali najvišje soglasje s trditvami v faktorju pravice narave, najnižje pa s faktorjem človeška izjemnost. Odnos do okolja se je od četrtega do sedmega razreda poslabšal, medtem ko so učenci v višjih razredih pokazali bolj altruistično skrb za okolje. Razlike med spoloma niso bile statistično pomembne za njihove okoljske svetovne nazore in skrbi. Izsledki kažejo, da je okoljska skrb za biosfero v pozitivni korela-ciji s faktorji pravice narave in vera v ekološko krizo ter v negativni kore-laciji s faktorjem človeška izjemnost. Nova ekološka paradigma nam bo omogočila vrednotenje izobraževalnih programov za otroke v Sloveniji.The goal of the present research was to assess the environmental world-views and concerns of students from the fourth to the seventh grade in Slovenia. The New Ecological Paradigm Scale for Children was translated and validated for use with Slovenian primary school students (N = 310). The students were also asked about their environmental concerns (us-ing statements from the Environmental Motives Scale) and demographic questions. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted for the New Eco-logical Paradigm scale using AMOS software, confirming a three-dimen-sional model with ten items. The students showed the highest agreement with the items in the factor Rights of Nature, and the lowest agreement with Human Exemptionalism. The environmental attitudes of the stu-dents decreased from the fourth to the seventh grade, while altruistic en-vironmental concerns significantly increased with higher grades. Gender differences were not statistically significant for environmental worldviews and concerns. The reported results show that biospheric environmental concern positively correlates with the factors Rights of Nature and belief in Eco-Crisis, and negatively correlates with Human Exemptionalism. The New Ecological Paradigm tool will enable the evaluation of education programmes for children in Slovenia

    Measuring Environmental Perceptions Grounded on Different Theoretical Models: The 2-Major Environmental Values (2-MEV) Model in Comparison with the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale

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    Our study examined the two-dimensional nature of the Two Major Environmental Values model (2-MEV) in comparison with the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale’s unidimensional construct. The latter places respondents on a continuum from a bio-centric to anthropocentric worldview, where an individual can either have a pro-environmental (bio-centric) or an anti-environmental (anthropocentric) perspective, but not both. On the other hand, the 2-MEV treats biocentrism (Preservation, PRE) and anthropocentrism (Utilization, UTL) as two separate and not necessarily related components. The model allows us to place individuals into one of four quadrants, rather than on either end of a continuum, allowing an individual to have a bio-centric and an anthropocentric worldview at the same time. Students’ environmental perceptions were measured using the NEP and 2-MEV questionnaires. As predicted, high preservation/low utilization scorers preferred a biocentric worldview on the NEP; similarly, low preservation/high utilization scorers preferred an anthropocentric worldview on the NEP. However, the NEP failed to differentiate between the high preservation/high utilization and low preservation/low utilizations scorers. Both of these groups of students, while on different quadrants on the 2-MEV, cluster together in the middle of the unidimensional NEP. Evidence suggests that the NEP may not fully explore all dimensions of environmental perceptions

    Integrating sustainable consumption into environmental education: A lase study on environmental representations, decision making and intention to act

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    During the last decades, current consumption patterns have been recurrently blamed for rendering both the environment and our lifestyles unsustainable. Young children are considered a critical group in the effort to make a shift towards sustainable consumption (environmentally friendly consumption). However, young people should be able to consider sustainable consumption as a potential venue, among their options. The present study investigates the effectiveness of an environmental education program aiming to familiarize children aged 8-12 with the notion of sustainable consumption by focusing on children’s environmental representations and their intentions to act (decision-making). Findings revealed that the program employed influenced children’s environmental representations into becoming more sustainable ones. In addition, the environmental program provided children with more environmental criteria, allowing children to report their intentions to act as sustainable consumers. Relating children’s environmental representations to their decision-making criteria, findings indicated an emerging relationship between children’s environmental representations, and their intentions to act, as reflected through the decision-making process

    Evaluating the impact of the Earthkeepers Earth education program on children's ecological understandings, values and attitudes, and behaviour in Cyprus

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    The recent educational reform in Cyprus moved education about sustainability to the forefront of environmental learning. The present study examines the impact of an earth education program, Earthkeepers, on children's ecological understandings, environmental values and attitudes, and behaviour. The program was implemented during two consecutive years with 491 4th to 7th graders from nine different schools in Cyprus. Quantitative data were collected using individual concept, attitude and behaviour questionnaires, and a satisfaction survey. Qualitative data were collected using individual semi-structured interviews with twelve students and nine teachers from six different schools. Data analysis showed gains in students' understanding as well as significant changes towards more pro-environmental values, attitudes and behaviour. Interviews confirmed the quantitative results and verified students' behaviour