6 research outputs found

    Securing User Data in Local Connectivity using Multicast Key Agreement

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    In this paper, we gain knowledge of crew key contract means more than one parties need to create a original secret key for use to alternate know-how securely. The staff key agreement with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each and every consumer is most effective aware of his neighbor and has no expertise concerning the existence of alternative users. Extra, he has no expertise concerning the community topology. We implement the present procedure with extra time efficient method and provide a multicast key new release server which is expected in future scope with the aid of current authors. We exchange the Diffie Hellman key trade protocol by using a new multicast key exchange protocol that can work with one to at least one and one to many functionality. We additionally tend to enforce a robust symmetric encryption for bettering file protection in the procedure

    Security of User Data in Local Connectivity Using Multicast Key Agreement

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    In this paper, we be trained team key contract approach a couple of parties need to create a usual secret key to be used to alternate understanding securely. The staff key contract with an arbitrary connectivity graph, where each and every consumer is simplest mindful of his neighbor and has no information about the existence of different customers. Additional, he has no knowledge concerning the community topology. We put into effect the existing approach with extra time efficient method and provide a multicast key generation server which is predicted in future scope with the aid of present authors. We replace the Diffie Hellman key trade protocol through a brand new multicast key exchange protocol that may work with one to 1 and one to many functionality. We additionally tend to put into effect a robust symmetric encryption for improving file safety within the process

    A Case Report on Mutrakricchra with Special Reference to the Chronic Cystitis with Bladder Atony

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    In Ayurvedic texts, various Mutra-rogas and their management has been described. Mainly eight types of Mutrakricchra has been elaborated. Krichchhrata (difficulty in voiding / pain full voiding), is the main feature but sometimes some feature of obstructions (mutravibhandhata) is also present. In Mutraghat, obstruction is a major feature. According to Acharya Sushrut, Mutrakricchra is a tridoshaj vyadhi, physiological action of urination and defecation is predominantly under the control of Apan vayu, seat of which is Pakwashaya and if this vayu gets vitiated, it causes various genitourinary and anorectal diseases (S. Ni. 1/19), (C. SU. 20/15, C. Si. 1/32-34, A. H. Su. 1/25).On the basis of symptomatology, Cystitis can be assumed as one of the Mutraroga. Chronic cystitis may result in bladder atony in which there is a declination in the normal bladder tone, may causes increase frequency of micturition, incomplete bladder evacuation, abnormal sensation of micturition etc

    Study the Frequency of Colorectal Carcinoma in Anorectal OPD of Department of Shalya Tantra S. S. Hospital, BHU : An Overview

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    Colorectal cancer starts in the colon or the rectum. These cancers can also be named colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on the site of its origin. Colon cancer and rectal cancer are often grouped together because they have many common features. Most common malignancy in the gastrointestinal tract is the colorectal cancer. Usually in early stage colorectal cancer is asymptomatic. Clinical symptoms are limited and develop slowly over time. There are, however, a few symptoms or signs that most frequently lead to diagnostic evaluation. These symptoms include lower gastrointestinal bleeding or occult bleeding with resultant microcytic / iron deficiency anemia, changes in bowel habits and abdominal pain, painful defecation, stool mix with blood and mucous, increase frequency of defecation, morning spurious diarrhea, mass present at anal verge, anal canal or rectum which may or may not bleed on touch. Sometimes most of patients having Complains of bleeding per rectum, painful defecation, something coming out during defecation are treated as simple anorectal diseases without digital rectal examination by general practitioner and surgeon inspite being the cases of Colorectal Carcinoma. Colorectal cancer may also progress and present as large bowel obstruction or even as perforation, either at the site of the tumors or proximally. Up to 20 – 25% of colon cancer cases present as emergencies; in contrast to this only a small number of rectal cancer cases present as emergencies