11,006 research outputs found

    Prognostic significance of short-term blood pressure variability in acute stroke

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    Background and Purpose— Blood pressure variability (BPV) may be an important prognostic factor acutely after stroke. This review investigated the existing evidence for the effect of BPV on outcome after stroke, also considering BPV measurement techniques and definitions. Methods— A literature search was performed according to a prespecified study protocol. Two reviewers independently assessed study eligibility and quality. Where appropriate, meta-analyses were performed to assess the effect of BPV on poor functional outcome. Results— Eighteen studies from 1359 identified citations were included. Seven studies were included in a meta-analysis for the effect of BPV on functional outcome (death or disability). Systolic BPV was significantly associated with poor functional outcome: pooled odds ratio per 10-mm Hg increment, 1.2; confidence interval (1.1–1.3). A descriptive review of included studies also supports these findings, and in addition, it suggests that systolic BPV may be associated with increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage in those treated with thrombolytic therapy. Conclusions— This systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that greater systolic BPV, measured early from ischemic stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage onset, is associated with poor longer-term functional outcome. Future prospective studies should investigate how best to measure and define BPV in acute stroke, as well as to determine its prognostic significance. </jats:sec

    Measurements of greenhouse gases and related tracers at Bialystok tall tower station in Poland

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    Quasi-continuous, in-situ measurements of atmospheric CO2, O2/N2, CH4, CO, N2O, and SF6 have been performed since August 2005 at the tall tower station near Bialystok, in Eastern Poland, from five heights up to 300 m. Besides the in-situ measurements, flask samples are filled approximately weekly and measured at Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry for the same species and, in addition, for H2, Ar/N2 and the stable isotopes 13C and 18O in CO2. The in-situ measurement system was built based on commercially available analysers: a LiCor 7000 for CO2, a Sable Systems "Oxzilla" FC-2 for O2, and an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph for CH4, CO, N2O and SF6. The system was optimized to run continuously with very little maintenance and to fulfill the precision requirements of the CHIOTTO project. The O2/N2 measurements in particular required special attention in terms of technical setup and quality assurance. The evaluation of the performance after more than three years of operation gave overall satisfactory results, proving that this setup is suitable for long term remote operation with little maintenance. The precision achieved for all species is within or close to the project requirements. The comparison between the in-situ and flask sample results, used to verify the accuracy of the in-situ measurements, showed no significant difference for CO2, O2/N2, CH4 and N2O, and a very small difference for SF6. The same comparison however revealed a statistically significant difference for CO, of about 6.5 ppb, for which the cause could not be fully explained. From more than three years of data, the main features at Bialystok have been characterized in terms of variability, trends, and seasonal and diurnal variations. CO2 and O2/N2 show large short term variability, and large diurnal signals during the warm seasons, which attenuate with the increase of sampling height. The trends calculated from this dataset, over the period August 2005 to December 2008, are 2.02±0.46 ppm/year for CO2 and -23.2±2.5 per meg/year for O2/N2. CH4, CO and N2O show also higher variability at the lower sampling levels, which in the case of CO is strongly seasonal. Diurnal variations in CH4, CO and N2O mole fractions can be observed during the warm season, due to the periodicity of vertical mixing combined with the diurnal cycle of anthropogenic emissions. We calculated increase rates of 10.1±4.4 ppb/year for CH4, (-8.3)±5.3 ppb/year for CO and 0.67±0.08 ppb/year for N2O. SF6 shows only few events, and generally no vertical gradients, which suggests that there are no significant local sources. A weak SF6 seasonal cycle has been detected, which most probably is due to the seasonality of atmospheric circulation. SF6 increased during the time of our measurement at an average rate of 0.29±0.01 ppt/year

    Distributed computing system with dual independent communications paths between computers and employing split tokens

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    This is a distributed computing system providing flexible fault tolerance; ease of software design and concurrency specification; and dynamic balance of the loads. The system comprises a plurality of computers each having a first input/output interface and a second input/output interface for interfacing to communications networks each second input/output interface including a bypass for bypassing the associated computer. A global communications network interconnects the first input/output interfaces for providing each computer the ability to broadcast messages simultaneously to the remainder of the computers. A meshwork communications network interconnects the second input/output interfaces providing each computer with the ability to establish a communications link with another of the computers bypassing the remainder of computers. Each computer is controlled by a resident copy of a common operating system. Communications between respective ones of computers is by means of split tokens each having a moving first portion which is sent from computer to computer and a resident second portion which is disposed in the memory of at least one of computer and wherein the location of the second portion is part of the first portion. The split tokens represent both functions to be executed by the computers and data to be employed in the execution of the functions. The first input/output interfaces each include logic for detecting a collision between messages and for terminating the broadcasting of a message whereby collisions between messages are detected and avoided

    Superintegrability on the two-dimensional hyperboloid

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    In this work we examine the basis functions for classical and quantum mechanical systems on the two-dimensional hyperboloid that admit separation of variables in at least two coordinate systems. We present all of these cases from a unified point of view. In particular, all of the special functions that arise via variable separation have their essential features expressed in terms of their zeros. The principal new results are the details of the polynomial bases for each of the nonsubgroup bases, not just the subgroup spherical coordinate cases, and the details of the structure of the quadratic symmetry algebras

    In-situ measurements of oxygen, carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases from Ochsenkopf tall tower in Germany

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    We present 2.5 years (from June 2006 to December 2008) of in-situ measurements of CO2, O2, CH4, CO, N2O and SF6 mixing ratios sampled from 23, 90 and 163m above ground on the Ochsenkopf tower in the Fichtelgebirge range, Germany (50?0104900 N, 11?4803000 E, 1022ma.s.l.). In addition to the in-situ measurements, flask samples are taken at Ochsenkopf at approximately weekly intervals and are subsequently analysed for the mixing ratios of the same species, as well as H2, and the stable isotopes, ?13C, ?18O in CO2. The in-situ measurements of CO2 and O2 from 23m show substantial diurnal variations that are modulated by biospheric fluxes, combustion of fossil fuels, and by diurnal changes in the planetary boundary layer height. Measurements from 163m exhibit only very weak diurnal variability, as this height (1185ma.s.l.) is generally above the nocturnal boundary layer. CH4, CO, N2O and SF6 show little diurnal variation even at 23m owing to the absence of any significant diurnal change in the fluxes and the absence of any strong local sources or sinks. From the in-situ record, the seasonal cycles of the gas species have been characterized and the multi-annual trends determined. Because the record is short, the calculation of the trend is sensitive to inter-annual variations in the amplitudes of the seasonal cycles. However, for CH4 a significant change in the growth-rate was detected for 2006.5–2008.5 as compared with the global mean from 1999 to 2006 and is consistent with other recent observations of a renewed increasing global growth rate in CH4 since the beginning of 2007

    Modeling the Void H I Column Density Spectrum

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    The equivalent width distribution function (EWDF) of \hone absorbers specific to the void environment has been recently derived (Manning 2002), revealing a large line density of clouds (dN/dz ~500 per unit z for Log (N_HI)> 12.4). I show that the void absorbers cannot be diffuse (or so-called filamentary) clouds, expanding with the Hubble flow, as suggested by N-body/hydro simulations. Absorbers are here modeled as the baryonic remnants of sub-galactic perturbations that have expanded away from their dark halos in response to reionization at z ~ 6.5. A 1-D Lagrangian hydro/gravity code is used to follow the dynamic evolution and ionization structure of the baryonic clouds for a range of halo circular velocities. The simulation products at z=0 can be combined according to various models of the halo velocity distribution function to form a column density spectrum that can be compared with the observed. I find that such clouds may explain the observed EWDF if the halo velocity distribution function is as steep as that advanced by Klypin (1999), and the halo mass distribution is closer to isothermal than to NFW.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. Paper in press; ApJ 591, n

    Topological entropy and blocking cost for geodesics in riemannian manifolds

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    For a pair of points x,yx,y in a compact, riemannian manifold MM let nt(x,y)n_t(x,y) (resp. st(x,y)s_t(x,y)) be the number of geodesic segments with length t\leq t joining these points (resp. the minimal number of point obstacles needed to block them). We study relationships between the growth rates of nt(x,y)n_t(x,y) and st(x,y)s_t(x,y) as tt\to\infty. We derive lower bounds on st(x,y)s_t(x,y) in terms of the topological entropy h(M)h(M) and its fundamental group. This strengthens the results of Burns-Gutkin \cite{BG06} and Lafont-Schmidt \cite{LS}. For instance, by \cite{BG06,LS}, h(M)>0h(M)>0 implies that ss is unbounded; we show that ss grows exponentially, with the rate at least h(M)/2h(M)/2.Comment: 13 page

    Scaling and Universality in the Counterion-Condensation Transition at Charged Cylinders

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    We address the critical and universal aspects of counterion-condensation transition at a single charged cylinder in both two and three spatial dimensions using numerical and analytical methods. By introducing a novel Monte-Carlo sampling method in logarithmic radial scale, we are able to numerically simulate the critical limit of infinite system size (corresponding to infinite-dilution limit) within tractable equilibration times. The critical exponents are determined for the inverse moments of the counterionic density profile (which play the role of the order parameters and represent the inverse localization length of counterions) both within mean-field theory and within Monte-Carlo simulations. In three dimensions (3D), correlation effects (neglected within mean-field theory) lead to an excessive accumulation of counterions near the charged cylinder below the critical temperature (condensation phase), while surprisingly, the critical region exhibits universal critical exponents in accord with the mean-field theory. In two dimensions (2D), we demonstrate, using both numerical and analytical approaches, that the mean-field theory becomes exact at all temperatures (Manning parameters), when number of counterions tends to infinity. For finite particle number, however, the 2D problem displays a series of peculiar singular points (with diverging heat capacity), which reflect successive de-localization events of individual counterions from the central cylinder. In both 2D and 3D, the heat capacity shows a universal jump at the critical point, and the energy develops a pronounced peak. The asymptotic behavior of the energy peak location is used to locate the critical temperature, which is also found to be universal and in accordance with the mean-field prediction.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figure

    Benefits and Pitfalls of Secondary Antibodies: Why Choosing the Right Secondary Is of Primary Importance

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    Simultaneous labeling of multiple targets in a single sample, or multiplexing, is a powerful approach to directly compare the amount, localization and/or molecular properties of different targets in the same sample. Here we highlight the robust reliability of the simultaneous use of multiple mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) of different immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses in a wide variety of multiplexing applications employing anti-mouse IgG subclass-specific secondary antibodies (2°Abs). We also describe the unexpected finding that IgG subclass-specific 2°Abs are superior to general anti-mouse IgG 2°Abs in every tested application in which mouse mAbs were used. This was due to a detection bias of general anti-mouse IgG-specific 2°Abs against mAbs of the most common mouse IgG subclass, IgG1, and to a lesser extent IgG2b mAbs. Thus, when using any of numerous mouse mAbs available through commercial and non-profit sources, for cleaner and more robust results each mAb should be detected with its respective IgG subclass-specific 2°Ab and not a general anti-mouse IgG-specific 2°Ab