1,224 research outputs found

    Novel all-optical on-off-keyed to alternate-mark-inversion converter

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    We numerically investigate a novel 40 Gbps OOK to AMI all-optical modulation format converter employing an SOA-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer.  We demonstrate operation with a 27-1 PRBS and explain the phase modulation's relationship with patterning

    All-optical technique for modulation format conversion from on-off-keying to alternate-mark-inversion

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    We propose and numerically investigate for the first time a novel all-optical on-off-keying to alternate-mark-inversion modulation format converter operating at 40 Gbps employing a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI). Wedemonstrate that this SOA-MZI operates as a pulse subtractor, and in the absence of patterning will produce perfectly phase inverted pulses regardless of the individual SOA phase excursions. We use a comprehensive computer model to illustrate the impact of patterning on the output phase modulation which is quantified through the definition of the phase compression factor

    Pattern compensation in SOA-based gates

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    We propose a novel scheme employing complementary data inputs to overcome the patterning normally associated with semiconductor optical amplifier based gates and demonstrate the scheme experimentally at 42.6Gb/s. The scheme not only avoids introducing patterning during switching, but also compensates for much of the patterning present on theinput data. A novel gate was developed for the experiment to provide the complementary signals required for the scheme

    High-bandwidth generation of duobinary and alternate-mark-inversion modulation formats using SOA-based signal processing

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    We report on the novel all-optical generation of duobinary (DB) and alternate-mark-inversion (AMI) modulation formats at 42.6 Gb/s from an input on-off keyed signal. The modulation converter consists of two semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer gates. A detailed SOA model numerically confirms the operational principles and experimental data shows successful AMI and DB conversion at 42.6 Gb/s. We also predict that the operational bandwidth can be extended beyond 40 Gb/s by utilizing a new pattern-effect suppression scheme, and demonstrate dramatic reductions in patterning up to 160 Gb/s. We show an increasing trade-off between pattern-effect reduction and mean output power with increasing bitrate

    All-optical modulation converter for on-off keying to duobinary and alternate-mark inversion at 42.6 Gbps

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    Advanced modulation formats have become increasingly important as telecoms engineers strive for improved tolerance to both linear and nonlinear fibre-based transmission impairments. Two important modulation schemes are Duobinary (DB) and Alternate-mark inversion (AMI) [1] where transmission enhancement results from auxiliary phase modulation. As advanced modulation formats displace Return-to-zero On-Off Keying (RZ-OOK), inter-modulation converters will become increasingly important. If the modulation conversion can be performed at high bitrates with a small number of operations per bit, then all-optical techniques may offer lower energy consumption compared to optical-electronic-optical approaches. In this paper we experimentally demonstrate an all-optical system incorporating a pair of hybrid-integrated semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) gates which translate RZ-OOK to RZ-DB or RZ-AMI at 42.6 Gbps. This scheme includes a wavelength conversion to arbitrary output wavelength and has potential for high-level photonic integration, scalability to higher bitrates, and should exhibit regenerative properties [2]

    Consequences of drift and carcass decomposition for estimating sea turtle mortality hotspots

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    Sea turtle strandings provide important mortality information, yet knowledge of turtle carcass at-sea drift and decomposition characteristics are needed to better understand and manage where these mortalities occur. We used empirical sea turtle carcass decomposition and drift experiments in the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, USA to estimate probable carcass oceanic drift times and quantify the impact of direct wind forcing on carcass drift. Based on the time period during which free-floating turtle carcasses tethered nearshore were buoyant, we determined that oceanic drift duration of turtle carcasses was highly dependent on water temperature and varied from 2 to 15 days during typical late spring to early fall Bay water conditions. The importance of direct wind forcing for turtle carcass drift was assessed based on track divergence rates from multiple simultaneous deployments of three types of surface drifters: bucket drifters, artificial turtles and turtle carcass drifters. Turtle drift along-wind leeway was found to vary from 1 to 4% of wind speed, representing an added drift velocity of approximately 0.03–0.1 m/s for typical Bay wind conditions. This is comparable to current speeds in the Bay (0.1–0.2 m/s), suggesting wind is important for carcass drift. Estimated carcass drift parameters were integrated into a Chesapeake Bay oceanographic drift model to predict carcass drift to terrestrial stranding locations. Increased drift duration (e.g., due to low temperatures) increases mean distance between expected mortality events and stranding locations, as well as decreases overall likelihood of retention in the Bay. Probable mortality hotspots for the peak month of strandings (June) were identified off coastal southeastern Virginia and within the lower Bay, including the Bay mouth and lower James River. Overall, results support that sea turtle drift time is quite variable, and varies greatly depending on water and air temperature as well as oceanic conditions. Knowledge of these parameters will improve our ability to interpret stranding events around the globe

    Wind-induced, cross-frontal exchange on Georges Bank : a mechanism for early summer on-bank biological particle transport

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2003. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 108, C11 (2003): 8011, doi:10.1029/2002JC001358.Water exchange across the tidal-mixing front on the southern flank of Georges Bank (GB) is examined using a two-dimensional (2D) primitive equation ocean model. The model domain features a cross-frontal transect including a June 1999 hydrographic (CTD)/ADCP study made as part of the U.S. GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank program. The model was initialized with temperature and salinity fields taken on the 15 June 1999 CTD section and run prognostically with tidal forcing, measured winds, and representative surface heat flux. The results show that fluctuations of wind plus tidal mixing can play the following essential role in the short-term transport of water and particles from the stratified region to the mixed region on GB in early summer, when stratification is just developing with a weak thermocline at a depth of about 10 m. First, a passing weather front drives a wind-induced on-bank Ekman transport of the upper part of the water column at the tidal-mixing front and associated particles in the surface mixed layer. Then, when the wind relaxes or changes direction, the water in the on-bank extension of the front (above the thermocline) mixes quickly through enhanced tidal motion in shallower depths of water. As a result, particles that are advected along the extended front stay in the previously well-mixed region of the bank. Surface heating tends to increase the strength of the thermocline and reduce the thickness of the surface mixed layer. This in turn accelerates the on-bank movement of the front under an easterly wind favorable for Ekman transport and thus enhances the on-bank, cross-frontal transport of particles. Since the wind-induced, cross-frontal on-bank transport of water can occur episodically during passages of meteorological fronts, these could produce a larger net cross-frontal flux than that produced by just tidal forcing on equivalent timescales. Therefore wind-induced processes can be important in the on-bank cross-frontal flux of copepods and other zooplankton species that exhibit shallow maxima in their vertical distributions over the southern flank of GB in early summer.This research was supported by the U.S. GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank program through NOAA grants NA56RG0487, NA960P003, and NA960P005 to C. Chen, NOAA support to R. Schlitz, G. R. Lough, K. Smith, and J. Manning, and NSF grants OCE 96-32357, OCE 98-06379, and OCE 02-27679 to R. Beardsley

    Supporting Cells Remove and Replace Sensory Receptor Hair Cells in a Balance Organ of Adult Mice

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    Vestibular hair cells in the inner ear encode head movements and mediate the sense of balance. These cells undergo cell death and replacement (turnover) throughout life in non-mammalian vertebrates. However, there is no definitive evidence that this process occurs in mammals. We used fate-mapping and other methods to demonstrate that utricular type II vestibular hair cells undergo turnover in adult mice under normal conditions. We found that supporting cells phagocytose both type I and II hair cells. Plp1-CreER(T2)-expressing supporting cells replace type II hair cells. Type I hair cells are not restored by Plp1-CreER(T2)-expressing supporting cells or by Atoh1-CreER(TM)-expressing type II hair cells. Destruction of hair cells causes supporting cells to generate 6 times as many type II hair cells compared to normal conditions. These findings expand our understanding of sensorineural plasticity in adult vestibular organs and further elucidate the roles that supporting cells serve during homeostasis and after injury

    Use of semiconductor optical amplifiers in signal processing applications

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    We describe a 42.6 Gbit/s all-optical pattern recognition system which uses semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs). A circuit with three SOA-based logic gates is used to identify the presence of specific port numbers in an optical packet header
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