237 research outputs found

    IR ion spectroscopy in a combined approach with MS/MS and IM-MS to discriminate epimeric anthocyanin glycosides (cyanidin 3-O-glucoside and -galactoside)

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    Anthocyanins are widespread in plants and flowers, being responsible for their different colouring. Two representative members of this family have been selected, cyanidin 3-O-β-glucopyranoside and 3-O-β-galactopyranoside, and probed by mass spectrometry based methods, testing their performance in discriminating between the two epimers. The native anthocyanins, delivered into the gas phase by electrospray ionization, display a comparable drift time in ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) and a common fragment, corresponding to loss of the sugar moiety, in their collision induced dissociation (CID) pattern. However, the IR multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectra in the fingerprint range show a feature particularly evident in the case of the glucoside. This signature is used to identify the presence of cyanidin 3-O-β-glucopyranoside in a natural extract of pomegranate. In an effort to increase any differentiation between the two epimers, aluminum complexes were prepared and sampled for elemental composition by FT-ICR-MS. CID experiments now display an extensive fragmentation pattern, showing few product ions peculiar to each species. More noteworthy is the IRMPD behavior in the OH stretching range showing significant differences in the spectra of the two epimers. DFT calculations allow to interpret the observed distinct bands due to a varied network of hydrogen bonding and relative conformer stability

    A CBCT based analysis of the correlation between volumetric morphology of the frontal sinuses and the facial growth pattern in caucasian subjects. A cross-sectional study

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    open7noBackground: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between frontal sinus shape and facial growth pattern. Methods: The three-dimensional examination was carried out by means of 80 CBCT scans selected from a sample of 1247 records of patients treated, for different reason, at the Department of Biomedical Surgical and Dental Sciences at University of Milan, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milan. The sample (age ranges between 12 and 40 years) was divided according to gender and age in four groups (12-17, 18-20, 21-30, 31-40). Left and right frontal sinus volume (VOL), surface (SUP) and linear maximum width (XMAX), depth (ZMAX) and height (YMAX) were calculated using Mimics Research 17.0 (Materialise N.V., Leuven, Belgium). Cephalometric analysis has been performed for all subjects to categorize the patients depending on their facial growth pattern. Univariate and multivariate regression analysis were performed to investigate any association of frontal sinuses measurements (height, width, depth, volume and surface) and cephalometric variables. P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 160 frontal sinuses were measures in 80 patients: 40 men and 40 women, average age of 23.5 ±14.6. Globally the frontal sinuses had the following average dimensions: volumes of 9055.8 ± 6505 mm3 and surfaces of 3820.3 ± 2125 mm2. The statistical analysis showed that frontal sinus volume was statistically significant (p=0.003) greater for male (11,425 mm3) than female (6597.5 mm3). Similarly, the surface showed to be greater in men than in women (p=0.005). No correlation between age and frontal sinuses characteristics has been found. A statistically significant (p<0.05) increase of frontal sinus depth, surface and volume was correlated with SNB angle. In addition, frontal sinus volume increased in subjects with greater anterior skeletal dimension values and with a superior length of the cranial base. Furthermore, a decrease of ANB has been found related to an increase in frontal sinus volume (p=0.04). Conclusions: The present study showed a correlation between frontal sinuses dimensions and craniofacial aspects, despite the inter-individual variability of their morphology. The results suggested that young adults in whom the frontal sinuses have reached their maximum size, while vertical growth continues, a larger frontal sinus may be associated with future vertical growth.openAbate A.; Gaffuri F.; Lanteri V.; Fama A.; Ugolini A.; Mannina L.; Maspero C.Abate, A.; Gaffuri, F.; Lanteri, V.; Fama, A.; Ugolini, A.; Mannina, L.; Maspero, C

    Towards a new protocol for field measurements of greenhouse gases from wastewater treatment plant

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    Emissions into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases (GHGs), i.e., carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from wastewater treatment plants are of increasing concern in the water industry. In order to produce useful and comparable information for monitoring, assessing and reporting GHG emissions from wastewater treatment plants, there is a crescent need for a general accepted methodology. This paper aims at proposing the first protocol for monitoring and accounting GHG emissions from wastewater treatment plants taking into account both direct and internal indirect emissions focusing on sections known to be major responsible of GHG emissions i.e. oxidation tanks and sludge digestion. The main novelties of the proposed protocol are: (i) direct and indirect internal emissions ascribed to aeration devices which are related each other, (ii) the monitoring of biogas composition in case of anaerobic digestion which affects GHG emissions offset due to biogas valorization systems and (iii) monitoring of non-aerated tanks

    Nitrous oxide emissions in a membrane bioreactor treating saline wastewater contaminated by hydrocarbons

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    The joint effect of wastewater salinity and hydrocarbons on nitrous oxide emission was investigated. The membrane bioreactor pilot plant was operated with two phases: i. biomass acclimation by increasing salinity from 10 gNaCl L−1 to 20 gNaCl L−1 (Phase I); ii. hydrocarbons dosing at 20 mg L−1 with a constant salt concentration of 20 gNaCl L−1 (Phase II). The Phase I revealed a relationship between nitrous oxide emissions and salinity. During the end of the Phase I, the activity of nitrifiers started to recover, indicating a partial acclimatization. During the Phase II, the hydrocarbon shock induced a temporary inhibition of the biomass with the suppression of nitrous oxide emissions. The results revealed that the oxic tank was the major source of nitrous oxide emission, likely due to the gas stripping by aeration. The joint effect of salinity and hydrocarbons was found to be crucial for the production of nitrous oxid

    New hybrid tomato cultivars: an NMR-based chemical characterization

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    Bamano, King Creole, Sugarland, and DulceMiel hybrid tomato cultivars have been recently introduced in the Lazio area (Central Italy) to expand and valorize the regional/national market. Tomatoes from these cultivars, together with tomatoes from the native Fiaschetta cultivar, were sampled at the proper ripening time for the fresh market and characterized to obtain and compare their metabolite profiles. The Bligh-Dyer extraction protocol was carried out, and the resulting organic and hydroalcoholic fractions were analyzed by high-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. NMR data relative to quantified metabolites (sugars, amino acids, organic acids, sterols, and fatty acids) allowed to point out similarities and differences among cultivars. DulceMiel hybrid and Fiaschetta native cultivars showed some common aspects having the highest levels of the most abundant amino acids as well as comparable amounts of organic acids, amino acids, stigmasterol, and linoleic and linolenic acids. However, DulceMiel turned out to have higher levels of glucose, fructose, and galactose with respect to Fiaschetta, reflecting the particular taste of the DulceMiel product. King Creole, Bamano, and Sugarland hybrid cultivars were generally characterized by the lowest content of amino acids and organic acids. King Creole showed the highest content of malic acid, whereas Bamano was characterized by the highest levels of glucose and fructose

    Identificación de tetrahidrogeranilgeraniol y dihidrogeranilgeraniol en aceites de oliva virgen extra

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    Olive oil contains many different compounds which are responsible for its nutritional and sensorial value. However, some compounds present in olive oil at very low amounts have not yet been identified. Here, the detection of tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol and dihydrogeranylgeraniol, in both the total aliphatic alcohol and waxy fractions of extra virgin olive oil, is reported for the first time using GC and GC-MS methodologies. It was suggested that tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol and dihydrogeranylgeraniol do not originate from the hydrolysis of the chlorophyll but are present as diterpenic esters.Los aceites de oliva contienen muchos compuestos diferentes responsables de su valor nutricional y sensorial. Sin embargo, algunos compuestos presentes en los aceites de oliva en cantidades muy bajas aún no se han identificado. En este trabajo la detección de tetrahidrogeranilgeraniol y dihidrogeranilgeraniol, en las fracciones de alcoholes alifáticos totales y en la de ceras de los aceites de oliva virgen extra, es reportado por primera vez utilizando metodologías de GC y GC-MS. Se sugiere que el tetrahidrogeranilgeraniol y el dihidrogeranilgeraniol no se originan por hidrólisis de la clorofila, sino que están presentes como ésteres diterpénicos

    Characterization of the chemopreventive properties of cannabis sativa L. Inflorescences from monoecious cultivars grown in central Italy

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    Hemp bioproducts hold great promise as valuable materials for nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications due to their diverse bioactive compounds and potential health benefits. In line with this interest and in an attempt to valorize the Lazio Region crops, this present study investigated chemically characterized hydroalcoholic and organic extracts, obtained from the inflorescences of locally cultivated Felina 32, USO 31, Ferimon and Fedora 17 hemp varieties. In order to highlight the possible chemopreventive power of the tested samples, a bioactivity screening was performed, which included studying the antimutagenic activity, radical scavenging power, cytotoxicity in human hepatoma HepG2 cells, leakage of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and modulation of the oxidative stress parameters and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) involved in the regulation of the cell transformation and cancer proliferation. Tolerability studies in noncancerous H69 cholangiocytes were performed, too. The organic extracts showed moderate to strong antimutagenic activities and a marked cytotoxicity in the HepG2 cells, associated with an increased oxidative stress and LDH release, and to a G6PDH modulation. The hydroalcoholic extracts mainly exhibited radical scavenging properties with weak or null activities in the other assays. The extracts were usually well-tolerated in H69 cells, except for the highest concentrations which impaired cell viability, likely due to an increased oxidative stress. The obtained results suggest a possibility in the inflorescences from the Felina 32, USO 31, Ferimon and Fedora 17 hemp varieties as source of bioactive compounds endowed with genoprotective and chemopreventive properties that could be harnessed as preventive or adjuvant healing strategies

    BCR-ABL1 doubling-times and halving-times may predict CML response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), successful treatment requires accurate molecular monitoring to evaluate disease response and provide timely interventions for patients failing to achieve the desired outcomes. We wanted to determine whether measuring BCR-ABL1 mRNA doubling-times (DTs) could distinguish inconsequential rises in the oncogene’s expression from resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). Thus, we retrospectively examined BCR-ABL1 evolution in 305 chronic-phase CML patients receiving imatinib mesylate (IM) as a first line treatment. Patients were subdivided in two groups: those with a confirmed rise in BCR-ABL1 transcripts without MR3.0 loss and those failing IM. We found that the DTs of the former patients were significantly longer than those of patients developing IM resistance (57.80 vs. 41.45 days, p = 0.0114). Interestingly, the DT values of individuals failing second-generation (2G) TKIs after developing IM resistance were considerably shorter than those observed at the time of IM failure (27.20 vs. 41.45 days; p = 0.0035). We next wanted to establish if decreases in BCR-ABL1 transcripts would identify subjects likely to obtain deep molecular responses. We therefore analyzed the BCR-ABL1 halving-times (HTs) of a different cohort comprising 174 individuals receiving IM in first line and observed that, regardless of the time point selected for our analyses (6, 12, or 18 months), HTs were significantly shorter in subjects achieving superior molecular responses (p = 0.002 at 6 months; p < 0.001 at 12 months; p = 0.0099 at 18 months). Moreover, 50 patients receiving 2G TKIs as first line therapy and obtaining an MR3.0 (after 6 months; p = 0.003) or an MR4.0 (after 12 months; p = 0.019) displayed significantly shorter HTs than individuals lacking these molecular responses. Our findings suggest that BCR-ABL1 DTs and HTs are reliable tools to, respectively, identify subjects in MR3.0 that are failing their assigned TKI or to recognize patients likely to achieve deep molecular responses that should be considered for treatment discontinuation

    Bacterial Community Structure of an IFAS-MBRs Wastewater Treatment Plant

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    In this work, the bacterial community putatively involved in BNR events of a UCT-MBMBR pilot plant was elucidated by both culture-dependent and metagenomics DNA analyses. The presence of bacterial isolates belonging to Bacillus (in the anoxic compartment) and to Acinetobacter, Stenotrophomonas, Rhodococcus, Escherichia and Aeromonas (in the aerobic compartment) is in agreement with the nitrification/denitrification processes observed in the plant. Moreover, the study of bacterial community structure by NGS revealed a microbial diversity suggesting a biochemical complexity which can be further explored and exploited to improve UCT-MBMBR plant performance
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