263 research outputs found

    Physical Properties Analysis of Aqueous Blends of Potassium Carbonate and Piperazine as CO2 Capture Solvent

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    III ABSTRACT It is widely known that carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the major greenhouse gas (GHG) contributors. It is very important for the industries, such as oil and gas, to reduce the amount of emission to the atmosphere. There have been many researches and studies conducted in order to come up with the most effective absorber for CO2 capture. Potassium carbonate is being looked into by the industry as a potential solvent for absorption of CO2 to replace alkanoamines due ti its ability to resist oxidation degradation, low volatility due to its ionic structure and low binding energy. The introduction of promoter like piperazine to potassium carbonate helps to further enhance the CO2 solubility effect by acting as catalyst to speed up the absorption process. In this project, the physical properties of aqueous blend solution of piperazine activated potassium carbonate are studied. The properties are measured over the wide range of temperature of (20-80) ËšC. The objectives of this project are; 1. To study on the effect of the temperature change on the properties of the blends (PC+PZ); 2. To study on effect of concentration change on the properties of the blends (PC+PZ). 3. To compare the results with the conventional blend solvent, Methyl-Diethanolamine (MDEA). This project is an experimental based project and the time period given, the experimental work covers the physical properties analysis which consists of determination of the density and viscosity over various concentrations and temperature of the blends. Based on the observation of this project, the density and viscosity of piperazine activated aqueous potassium carbonate increases as the concentration of piperazine increases. It is also been notices that the density and viscosity decreases with the increasing temperature

    Mononuclear/Binuclear [VIVO]/[VVO2] Complexes Derived from 1,3-Diaminoguanidine and Their Catalytic Application for the Oxidation of Benzoin via Oxygen Atom Transfer

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    [Abstract] Ligands H4sal-dag (I) and H4Brsal-dag (II) derived from 1,3-diaminoguanidine and salicylaldehyde or 5-bromosalicylaldehyde react with one or 2 mol equivalent of vanadium precursor to give two different series of vanadium complexes. Thus, complexes [VIVO(H2sal-dag) (H2O)] (1) and [VIVO(H2Brsal-dag) (H2O)] (2) were isolated by the reaction of an equimolar ratio of these ligands with [VIVO(acac)2] in MeOH. In the presence of K+/Cs+ ion and using aerially oxidized [VIVO(acac)2], the above reaction gave complexes [K(H2O){VVO2(H2sal-dag)}]2 (3), [Cs(H2O){VVO2(H2sal-dag)}]2 (4), [K(H2O){VO2(H2Brsal-dag)}]2 (5), and [Cs(H2O){VVO2(H2Brsal-dag)}]2 (6), which could also be isolated by direct aerial oxidation of complexes 1 and 2 in MeOH in the presence of K+/Cs+ ion. Complexes [(H2O)VIVO(Hsal-dag)VVO2] (7) and [(H2O)VIVO(HBrsal-dag)VVO2] (8) were isolated upon increasing the ligand-to-vanadium precursor molar ratio to 1:2 under an air atmosphere. When I and II were reacted with aerially oxidized [VIVO(acac)2] in a 1:2 molar ratio in MeOH in the presence of K+/Cs+ ion, they formed [K(H2O)5{(VVO2)2(Hsal-dag)}]2 (9), [Cs(H2O)2{(VVO2)2(Hsal-dag)}]2 (10), [K2(H2O)4{(VVO2)2(Brsal-dag)}]2 (11), and [Cs2(H2O)4{(VVO2)2(Brsal-dag)}]2 (12). The structures of complexes 3, 4, 5, and 9 determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction study confirm the mono-, bi-, tri-, and tetra-anionic behaviors of the ligands. All complexes were found to be an effective catalyst for the oxidation of benzoin to benzil via oxygen atom transfer (OAT) between DMSO and benzoin. Under aerobic condition, this oxidation also proceeds effectively in the absence of DMSO. Electron paramagnetic resonance and 51V NMR studies demonstrated the active role of a stable V(IV) intermediate during OAT between DMSO and benzoin.M.R.M. thanks the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India for the financial support (grant no. CRG/2018/000182)Government of India. Science and Engineering Research Board; CRG/2018/00018

    Henckelia khasiana, una nueva especie de Gesneriaceae de la India

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    A new species of Henckelia (Gesneriaceae) is here described and illustrated. It is morphologically most similar to H. oblongifolia but differs in having lanceolate calyx lobes, two prominent longitudinal flaps on the inner surface of the corolla tube, bilobed stigma and tomentose capsules. A detailed description of the new species with colour photographs, affinities and a comparison with related species is given. Based on the present data, the new species is provisionally assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.Se describe e ilustra una nueva especie de Henckelia (Gesneriaceae). Esta nueva especie es similar a H. oblongifolia, de la que se diferencia por tener lóbulos del cáliz lanceolados, dos láminas longitudinales prominentes en la superficie interna del tubo de la corola, estigma bilobulado y cápsulas tomentosas. Se proporciona una descripción detallada de la nueva especie y fotografías en color de sus principales órganos. Sobre la base de los datos actuales, se evalúa provisionalmente como en Peligro Crítico (CR) de acuerdo con las categorías y criterios de la Lista Roja de la IUCN

    Physical Properties Analysis of Aqueous Blends of Potassium Carbonate and Piperazine as CO2 Capture Solvent

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    III ABSTRACT It is widely known that carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the major greenhouse gas (GHG) contributors. It is very important for the industries, such as oil and gas, to reduce the amount of emission to the atmosphere. There have been many researches and studies conducted in order to come up with the most effective absorber for CO2 capture. Potassium carbonate is being looked into by the industry as a potential solvent for absorption of CO2 to replace alkanoamines due ti its ability to resist oxidation degradation, low volatility due to its ionic structure and low binding energy. The introduction of promoter like piperazine to potassium carbonate helps to further enhance the CO2 solubility effect by acting as catalyst to speed up the absorption process. In this project, the physical properties of aqueous blend solution of piperazine activated potassium carbonate are studied. The properties are measured over the wide range of temperature of (20-80) ËšC. The objectives of this project are; 1. To study on the effect of the temperature change on the properties of the blends (PC+PZ); 2. To study on effect of concentration change on the properties of the blends (PC+PZ). 3. To compare the results with the conventional blend solvent, Methyl-Diethanolamine (MDEA). This project is an experimental based project and the time period given, the experimental work covers the physical properties analysis which consists of determination of the density and viscosity over various concentrations and temperature of the blends. Based on the observation of this project, the density and viscosity of piperazine activated aqueous potassium carbonate increases as the concentration of piperazine increases. It is also been notices that the density and viscosity decreases with the increasing temperature

    A Review on the Potential Uses of Ferns

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    Man has been using plants as a source of food, medicines and many other necessities of life since ancient times. Even to this day the primitive tribal societies that exist depend on the plant life in their surroundings. Though there were investigations of the edible economic values of the higher plants, especially the pteridophytes and angiosperms have been unfortunately ignored. The pteridophytes are used in Homoeopathic, Ayurvedic, Tribal and Unani medicines and provides food, insecticides and ornamentations

    Sentinel lymph node biopsy in early-stage endometrium cancer using methylene blue dye

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    Background: The nodal evaluation of early-stage carcinoma endometrium has evolved rapidly, with various methods and dyes explored for sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB). Our study specifically aims to investigate the utilization of 1% methylene blue in SLNB for carcinoma endometrium at our center. Methods: In our prospective study of 105 patients with early-stage CA endometrium in our center between June 2021 and August 2022, we used 1% methyl blue dye for SLNB identification. We followed each patient for a minimum of 6 months. We documented demographic characteristics, SLNB features, and postoperative outcomes. Results: Out of 105 patients,94 patients (93%) of the study population belong to clinical FIGO stage IA disease.82 patients (81%) had biopsy specimens that showed endometrioid variant grade 1, followed by grade 2 in 13 patients (12.9%). 82 patients (81.2%) had unilateral SLNB visualisation 48 patients( 47.5%) had bilateral visualization of nodes. 19 patients (18.8%) of the study population had negative visualization of nodes on both sides. The average number of sentinel nodes retrieved was 2 nodes in 48 patients (45.5%), with a false negative rate of 4%. Conclusion: In our study, using a 1% methylene blue dye for an SLNB in Ca endometrium showed less than 50% success in visualizing both sides. Therefore, we do not recommend using it as a standard method. However, in resource-limited settings where indocyanine green (ICG) and radiocolloid are not available, considering methylene blue as an alternative is a viable option provided the SLNB algorithm is followed

    Rational Design of Linear Trinuclear Metal Complexes

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    A great deal of interest in multi metallic complexes derives from the special chemical and physical properties resulting from the mutual interaction of two or more metal centers.1 Of particu.lar interest are one-dimensional chains of metal complexes.2 Materials of this type have exhibited unusual magnetic, optical, and conduction properties.3 Despite the great interest in this area, the development of widely applicable, rational methods for synthesis of desired metal chain complexes remains elusive

    Kontribusi Pasar Tradisional Dan Pasar Modern Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Semarang Tahun 2011 (Studi Kasus Di Wilayah Kecamatan Banyumanik)

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    Perkembangan pasar modern yang semakin tak terkendali di Kota Semarangditandai dengan banyaknya jumlah pasar modern melebihi jumlah pasar tradisionalnya.Hal ini berdampak negatif terhadap pertumbuhan pasar tradisional yakni dapatmenggeser peran pasar tradisional sebagai tempat masyarakat berbelanja. Denganadanya pasar modern yang menyediakan fasilitas yang bagus, maka masyarakat akancenderung berbelanja di pasar modern dari pada di pasar tradisional.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan seberapa besarkontribusi pasar tradisional dan pasar modern bagi Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) KotaSemarang tahun 2011, bagaimana mekanisme kontribusi dilakukan dan apa saja regulasiyang digunakan oleh Pemerintah Kota Semarang dalam mengatur kedua pasar tersebut.Penulis mengambil objek penelitian di Wilayah Kecamatan Banyumanik untukkemudahan dan kapabilitas data yang diperoleh. Metode yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu dengan menggambarkan keadaansubjek dan objek penelitian pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak.Dalam pengumpulan data, menggunakan teknik wawancara sebagai data primer,sedangkan data sekunder berasal dari buku literatur dan peraturan-peraturan pemerintah.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pasar tradisional di Wilayah KecamatanBanyumanik berkontribusi terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Semarang sebesarRp. 364.128.420,- pada tahun 2011 sedangkan pasar modern tidak diketahui. Pasartradisional berkontribusi melalui retribusi pasar yang dipungut setiap hari dan setiapbulan, sedangkan pasar modern berkontribusi melalui retribusi perijinan sebelummendirikan pasar modern, yakni melalui Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) dan IjinGangguan (HO). Namun karena dalam perijinannya pengusaha pasar modernmenggunakan nama pribadi dan tidak menggunakan nama USAhanya, sehingga tidakdiketahui besarnya kontribusi yang berasal dari pasar modern. Hal ini belum bisa diatasioleh Pemerintah Kota Semarang karena tidak ada Perda yang mengatur pasar modern.Pemerintah Kota Semarang sebagai instansi resmi yang berwenang mengaturpasar di Wilayahnya harus segera mengesahkan peraturan daerah tentang pengelolaanpasar modern agar keberadaannya tidak mengganggu pertumbuhan pasar tradisionalsehingga kedua pasar ini dapat berkembang tanpa ada salah satu yang merasa dirugikan
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