118 research outputs found

    Biodewaterability and Liquid State Bioconversion of Activated Sludge Under Non-Sterilized Conditions

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the microbial treatment of domestic wastewater treatment plant (DWTP) or activated sludge by Liquid State Bioconversion (LSB) process under non-sterilized conditions. The selected two filamentous fungi, Penicillium corylophilum and Aspergillus niger isolated from Activated sludge were used to evaluate the treatment performance in LSB process under non-sterilized conditions through adaptation. It was observed that Penicillium corylophilum (WWZP1003) was the better strain compared to the Aspergillus niger (SCahmA103) for the bioconversion of activated sludge through adaptation. The visual observation in plate culture showed that about 95%-98% of cultured microbes (Penicillium corylophilum and Aspergillus niger) dominated in treated sludge after two days of treatment. In this study, it was also found that the Penicillium corylophil~rrn was capable of removing 94.40 % of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 98.95% of turbidity of filtrate with minimum dose of inoculum of 10% V/V in activated sludge with total suspended solids (TSS) of 1% w/w. The pH level was lower at 3.4-3.5 (acidic condition) in the fungal treatment with maximum reduction of COD, turbidity and specific resistance to filtration (SRF) were observed. The results for SRF showed that the fungi led a great role to enhance the dewaterability and filterability. Ln particular, the strain Penicillium corylophilum had more capability (than Aspergillus niger) of reducing 93.20 % of SRF compared to the uninoculated sample. Effective results were observed by using fungal inoculum after 2 days of treatment. A statistical optimization of process factors was carried out to evaluate the linear and interaction effects on effective bioconversion of activated sludge using Penicillium. Three parameters namely temperature, agitation and pH with three levels were used to evaluate the process factors in term of biodegradability and biodewaterability/biofilterabiIity of activated sludge of 1% (w/w) TSS with 10% of inoculum dose of Penicillium corylophilum. A 3-level full factorial design (3" and response surface methodology (RSM) were used for the optimization of process factors through the biodegradability (removal of COD) and biodewaterability (SRF) of treatment sludge by a statistical software Minitab. The experimental data were designed by developing a second order polynomial regression model considering linear, quadratic and interaction effect. The optimum temperature, agitation and pH were observed to be 33S°C, 105 rpm and 5.5 respectively by the regression analysis on using experimental data under RSM. The maximum removal 98.5 % of COD, 99.0 % of turbidity and 95.0 % of SRF reduction were observed at that optimum process conditions in the activated sludge treatment by LSB under non-sterilized conditions. The maximum dry biosolids of 17.4 gkg production was observed with optimum process conditions by the fungal treatment (Penicillium corylophilum).The results in this study clearly indicate the effective bioconversion of activated sludge under non-sterilized conditions which may provide better waste management and disposd concerned

    Amelioration of Drought Tolerance in Maize Using Rice Husk Biochar

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    This chapter discussed on mitigating effects of rice husk biochar to the drought effect on maize (“BARI Hybrid Bhutta 9”). Four doses of rice husk biochar at 0, 5, 10, and 20 t/ha were applied in soil before sowing of seed. Drought treatments were maintained at 60% of field capacity and 40% of field capacity by watering every alternate day, and 80% of field capacity (control) was also maintained as well-watered treatment. Plant growth and physiological parameters were studied at 6th leaf, 10th leaf, 14th leaf, tasseling stage, cob initiation stage, and maturity stage, and yield contributing parameters were studied after harvest. Soil physical and chemical properties were studied before sowing and after harvest of crop. Drought stress reduced plant morphological growth and affected physiology and yield of maize. Mitigation of drought stress in maize was well associated with the reduction of proline content, maintenance of water-related traits, exudation rate and enhanced chlorophyll content and SPAD value, as well as dry matter production. Rice husk biochar improved the growth and yield performance of maize under drought condition. Biochar application at 20 t/ha was the best treatment to improving drought tolerance in maize

    Training curriculum on e-government: An empirical study on senior civil servants of Bangladesh

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    E-Government is to be ensured for good governance. There is a limited work in Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) to identify the need for e-Government knowledge and skill as well as attitude at the level of Joint Secretary. Therefore, the outcome of the research would contribute to identify the e-Government training need areas in terms of knowledge, skill and attitude of senior civil servant of Bangladesh, for which Senior Staff Course (SSC) curriculum may be redesigned.The objective of this study was to identify and assess the training needs of the participants of SSC to modify the Information and Computer Technology (ICT) curriculum of SSC; specifically to identify the relevant area of knowledge and skill of the SSC participant towards ensuring e-Government; to determine and identify the training need/module for SSC to manage e-Government and to suggest for policy guideline. As a research instrument this study is used structured questionnaire. This study extracted the core areas of training need related to e- government knowledge and skill and attitude. Thus, Principal Component Analysis has done with those core areas of skill and knowledge. Descriptive statistical results revealed that all those areas have high and significant relationship among the major variables and achieved high score of mean value. Descriptive statistics reveals that among the four major variables those are: ‘ICT Skill’; ‘E-government Management’;‘E-government Skill’; and ‘Attitude’ have relationship and those are important for Senior Level Civil Servant. But the mean score of those variables are not high as it is required. Therefore, these are the potential areas for the Joint Secretary Level official to formulate E-Government training module

    Non performing loans - its causes, consequences and some learning

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    Investment in productive sector is the precondition for achieving the economic growth from a country perspective. Capital formation positively supports this investment function. Once a satisfactory level of capital is formed, the option of sound investment comes that ultimately leads to flow additional capital in future. The financial institutions, mainly banks, do these functions. In countries like ours, investment leakage in the form of non-functionalities poses a great threat on the sound running of this ‘capital formation – investment – capital formation’ process. This paper deals with non performing loan situations, basically the causes and consequences of this economic devil that is very much embedded in current economic structure. The possible steps are also pointed out to handle such situation.capital formation, workout, LRA, recovery agency

    Warm-e-Lauztain (Tonsillitis): Diagnosis and Management with reference to Unani System of Medicine

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    Warm-e-Lauztain (Tonsillitis) being very common clinical condition affecting mostly the school going children is the one of the important reason to visit a doctor frequently. Diagnostic features and findings on clinical examination are described very clearly in classical texts of Unani medicine, e.g.  if the tonsillitis is caused due to abnormality of khilt-e-dam (humour sanguine), it is expressed by severe pain in the throat, fever, redness of eyes and face, sweetish taste in mouth etc.; if it is due to khilt-e-safra (humour bile), then it is characterized by severe pain in the throat, difficulty in the swelling, high grade fever, dryness, paleness of face; if there is imbalance in khilt-e-balgham (humour phlegm), there will be soft whitish swollen tonsils associated with paresis and softness of the tongue; tonsillitis due to the abnormality in khilt-e-sauda (humour black bile) exhibit hard swelling of tonsils encroached into the tongue and surrounding tissues. On examination, if there is much congestion and redness on the tonsils or it is black in colure and hard in consistency then surgical procedure should be avoided. Always first emphasis should be given for medical treatment, if it fails then opt surgical management. When the acute inflammation (warm-e-haar) has been subsided and the base of swelling is soft and thin, than it is suitable time for tonsillectomy. Surgical procedure is also described by Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi and others in detail. Therefore it may be concluded that scholars of Unani medicine were much aware about the signs & symptoms of chronic tonsillitis; they were able to diagnose the disease clinically and were expert enough to assess the condition, whether requiring medical management or surgical intervention. Surgeons of that time knew clear-cut indications and contraindications for surgical intervention along with the procedure of tonsillectomy Keywords: Warm-e-lauztain, Tonsillitis, Unani classical, Treatment, surger

    The Effect Of Umbilical Cord Milking In Reducing ROP Of Preterm Babies.

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    Background: Recent advances in neonatal care in the last decade have improved the survival rates for premature infants. Consequently, the incidence of ROP has increased in parallel. ROP is under constant epidemiological study around the world. Prematurity, low birth weight, respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, prolonged oxygen treatment and blood transfusion increase the risk of ROP. Umbilical cord milking reduces the incidence of ROP in preterm infants by reducing the need for blood transfusions in preterm infants. Objective: To observe effect of ROP with umbilical cord milking. Methodology: This prospective observational study was carried out on neonates, in the Department of Neonatology, BSMMU after approval from IRB. Neonates admitted into neonatal intensive care unit of BSMMU satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria was enrolled for the study. A written informed consent was taken from parents and assurance about confidentiality was given. Neonates born before 37 weeks of gestation was assigned to either umbilical cord milking or non-milking group at a 1: 1 ratio according to a computer generated randomized sequence. After delivery of a baby umbilical cord milking was performed by holding the infant at the level of the placenta. First eye evaluation for ROP was done at 20 days of age for gestational age less than 30weeks & weight below 1200gm & at 30 days of age for gestational age more than 30 weeks & above weight 1200gm. Follow-up was continued until retinal vascularization was completed. The follow-up schedules were organized depending on the retinal findings. The retinal finding was evaluated according to the International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity. The patients were grouped as no ROP, mild ROP (stages I-II ROP without plus disease, showed regression), and severe ROP (zone 1 or zone 2, stage III, aggressive ROP without stages, stage II with plus disease who required treatment). Data were recorded in a preformed questionnaire and data were analyzed by statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. Results: 114 newborns were enrolled in this study. Then among 114 preterm neonates 57 were randomized to umbilical cord milking group and 57 were randomized to no milking group. Baseline characteristics were almost similar between the two groups. There were significant increase is hematocrit level 57.3 ±3.5 V 47.4 ± 4.5 (P value less than 0.001), reduction in need of blood transfusion 3.5% V 42.1% (P value less than 0.001) & reduction in ROP 3.5% V 19.3% (P 0.007). Conclusion: This study concluded that umbilical cord milking after delivery improves hematocrit level, reduces need of blood transfusion & reduces the incidence of ROP in preterm infant

    Light Transport Refocusing for Unknown Scattering Medium

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    2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition,Stockholm, Sweden,24-28 Aug. 2014In this paper we propose a new light transport refocusing method for depth estimation as well as for investigation inside scattering media with unknown scattering properties. Propagated visible light rays through scattering media are utilized in our proposed refocusing method. We use 2D light source to illuminate the scattering media and 2D image sensor for capturing transported rays. The proposed method that uses 4D light transport can clearly visualize shallow depth, as well as deep depth plane of the medium. We apply our light transport refocusing method for depth estimation using conventional depth-from-focus method and for clear visualization by descattering the light rays passing through the medium. To evaluate the effectiveness we have done experiments using acrylic and milk-water type scattering medium in various optical and geometrical conditions. Finally, we show up the results of depth estimation and clear visualization, as well as with numeric evaluation

    Application of StormPav Green Pavement System in a Government Buildings Redevelopment Scheme

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    Non performing loans - its causes, consequences and some learning

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    Investment in productive sector is the precondition for achieving the economic growth from a country perspective. Capital formation positively supports this investment function. Once a satisfactory level of capital is formed, the option of sound investment comes that ultimately leads to flow additional capital in future. The financial institutions, mainly banks, do these functions. In countries like ours, investment leakage in the form of non-functionalities poses a great threat on the sound running of this ‘capital formation – investment – capital formation’ process. This paper deals with non performing loan situations, basically the causes and consequences of this economic devil that is very much embedded in current economic structure. The possible steps are also pointed out to handle such situation