17,664 research outputs found

    Estimating Government Policy Preferences to Predict New Firm Formation

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    Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Climate, Subsistance, Discretionary Spending, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Public Economics,

    Dynamical N-body Equlibrium in Circular Dilaton Gravity

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    We obtain a new exact equilibrium solution to the N-body problem in a one-dimensional relativistic self-gravitating system. It corresponds to an expanding/contracting spacetime of a circle with N bodies at equal proper separations from one another around the circle. Our methods are straightforwardly generalizable to other dilatonic theories of gravity, and provide a new class of solutions to further the study of (relativistic) one-dimensional self-gravitating systems.Comment: 4 pages, latex, reference added, minor changes in wordin

    Adapting Tests of Sign Language Assessment for Other Sign Languages—A Review of Linguistic, Cultural, and Psychometric Problems

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    Given the current lack of appropriate assessment tools for measuring deaf children's sign language skills, many test developers have used existing tests of other sign languages as templates to measure the sign language used by deaf people in their country. This article discusses factors that may influence the adaptation of assessment tests from one natural sign language to another. Two tests which have been adapted for several other sign languages are focused upon: the Test for American Sign Language and the British Sign Language Receptive Skills Test. A brief description is given of each test as well as insights from ongoing adaptations of these tests for other sign languages. The problems reported in these adaptations were found to be grounded in linguistic and cultural differences, which need to be considered for future test adaptations. Other reported shortcomings of test adaptation are related to the question of how well psychometric measures transfer from one instrument to another

    Probing minimal supergravity in the type-I seesaw mechanism with lepton flavour violation at the CERN LHC

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    The most general supersymmetric seesaw mechanism has too many parameters to be predictive and thus can not be excluded by any measurements of lepton flavour violating (LFV) processes. We focus on the simplest version of the type-I seesaw mechanism assuming minimal supergravity boundary conditions. We compute branching ratios for the LFV scalar tau decays, τ~2(e,μ)+χ10{\tilde \tau}_2 \to (e,\mu) + \chi^0_1, as well as loop-induced LFV decays at low energy, such as lilj+γl_i \to l_j + \gamma and li3ljl_i \to 3 l_j, exploring their sensitivity to the unknown seesaw parameters. We find some simple, extreme scenarios for the unknown right-handed parameters, where ratios of LFV branching ratios correlate with neutrino oscillation parameters. If the overall mass scale of the left neutrinos and the value of the reactor angle were known, the study of LFV allows, in principle, to extract information about the so far unknown right-handed neutrino parameters.Comment: 29 pages, 27 figures; added explanatory comments, corrected typos, final version for publicatio

    Lepton flavour violating stau decays versus seesaw parameters: correlations and expected number of events for both seesaw type-I and II

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    In minimal supergravity (mSugra), the neutrino sector is related to the slepton sector by means of the renormalization group equations. This opens a door to indirectly test the neutrino sector via measurements at the LHC. Concretely, for the simplest seesaw type-I, we present the correlations between seesaw parameters and ratio of stau lepton flavour violating (LFV) branching ratios. We find some simple, extreme scenarios for the unknown right-handed parameters, where ratios of LFV rates correlate with neutrino oscillation parameters. On the other hand, we scan the mSugra parameter space, for both seesaw type-I and II, to find regions where LFV stau decays can be maximized, while respecting low-energy experimental bounds. We estimate the expected number of events at the LHC for a sample luminosity of L = 100 fb^{-1}.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, to appear in the proceedings of DISCRETE'08 Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, 11-16 December 2008, Valencia, Spain; some comments adde

    Neutrino texture saturating the CP asymmetry

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    We study a neutrino mass texture which can explain the neutrino oscillation data and also saturate the upper bound of the CP asymmetry ϵ1\epsilon_1 in the leptogenesis. We consider the thermal and non-thermal leptogenesis based on the right-handed neutrino decay in this model. A lower bound of the reheating temperature required for the explanation of the baryon number asymmetry is estimated as O(108)O(10^8)GeV for the thermal leptogenesis and O(106)O(10^{6})GeV for the non-thermal one.It can be lower than the upper bound of the reheating temperature imposed by the cosmological gravitino problem. An example of the construction of the discussed texture is also presented.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Some Comments on Gravitational Entropy and the Inverse Mean Curvature Flow

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    The Geroch-Wald-Jang-Huisken-Ilmanen approach to the positive energy problem to may be extended to give a negative lower bound for the mass of asymptotically Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes containing horizons with exotic topologies having ends or infinities of the form Σg×R\Sigma_g \times {\Bbb R}, in terms of the cosmological constant. We also show how the method gives a lower bound for for the mass of time-symmetric initial data sets for black holes with vectors and scalars in terms of the mass, Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)| of the double extreme black hole with the same charges. I also give a lower bound for the area of an apparent horizon, and hence a lower bound for the entropy in terms of the same function Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)|. This shows that the so-called attractor behaviour extends beyond the static spherically symmetric case. and underscores the general importance of the function Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)|. There are hints that higher dimensional generalizations may involve the Yamabe conjectures.Comment: 13pp. late

    Resonant Leptogenesis and Verifiable Seesaw from Large Extra Dimensions

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    In the presence of large extra dimensions, the fundamental scale could be as low as a few TeV. This yields leptogenesis and seesaw at a TeV scale. Phenomenologically two TeV-scale Majorana fermions with a small mass split can realize a resonant leptogenesis whereas a TeV-scale Higgs triplet with a small trilinear coupling to the standard model Higgs doublet can give a verifiable seesaw. We propose an interesting scenario where the small parameters for the resonant leptogenesis and the type-II seesaw can be simultaneously generated by the propagation of lepton number violation from distant branes to our world.Comment: 5 pages. More discussions and references. Published in PR

    Supersymmetric seesaw type II: CERN LHC and lepton flavour violating phenomenology

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    We study the supersymmetric version of the type-II seesaw mechanism assuming minimal supergravity boundary conditions. We calculate branching ratios for lepton flavour violating (LFV) scalar tau decays, potentially observable at the LHC, as well as LFV decays at low energy, such as lilj+γl_i \to l_j + \gamma and compare their sensitivity to the unknown seesaw parameters. In the minimal case of only one triplet coupling to the standard model lepton doublets, ratios of LFV branching ratios can be related unambigously to neutrino oscillation parameters. We also discuss how measurements of soft SUSY breaking parameters at the LHC can be used to indirectly extract information of the seesaw scale.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, references and appendix added, minor corrections; final version published in Phys.Rev.

    The impact of the 1783-1784 AD Laki eruption on global aerosol formation processes and cloud condensation nuclei

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    The 1783–1784 AD Laki flood lava eruption commenced on 8 June 1783 and released 122 Tg of sulphur dioxide gas over the course of 8 months into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere above Iceland. Previous studies have examined the impact of the Laki eruption on sulphate aerosol and climate using general circulation models. Here, we study the impact on aerosol microphysical processes, including the nucleation of new particles and their growth to cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) using a comprehensive Global Model of Aerosol Processes (GLOMAP). Total particle concentrations in the free troposphere increase by a factor ~16 over large parts of the Northern Hemisphere in the 3 months following the onset of the eruption. Particle concentrations in the boundary layer increase by a factor 2 to 5 in regions as far away as North America, the Middle East and Asia due to long-range transport of nucleated particles. CCN concentrations (at 0.22% supersaturation) increase by a factor 65 in the upper troposphere with maximum changes in 3-month zonal mean concentrations of ~1400 cm<sup>−3</sup> at high northern latitudes. 3-month zonal mean CCN concentrations in the boundary layer at the latitude of the eruption increase by up to a factor 26, and averaged over the Northern Hemisphere, the eruption caused a factor 4 increase in CCN concentrations at low-level cloud altitude. The simulations show that the Laki eruption would have completely dominated as a source of CCN in the pre-industrial atmosphere. The model also suggests an impact of the eruption in the Southern Hemisphere, where CCN concentrations are increased by up to a factor 1.4 at 20° S. Our model simulations suggest that the impact of an equivalent wintertime eruption on upper tropospheric CCN concentrations is only about one-third of that of a summertime eruption. The simulations show that the microphysical processes leading to the growth of particles to CCN sizes are fundamentally different after an eruption when compared to the unperturbed atmosphere, underlining the importance of using a fully coupled microphysics model when studying long-lasting, high-latitude eruptions