836 research outputs found

    Impact of Task Oriented Training on Activities of Daily Living in Post Stroke Rehabilitation: A Single Arm Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Introduction: There are several complications following the stroke including reduced functional independence, inability to maintain adequate posture, alterations in daily activities and several others. Physical therapy intervention aims at improving the stated complications targeting the task-oriented approach. This study investigated the effect of task-oriented training in post stroke patients on activities of daily living. Methodology:  In this single-arm randomized controlled trial, 10 post-stroke males with hemiparesis and functional limitations in activities of daily living (ADL) were recruited following informed consent. The study implemented a structured intervention including activities like Forward Reach and Grasping Pen in sitting, Ball squeeze, stacking rings, piling up the Cones, Pegboard activities, Ball kicking, and Stepping drill. Each activity had a different dosage based on the specific drill performed. Pre and post-test evaluations were conducted on Day 0 and Day 21, utilizing the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Barthel Index (BI). Results:  Within the group comparisons revealed statistically significant differences (p< 0.05). The pre and post-test readings for FIM were evaluated as 52.50±15.130 and 69.0±11.972 respectively and for BI were observed as 61.0±14.870 and 74.50±7.619 respectively. Conclusion: Task-oriented training is an effective and viable method for enhancing functional independence and strength in activities of daily living (ADLs) in patients with hemiparesis following stroke

    -Amylase production by Penicillium fellutanum isolated from mangrove rhizosphere soil

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    The effects of pH, temperature, incubation time, salinity, sources of carbon and nitrogen were tested in submerged fermentation process in production of -amylase by Penicillium fellutanum isolated from coastal mangrove soil. The production medium without addition of seawater and with provision ofmaltose as carbon source, peptone as nitrogen source, incubated for 96 h, maintained with pH of 6.5 at 30oC, was found optimal for production of -amylase by P. fellutanu

    Morphological characterization and secondary metabolites profile of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) genotypes from Sikkim

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    Quantification of volatile oil and analysis of four major metabolites using HPLC was done in 24 black pepper genotypes collected from south Sikkim. The amount of volatile oil ranged from 2.01% to 0.022%. Secondary metabolites like piperine ranged from 2.75-0.022%, myrcene from 2.094-0.022%, alpha- phellandrene from 1.373-0.008% and linalool from 0.834-0.012%. Genotype 23 had the highest amount of myrcene and linalool, genotype 13 had the highest quantity of piperine and genotype 8 had high amount of alpha-phellandrene. The principal component analysis (PCA) of analyzed metabolites grouped the genotypes into four categories. The study revealed that some of the genotypes were as good as pepper varieties grown in traditional areas. These genotypes will be useful in crop improvement strategies and suitable for Sikkim Himalaya

    Influence of plant bioregulators on finger characters, yield and economics of banana cv. Monthan under the Cauvery delta region of Karaikal, Puducherry

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    Banana, a climacteric fruit crop of the humid tropical ecosystem, has economic value worldwide in domestic and export markets. Recently, plant bio-regulators have been proven to modulate the growth and/or any physiological actions from its production site and are active in minor concentrations. The plant bio-regulators encompass several plant growth hormones to promote commercial fruit production when applied externally at the right stage with appropriate concentration. However, the response of banana cv. Monthan with the foliar application of plant bio-regulators in the Cauvery delta region of Karaikal, Puducherry, is less explored. Hence, the study was initiated to assess the potentiality of plant bio-regulators in commercial banana production in the region to support the banana growers of the track to obtain better returns. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with six treatments (T1 - GA3 50ppm, T2 - CPPU 2ppm, T3 - 2,4-D 25 ppm, T4 - Brassinosteroid 1 ppm, T5 - Seaweed extract 0.1% and C - control) of four replications. Two Bunch sprays of treatments were given at the time of opening of the last hand and 20 days later, the first spray. Results obtained revealed that the bunches fortified with ‘T5’ Seaweed extract (0.1%) rendered significance with hand weight (1.72 kg), finger girth (15.88 cm), pulp width (5.05 cm) and lesser duration between the last hand open and harvest (73.00 days), yield per hectare (20.55 t/ha). Economic analysis evidenced that the treatment of seaweed extract (0.1%) hampered the highest net returns (Rs. 2,91,138 per hectare), including the benefit-cost ratio (1.89). Hence, the pre-harvest bunch spray with 0.1% seaweed extract is a cost-effective treatment and that may be recommended to farmers to increase the banana productivity in this region.

    Application Of Principles Of Total Quality Management (TQM) In Teacher Education Institutions

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    The indomitable spirit of higher education paves the way for the growth of a nation in the political, economic, social, intellectual and spiritual dimensions. Teacher education is one of the areas in higher education which trains student-teachers in pedagogy, which in turn helps them to train the young minds of educational institutions. The “Fate of the nation is decided in the classroom,” is a remark made by the Education Commission of India. Such classrooms are created by committed and dedicated teachers. These teachers are trained in teacher education institutions. Teacher education institutions should maintain quality to ensure the academic excellence of trainees who come into the teaching profession. Quality is a comparative standard prescribed for those institutions that are on the quest for output brilliance. Quality assurance in teacher education reflects on the high profile of the institution and the competency of student-teachers. The present study on the application of principals of TQM in teacher education institutions in India has exposed the tangibility of institutions in the perception of teachers based on eleven quality indicators, such as principal as leader, teacher quality, linkage and interface, students, co-curricular activities, teaching, office management, relationships, material resources, examinations and job satisfaction. A total of nine colleges of education was selected to collect data. The exploratory technique under the survey method of research design was used for the study. A tool - ‘Teacher Institutional Profile’ (TIP) - was constructed, standardized and used for data collection. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were made for finding and interpreting results. The findings focus on the strong and weak areas of various teacher education institutions according to the quality indicators. The study recommends further strengthening of quality indicators, which are already strong, and the revamping of weaker quality indicators. It is also recommended that institutions should adhere to the quality standards set by national and international assessment and accreditation bodies. In conclusion, the global scenario expects skilled teachers to produce students with a versatile personality for which teacher education should be strengthened

    Machine Learning Models to Predict Covid-19 Vaccination Intention: An Indian Study

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    Purpose: Covid 19 pandemic has taken the world by shock for last few years, and it has greatly impacted the livelihood of people across all walks of life and even the economies of many nations got greatly affected. Governments across the globe revived from the impact of covid-19 pandemic using many strategies and policies which were formulated under the guidance of the world health organization. One of the Prime weapons which helped the governments and public against covid -19 is vaccination. This research which was conducted August 2021 was done to understand the perception of the public towards the covid 19 vaccination and to predict the public intention to take up covid -19 vaccination using the health belief model constructs.   Theoretical framework:The Study has used the variables of the health belief model namely the perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, Perceived Benefits, Cues to action and other socio-demographic variables to predict the intent of the respondents towards taking Covid-19 vaccination.    Design/methodology/approach:   Data was collected using a self-administered online questionnaire distributed to the respondents from Tamil Nadu, India who are above 18 years of age. Machine Learning Algorithms like Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Networks were used to predict the public intent to take up covid 19 vaccination.   Findings: From the Analysis of Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network, it was found that Health Belief Model Constructs Perceived Barriers, Perceived Benefits and Cues to action, were significant factors that affect the public intention to vaccinate.   Research, Practical & Social implications:Findings of the research will help the government, stake holders to understand the factors impacting the respondent’s intent to covid-19 vaccination which will guide them to plan better strategies for future vaccination drives   Originality/value:The Study has used to two different machine learning algorithms to compare and corroborate the research findings and in turn identifying the significant predictors of covid-19 vaccination inten

    Assessment of variability and association for seed yield and yield attributing traits among the interspecific derivatives of greengram x blackgram cross

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    The present investigation was carried out with 24 progenies in F4 generation of interspecific cross derivatives of Vigna radiata cv. VBN(Gg)2 x Vigna mungo cv. Mash 114 to study the variability and association among the yield and the yield component traits. A set of 24 F4 progenies from the interspecific cross between greengram (VBN(Gg)2) and blackgram (Mash 114) formed the basic genetic material for the present investigation. Variability studies recorded high Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation (PCV) and Genotypic Coefficient of Variation (GCV) for the traits viz., number of branches/ plant, number of clusters/ plant, number of pods/ plant and seed yield /plant. High heritability (h2) along with high genetic advance as per cent of mean (GAM) were recorded for the traits, plant height, number of clusters/ plant, number of pods/ plant and seed yield/ plant. Association studies revealed that the trait number of pods/ plant alone recorded high direct positive effect on seed yield/ plant. The results indicated that high magnitude of variability was present among the interspecific progenies for these traits. The high heritability and genetic advance might be due to presence of additive gene action. Hence selection based on these traits might be effective for genetic improvement among the interspecific progenies of Vigna radiata x Vigna mungo. The study indicates that the trait, number of pods / plant should be given due importance in selection programme for seed yield improvement in the interspecific progenies of greengram and blackgram

    Magnetic properties of Hydrogenated Li and Co doped ZnO nanoparticles

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    The effect of hydrogenation on magnetic properties of Zn0.85Co0.05Li0.10O nanoparticles is presented. It was found that the sample hydrided at room temperature (RT) showed weak ferromagnetism (FM) while that hydrided at 400oC showed robust ferromagnetism at room temperature. In both cases reheating the sample at 400oC in air converts it back into paramagnetic state (P) completely. The characterization of samples by X-ray and electron diffraction (ED) showed that room temperature ferromagnetism observed in the samples hydrogenated at RT is intrinsic in nature whereas that observed in the samples hydrogenated at 400oC is partly due to the cobalt metal clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure


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    Diabetes mellitus is a multi-metabolic disorder that influences more than 348 million people worldwide. A key goal of diabetes treatment is to prevent complications because over time, diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Consequently there is an incredible need to develop new and successful therapies for treating diabetic complications early before it causes irreparable tissue damage. Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) offer significant benefits for clinical application, because they can be easily harvested and, when autologous transplanted, there is no immunological rejection. Moreover, BMSCs can differentiate into a wide variety of cell types. Here, we focused on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can transdifferentiate into insulin-producing cells (IPC) under defined conditions  and normalize the glucose level of streptozotocin (STZ)- induced diabetic rats.The main objective of  the study was To evaluate the antidiabetic activity of the Dental pulp cells in Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic Wistar albino rats.To calculate the biochemical estimation of both normal and treated groups.To study the effects of dental pulp cells on morphological characterization of normal and treated groups. Streptozotocin.,Wistar albino rat.,Insulin.,stem cell.,fibroblas


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    Objective: Gastroretentive dosage forms are an approach for prolonged and predictable drug delivery in the upper gastrointestinal tract to controlthe gastric residence time. Microballoons are considered as one of the most promising buoyant drug delivery systems as they possess the advantagesof both multiple-unit systems and good floating properties. Acebrophylline is a xanthine derivative with potent bronchodilator, mucosecretolytic, andanti-inflammatory property. It is used to treat bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.Methods: Microballoons of acebrophylline were prepared by emulsion solvent diffusion method using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) andethyl cellulose (EC) as polymer. The microballoons were evaluated with their micromeritic properties, particle size, tapped density, compressibilityindex, angle of repose, percentage yield, in vitro buoyancy, entrapment efficiency, drug-polymer compatibility, scanning electron microscopy (SEM),and drug release kinetics.Results: The mean particle size of the microballoons formulation MB1 to MB6 containing HPMC and EC was in the range between 226±16 and 577±10,respectively. The mean particle size of microballoons was found to increase with increasing polymer concentration. The micromeritic properties werefound be good, and SEM confirmed their hollow structure with smooth and dense which helped to prolong floating to increase residence time instomach. The in vitro drug release studies showed controlled release of acebrophylline microballoons in the simulated gastric fluid more than 12 hrs.Conclusions: The results showed that the prepared floating microballoons of acebrophylline prove to be potential multiple-unit delivery devicesadaptable for safe and effective sustained drug delivery.Keywords: Microballoons, Acebrophylline, Bronchial asthma, Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Ethyl cellulose
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