176 research outputs found

    A fully-discrete scheme for systems of nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations

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    We consider a system of Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov (FPK) equations, where the dependence of the coefficients is nonlinear and nonlocal in time with respect to the unknowns. We extend the numerical scheme proposed and studied recently by the authors for a single FPK equation of this type. We analyse the convergence of the scheme and we study its applicability in two examples. The first one concerns a population model involving two interacting species and the second one concerns two populations Mean Field Games

    Prevalência de Doença Carotídea na Patologia Cérebro-Vascular Isquémica. O Papel do Eco-Doppler

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    BACKGROUND: Atherosclerotic carotid disease represents approximately 20% of the causes of ischemic stroke. Effective treatment options, such as endovascular or surgical revascularization procedures, are available. Doppler Ultrasound (DUS) is a non-invasive, inexpensive, routine exam used to evaluate the presence of internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis. We retrospectively analysed the prevalence of severe atherosclerotic carotid disease in a population of patients with acute ischemic stroke/transitory ischemic attacks (TIAs), and the role of DUS in the detection of ICA stenosis and treatment decisions in these patients. METHODS: A total of 318 patients with ischemic stroke or TIAs was admitted to our stroke unit, and 260 patients were studied by DUS. ICA stenosis was evaluated by DUS according to peak systolic velocity. All DUS exams were performed by the same operator. ICA stenosis was further assessed in 43 patients by digital subtraction angiography (DSA) using NASCET criteria. RESULTS: Of the total 318 patients, 260 (82%) had DUS evaluation. Of the total 520 ICAs studied by DUS, degrees of ICA stenosis were: 0-29% n= 438 (84%); 30-49% n= 8 (2%); 50-69% n= 27 (5%); 70-89% n= 15 (3%); 90-99% n= 20 (4%); oclusão n= 14 (2%). Of the total 260 patients studied, 43 (16.5%) underwent DSA. Sensibility and specificity of DUS in the diagnosis of carotid stenosis over 70% were, respectively, 91% e 84%. Of the total 31 patients with significant carotid stenosis (70-99%), 23 (74%) underwent subsequent carotid revascularization procedures. DISCUSSION: DUS is an important screening test in our stroke unit, justifying its use as a routine exam for all patients with ischemic stroke/TIAs. Moreover, our results show the relevance of severe carotid disease in a population with acute ischemic stroke/TIAs (16.5%), with a total of 9% of patients being submitted to carotid revascularization procedures

    Locus of Heat Resistance (LHR) in Meat-Borne \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e: Screening and Genetic Characterization

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    Microbial resistance to processing treatments poses a food safety concern, as treatment tolerant pathogens can emerge. Occasional foodborne outbreaks caused by pathogenic Escherichia coli have led to human and economic losses. Therefore, this study screened for the extreme heat resistance (XHR) phenotype as well as one known genetic marker, the locus of heat resistance (LHR), in 4,123 E. coli isolates from diverse meat animals at different processing stages. The prevalences of XHR and LHR among the meat-borne E. coli were found to be 10.3% and 11.4%, respectively, with 19% agreement between the two. Finished meat products showed the highest LHR prevalence (24.3%) compared to other processing stages (0 to 0.6%). None of the LHR1 E. coli in this study would be considered pathogens based on screening for virulence genes. Four high-quality genomes were generated by whole-genome sequencing of representative LHR+ isolates. Nine horizontally acquired LHRs were identified and characterized, four plasmid-borne and five chromosomal. Nine newly identified LHRs belong to ClpK1 LHR or ClpK2 LHR variants sharing 61 to 68% nucleotide sequence identity, while one LHR appears to be a hybrid. Our observations suggest positive correlation between the number of LHR regions present in isolates and the extent of heat resistance. The isolate exhibiting the highest degree of heat resistance possessed four LHRs belonging to three different variant groups. Maintenance of as many as four LHRs in a single genome emphasizes the benefits of the LHR in bacterial physiology and stress response. IMPORTANCE Currently, a “multiple-hurdle” approach based on a combination of different antimicrobial interventions, including heat, is being utilized during meat processing to control the burden of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. Our recent study (M. Guragain, G. E. Smith, D. A. King, and J. M. Bosilevac, J Food Prot 83:1438–1443, 2020, https://doi.org/10.4315/JFP-20-103) suggests that U.S. beef cattle harbor Escherichia coli that possess the locus of heat resistance (LHR). LHR seemingly contributes to the global stress tolerance in bacteria and hence poses a food safety concern. Therefore, it is important to understand the distribution of the LHRs among meat-borne bacteria identified at different stages of different meat processing systems. Complete genome sequencing and comparative analysis of selected heat-resistant bacteria provide a clearer understanding of stress and heat resistance mechanisms. Further, sequencing data may offer a platform to gain further insights into the genetic background that provides optimal bacterial tolerance against heat and other processing treatments

    Um Homem, um AVC, um Protocolo e a Neurossonologia

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    A Experiência de Um Ano na Monitorização de Estenose Intracraniana nas Crianças com Anemia de Células Falciformes (Depranocitose) por Ecodoppler Transcraniano

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    O Laboratório de Neurossonologia do Hospital de S. José do CHLC, EPE propôs-se avaliar os registos velocimétricos obtidos na realização de Ecodoppler Transcraniano aos doentes em idade pediátrica portadores de Drepanocitose, durante o ano de 2010, verificando-se uma baixa incidência de estenose intracraniana

    Parvovirus B19 Infection Associated with Hemolytic Anemia and Cranial Polyneuropathy

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    Parvovirus B19 (PB19) is a common, widespread, small, single-stranded DNA virus which has been linked with a broad spectrum of clinical illnesses, including a variety of neurological complications such as encephalitis, meningitis, myelitis, stroke, cerebellar ataxia, and neuropathy. The authors describe a case of PB19 infection associated with hemolytic anemia and cranial polyneuropathy involving the second and third cranial nerves in a 23-year-old immunocompetent woman. The diagnosis of acute PB19 infection was established with detection of positive DNA and anti-PB19 IgM antibodies in blood samples. Antiganglioside antibody studies were performed and serum anti-GD1b IgG was strongly positive. Further investigation was normal or negative, excluding other infectious or autoimmune disorders. The patient was initially treated with a 5-day course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IGIV). Because of incomplete neurological recovery, methylprednisolone was also administered 7 days after IGIV therapy initiation. Complete resolution of clinical symptoms was observed 3 months after disease onset at follow-up visit, despite the persistence of PB19 DNA and anti-PB19 IgM antibodies in serum 5 months after the initial presentation. Our report provides evidence that PB19 could affect both the central and peripheral nervous system, possibly by triggering an autoimmune mechanism that leads to autoantibody production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efektivitas Penerapan Hukum Perspektif Sosiologi Hukum

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    Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang membangun hubungan dengan manusia lainnya. Dalam pergaulan tersebut, terdapat beberapa kemungkinan hal yang terjadi, termasuk dalam hal ini adalah konflik atau permasalahan. Dalam penyelesaian konflik dan permasalahan tersebut, harus diselesaikan dalam suatu prosedur yang jelas dan tegas. Prosedur yang jelas dan tegas yang dimaksud adalah hukum. Hukum merupakan sesuatu yang abstrak, karena tidak dapat dilihat atau diraba, tetapi dapat dirasakan keberadaannya. Hal ini karena hak bukanlah merupakan suatu objek, melainkan suatu tindakan (setelah dilaksanakan). Untuk mempelajari hal ini, kita harus memperhatikan keberadaan hukum melalui efektifitas hukum dalam masyarakat. Memperdebatkan efektivitas hukum di tengah masyarakat berarti membicarakan efektivitas atau penegakan hukum dalam mengatur dan/atau menegakkan kepatuhan terhadap hukum. Jadi dapat dipastikan ada faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektifitas hukum. Kemudian ada juga  faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi apakah hukum itu benar-benar berfungsi  dalam masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan jenis penelitian normatif hukum yang menghubungkan topik penelitian dengan  topik utama  penelitian ini. Hasil  penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas penegakan hukum di masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu aturan hukum (peraturan), lembaga kepolisian, tempat atau fasilitas, dan kesadaran masyarakat itu sendiri

    IgG4-Related Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - A New Variant of a Well Known Disease

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    Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) has been characterized for many years as a well-defined clinicopathologic entity, but is now considered a heterogeneous disease. IgG4-related HT is a new subtype characterized by thyroid inflammation rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells and marked fibrosis. It may be part of the systemic IgG4-related disease. We report a case of a 56-year-old Portuguese man who presented with a one-month history of progressive neck swelling and dysphagia. Laboratory testing revealed increased inflammatory parameters, subclinical hypothyroidism and very high levels of thyroid autoantibodies. Cervical ultrasound (US) demonstrated an enlarged and heterogeneous thyroid gland and two hypoechoic nodules. US-guided fine needle aspiration cytology was consistent with lymphocytic thyroiditis. The patient was submitted to total thyroidectomy and microscopic examination identified typical findings of HT, marked fibrosis limited within the thyroid capsule and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, with >50 IgG4-positive plasma cells per high-power field and an IgG4/IgG ratio of >40%. After surgery, serum IgG4 concentration was high-normal. Symptoms relief and reduction in laboratory inflammatory parameters were noticed. Thyroid function is controlled with levothyroxine. To our knowledge we report the first case of IgG4-related HT in a non-Asian patient. We also perform a review of the literature regarding IgG4-related disease and IgG4-related HT. Our case highlights this new variant of the well known HT, and helps physicians in recognizing its main clinical features, allowing for proper diagnosis and treatment

    Characterization of Salmonella Strains and Environmental Microorganisms Isolated From a Meat Plant With Salmonella Recurrence

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    Salmonella entericais a leading cause of foodborne illness in the United States. In this study, 3S. enterica strains (serovars Cerro, Montevideo, and Typhimurium) were isolated from a beef processing plant with a history of Salmonella recurrence. Floor drains of the hotbox area and storage cooler of the same plant were sampled for environmental microorganisms. Biofilm formation on stainless steel (SS) by the microorganisms recovered from the drains and surface colonization by the isolated S. enterica strains were assessed. Pathogen survival and community compositions after sanitization (quaternary ammonium compound [QAC]) were examined. Alone the Cerro strain exhibited greater (P<0.05) surface attachment (5.4 log10CFU/SS chip) than the Montevideo or Typhimurium strains (4.6 and 4.8 log10CFU/SS chip, respectively). The Typhimurium strain was the most QAC tolerant (0.3 log reduction), whereas the Cerro and Montevideo strains exhibited similar sensitivities (1.6 log and 1.1 log reduction, respectively). The environmental microorganisms from the drain samples all developed biofilms ranging from 5.7 to 6.0 log10CFU/SS chip. All S. enterica strains were efficiently integrated into the drain biofilms where the Montevideo and Typhimurium strains ranged from 3.8 to 4.7 log10CFU/chip and the Cerro strain 4.0 to 5.8 log10CFU/chip. Enhanced QAC tolerance was only exhibited by the Montevideo strain when integrated into the drain biofilms. Metagenomic analysis of the drain biofilms showed that the most abundant genus was Pseudomonas (57.7%), followed by Brochothrix (28.6%), Serratia (7.2%), Lactococcus (4.2%), and Carnobacterium (1.1%), with all varying significantly among the different biofilm samples and their response to QAC treatment. Thus,various factors underlie the survival advantages of the S. enterica strains, allowing them to tolerate stress as well as out-compete and coexist with environmental companion bacteria for protection, which might lead to pathogen prevalence and recurrent product contamination

    Ecodoppler Neurovascular em Contexto de Urgência

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    Em contexto de urgência o Cardiopneumologista desempenha um papel fundamental pela realização de diversos meios complementares de diagnóstico e terapêutica. Entre estes surge o Ecodoppler Neurovascular, técnica ultrassonográfica inócua, não invasiva, de fácil aplicação, que permite a obtenção de um elevado número de achados clínicos, essenciais ao encaminhamento do doente em qualquer contexto clínico. Assim este exame demonstra a sua aplicabilidade essencialmente em pacientes neurocríticos ou outros com suspeita e/ou diagnóstico de Acidente Isquémico Transitório, Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC), Hemorragia Subaracnoideia, Anemia das Células Falciformes e Hidrocefalia. Ainda em contexto de urgência o Ecodoppler Neurovascular assume real importância na orientação e tratamento de doentes da Via Verde AVC, uma das principais e preocupantes causas de morbilidade e mortalidade em todo o Mundo. A realização destes exames na prática hospitalar, neste conjunto de patologias, permite uma correcta e precoce orientação terapêutica, com consequente rentabilização de custos e melhorias na qualidade do tratamento. No entanto, é de referir que esta abordagem só é possível de acordo com a existência de equipas multidisciplinares de elevada relevância especialmente em contexto de urgência, local específico de encaminhamento de pacientes urgentes ou não urgentes. A título de conclusão a realização do exame Ecodoppler Neurovascular no Serviço de Urgência traduz um serviço de qualidade, permitindo redireccionar e encaminhar os doentes, adequando as devidas medidas diagnósticas e terapêuticas a instituir